Chris Godwin: Decision To Stay “Was Very, Very Tough”

March 11th, 2025

Joe gets how some fans bristled a bit hearing Chris Godwin talk multiple times today about how returning to the Bucs was a difficult decision.

Godwin has already banked $80 million in salary as a National Football League player.

So yeah, the average Joes hauling in five figures a year aren’t in Godwin’s league when it comes to agonizing about earnings and leaving a great Bucs organization that’s dropped a gargantuan fortune in your lap and was ready to do it again.

Bucs general manager Jason Licht today strongly hinted today at Godwin’s re-signing news conference that reports of him leaving a giant contract on the table from another team were accurate. Licht mentioned “generational” money from an unnamed team and expressed gratitude that Godwin stayed home for the Bucs’ offer, which was a three-year, $66 million deal from the Bucs yesterday.

Speaking on WDAE radio, Godwin said “home” was a big factor in him staying in Tampa, but it was still a rough call.

“You know, it was a very, very tough decision, but I think like at the end of the day I had to lean on my gut and my intuition telling me that this is home,” Godwin said. “You know, me and [wife] Mariah, we have planted roots here so it would take a lot to remove me from this situation. And I’m grateful for the Bucs to be able to come to the table they way that they did as well to allow that to be a possibility.”

This is a great reminder that the NFL is a business. Money can even come close to driving the bus for a team-first, dedicated warrior like Godwin.

“I’ve never moved and made decisions solely based off of money,” Godwin added.

Joe is so glad Godwin is back. The Bucs and fans have treated him like a king for years.

And Joe hopes Godwin realizes he truly made the easy decision to stay with a Pro Bowl quarterback, a legendary receiver taking heat off him, a first-class organization and another massive contract.

41 Responses to “Chris Godwin: Decision To Stay “Was Very, Very Tough””

  1. Smashsquatch Says:

    Class act. Both JL & CG get their way via sacrifice & compromise. And a win for Bucs fans!

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Chris hit the nail on the head: ‘This is home’.

  3. Coburn Says:

    Definitely appreciate the guy. I think he’s likely smart enough (unlike some players) that none of his family will ever want for anything and can live off interest after their big home purchase. Hopefully he has some more fruitful years here and fans and front office remember his loyalty.. hopefully it will make sense to extend it further

  4. Colin in Canada Says:

    I think that Todd Bowles takes a lot of heat from the comment section. Obviously Jason Licht deserves a lot of credit for the roster but Bowles deserves some credit for the culture that the bucs have.

  5. Watch Daddy Sling It Says:

    Literally just opened the Sunday edition of another city’s “Daily Paywall” (not our local no-longer daily).

    They had CG as the #1 FA on the market. Agree or disagree (with that injury history) but he was definitely in the top 5.

    To get him back at that price does say something very positive about how One Buc operates, especially with keeping the core together.

    Although the Union doesn’t like the travel arrangements or the buffet table, the Bucs do take care of their own.

  6. FrontFour Says:

    Reports were that NE was offering 4 years vs 3. And who’s the QB up there. And taxes up there are a little different than ours are here in FL. Made the right call, Chris.

  7. Gipper Says:

    Chris Godwin is sticking around for a lot of reasons. Not the least of these is the connection he has with Mayfield that should see him easily reach 100 catches this season if healthy.

  8. buc4evr Says:

    I have mixed feelings about this signing. Concerned he is not fully recovered and may re-injure his ankle.

  9. cmurda Says:

    That’s a big if Gip. A big if.

  10. JA Says:

    “I’ve never moved and made decisions solely based off of money,” Godwin added.
    Seems like an easy decision then. Why say it was difficult?
    He’s already been paid 80, a number most of us could only dream about.
    Friends, family, kids rooted here in their young lives, and another 66 mil coming his way?
    Super easy decision!

  11. Greg Says:

    To experience the major injury he sustained and have the options that he had is a testament to CG to rehab and to power through it. We know he has the fortitude to do it. However the fact remains that was a monumental injury to someone that needs to come back to close to 100% to validate the numbers he signed for. Hoping he does. Go Bucs!

  12. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    I submit that $80,000,000.00 is “generational” wealth.

  13. Bonan Says:

    Glad he’s staying. Seems like a great guy, and his tenacity, physicality, and intelligence is obvious when he’s healthy. We need to figure out how to stay healthy.

  14. stpetebucsfan Says:

    This is what I have been preaching. A player with more character than greed, roots in Tampa, a successful wife Mariah with her own roots in Tampa and already wealthier than he/they can imagine.


  15. Kevin Voigt Says:

    Also, he had the chance to go somewhere and be “the man.” As a competitor, that must have been attractive too.

  16. GoneGator Says:

    Rarely, since I’ve been visiting JBF, have I seen such good vibes from the Joe’s and the majority of commenters here. It’s a nice change that I hope lasts a little while 👍🏼

  17. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    Joe, you hit the nail on the head. The fans do sometimes forget the NFL is a business, first and foremost. To pass on $20 million above Tampa’s offer and stay says a lot about Godwin’s character.

  18. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Think about Deshaun Watson’s 250m guaranteed.

    Never played a full season.

  19. SteelStudBuc Says:

    The Bucs are a respected organization. They are handling everything with class. I feel like this is going to work out great!

  20. Aqualung Says:

    Well, I’m sure Chris was just as sick and appalled as us fans watching the defense take a dirt nap in the 4th quarters and overtime of close losses in 2024. It must have been very hard for him to trust that to be fixed by the same person overseeing himself and regressing the whole thing for three years.

    Thank you Chris. I hope coach doesn’t let you, and us, down.

  21. Tye Says:

    I wonder how much of his hesitation to stay has to do with having one of the leagues worst HC!

  22. Hodad Says:

    New England also plays on cold hard turf, not great for the legs, or body. He physically might never make the 4th year.

  23. Davyboy🏴‍☠️ Says:

    I think, what he was trying to say was, the thought of leaving $20 million on the table weighed on him. I can imagine he was thinking, for a receiver this could be my last big paycheck, do I really not want to get all I can here at the possible end of my career. I don’t think he meant any disrespect to anyone, he was just saying $20 million is a lot of money, period. In the end he chose home, the fans and the organization over the money. To me he was just being honest. It would have been hard.

  24. ModHairKen Says:

    Anyone with panties bunched up because he had a tough decision to stay here for less money can FO.

    He chose what was best for his family. And that meant leaving money on the table.

    Chris Godwin is a great man. A great husband. A great father. And a great teammate.

  25. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    I still think it was a huge risk.

    Images of Paris Warren keep coming to mind. If Godwin follows the same pattern, he’ll never play as good again.

  26. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    And I bet that other contract had a Claus to protect that team if he doesn’t heal up right.

  27. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Well said. Exactly.

  28. Buccos Says:

    By accepting a 3 year deal over a 4 year deal isn’t exactly leaving $20mm on the table. When he gets his next contract he may receive more than $20mm for that season. Maybe he is betting on himself that in the right environment he will get another bag in 3 years.

  29. Chris Says:

    Go ahead and put him Chris and Mike in the ring of honor.

  30. Davyboy🏴‍☠️ Says:

    It “appears” to be a big risk. But I would bet the farm before they offered him the $44 million guaranteed they had a pretty good idea if he was going to heal completely or not. I would imagine the Glazers met with the doctors and got the skinny on it.
    He’ll be ready and with the weapons we’ll have next year we will have the #1 scoring offense in the league—BOOM
    Detriot was first with 33 points a game. We scored 29. If we just stop shooting ourselves in the foot it won’t be hard for us to make that up. Not hard at all. If we could cut out just half the mistakes we would own that field every Sunday.

  31. Mr_Barf Says:

    ALL IN TIME! Get Trey Hendrickson $22mil/or 4 year $88mil.

  32. BucsFan81 Says:

    I really think how the Bucs handled the Evans situation at the end of the regular season had a lot to do with Godwin staying. To let Evans get his bonus and break that 1,000 yard record was huge. Eagles snubbed Barkley from breaking the rushing record and how they treated him. Players remember stuff like that.

  33. SteelStudBuc Says:


    The Eagles just gave Barkley a big fat bag of cash. He said yes.

  34. An Erection For Sacks Says:

    CG14 is a class act, unlike those who ceaselessly post cowardly vitriol while hiding behind a keyboard.

    Some of you will never be able to express a cogent thought, either verbally or in print, and that makes it easy to dismiss your willful ignorance. Thank you.

  35. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Watching the whole league show him all that love was classic

  36. heyjude Says:

    Chris leaving twenty mil on the table says so much about his character too. This is also all about the awesome culture at One Buc Place.

    Agree stpetebucsfan! Mariah stuck up for her husband and got it right. Mike and Baker’s wives too. It’s a family decision and they all chose Tampa Bay. We fans are so lucky!

  37. Bojim Says:

    Erection. You mean like you?

  38. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Didn’t Sirriani ask Barkley about staying in? Saquon declined.

  39. orlbucfan Says:

    I am ABsolutely FABulously thrilled that Ungodly CG14 decided against retirement. I knew if he did, Licht, Bowles, (and his bud, ME13) would help keep him in Tampa. I guessed right. He sure doesn’t need the coin; he’s got plenty of it. Looks like the Glazer Boyz are finally getting out from under the Salary Cap squeeze. Talk about a first class on and off field player duo: ME13 and CG14. I like the continuation of emphasizing off field character when the Bucs sign players. Sounds like Chris is being straight up about his healing and getting back into player condition. It takes time, and he’s taking it. He has always been a smart cookie. I just hope Chris has wised up about dirty defensive players on the opposing teams. That’s just NFL reality, sa as it is. So now, Licht/Bowles can concentrate on defense, a punter, and mebbe a kick/punt returner. Hopefully, Buc Luck will back off this fall. Go Bucs!!

  40. orlbucfan Says:


  41. View from 132 Says:

    Man turns down insane amount of money to accept insane amount of money and not move the family. What a tale of sacrifice.


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