Anthony Nelson Speaks On Defensive Failures

October 27th, 2024

Something weird is going on with the defense and Joe can’t figure it out.

Oh, the obvious is known: The Bucs defense stinks. But why?

There are no starters other than rookies who play that were not on the roster last year with the exception of Jordan Whitehead, with whom Bowles won a Super Bowl four years ago. So it’s not like Whitehead is foreign in this defense.

The Bucs have the same defensive assistant coaches. And they have the same head coach/defensive coordinator.

So how could the defense plummet this bad? Joe tried to find out from Anthony Nelson, a long-time reserve outside linebacker who often gets a bunch of snaps each game, even if he doesn’t start.

Nelson told Joe that, yeah, the defense has changed some but the foundation is the same.

“We always evolve,” said Nelson, who was drafted by the Bucs in 2019 and has never played for another team. “We have some new wrinkles but a lot of it is the same.

“We have new stuff. Different adjustments to stuff to new things that the offense is doing. It is a lot of the same principals.”

So Joe asked Nelson if the new wrinkles are what offenses are exposing. After a very brief pause to collect his thoughts, Nelson said, “it’s a combination of things.” He didn’t elaborate.

Joe asked Nelson if Atlanta was running a different offense than what they showed against the Bucs three weeks ago. Nelson said, not really.

“They had a couple of new wrinkles but a lot of the stuff was the same,” Nelson said. “We didn’t make enough plays when [the Bucs] had a chance.”

Nelson denied that a lost day of preparation, coming off a game on Monday night, prevented the Bucs from being prepared.

“We had a good week of preparation,” Nelson said. “We just have to tighten everything up.”

Joe would say, a whole lot tighter.

36 Responses to “Anthony Nelson Speaks On Defensive Failures”

  1. Astralturf Says:

    If you listen to the post-game, Bowles blamed himself. He didn’t say “fire me”. If a reporter asked him “should you be fired?” of course he would say no. If you ask him “why not?” he just my have some push back that the “experts” on this message board haven’t thought of LOL. Unfortunately a HC will never be asked that. LOL.

  2. LakelandBuc Says:

    Three of our top 4 CBs are out, we can’t generate a decent pass rush
    Our best ILB is out, Vea, Kancey are playing hurt
    And we have to overcome 3 offensive turnovers
    And a failed fake punt

    Our defense is loaded with young backups

  3. MelvinJunior Says:

    They’ve lost their edge. Bowles has been figured out. They have been exposed and the NFL is taking full advantage, just eating them UP.

  4. Rod Munch Says:

    If the refs don’t screw the Bucs at the end of the first Falcon’s game, they’re still 5-3 right now, and everything feels completely different.

  5. Anyhony Says:

    FUN – DUH – MENTALS !!!

  6. BucVoyager Says:

    No pass rush and the LB play stinks.

  7. SBucs Says:

    I don’t know if Anthony understands he’s playing for Swiss Cheese Bowles.

  8. ElioT Says:

    The Head Coach and Defensive play caller is a F****** R*****

  9. Peter Says:

    Defense only allowed 7 pts on 2nd half
    Meanwhile Mr INT gave the ball twice to Falcons
    Stop blaming the defense only it was a team effort to drop a deuce today

  10. ElioT Says:

    .500 at best HC. Dude needs to go.

  11. Architek Says:

    I’m over it!

  12. JohnJohn007 Says:

    I think he isn’t a game day coach. In today’s game you must adjust during game just like in Basketball. Football is becoming more basketball ball like, faster wit the good OC and DC changing game plans during the he game( not during the half).

  13. orlbucfan Says:

    Getting tired of figuring out if actual Buc fans post on here.

  14. Ed Says:

    Bad answer. The real answer is is “we have to sack quarterbacks, we have to tackle and we have to intercept”.

  15. Jeff Says:

    Dated defensive scheme. Bowles has failed to adapt to the modern NFL. Time for him to go.

  16. Mike Johnson Says:

    I saw a lot of missed tackles, Wide open spaces in our secondary, and an inability to get to Cousins. Now that was the game I watched. These plays were not just seldom. They were often and frequently. You know like, every deeyam time the falcons had the ball. INEXCUSABLE.

  17. A Bucs Fan Says:

    This is Lovie 2.0. We are seeing it in real time. Other teams have adjusted to Todd’s defense and without a ferocious front 7 his system is failing. It’s that simple.

  18. Greg Says:

    The seasons not over but it’s certainly not a good look. I don’t think Bowles is handling the play calling well. It’s time for someone else to take it over.

  19. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucs’ defense has been giving up far too many explosive plays these past few games. That’s solely on the defense. But in our last 3 games we’ve had 8 turnovers by the offense; that doesn’t help a struggling defense one bit.

    In today’s game, there were 3 offensive turnovers plus 1 S/Ts fake punt screwup that proved costly.

    o Qtr 1: White fumbles & Falcons recover at the Tampa 43. Bucs’ defense held them on the first 3 downs, but on 4th-and-3 at theTampa 36, Cousins hits Pitts for a 36-yard TD. Short field issue?

    o Qtr 3: With 1st-and-10 at the Atl 37, Baker goes deep to Miller & it’s intercepted. Falcons take over at their own 8-yard line & the Bucs’ defense forces them to punt 8 plays later. Bucs were moving the ball well, but we got impatient & it cost us points.

    o Qtr 3: Bucs get the ball back at the Tampa 31, move it 7 yards to the Tampa 38 then try a fake punt (or whatever that was). It’s botched & Falcons take over at the Tampa 36. Then 6 plays later they score a TD. Short field issue?

    o Qtr 4: Bucs have a 1st-and-10 at the Tampa 30 after the kickoff, and drive 46 yards in 4 plays to the Atl 27 for a 1st-and-10 there. Next play Baker throws an interception & Falcons take over at their own 6-yard line. Bucs were moving the ball well, but we got impatient & it cost us points. Fortunately our defense got a safety 2 plays later & forced a punt.

    Bucs lost by SIX points. Falcons scored 14 points off of those 2 short field situations. The 2 INTs didn’t cost us anything (defense made up for those). The fumble by White was costly (TD) as was the S/Ts screwup (TD). Eliminate either one & we could’ve won that ballgame. Next to impossible to win with that many turnovers.

  20. MelvinJunior Says:

    Being honest and telling the TRUTH, is what makes you a REAL/true “Bucs-Fan.” NOT lying. If we ‘lied’ then it would make us no different or better than the ‘legacy media’ that Carrie’s the water for the Democrat Party. Don’t believe your lying eyes. Na, I’m good… I prefer the truth.

  21. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @DR and the coaches are responsible for the ST turnover. The R. White turnover happens. The play was made by an all-pro safety. Although, the bucs could have evened up if Winfields play at the goal line against Pitts was properly called a fumble. Too many what if’s and it seems the Coaches decisions whether personnel or play calls are costing the Bucs games at this point .

  22. Kingfish Says:

    0 pass rush on the ends. JTS is a bust. 7 tackles and 7 assists this season. 0 this game. He runs by everything. Bowles should have been gone two years ago.

  23. Luis Says:

    Lakeland Buc, you seem like the only guy in here who has a brain. If the middle of the field is open 24/7 you’ll get your ass kicked every game. And sadly that’s what’s happening with Britt in there

  24. MegaFailure Says:

    worse defense in the league, coached by the worst coach in the league. fire the entire defensive staff and start over

  25. Luis Says:

    Also do you guys maybe realize that the first pick was (as the announcers said) bad spacing on the two deep routes. If the post was bent a little more to the inside and the Safety follows baker throws a TD there. He had to underthrow it, otherwise the Safety would’ve had it. The second pick was a great play by Terrell, he showed to bite on the dig which for baker means to throw it to the Fly/Curl (not sure what it was). 1st one is on coen, 2nd was just a great play by a great Player. The second pick last week was bad, yes, but that’s arguably the only bad pick in the last 2 games, the first one was a great play by Humphreys too. He was in man on Otton, who ran a shallow route and Humphreys just peeled of of him, which baker can’t know and see, cuz his primary read was on the other side. Y’all gotta chill big time. When the bucs win y’all are like “baker is a god”, when the bucs lose, suddenly jamis Winston is better than him🤦

  26. rrsrqnc Says:

    Pride goeth before a fall. Not a FA signing or trade to make up for the defensive weakness. Whitehead the only FA brought in…

  27. JimBobBuc Says:

    It was great for Nelly to man up and talk about the game. Too bad Joe couldn’t talk to our AWOL safeties.

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    A Bucs Fan … I’m not at all enamoured with the coaching, but I’m sorry, turnovers are on the players, not the coaches. Rule #1: hang on to the friggin ball. Rule #2: See Rule #1.

  29. Heath Hunt Says:

    This is such an unserious group of fans at times. What new offensive minded head coach is going to come in with these players and contracts in place? Bowles finishes the Baker regime at least before any coaching change is considered.

  30. Buchen61 Says:

    Bowles has never been a successful head coach….. And he never will be

  31. unbelievable Says:

    Great post DR

    The defense has been trash the last few weeks but they did get hung out to dry today.

    The fake punt was the perfect encapsulation of Bowles failures as a head coach – zero situational awareness.

  32. richbucsfan Says:

    What we’re watching is a total organizational collapse. The GM was hoping Britt would develop—Nope! He was hoping Camarda would mature and develop—nope. The GM was hoping his D-line would develop—Nope. The GM hoped his edge rushers would develop—Nope. You build a team on talent, not hope. A multi-million dollar enterprise doesn’t rely on hope. The GM knew from the the start of training camp that his team was weak as water on defense and special teams. He knew they were a tier 3 team that hopefully could develop into a tier 2 team. But, his hope-philosophy has been exposed big time.

  33. Herdofem Says:

    Vita Vea is supposed to be in better shape this year. Doesn’t look like it. Slow as molasses. Is Kancey another Devin White (enjoys getting pushed around). Put Tryon out of his misery. Braswell can’t be any worse. He’s fast but looks undersized for the run. Stop the regimented rotations. Some players may not need a blow.

  34. bob in valrico Says:

    Offense is the only thing keeping the D off the field. Todd’s conservative decision at the end of first half was the beginning of the end IMO. Sorry Todd but you gotta have more bawls to go for it on 4 th and 3 when your defense is stopping
    anything. Getting behind in the first half. Thats a no confidence decision that started the downward spiral.

  35. bob in valrico Says:

    ^^^^^isn’t stopping anything. ^^^^^^

  36. Bucamania Says:

    This D can’t stop anyone.

    Worst pass rush in the NFL.

    Safeties always out of position.

    LBs who can’t cover the middle of the field.


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