“A Third-String Level Left Tackle”

September 17th, 2022

Ripped on national TV.

Tom Brady said he shares negative media blasts fired at his offensive line to help motivate the guys protecting him, so Joe suspects the following was force-fed to Josh Wells over a bowl of avocado ice cream.

Speaking on ESPN TV this week during “Stay In Bed” hosted by Mike Greenberg, former NFL defensive back Ryan Clark said he fears for Brady’s life on Sunday in New Orleans.

“Hell yeah, I’m scared for Tom,” Clark said, when asked if he thinks Brady will take a beating at the hands of the slimy Saints.

Clark went on to say that not only did the Saints get to Brady with their Super Bowl line intact, now the Bucs likely will starting Wells, who Clark called a third-string level left tackle. Starting left tackle Donovan Smith has a bad elbow and is officially “doubtful” for Sunday.

Wells, 31, is being treated unfairly. Shame on Clark. Wells certainly is a legitimate second-string guy. But no team would consider him to be a starter-level player.

On the upside, the Saints also are starting a backup left tackle. However, that helped lead Saints QB Jameis Winston to run for his life Sunday against the lowly Falcons and take four sacks.

If Brady is forced into that kind of pressure, Joe might yell for Todd Bowles to bring in Blaine Gabbert.

69 Responses to ““A Third-String Level Left Tackle””

  1. Lt. Dan Says:

    Scarry game tomorrow. I’m afraid the stars are aligned for us to take a beating. Wells instead of Donovan Smith, ailing WR’s, rookie left guard, first year starter at center, the Saint’s have our number, playing at Saints, Lenny banged up and we didn’t look particulary good against Dallas on offense. Sheeesh!

  2. Andrew M Says:

    Josh Wells is terrible. And shame on Jason for not having a competent backup tackle on the roster. No way we win this game with Josh Wells at LT.

  3. #99 Says:

    We might as well stay home according to some of the fan base.. I truly believe we will run a lot tomorrow. I also think short passes. The Defense will save the day.! You can bank on it!

  4. Says:

    In Wirfs I trust. Pound white and Vaughn behind the big man and find Evans for conversions. We’ll be alright. This game could be Belichickian…. Bowles strikes me as willing to do weird stuff to win. 70/30 run/pass ratio to keep Brady upright? Sure. The Aints ain’t gunna out up more than 17 on us.

  5. Ed Says:

    I get the negativity over the injuries to the Bucs receiving corp and to the national media that perceive the Bucs as a finesse passing team, I understand how the worst case scenario is that this new offensive line gets mauled by the bullying Saints pass rush.

    But there are 2 sides of the story. At the same time Buc wrs are ailing, the Saints have also had limited and no practice participation from Alvin Kamara, Mark Ingram and Jameis Winston who all have injuries too.

    As well as the Saints have a second team left tackle.

    If you want to see the glass half full, you can also see a worse case scenario for the Saints where Jameis takes some hits to his back and becomes less accurate or Kamara gets smashed in his sore ribs and becomes ineffective.

    I think you can’t just focus on Buc injuries without looking at the Saints also.

  6. Cobraboy Says:

    Why do some posts not appear?

  7. DoooshLaRue Says:

    The LT formerly known as Durable Donnie usually gets abused by the Saints anyway. As long as THE MASTERMIND schemes to our strengths I don’t see it as the end all to our chances against the Saints.

  8. Cobraboy Says:

    @Ed: the Saints did not “bully” the Falcons last week at all.

  9. Marine Buc Says:

    Cam Jordan against David Wells – what could possibly go wrong?


    Better nut-up son…

  10. Jason Says:

    Ko Kieft, go help block Cam Jordan. Just saying.

  11. PSL Bob Says:

    Ed, good point re injuries on both sides of the ball. I’m looking at this game aas a coin flip. Could easily go either way. I just hope it’s our way.

  12. BUCkleup Says:

    Cam Jordan out. We can run the ball. Have faith.

  13. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    I think running the ball will be the answer to the Saints riddle.
    If we can get our running game going tomorrow, we will win.

  14. AbucAway Says:

    Clark isn’t lying. If there is a bright spot for Wells, it’s that he seems to do better at run blocking and I suspect that’s what the offense will focus on this game. I want to give Wells the benefit of the doubt here. He will never be a good pass blocking olineman, but, this oline seems to be more run centric and maybe, just maybe in this sandbox, he will be good enough.

  15. Defense Rules Says:

    Cobraboy … Frustrating isn’t it. You comment on something and then it just disappears into Never Never Land. What I do is go back 1 screen, delete a paragraph, and try posting again. Sometimes that works; sometimes not. I have no idea why the JBF algorithm functions as it does, but it seems to dislike certain very innocent words.

    Josh Wells certainly isn’t great, but with ‘help’ he’s adequate. In relooking at last Sunday’s top plays, I thought the left side of the OLine did a fairly decent job run-blocking. If that’s their strength, I would think that BL would focus on that.

  16. BUCkleup Says:

    Injury report on Bucs official site has Cam Jordan as OUT.

  17. Marine Buc Says:

    OMG – I’m trying to watch College Gameday and Lee Corso just said – Smeck liesavie my pick hibbie do da fafa lava!!!

    Can they please let this dude retire? He can barely talk anymore. It’s so sad to watch at this point…

  18. Lt. Dan Says:

    Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.

  19. BUCkleup Says:

    Bucs official site has Cam Jordan as OUT on final injury report published yesterday

  20. gotbbucs Says:

    Cam Jordan was a full participant on Friday. He’s not out

  21. Lt. Dan Says:

    @BUCkleup – I just checked the Saints web site. Cam Jordan listed a “full participant” yesterday with no game designation. Sounds like he’s a full go tomorrow.

  22. Beeej Says:

    No team can afford to have a starter-quality tackle as second string

  23. JA Says:

    For his career, Wells has played 1,359 snaps and given up 7 sacks. Thatā€™s one sack for every 194 snaps.
    Surely there are players who have done far worse.

  24. Dooley Says:

    Wells isn’t all that good blocking speed rushers, partly because he doesn’t have the bend and footwork to keep up with a Michah Parsons(who is tho?) or even D-Law, but his strengths are better suited for fending off DEs that rely more on power & stature like a Marcus Davenport who he’ll probably get plenty of reps against tomorrow. Not the greatest depth piece we’ve got, but with the injuries that’ve mounted since Jensen went down, and now Donovan Smith, Wells has the opportunity to take these reps and improve his game moving forward. We’ll see how up to the task he is leading up to Smiths eventual return.

  25. gotbbucs Says:

    They’re not going to just leave Wells on an island on the left side. They’ve known all week that Smith isn’t going to play, the game plan will be for help on the left side.
    This isn’t last years Saints team. Payton is gone, Dennis Allen is a terrible head coach and it will show, just wait. Atlanta did a horrible job of finishing that game last week, the Saints should have been dead in the water. If Atlanta had 5 sacks the Bucs should have 5+. Just wait for the gift that keeps on giving to start throwing balls up for grabs and take advantage. Julio will have a chance to abuse Bradley Roby.

  26. Jeff Says:

    This is brilliant analysis. Wells is absolutely a 3rd string LT. he wouldnā€™t even be in the league if it werenā€™t for the Bucs. Brady could be lost for the season this week. Iā€™d start Gabbert and save Brady for when the o line is back.

  27. Buc1987 Says:

    Defense Rules & Cobra…when I first found JBF back in 2013 one of the trigger words to not get your post, posted was the name “Brady” for some reason.

  28. Beeej Says:

    Wells is at least a step up from Joe Haeg

  29. BigMacAttack Says:

    I donā€™t see Byron or Todd leaving Wells alone on an island. If he starts to get overrun, I think we will see adjustments in play calls, RB chips, TE support, but Wells wasnā€™t as bad last week as they are saying. Dallas has a stout D line. On to defense, real defense, Bowles Buc Defense. Jameis is going to spend the majority of his day on his back. New Orleans will held to 10 points or less. This defense is on a mission and doesnā€™t need Tom Brady. Keep looking past them, you fools and keep getting your a___es handed to you

  30. Mike Says:

    Wells is an ok backup. Not sure it matters whether you call him a 2nd or 3rd string LT. Maybe he’s somewhere in between there, but whatever the case, he is not going to be able to play the position without some help.

  31. Anonymous Says:

    Wells will certainly need full time help from Ko Kieft or Lenny in passing plays. Besides that, I fully trust our defense and the running game.

  32. Jmarkbuc Says:

    The Falcons did put up 200 yards rushing on the Saintsā€¦ Is the Falcons O line all that good?

  33. Crickett Baker Says:

    I had my messages disappear some months ago if I mentioned a certain QB with the initials CK. Every time I mentioned his name my post disappeared. I think Wells did ok except for one play. We better see more from Hicks. I am expecting the curse to be broken.

  34. CrackWise Says:

    So here is something everyone is missing.

    The Saints have dominated our OL of the past. They have never faced these guys. Perhaps thats what we needed to get us over the HUMP???

    Through in #41 and #88 and SUDDENLY. The Saints have never seen an OL as DOMINATE as the one they will see in 25 hours from now.

    AND FOR THE RECORD…. Every time we run out one of our BACK UP linemen, that have BEEN IN THE SYSTEM, they play EXCEPTIONALLY WELLS… <— See what I did there???

  35. ClwJB Says:

    Highly doubt Wells is left alone whenever Jordan lines up on his side on a passing play – immediate check to rb/te help as soon as TB sees him alone

    That is what happened last week before. Lenny laid out Parsons

    It is what it is and the Saints have a backup at LT and are down to one healthy RB –

    Itā€™s gonna be a slugfest!!!!!

    Bucs 23-16

  36. K2 Says:

    Some comment are beyond reasonable…Jason should have a starting caliber left tackle as a backup on team? So, Jason needs to find a guy who is good enough to start (but doesn’t mind ride the bench) and is willing to take $2-5 million instead of $15-20 million? That seems total reasonable???????

  37. Marine Buc Says:

    @ beej

    Very true. How many NFL teams can afford more than 1 or 2 starting OTs?

    @ Jmark

    Let’s hope the Bucs can match what ATL did last week. That would help out J. Wells big time…

  38. David Says:

    Theyā€™ll have help on the left side most the game.

    If you watched the Atlanta game, 75% of that game Atlanta dominated the trenches, offense and defense. I expect the Buccaneers O & D lines to do the same

  39. swahbucklin Says:

    No one is saying we need a starter quality guy as the primary backup. What they’re saying is that we need a legit second string caliber player rather than the third string caliber Wells.

  40. HC Grover Says:

    Stick 41 in there to help or let Lenny knock them senseless.

  41. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    For some reason the Saints don’t play well against lesser teams like the Falcons & Giants……but come to play against us….

    Running the ball….throwing short passes to RBs & TEs & good defense should get us over the hump.

  42. Buc1987 Says:

    Doosh…… you might be missing Donnie by the end of this game…

  43. Chris@Apple Roof Cleaning Tampa Says:

    In 2020 Wells played in all 4 games of our playoff run to the Super Bowl, and we won every game, so let’s all not forget that.

  44. Hondo Says:

    I think the Bucs will easily win this game. And for two years in a row Winston wonā€™t finish the game.

  45. Daryl Green Says:

    I love the Cam Jordan out.šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚
    It doesnā€™t stop!!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ā€THE BIG LIEā€
    Storm the domešŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£
    Go get that ass MR. WellsšŸ¤™šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾šŸ‘šŸ¾

  46. Cobraboy Says:

    Good lord…Jordan is NOT “out.” Unless something happened. He was full participation on Friday.

    And the Saints are not a one-man defense. Jordan gets credit because the Saints DT’s are tough.

  47. SOEbuc be Says:

    One thing I have ever might agree with RC dumbass. Wells is terribly terrible. He did show up next to Goedeke when Smith went down early and Lenny had a heavy work load to the left. Weā€™ll see if heā€™s a changed man, but he certainly doesnā€™t have a good history in my book.

  48. firethecannons Says:

    the left tackle needs to consist of josh wells with ko kieft every snap

  49. A Says:

    This was the last injury list I read

    Player Wednesday Thursday Friday Game Status
    CB Paulson Adebo (ankle) DNP DNP DNP Out
    RB Mark Ingram (ankle) Limited Limited Limited Questionable
    DE Cameron Jordan (hip) Limited Limited Full
    RB Alvin Kamara (ribs) Limited DNP DNP Questionable
    S Marcus Maye (ankle) Limited Full Full
    WR Treā€™Quan Smith Limited Limited Limited Questionable
    CB Alontae Taylor (hip) Limited Limited Limited Questionable
    RB Dwayne Washington Limited Limited Limited Questionable
    QB Jameis Winston (back) Limited Limited Limited Questionable
    OT Landon Young (hip) Limited Limited Full

    Win with D, running the ball, and play smart….
    GO Bucs!

  50. BucsNoles Says:

    Well at least we have a god idea the pass rush will be coming from the left side mostly.

  51. Marine Buc Says:

    As the great Lee Corso would say – “Sheezel wets donna vix em latcha gada!”

  52. Tony Says:

    Hopefully that laser vision surgery Winston was having last year goes away tomorrow. The one that was supposed to give him x ray vision now.

  53. Marine Buc Says:

    Testing – testing




  54. Marine Buc Says:

    Lee Corso.

  55. adam from ny Says:

    josh is not great but he’s related to good ole ira…so give the young man a pass…

    clark is just trying to add insult to injury calling him 3rd string…he very well knows he’s 2nd string…

    i know everyone is betting agains us…but i think we squeak this one out for the win…and wellsie holds his own and does ok…

    but yes the aints are gonna muster up all the stunts, blitzes and shennanies they can to break down the left side of the OL

  56. adam from ny Says:

    also we gotta get DW all over jameis tomorrow…get DW in jameis’ head, as he comes flying thru the creases in the line…early and often

  57. Jitti from Boston Says:

    Nate Solder and Eric Fisher are still free agents. Bring them in.

  58. SOEbuc be Says:

    Double up with Kieft if things really get ugly.

  59. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Buc1987 Says:
    September 17th, 2022 at 12:46 pm
    Dooshā€¦ā€¦ you might be missing Donnie by the end of this gameā€¦

    I will admit that I wasn’t happy to see DD go out of the game against Dallas because I didn’t have a lot of faith in Wells, but we seemed to scheme just enough to keep things going.
    Donnie usually gets handled by the Saints so I’m seeing it as maybe a blessing in disguise.
    The way Lenny is running gives me a lot of hope too.

  60. Christos Says:

    Give Wells help in every play. TE, RB or a 6th OT bu his side. He is average at best and he will give up at least a few plays. Cant afford to let Brady get hit especially with the Saints

  61. Kord Says:

    Bucs win, screw the saints. Have some faith

  62. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    A lot of times a 2nd or 3rd string guy can come in for.a couple games and be very effective. The problem is once teams get some tape on the guy they can see the flaws in the player that makes him a 2nd or 3rd string guy. I think Wells will be fine tomorrow. He may give up a sack? But I don’t think he’s going to be a disaster. They can have Lenny chip block LoL to help Wells out. And they can put a tightend to help out on obvious 3rd down pass plays. I hope they run right at Cam Jordan with a kieft as lead blocker for Lenny.

  63. John Says:

    Oh, cā€™mon. Iā€™ve seen many a game where Smith did his impersonation of a human turnstile, then helping Brady to his feet.

  64. Tony Says:

    Brady should give Gisele an ultimatum, too! He should be like either you let me keep playing while I’m capable of it or I’m leaving. Either way shes probably still gonna complain because if he’s gonna be planning on calling the games when he does decide to retire HE’S NOT GONNA BE AROUND MUCH THEN EITHER GISELE! DUH! He’s gonna be busy calling a bunch of games.

  65. steele Says:

    Because that is what Wells is: a backup. As are others on this OL. Sure, you get all up in arms about your teammates, and that’s fine, but objectively and realistically, these guys are what they are.

  66. Bellingham Bucs Fan Says:

    No, sorry, if anything this is a generous assessment. Witness Wells being tossed around like a rag doll in the Rams playoff loss. He jd mo to do with that loss than any player or coach. He is garbage.

  67. George Says:

    The blame goes to Licht for not bringing in experienced Offensive line talent . Wells will try his best and most likely get thrown around like a rag doll quite often . If Lenny wasnā€™t ailing I would feel a bit better about the run

  68. Daryl Green Says:

    Oh yā€™all panicking. We win tomorrow.
    Itā€™s the Secondary.

  69. Bojim Says:

    Wells will get better each game.