Aqib Talib’s Stock “Falling”

September 7th, 2011

Joe is not like his old man. Joe’s old man heavily plays the stock market.

Joe was brought up to love newspapers. Before Joe’s old man even touched his breakfast each morning, he was poring over his Wall Street Journal. Only until after he had devoured the Wall Street Journal did Joe’s old man grab the sports section of the local papers (the news section was left for after-dinner reading).

In sort of a harbinger of the 21st century, though Joe’s old man was a sports addict like Joe, he told Joe the reason he didn’t read the sports section first is because he had watched the games the previous evening and already knew what happened.

At any rate, if Joe played the stock market as much as his old man, Joe would be homeless. The stock market isn’t Joe’s wheelhouse if you get the drift.

So it was interesting to Joe to read of the stock watch listed by ESPN’s Pat Yasinskas. In his monitoring of the NFC South stock market, he is bearish of Bucs cornerback Aqib Talib, listing him among the top “falling” stocks, essentially advising investors to divest of Talib.

Aqib Talib, cornerback, Buccaneers. We’re starting his stock low because he had a turbulent offseason and he’s going to be under the microscope. This guy can’t afford a wrong move on or off the field. He’s got to stay focused on football and get his career on a good path.

Well, Joe will agree that Talib cannot afford another off-field incident, specifically an incident that involves another brush with the law. On the field, Talib should be coming into his own. He’s a talented cornerback and with just a modicum of improvement, could be a Pro Bowl player.

8 Responses to “Aqib Talib’s Stock “Falling””

  1. Pete Dutcher Says:

    If Talib gets a pick this week while going up against Calvin, all will be forgiven.

  2. bucsalltheway Says:

    I feel the same way!….if he shuts megatron down the microscope will be removed and the binoculars come out….lol

  3. bucsalltheway Says:

    I feel the same way!….if he shuts megatron down the microscope will be removed and the binoculars come out….lol

  4. jvato24 Says:

    I am worried myself. The man hasnt played in a game Since like week 11 or 12 of last season. And frequently gave up big plays last year but then making a share of splash plays.

    If he can be more consistent he will be at the top. But it only takes 1 blown coverage for 7 to change the game.

  5. Freeman4President Says:

    If Talib shuts Megatron down on Sunday can we start calling him Optimus … because there aren’t enough obnoxious nick names in the nfl for my taste… btw megatron always loses in the cartons and the movies so its a fitting nick name for someone on the Lions….GO BUCS!

  6. Mr. SWAG ALOT Says:


  7. Brandon Says:

    Considering what Talib has done the past 3 years WITHOUT a pass rush or a defense that could stop the run and not force teams to pass, he should be much better this season with the rest of the team helping him out.

  8. BigMacAttack Says:

    Now that Pat Yasuckass has spoken, the Bucs will definitely win the Super Bowl and Talib is a Pro Bowl lock.