Bucs To Have New Name For Stadium

March 10th, 2025

Stadium news.

The Bucs may or may not have a new stadium at the end of this decade. But the current Bucs’ crib will be glossed with a new official name in a couple of years.

(No, Joe never types the official name of The Licht House because Joe reasons if the financial outfit based in St. Petersburg can easily cough up millions annually to have its name plastered on the Bucs’ crib, then they can surely afford to cut Joe a modest check each year rather than Joe handing out multiple pieces of free daily advertising 24/7/365. The least this outfit could do would be to give Joe a break on wealth management services. You know, something for the effort? So Joe only finds it fair to not give them free daily advertising. Fair is fair. Of course, Joe is easy to reach and open-minded if someone from said financial outfit wants to discuss this matter.)

This information comes by way of Bret McCormick and Ben Fischer of the Sports Business Journal.

The piece really doesn’t answer a lot of questions on the future of the Bucs’ current stadium or a potential new home in the otherwise mostly dry article.

McCormick and Fischer did suggest the reason there are zero plans or efforts to build the Rays a stadium in Tampa is that officials in Tampa are loading their coffers preparing for what’s likely around the corner in a few years with the Bucs: either a major stadium renovation or a brand new crib.

Also, the article notes, don’t forget about the almost 30-year old Ice Palace and the Lightning.

One item in the SBJ article noted that the NFL informed Tampa authorities that because the last Super Bowl the city hosted happened during the throes of The Sickness in February 2021, Tampa likely would be pushed to the front of the line to host another if the city bids.

However, there is one major caveat to that wink-and-nod: The NFL will not consider the bid seriously unless The Licht House is renovated.

A second item caught Joe’s attention: Apparently, the current stadium does not generate rivers of cash like many other modern stadiums (or for the English teachers out there, “stadia”).

But it’s also a big story for the rest of the NFL, where the bar keeps getting higher for revenue and venue expectations. The Bucs are somewhere between the 16th- and 20th-most valuable franchise in the NFL, according to recent public estimates, despite playing in the 11th-largest media market — an incongruity that likely reflects Raymond James’ outdated revenue-generation potential and the Bucs’ hands-off approach to the stadium’s overall business.

The key element of this SBJ story for Joe is that The Licht House will have a new official name no later than 2028 season.

The Raymond James naming-rights deal expires in 2027, too; the financial institution has already informed the team it’s not renewing …

So maybe, just maybe, whomever purchases naming rights in a couple of years will play ball with Joe? The financial outfit in St. Petersburg never has.

And Joe’s rates are far more reasonable.

35 Responses to “Bucs To Have New Name For Stadium”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Maybe 50 bucks for a beer and 25 for a bag of popcorn?

  2. Tony Says:

    Maybe worry more about signing some FAs to help the D instead of worrying about the name of the stadium.

  3. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Surely we will have an Edge Rusher that can Sack the QB and a full WR core by then. And Surely Simeon Rice will be in the Ring of Honor by then

  4. Aqualung Says:

    JoeBucsFan.com Stadium!!!!!

  5. Tbbucs3 Says:

    How about “sign Khalil Mack” stadium

  6. Joe Says:

    How about “sign Khalil Mack” stadium

    Awesome! LOL 😆

  7. heyjude Says:

    Good article, Joe. Thank you for sharing.

    It’s all about revenues. Hate to see the Bucs moved to Orlando in the future. That won’t solve anything. Have to make sure Tampa Bay stays in Tampa Bay.

  8. Dewey Selmon Says:

    Mons Venus Stadium

  9. Allbuccedup Says:

    Malcom Glazer Memorial Stadium!!!!!

  10. Todd Says:

    Publix Stadium

  11. Tony Says:

    Antonio Brown Stadium. Then watch him come running back in.🤦🙄🏃

  12. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    Hearing the ice palace described as old makes me feel ancient. I went to games at the thunderdome!

  13. heyjude Says:

    Loving the comments regarding naming the stadium. Always a reason to smile and laugh in a good way.

  14. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    What exactly are the missing revenue-generating features at Bucs stadium?

  15. FrontFour Says:

    What more do they want?

  16. CottlevilleBuc Says:


    (Community Investment Tax Stadium) If Remember correctly from the late great Chris Thomas?

  17. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Raymond James pays millions so they don’t have to pay others for mention.

    Note that Joe mentions opposing teams stadiums and doubt they pay.
    How hypocritical…

  18. Gipper Says:

    Air conditioned dome stadium with retractable roof is next.

  19. heyjude Says:

    Gipper – Agreed. That may attract more ticket sales too.

  20. Joe Says:

    What exactly are the missing revenue-generating features at Bucs stadium?

    To make it a destination year-round.

    The Cardinals (MLB) were the first to start this. Then the Patriots, Cowboys (for their team headquarters) and the Braves, among other teams. And it’s what the Rays hope to do in St. Petersburg.

    In other words, it’s a potential cash cow.

    Those stadiums are surrounded by mixed-use real estate. Condos/apartments, shopping centers, /restaurants/bars, etc.

    Basically you put a stadium in the middle of a community all owned by the team, there is mega-revenue to be had that flows in daily, not just on the 10 NFL gamedays.

  21. Joe Says:

    Note that Joe mentions opposing teams stadiums and doubt they pay.
    How hypocritical…

    Joe doesn’t cover those other teams.

  22. Joe Says:

    (Community Investment Tax Stadium) If Remember correctly from the late great Chris Thomas?

    Miss Chris. 🙁

  23. Joe Says:

    Hearing the ice palace described as old makes me feel ancient. I went to games at the thunderdome!


    (30,000 for Lightning games. Folks didn’t have a problem crossing bridges for the NHL. Weird, huh?)

  24. BakerFan Says:

    Naming rights is the biggest joke ever.

  25. Krewe Since Birth Says:

    CottlevilleBuc Says:
    March 10th, 2025 at 8:34 am

    (Community Investment Tax Stadium) If Remember correctly from the late great Chris Thomas?

    You remember correctly. And many a time have I sat in the stands at the CITS wondering when the Bucs will hold the community in which there is no unity up for a CITS 2.0.

    Keeping in mind that the reason we don’t have a Spring league team is because the Glazers have a VERY good deal on all revenue made at the CITS regardless of whether the Bucs are playing, or not. (Supposedly 50% of all revenue over $3 million)

  26. John Says:

    Who not DOGE Stadium? Seriously they are sticking that name on EVERYTHING! 🙄

  27. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Oligarch Stadium

  28. View from 132 Says:

    It is all ridiculous. Billions for stadiums, 10s of millions for players, 100s of millions for quarterbacks. The city and county have given the Glazer family billions.

  29. Joe Says:

    many a time have I sat in the stands at the CITS wondering when the Bucs will hold the community in which there is no unity up for a CITS 2.0.

    Someone remembers Chris very well. 🙂

  30. Baking with Grizz Says:

    Run Bucky Run Stadium


  31. Joe Momma Says:

    Used to work for a “not to be named” financial firm in St Petersburg Florida when naming rights were 1st sold… and there went the Christmas bonus.

  32. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    McCormick and Fischer did suggest the reason there are zero plans or efforts to build the Rays a stadium in Tampa is that officials in Tampa are loading their coffers preparing for what’s likely around the corner in a few years with the Bucs: either a major stadium renovation or a brand new crib.

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but Hillsborough County never suspended the sales tax increase that was voted in in 1995 to build the last stadium, right? There should be plenty of money coming in.

    The idea that Joe Six-Pack has to help billionaires pay for their stadium is sickening.

  33. Eric George Says:

    Pack up and go to Orlando, the current site would be perfect for another Costco.

  34. Ed Says:

    If the Bucs can retrofit the stadium with hurricane proof open roof to shade the fans and pump more air through the stadium with fans, more people would go to the Sept-Oct games. Nothing that by November the stadium is pretty filled until the end of the season. Those early games are horrible on the fans as well as the players.

    Also bathroom’s are horrible, they need to be air conditioned and expanded.

    Other than that its a great stadium to watch a game. Those upgrades could be done for about 1/5th the cost of a new place and the fans already like the stadium, just needs some upgrades.

  35. Joe Says:

    Used to work for a “not to be named” financial firm in St Petersburg Florida when naming rights were 1st sold… and there went the Christmas bonus.



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