Snap Counts May Have Hurt Defense

August 17th, 2013

In baseball, there is a certain thing called a “pitch count.” That’s when a pitcher, no matter how well or how awful he is pitching, is pulled because a manager or management is too paranoid about overuse.

The football version of a pitch count is a snap count. Coaches will only let players play a certain number of snaps in preseason. Bucs coach Greg Schiano used this last night with several defenders, and it may have been a reason why Tom Brady and the Patriots ran through the Bucs’ defense like melted butter.

“We had snap counts on guys and we were pulling guys off the field,” Schiano said of the Patriots’ 17-play touchdown drive. “We were committed to sticking to the plan. We had a good work up here this week. We decided in the calmness of the meeting room that this is how many plays each guy is going to get. But whoever goes in the game has to make the stop and we didn’t.”

This is why Joe ties not to get worked up over preseason games. They are glorified practices. Rarely would you see so many backups in a regular season game on the first drive, and Pats quarterback Tom Brady used that to his full advantage.

Remember people, it is August. There is no need to climb the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, unless you are a member of the Mike Glennon Mob.

86 Responses to “Snap Counts May Have Hurt Defense”

  1. Macabee Says:

    I know this guy you call SnapCounts. He was not on the field last night. Tom Brady and Bill Belichick hurt the defense last night!

  2. Jason A Says:

    Any word on Doug Martin? And to the note of this article, Ahmad Black played awful

  3. Couch Fan Says:

    I gotta say the defense on that first drive, in my opinion, wasnt all that bad. The commentators said themselves theres just no defense for a perfect throw. And Brady’s accuracy was spot on.

  4. FlBoy84 Says:

    “There is no need to climb the Sunshine Skyway Bridge, unless you are a member of the Mike Glennon Mob.”

    In that case, we’ll drive you there.

  5. Mark Sanchez's Hairband Says:

    Why is it so impossible for Glennon to start? Guys have been coming out of college and succeeding as rookies lately. Russell Wilson anyone? Also a 3rd round pick. This is Glennon’s first year in Sullivan’s offense. Could he really be any worse than Freeman was last year in his 1st year in Sullivan’s offense?


    Glennon is a more accurate passer than Freeman. No one can argue that. And since Freeman no longer runs with the ball, they’re both basically statues in the pocket.

    Start Glennon. It’ll be better than wasting a season watching another Freeman abortion.

    Its 2013 in the NFL. It shouldn’t take 5+ years as a QB to develop anymore.

  6. Buc1987 Says:

    Start Glennon. It’ll be better than wasting a season watching another Freeman abortion.

    Unless your name is Greg Schiano there’s nothing you can do about it.

  7. the_buc_realist Says:


    no way, tough opening games. I would wait until the bye week.

    also the next 2 preseason games are the Dolphins and Redskins. I think Jfro-6pak will move the ball a little and all the JFro-ites will be back on the Bucs to the Superbowl bandwagon again

  8. Buddha Says:

    Finally, someone makes some sense. These games mean NOTHING!!! Any team that wants to win a preseason game can win it simply by playing to win. The Buccaneers did not play to win in either game; they played to evaluate the lower part of their roster. Moreover, we have to play New England next month. That means they had to be careful with voice commands, hand signals, everything that may give plays away. This is not an excuse. Still, I’m concerned that so many injured players are not yet ready. I’m looking for an 8-8 season with improvement along the way. The Buccaneers are still a year away from serious contention.

    Regarding the new great hope at QB, did anyone watch how he gave away the pick six. That was an awful throw that rookies frequently made. Nice arm strength and pocket presence but he is light years away from being ready.

  9. the_buc_realist Says:

    you know what else is meaningless. All the regular season games cause Jfro can’t make the playoffs!!!

  10. Andrew 1 Says:

    @ Buc1987

    “Start Glennon.”

    dang buddy, what happened. you did a complete 180 over 1 preseason game. looks like Im going to have to continue that little list you made. what side shall I put you down as?

  11. Andrew 1 Says:

    bucs fans are many things, but resolute is not one of them.

  12. stevek Says:

    Mike Glennon is solidifying himself as our #2 option.

    I am pleased with the poise Glennon has in the pocket, and his ability to make some pretty throws. The pick 6 was a crappy play on his part, but the throw over the top to Underwood, getting the Buc’s in FG position with :30 before halftime.

    I am pleased to see that Glennon gambles. He has 3 TD and 2 INT so far this preseason.

    Freeman is our starting QB, but not for a whole lot longer if he can’t provide the offense with a consistent “ground floor” performance. This is a big year for Mark Dominick, he needs to show he can assemble a winner and there isn’t going to be a lot of patience.

    I look forward to watching the Bucs play this year. I believe we have the roster to take us to the playoffs, barring we can get consistent QB performances.

    3 and outs will not be tolerated either. Our WR tandem is one of the best in the league, as well as our OG pair.

    We need to start winning games. If the team finds themselves 1-3 at the bye week, then throw Glennon out there. Why not? See if the kid can play? See if the kid can boost his stock? It would be a win for everyone then.

    I can tell you all one thing, while I hope Freeman steps up as our QB, I hope we just have a QB step up this year. I am over the coin flip consistency crap.

  13. stevek Says:


    Aside from the pick 6, what did you think of the performance?

    Glennon has poise, challenges, and processes the game nicely. Is he as physically talents as Freeman, maybe not?

    Does Glennon see the game quicker? It is starting to look that way….

  14. Architek Says:

    Glennon clearly has more upside but Freeman has experience advantage right now. Long term I will seriously consider Glennon IQ and arm over Freeman.

  15. Russian Guru Says:


    I would just keep holding Mark’s hair back if I was you, Mike G. is in no way better than Freeman and he will probably never will and he does not give the Bucs a better chance of wining.

  16. the_buc_realist Says:

    Best line of last night in the game chat was, ” I have not seen a defense this bad since last season.”

  17. Illuminati Says:

    @ Andrew 1

    @ Buc1987

    “Start Glennon.”

    dang buddy, what happened. you did a complete 180 over 1 preseason game. looks like Im going to have to continue that little list you made. what side shall I put you down as?

    I don’t think Buc1987 was saying “start Glennon.” He was quoting Mark Sanchez’s Hairband. It’s just hard to tell because he didn’t enclose it in quotes or use the blockquote tag.

  18. Bricen Says:

    Not like Glennon was going against the 2s and 3s or anything….

  19. Andrew 1 Says:

    @ Illuminati

    lol that makes more sense. thank you for clearing that up. my apologies Buc1987

  20. Buc1987 Says:

    Sorry Andrew for no quotations.

    That is going to be my general answer though quite a bit more if I post hardly at all in here anymore.

    General answer for many Buc fans :
    “Unless your name is Greg Schiano there’s nothing you can do about it.”

  21. stevek Says:

    Real football can’t come soon enough….

  22. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    Excuse me Joe I know its a preseason game

    I can understand-you don’t want to expose to much to an opponent (especially when your playing them in a few weeks).

    So ok, you wanna be as vanilla as possible. But the only way your going to rattle Tom Brady or any QB for the matter– is pressure with your down front 4….obviously right?. The moment you start bring LB, CB, S, SS Brady-Manning-Brees-Rogers will eat your F#Cking lunch.

    Shout to Mr. Steve White
    @sgw94 That’s three linemen crossing six faces. How could that possibly fail???

    I mean come on man, some of these stunts don’t make any damn since. You can see why GMC pleaded with Bill Sheridan last year. To dump all the stunts and let them all just meet at the QB, and knock out the running back if gets in the way…WTF

    And I’m sorry But Ahmad Black looked lost last year-And still looks the same this F$#king year. Can see why coach sounded dejected after the game.

    And Hey Donald where the Fu#k is our great depth on the O line @

    Last thing- Donald I know you wanna LEAD YOUR OWN WAY-But, stop telling guys -2 not give their f#%king all in practice. I understand we need them in the regular season. How the f#$K are we gonna get better if guys are half-assing it in practice?

  23. LUVMYBUCS Says:

    I can understand-you don’t want to expose to much to an opponent (especially when your playing them in a few weeks).

    So ok, you want to be as vanilla as possible. But the only way your going to rattle Tom Brady or any QB for the matter– is pressure with your down front 4…obviously right?. The moment you start bring LB, CB, S, SS Brady, Manning, Brees, and Rogers will eat your lunch.

    Shout to Mr. Steve White
    @sgw94 That’s three linemen crossing six faces. How could that possibly fail???

    I mean come on man, some of these stunts don’t make any damn since. You can see why GMC pleaded with Bill Sheridan last year. To dump all the stunts and let them all just meet at the QB, and knock out the running back if gets in the way…WTF

    And I’m sorry But Ahmad Black looked lost last year-And still looks the same this this year. Can see why coach sounded dejected after the game

  24. 76buc76 Says:

    Ya Glennon did play against the 2z and 3z. But he had 2z and 3z too.

  25. Buddha Says:

    You can’t really assess these someone like Glennon’s performance based on a game like this. You can say, he has pocket presence and stands tall and has a good arm, all things we know already. But these games are practice; the intensity isn’t there. And the idea that because several first year QBs had good years last year, we ought to throw caution to the wind is ludicrous. Let’s wait and see how these guys do their second year. Look at Cam Newton. He was miserable most of last season until the last few games when there was nothing on the line for Carolina.

    One of the things I was really happy with last night was the run blocking. We are first a running team and will use the run to set up the pass. That’s when Freeman is at his best. When the run game is clicking. We have five or six offensive lineman who could start for most other teams (assuming decent health). Other teams are going to have to stop our power running game. We have a good roster now, but we’re still on the young and inexperienced side especially on defense. That will hurt unless Revis comes back 100 per cent.

    Let’s wait and see what freeman does next week when a few more of the regulars will be playing.

  26. Bobby Says:

    When Glennon is rushed like Freeman was he goes down too. Just sayin…..

  27. 76buc76 Says:

    Freeman will start week 1. If Glennon keep’s up his impressive play. Freeman’s leash will get smaller and smaller. I could see Freeman start off with one of those 3 and out first half’s. Then get pulled in the second half. Week 1 or for the real longshot player’s. Dynamite Daniel Orlovski play’s light’s out in final 2 preseason games. The Buc brass decide’s that Freeman is the same old Freeman, Glennon need’s some more time. But DDO can game manage this team to the playoff’s.

  28. Raphael Says:

    Lol @ the Freeman Haterz ….. Freeman will lead us to the playoffs, NO DOUBT ..Hey maybe Doug Martin will learn how to block by opening day

  29. Sneedy16 Says:


    Really Danny? lol. OK. You were better off saying signing Jeff Garcia. Danny will be lucky to make the team if Glennon shines. They won’t carry 3 QB’s if the think Glennon can handle backup duties.

  30. Eric Says:

    Ah the old “snap count” excuse.


  31. 76buc76 Says:

    Gee, I wonder why he’s reluctant to block. May have something to do with GETTING A KNEE TO THE HEAD. Plus he pickup the block the play he got hurt. Just kidding on Orlovski thing by the way.

  32. 911bucs Says:

    Orvlosky was 3 for 3 and had like a 118 qb rating. just saying

  33. Raphael Says:

    @ 911 Bucs …against who ? Surely you can’t be that dumb …srsly ?

  34. BucfansSUCK Says:

    tampa dont deserve a teem they got terible fans they all hate eachother what kind a fans always hatin eachother. They suck all ways. Patriots rule!!!

  35. Andrew 1 Says:

    good news, Doug passed his concussion test and it looks like hes fine.

  36. Andrew 1 Says:

    I dont think it was a dirty play by Martin. its called a cut block, only his target area will sometimes be lower than the thighs because of his short stature. add that to the fact that the defender tried to leap over him and its know wonder why the block was around the knees. just my opinion but I dont think he was purposefully trying to take out his knees.

  37. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    ^^ not to mention how else does a 200 pounder block a 270 pound DE. That block is how most backs block against dlineman. They have to go low and get underneath the bigger player or else get blasted out of your shoes. People don’t think they just want to have something to bitch about so they just create crap.

  38. Frank Pillow Says:


    After having a chance to re-watch the first half, I could clearly see what coach was talking about. Lots of personnel shuffling. Overall, I don’t think the team’s performance was as bad as it reads in the fish-wraps. Freeman held the ball too long (typical), but Chandler Jones was- by a long shot- the best player on the field during the first few series. We had no answer to him insider or out. I realize Nicks and Joseph weren’t playing, but Larsen, et al really struggled. Ogletree’s drop of Freeman’s one good pass didn’t help either. On Glennon, the kid looks good. I loved the ball he dropped in after the interception…the one that was challenged. In fact, he made a few throws that ended up incomplete, but were pretty nice. The QB situation is a good problem to have.

  39. Andrew 1 Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    lol your right.

  40. Illuminati Says:

    I think they will want to get Glennon on the field some in the regular season. They almost have to, given Freeman’s contract situation and the uncertainty of him being our long-term solution.

    If Freeman has a horrible first half in a regular season game, there’s every chance Glennon plays the second half. They wouldn’t have yanked Freeman last year, because we had no developmental QB on the roster. Orlovsky is insurance, not the future.

    This offense is geared for a pocket passer who can quickly progress through his reads and make snap decisions, which minimizes Freeman’s athleticism and ability to throw on the run. So, if Glennon has a better command of the offense, he has a clear advantage.

    Glennon’s arm strength and football smarts made it fairly easy for him to take advantage of college defenses. If he can adjust to the speed of the NFL and learn that he can’t always force throws into tight spots at this level, he could rise to Freeman’s level (or beyond) in a very short time.

    Face facts. We just haven’t seen much progression from Josh Freeman in the three-and-a-half years he has played.

    Glennon and Freeman have a lot of the same strengths and weaknesses. But Glennon can basically make all the throws that Freeman can, and is better at reading through his progressions and better in the short-to-intermediate passing game. That is to say, he was better than those things in college compared to Freeman, and projects to better at those things in the NFL.

    Glennon’s upside is huge, which right now doesn’t mean squat. But by mid-season, Glennon could prove to be a guy that gives us as good a chance to win as Freeman. If that becomes reality, Freeman is gone.

    I mean, mother of God, Freeman is going into his fifth year in this league and his most positive attribute is still his “upside.”

  41. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    Did you write this up hoping that the Bucs Brass would heed your message.

    Yeah! I’m sure the Bucs are going to run their team exactly how you say.

    It’s the 2nd preseason game and it is clear the offensive line had a problem last night

    Give it a rest for awhile, until after next preseason game where supposedly Freeman will get more than two possessions to accurately judge his progress

    After then resume your smear campaign.

  42. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    Andrew 1 Says:
    August 17th, 2013 at 1:15 pm

    @ Buc1987
    “dang buddy, what happened. you did a complete 180 over 1 preseason game. looks like Im going to have to continue that little list you made. what side shall I put you down as?”

    I was thinking the exact same thing. Was that list just to cover his butt later? Because he has changed his tune quicker than anything.

  43. BuccaneerBonzai Says:

    You know…there are three types of people here.

    Type One
    Haters that will harp on everything no matter what. They are either secretly fans of other teams, or “claim” to have been with the Bucs since the Bucs started. Which of course is not true because those of us here since then know how to stick with a team.

    Type Two
    Those that wear their emotions on their sleeves and make comments without actually thinking things thru unemotionally. They look at the surface and assume that is all there is. Never mind, for example, that two backups and a mediocre RT was playing last night with the #1s.

    Type Three
    Those of us that see areas that need improvement, but choose to believe the team and certain players can rise above and fix the issues. We are the ones the haters call homers…because to them it is wrong to have faith.

  44. Illuminati Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    Who pissed in your corn flakes?

    I hope Freeman has his best year ever. But I’m not a jock-riding Freemanista, and just because I recognize his limitations doesn’t mean I’m running a “smear campaign”.

    My take on the situation isn’t based on two weeks of preseason games. It’s based on looking at Glennon and Freeman in college, and then at Freeman in 3.5 NFL seasons, and then at the cold, hard business reality of the NFL.

    As far as the “Bucs Brass”, I think not extending Freeman and drafting Glennon should tell you everything you need to know about their mindset.

  45. Jeff Says:

    Bucs suck, will be lucky to win 5 games

  46. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    ^^^ who cares ….everybody hates him already …but he’ll continue to be our QB until the Bucs change.

    Telling us the same story day after day after day after day after day…. becomes redundant just like that last sentence … get my drift?

  47. Andrew 1 Says:

    someone said earlier that preseason is not intense… I think Bostic would have to disagree.

  48. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    As far as the “Bucs Brass”, I think not extending Freeman and drafting Glennon should tell you everything you need to know about their mindset.
    Do you really believe the crap you’re shoveling?

    If that is the case then explain to me why the Patriots drafted Mallett?

    What? To replace Tom Brady in case the team begins losing. really?

    I’m sorry but you’re a flake, if you think you can convince me, that you can read minds.

  49. Illuminati Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    Everybody doesn’t hate Freeman. In fact, he’s my all-time favorite Bucs QB.

    I had hopes for Williams and Testaverde, and I had really high hopes for Craig Erickson. I even had hopes for Dilfer.

    But none of those guys really worked out as franchise QBs. To be sure, we still have never really had one. Freeman could be that guy, but has left us with a tremendous amount of doubt.

    Freeman, Glennon, makes no difference to me. I just want someone to step up and give me reason to believe.

  50. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    ^^^ ooh ..that was vicious!

  51. USN_BIT Says:

    HEY FELLAS! Am I the only guy who thinks Dan Orlovsky is a bit underrated? I mean sure he did make that one mistake with the lions where he caused a safety,BUT

    IF you actually watch the film of him playing for the Bucs, you’ll see he isn’t half bad.

    He’s more consistent than Freeman, he’s a veteran, he doesn’t crumble under pressure, and he knows the system.

    I mean C’MON GUYS! WAKE UP! quit moaning and groaning and saying “ohh waah i loathe the thought of Orlovsky being a starter.”

    He’s practically Just like Brad Johnson. MY POINT IS, he’s not a bad quarterback. so instead of hopping on the Orlovsky hating bandwagon, Do your reserach and create your own opinion.

  52. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    Then take a break on beating up on Freeman until we can get a better evaluation on his progression. He at least deserves that. All the people who are ready to string him up in our second preseason game is nonsense. Of course it is somewhat understandable because a lot of them are like sheep and they follow what others say without question. It amazes me how people base their knowledge off of what others say without doing their own research from credible sources. Friggin sheep.

    Its like that commercial on TV. Its two neighbors talking out by the curb. A black man talking to a female … skip ahead ..he asked her a question and she answered with a ridiculous answer and he asked her where did you hear that from and she replied Oh the internet. That’s a sad commentary but you be surprised how many people are like that. gullible, lazy, and brainless. They are sheep.

  53. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    I think Larry Fitzgerald has alien hands. I think they are digits with suction cups, kind of like an octopus. lol

  54. Couch Fan Says:

    Is it brainless too look at Freeman’s whole career and come to the conclusion that as of this moment, he’s not very good?

    It seems more like common sense, if you just stop to think about it.

    Junkie I admire your conviction and I do agree with you on some points but you really need to stop hating on people who dont agree with you about Freeman. It’s getting sad.

  55. the_buc_realist Says:

    it is brainless Couch Fan, Just ask any of the JFro-ites, he is about to turn into a hall o famer any day now.

  56. SeanyMac in SC Says:

    How bad was Tebow! So glad he is not on the Bucs roster. Hard to believe he won a playoff game over the Steelers.

  57. Jeff Says:

    Thank god for Bucs blackouts so I can watch real football on Sundays

  58. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    ^^^^ I’m getting tired of listening to the hate directed at Freeman. Regardless of his up and down career, nobody should be talked about like that. I mean seriously, it makes people look like they have a mob mentality. You know I understand your stance but when people say over the top and outright personally mean stuff, that’s where I draw the line. Freeman doesn’t deserve that. Aquib and Eric wright deserved it but Freeman is not a monster. Yes, he struggles sometimes but to blame everything on him is not fair. If he’s to get benched, I want him benched because “HE” deserves it. Not because other parts of the team can’t do their job.

  59. Illuminati Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    I’m not “beating up” on Freeman. I’m simply expressing what I and others have seen.

    Preseason games are largely meaningless for starters. Had Freeman played as many snaps as Glennon against the Pats, he might have torched them. We’ll never know.

    All I’m saying is that progression ultimately has to lead to production. And I think Freeman has been productive, as evidenced by the many franchise records he has broken.

    Yet, there’s just a feeling you get about a QB. Some of them just get it, and some of them don’t. Some guys just command the huddle and run the offense and make quick decisions and give you reason to believe that something good could happen on every play.

    And some guys don’t.

    Which guy will Freeman be this season?

  60. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    And now that you and the jfro6pak hater realist are bestees, is really disappointing. Just when I was beginning to warm up to you.

  61. Buc'n Junkie Says:


    Who cares ..everything you have said has been said before. When you continually keep driving it home it could only mean you must be on a quest.

    It’s like a broken record. We get it …

    I just want to know one thing?

  62. Andrew 1 Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    I agree with you. for instances someone had the nerve last night to post comment saying Tebow is better than Freeman. I mean are you freakin kidding mean? I dont even think the bucs “realist” would go so far as to say that. whatever, as soon as Freeman lights it up they’ll all disappear anyways.

  63. Couch Fan Says:

    Lol, me and realists arent friends. I just laugh at some of his posts, which isn’t anything special considering I laugh at a lot of posts that dont make sense to me. I come here to have fun. The realist is quite funny if you dont take anything he says seriously

  64. Sneedy16 Says:

    @Buc’n Junkie

    I understand your conviction in Freeman. I too think that he needs a full game to judge is progress in this offense. I will wait until the regular season to actually comment anything, or defend him. Some people minds were made up since last season with the whole Geno Smith thing last offseason.

    I’ll just stroll through read comments like I’ve been doing recently, because I really don’t see any reason to argue over preseason games. If we are playing the Jets and the offense was looking like they did last night (with all the starters) then yeah I would have an issue.

    For the guy who keeps saying start Glennon because Russell Wilson had a good year. Dude like I said before Russell had a first round grade, but fell due to the fact that he was 5-10. Russell is a great athlete and smart. Drew Brees had the same issue and fell into the 2nd at 5-11.

    Glennon is a smart kid I’ll give him that, but height wasn’t his issue. He was just inconsistent. Put him in as the starter last night, he would gotten hurt or threw a few picks. The Oline wasn’t blocking and the Patriots were coming with crazy blitzes. Yes he has quick decision making, but he is not ready for what the Patriots were bringing last night. They came to win.

  65. Illuminati Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    When we play a team like Green Bay, or New Orleans, or New England, don’t you cringe a little every time Rodgers or Brees or Brady drops back to pass?

    That’s because you know how good those guys are, and how bad it could be for our defense.

    When Josh Freeman drops back to pass, don’t you cringe a little, too?

    That’s because you know how bad it might turn out. For us. And that’s why you celebrate wildly when it turns out good. You never know what’s going to happen.

    That’s the difference between a true franchise QB and anything we’ve ever had in Tampa.

    I want the guy behind center that makes the other team’s fans cringe every time he drops back. I don’t care of it’s Freeman or Glennon.

  66. Illuminati Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    When we play a team like Green Bay, or New Orleans, or New England, don’t you cringe a little every time Rodgers or Brees or Breigh-dee drops back to pass?

    That’s because you know how good those guys are, and how bad it could be for our defense.

    When Josh Freeman drops back to pass, don’t you cringe a little, too?

    That’s because you know how bad it might turn out. For us. And that’s why you celebrate wildly when it turns out good. You never know what’s going to happen.

    That’s the difference between a true franchise QB and anything we’ve ever had in Tampa.

    I want the guy behind center that makes the other team’s fans cringe every time he drops back. I don’t care of it’s Freeman or Glennon.

  67. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    BucfansSUCK Says:
    August 17th, 2013 at 4:20 pm
    tampa dont deserve a teem they got terible fans they all hate eachother what kind a fans always hatin eachother. They suck all ways. Patriots rule!!!


    Pretty sad when a Patriot fan can see it for what it is.

    Thanks, Bucfanssuck, if it makes you feel better, we hate you too!

  68. Illuminati Says:

    Seriously, WTF is the deal with a filter on Thomas Edward Patrick’s name?

  69. Buc'n Junkie Says:


    I’ve been cringing since 1985. I cringe when Sanchez drops back to pass on us. Yes, I wish Josh was exactly like those guys but everyone of them are quite a few years older than Josh. I believe as Josh matures so will his command and his presence. He has shown us glimpses of greatness, and then he comes back to earth. He has yet to except his role in leadership mainly because of his youth. I will guarantee this, regardless whether he remains in tampa or not Josh will have a great career as he begins to mature. He’s still five years away from being thirty. That’s hard to believe, especially when you think that if he does continue to get better what will he be like in his mid thirties when all the elite QBs of today are retired.

  70. Illuminati Says:

    @ Buc’n Junkie

    I have to agree with you on the age thing.

    Regardless of talent, a lot of QBs are just never good in this league until they’re in their mid-to-late twenties.

    But, we took Freeman really young, and he just may not have time to fully develop here before we have to move on.

  71. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    BuccaneerBonzai Says:
    August 17th, 2013 at 4:56 pm
    You know…there are three types of people here.

    You nailed it Bonzai.

    But I think some of us can’t be pigeonhole into just one type.

    I think some of us can cross genres.

    I’m positive there are some people in here who have multiple personalities along with multiple accounts…lol

  72. Buc'n Junkie Says:


    Thanks, You know, I agree with a lot of your thoughts and ideals too. You and I seem to process things basically on the same wave length. I don’t know how often you may agree with me because I can sometimes take it to far especially when I’m being met with a irresistible force. I can be deliberately mean to a fault. Maybe it has more to do with my profession. Listen, if in any way you think I’m getting out of line just throw me a life rope? Tell me I’m done, and I will stop.

  73. Adam L. Says:

    Brady went 11-12. Nothing early on helped.

    So lets recap our excuse list:

    It’s preseason
    Snap counts
    Malfunctioning head gear

    And on offense we keep hearing about protection breakdowns? Isn’t this the 2nd year in this offense? Freeman looks lost.

    I have very little faith in this team.

  74. Buc1987 Says:

    Good for you Adam…then just not watch anymore. Become a Jags fan.

  75. Buc1987 Says:

    “I’m positive there are some people in here who have multiple personalities along with multiple accounts…lol”

    I 2nd that Junkie especially the latter.

  76. gotbbucs Says:

    Freeman is the love child of Daunte Culpepper and Jason Campbell. After four years, excuses aren’t a constant part of normal conversation when talking abot your “franchise” Qb. I hope I’m wrong, but I think Freeman has maybe four years left in the NFL and three of those years will be bouncing around the league after this year.

  77. Adam L. Says:

    At Buc1987 (probably the year you were born)….

    My season tickets give me carte blanche to complain as loudly as I can.

  78. gotbbucs Says:

    Buc’n Junkie Says:
    August 17th, 2013 at 5:38 pm
    “Then take a break on beating up on Freeman until we can get a better evaluation on his progression. He at least deserves that. All the people who are ready to string him up in our second preseason game is nonsense.”

    THIS…IS…NOT…HIS…ROOKIE…YEAR. How much longer shall we wait before a proper evaluation can be made? Two more years and three preseason games? C’mon.

    This tiger as shown his stripes many many times now. Schiano can say whatever he wants in front of the cameras, but no sane head coach could be comforted by what Freeman puts on tape. Even if he comes out and plays above average ball in the next preseason game I will always be waiting for the bottom to drop out, and thats not me being negative, Freeman just hasn’t earned the benefit of the doubt yet, and he never will from me at this point.

  79. Adam L. Says:

    Can’t disagree with you GOTBBUCS.

  80. Buc'n Junkie Says:

    ^^^ good for both of you!! …your parents must be so proud!!!

  81. Buc1987 Says:

    Adam…really now ye of little faith. What section are you in season ticket holder? I’ll come and visit you and say hi. Maybe you would like to sell me some of your tickets at 1/2 price since you have so little faith in this team. I have family members that would gladly buy them off of you at 1/2 price. What section, row, and seat number season ticket holder?

  82. Buc1987 Says:

    AdamL says :

    “I have very little faith in this team.”

    Then comes back with :

    “At Buc1987 (probably the year you were born)….”

    “My season tickets give me carte blanche to complain as loudly as I can.”

    Please sell me your season tickets AdamL I’d hate for you to have to waste your time and money going to watch the team you have such little faith in. Seriously dude. I’ll give my phone number right now. All it takes is a call.

  83. Buc1987 Says:

    Check that Adam L. I might even buy some of them at FULL price (like the Fins game) depending on where your sitting, but I have to get the season ticket price for the seat.

  84. MadMax Says:

    woohoo drama drama drama…..lmfao

  85. mpmalloy Says:

    Note to other Mob members:
    The Leather jackets are done and they look sweet. Gosh!

    I put “We Like Mike” across the back.
    Let me know when you want to pick them up.

    Go Bucs!

  86. scubog Says:

    Every pre-season it’s the same thing regardless of the outcome of these meaningless practice sessions…….over-reaction.