Archive for the ‘Ira Kaufman, Everything eye-RAH!’ Category

Pro Football Hall Of Fame Adds Ira Kaufman To Prestigious Seniors Selection Committee

Tuesday, July 24th, 2018

“The Sage,” Ira Kaufman, gets more juice at the Hall

Joe is pleased to break this news befitting the Sage of Tampa Bay sports, columnist Ira Kaufman. (more…)

Crunch Time At The Top

Monday, July 23rd, 2018


In two days, veteran players are slated to report to One Buc Place.

They’ll hit the weight room, hit the field, hit the hydrotherapy pools and hit the chow line.

Soon, they will be competing for playing time and a spot on the final roster.

Just up the stairs, a couple of other veterans will be plotting a battle plan designed to keep their jobs beyond the 2018 season. (more…)

A Nasty And Important Reminder

Friday, July 20th, 2018


This garbage cannot stand.

This franchise can’t be this bad for this long – without consequences. (more…)

Ira Debates Evans & Jameis Place In Bucs History, Talks Jameis “Facing The Music,” Dives Deep Into Special Teams Deficiencies & Fixes, A 2017 What-If, Donovan Smith Dollar Signs, And Much More

Thursday, July 19th, 2018

The summer cupboard is full for the Sage of Tampa Bay sports, Ira Kaufman, who has plenty of beastly takes on the Bucs to share. The Ira Kaufman Podcast is presented by Ed Morse Cadillac Tampa and Ed Morse Cadillac Brandon. Enjoy this new episode from Ira and Joe. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been for most of the past nine months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!

Winning Nucleus — Or Just A Nucleus?

Wednesday, July 18th, 2018


Six years after Greg Schiano barked out “toes on the line” at One Buc Place, the motto has changed a bit.

Today, it’s “jobs on the line.” (more…)

Ira Talks Media’s T-Shirt Overreaction, Raising Spirits, Healing Call, Vegas Comps & Ira Takes Many Bucs Questions From Listeners, And More

Tuesday, July 17th, 2018

Time for loads of biting, fresh takes and a pile of fan questions for Ira Kaufman on today’s podcast presented by Ed Morse Cadillac Tampa and Ed Morse Cadillac Brandon. No dodging of anything in this new must-listen from the Sage of Tampa Bay sports and Joe. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been for most of the past nine months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!

Special Attention

Monday, July 16th, 2018


We’ve been focused for much of the offseason on bulking up the trenches and wondering whether rookie Ronald Jones can inject some life into a listless ground attack.

But there’s another aspect of Tampa Bay’s play that requires an immediate boost. (more…)

Predators In The Dark

Friday, July 13th, 2018


The sweet smell of success has a nasty habit of turning rancid at One Buc Place. This brain trust is hoping anonymity has its privileges.

It seems nobody outside of Tampa Bay is offering this franchise any sniff of respect. Even hordes of Buc fans are falling off a bandwagon that appeared crowded a year ago. (more…)

Demar Dotson Special Guest (Part III)!! Ira & Joe Get Personal With Dotson, Talk O-Line Decisions & More

Thursday, July 12th, 2018

JUST TWO WEEKS til training camp kicks off and Ira Kaufman continues to swing a big summer stick with his podcast presented by Ed Morse Cadillac Tampa and Ed Morse Cadillac Brandon. No weaksauce takes yet another must-listen from the Sage of Tampa Bay sports and Joe. Demar Dotson (Part III) is here, where Ira and Joe get personal with the Buccaneers’ right tackle. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been the past nine months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!

“Still Shakin’ It, Boss”

Wednesday, July 11th, 2018


We should have known it from the start. (more…)

Ira Attacks Fan Pessimism & Tom Jones’ “Abyss,” Talks Week 4 Decision, Jameis Apologists, General Patton, Freeing Kwon, And More

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

Man, it’s early July and Ira Kaufman is in midseason form with this powerful podcast presented by Ed Morse Cadillac Tampa and Ed Morse Cadillac Brandon. No weaksauce takes in this must-listen from the Sage of Tampa Bay sports and Joe. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been for most of the past nine months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!

Jameis Winston Talks About His “Wakeup Call”

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018

Shoulder injuries, nine straight losses as a starter and being accused of crotch-grabbing without permission were not the only eye-openers for Jameis Winston last season. (more…)

Now Play Follow The Leader

Tuesday, July 10th, 2018


In more ways than one, Kwon Alexander reigns as Tampa Bay’s man in the middle.

Dirk Koetter admittedly craves a badass football team and nobody on the Buc roster represents that mindset more than a fourth-year middle linebacker who talks trash and cleans up the garbage in the trenches. (more…)

Ira Talks Sweezy Blame, Ring Honor Future, New Kwon Goal, Mental Weakness, Defensive Focus, And Much More

Monday, July 9th, 2018

More is happening in the world of the Bucs than you might think, and Ira Kaufman is all over it. Another insightful and fun must-listen from the Sage of Tampa Bay sports and Joe. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been for most of the past eight months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!

Odd Couple

Friday, July 6th, 2018


Jameis Winston faces a difficult challenge regaining the trust of every employee toiling at One Buc Place. He would be wise to start with Dirk Koetter. (more…)

Old Fashioned Training Camp Showdown

Wednesday, July 4th, 2018


Chris Ballard probably won’t make Jason Licht’s Christmas card list this year. (more…)

Ira Talks Changed Jameis Dynamic At One Buc, Answers Hard Questions On Jameis’ Future, Shares His Koetter Texting Story, And More

Tuesday, July 3rd, 2018

It’s the very first episode after the official NFL ruling on Jameis Winston, and the Ira Kaufman Podcast is absolutely sizzling today! Another intelligent and fun must-listen from the Sage of Tampa Bay sports and Tampa Bay’s only Pro Football Hall of Fame voter. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been for most of the past eight months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!

No Distractions From The No. 1 Task

Monday, July 2nd, 2018


Let’s keep our eye on the ball, people.

This season was always going to be about defense — and that hasn’t changed a bit. Fact of life: if Mike Smith’s group doesn’t improve dramatically, the Bucs are heading to the NFC South cellar for the seventh time in the past eight seasons. (more…)

Jameis Says He Wants To Be “That Perfect Role Model”

Sunday, July 1st, 2018

Three weeks ago, Jameis Winston sat down at One Buc Palace for a private chat with Joe and Tampa Bay’s only Hall of Fame voter, Ira Kaufman. (more…)

Fitzpatrick Can Win Early, Stir Controversy

Friday, June 29th, 2018


As we sift through the embers at One Buc Place, one aspect of this dumpster fire has been buried by the NFL shield.

Ryan Fitzpatrick gives this team a fighting chance. (more…)

Tampa’s Only Hall Of Fame Voter, Ira Kaufman, Reacts To The Jameis Winston Suspension

Thursday, June 28th, 2018

eye-RAH! reacts

Regular listeners of the Ira Kaufman Podcast know the wildly popular columnist, Tampa Bay’s only Hall of Fame voter, is never censored by Joe, either behind a microphone or a keyboard. (more…)

“Show Us The Math, Roger. Show Us The Work.”

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Ira demands decency and transparency for Bucs fans in today’s column.


Back in the day, there was a purity about math that I found intoxicating. (more…)

Ira Talks Jameis Negotiations, Truth Demands, Training Camp Changes, Several Koetter QB Calls, Vegas Moves, Shipping The Rays Out Of Town, And More (Special Wednesday Edition!)

Wednesday, June 27th, 2018

Special Wednesday edition by the Sage of Tampa Bay sports, with Ira dropping more thoughts on the pending Jameis Winston decision, Bucs football calls and much more. Click play above or tune in at iTunes, Google Play or Find the Ira Kaufman Podcast ranked on the Google Play podcast “Top Charts” (all genres nationwide), where it’s been for most of the past eight months. Stay informed, thinking and smiling every single Tuesday & Thursday — and there is NO offseason. Click or download above. It’s fun, free and easy. Enjoy!