Bradford Loves Special Teams

May 6th, 2011

Wise late-round draft picks usually talk about how they want to contribute and say they’re eager to play special teams.

But it seems Bucs sixth-round manbeast Allen Bradford really loves special teams.

Bradford was recruited to Southern Cal as a safety, then turned into a fullback/running back. Speaking to Shaun King and Toby David on The King David Show this week, on WQYK-AM 1010, Bradford didn’t give the stock answers to playing special teams.

Bradford almost seemed annoyed that he didn’t see the turf during field goals. He said he played on other special teams units, often was a gunner, and he took pride in making “21 tackles.” Though Bradford didn’t specify when, or from what position, he made those tackles.

“I like to hit people,” Bradford said.

During a different interview on 1040 AM, Raheem Morris said Bradford hasĀ a lot of “Insurance Graham” in him with his versatility and special teams play.

If the Bucs found another Earnest Graham, who was undrafted out of Florida, the Bucs did darn good in the sixth round.

24 Responses to “Bradford Loves Special Teams”

  1. BigMacAttack Says:

    I’m going to miss Earnest, but I think his time may be up. I hope not yet, but it very well could be. What a fantastic player and person.

  2. Hector Says:

    did anyone see allan bradford stiff arm the living hell out of mason foster in the highlight video that joe posted?

  3. Hector Says:

    here is the link. its at time line 1:05 thru 1:12. ouch!!!

  4. CharlieB Says:

    Hector, that is why I laugh when people pine for Foster to start in place of Ruud.

  5. flmike Says:

    Every LB gets stiffed or blown up at some point, anyway, what I did notice is Bradford runs upright just like Blount, why aren’t these kids getting coached up on how to lower their pads when coming thru traffic?

  6. admin Says:

    Joe here,

    @Hector @CharlieB — To be fair Foster got knocked off balance before Bradford leveled. him. …Good catch, Hector.

    @flmike – Think Blount has proven his style works just fine. We can all live with 5 yards a carry.

  7. Chris FWC :) Says:

    @Big Mac, if Allen “The Hit-Man” Bradford, sorry Don Mattingly, stays healthy and can be a utility player, ST/FB, I think EG could be let go.

  8. jvato24 Says:

    Can we give Foster a little time before we call him Ray Lewis .. Just because Morris says he has Ray Lewis qualities certainly does not mean he will be Ray Lewis ..

    I think Foster can be very solid for us .. but at the least he is very fiery and maybe can light a fire out on the field.

  9. Hector Says:

    i still would like to have foster at MLB, and maybe move Ruud to WLB. I am not convince Hayes is the man for the job at the Will LB spot. hayes plays to reckless for my taste. Joe, why doesn’t anyone notices Geno Hayes play? he also gets run over, doesn’t play discipline. could it be because he played at FSU that Tampa fans are giving him a pass?

  10. sunrisejeff Says:

    How can you NOT like this kid?

  11. TrueBlue Says:

    In fairness to Foster, he’d just been plowed by big number 75 and was off balance when Bradford hit him. Still, it was sweet. Love to see a power running back punish a tackler.

  12. Stanglassman Says:

    No, is the answer your question Hector. We don’t just give Geno a pass because he’s a Nole. If Double nickel recommends a guy to the Bucs I think we should give them a chance to develop. Same goes for Dekoda Watson. Maybe you are a better LB talent evaluator than Brooks but I doubt it.

  13. RastaMon Says:

    Jeff Gouch…Shelton Quarles…Curtis Buckley…Mike Washington…that Mc Laughton(sp) guy from 99 era…Ronde Barber….to this day play punt coverage…

  14. Patrick Says:

    Earnest Graham- a guy who could’ve had a pro bowl career if he was with a team that utilized his talents. Love Graham, but sadly his career was wasted.

  15. thomas 2.2 Says:

    Dont write earnie off just yet. Just because this guy ran over the present Ray Lewis (Mason Foster) last year does not mean that he is ready to unseat a proven vet. You sheep and your love of 6th round draft picks. There is a reason why this kid went so late. Yes, earnie was undrafted but that is because he was undersized compare earnies sec numbers to bradfords weak-ass pac 10 numbers and you will see a big difference.

    Shockingly, not every one of these draft picks will be hall of famers, pro bowlers, starters, and Gasp! some may be out of the league in two years.

  16. tommy Says:

    my god thomas….shut up dude!!! if you ever show your face at a bucs game, let me know…ill punch you for all of us on here, you sir are an idiot!! dont over cook my fries either… hear me???

  17. Hawaiian Buc Says:

    Tommy, if you would do that, I swear I will buy you all the $12 beers you can drink!

    Who is saying Bradford (or anyone we drafted) is going to be a hall of famer? Find me one person that has said that. You can’t, because it didn’t happen. You love to put words in people’s mouth to prove your weak arse points, because you have no facts. Yes, I’m sure there will be a bust or two in this draft class, there always is. So what? What’s your point? Is anyone arguing that? No. But can we at least support the kid a little? What’s your problem with doing that? Or should we all just predict who is going to be a bust and b!tch and moan about him all day. Do you want to boo him until he proves himself as a hall of famer? I’ve never even heard of him before the draft, so I will just wait and withhold judgment. Regardless, as long as he is wearing red and pewter, I will cheer for him (what a concept).

  18. Thomas 2.2 Says:

    Relax tommy, internet tough guy. No hawaiian i root for bradford as well. It pisses me off that u sheep want to write off e graham bc of this little known 6th rounder.

  19. BigMacAttack Says:

    So now some of the more reasonable types start to deduct that there may not be room to have 16 running backs on the roster, and now the Professor of Hate labels us all sheep, the same guy that hates every player on the team except Freeman on Tuesdays and Fridays. How old is Graham? How much does he play anymore? Is he still their best option at FB converted from RB? I don’t know, but on the youngest team in the league, that is continuing to reload, the writing may very well be on the wall. I’m sorry Thomas, that you are blinded by your rage, your hate for the team and the World, and you can’t see it. We all love Earnest Graham, but the best 53 will make the team, and the competition is getting stiffer as time goes on. Stiff is probably something you know nothing about. I will throw down on those $12 beers myself.

  20. Thomas 2.2 Says:

    Bigmac: how do any of you know that bradford will be a better option than earnie? Bradford has yet to practice.

  21. Hawaiian Buc Says:


    EG is probably my favorite Buccaneer, so I am not writing him off. My newborn son has one jersey, and guess who I chose? However, like BigMac said, they are going to choose the best 53. I personally think they will still keep him this year, but it doesn’t take a genius to realize his time may be coming to an end in the near future. It will be a sad day for me whenever that happens, but it’s just the nature of the beast.

  22. BigMacAttack Says:

    Suck it Thomas. Again.

  23. Apple Roof Cleaning Says:

    Tampa got a hidden jewel in Bradford.

  24. Matt B Says:

    Thomas 2.2″: Weak-ass Pac 10?? USC is know as Tailback U! 5 Heisman Winners from that position (counting Bush). Plenty of Pac-10 rushers making an impact in the NFL right now. The first ones that come to mind are Steven Jackson, Maurice Jones-Drew, Jonathan Stewart and Marshawn Lynch. Oh, there is some Buccaneer named Blount from the Pac-10 too and a former Buc great from the Pac-10 and USC named Ricky Bell. Maybe not blockbuster but worthy of respect Mr. Glass-Half-Empty, I mean Ms. Completely-Empty.