What’s Going On At Quarterback?

October 26th, 2024

“Kyle, what the hell happened?”

Very, very strange transaction this afternoon by the Bucs that seems to suggest something is not right.

The Bucs today elevated practice squad quarterback Michael Pratt to the parent club for tomorrow’s game with the Dixie Chicks on Creamsicle Sunday. Joe won’t know for sure until 11:30 a.m. Sunday, when the active gameday roster is released, if Pratt will be wearing the creamsicles or not.

So why is this even a story? Why does this raise a red flag? Teams don’t make moves like this unless they have to.

Neither Mayfield nor Trask was on yesterday’s injury report. And the Bucs (as of late Saturday afternoon) have not updated their injury report to reflect anything wrong with either. Yet.

Did Baker Mayfield come down with the flu? Does Kyle Trask have a case of shingles? Something had to have happened for the Bucs to make this move.

What was it?

78 Responses to “What’s Going On At Quarterback?”

  1. Ed Says:

    Maybe a trade?

  2. Cobraboy Says:

    My guess is Pratt and Mayfield have similar playing styles and the team knows Trask is not the future.

    Plus with QB injuries, he can’t be poached off the 53 man roster, but xan from the PS…

  3. Joe Says:

    My guess is Pratt and Mayfield have similar playing styles and the team knows Trask is not the future.

    That sort of makes sense, however, who does this for a No. 3 QB? Protect him so he doesn’t get plucked by another team.

  4. Don Says:

    Figure it out Joe – counting on you

  5. OHBucFan Says:

    Trask gets waived next week. That will give the shills something to complain about AFTER the Bucs slaughter the birds. Well that and we’ll see the twenty-eleven comments on why the Bucs couldn’t do that in the first game.
    Hope I’m right…. About the win.

  6. BallHawk75 Says:

    More of the genius that is the Todd Bowles regime. 500 ball never looked so good.

    It really is a pleasure not knowing what will happen on Sunday’s.

    He keeps it fresh and fun. Time for a contract extension dawg!

  7. Cobraboy Says:

    Bucs wanted Pratt in the draft.

    I doubt Trask is the future if they wanted Pratt.

    The only way to protect him is on the 53.

  8. ElioT Says:

    They’ve got room. Protecting the kid.

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    Just a gut feeling with no evidence. Bucs wanted Pratt in the draft. Green Bay poached him. A trade is in the works for Trask so the Bucs elevate Pratt so their “trade partner” can’t take Pratt if the Trask deal falls through.

  10. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Trask to Carolina for 4 1st round picks pending lol

  11. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    Trask to Cleveland for a number 2….. pure speculation mañg

  12. MelvinJunior Says:

    Baker is headed back to Cleveland.

  13. Rod Munch Says:

    Probably just to fill a roster spot since they have so many injuries, give the kid an extra regular week paycheck to keep him happy.

  14. Ted Says:

    The Bucs are finally going to give the fans what they want….Trask will be executed at 50 yard line right before the national anthem. This will finally satisfy the Trask haters and he will get what he deserves for getting drafted to high 4 years ago. He is obviously a terrible teammate and a terrible person.

  15. Bartow Buc Says:

    Trask for a wideout ?

  16. Buc4evr Says:

    Maybe the Bucs are trading Trask for a DE? lol.

  17. LakelandBuc Says:

    The Bucs are notorious for making moves that don’t make sense

  18. MelvinJunior Says:

    “A Terrible Teammate And A Terrible Person” – I have seen or heard ZERO evidence of this whatsoever, anywhere.

  19. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Ted Says:
    October 26th, 2024 at 5:24 pm
    The Bucs are finally going to give the fans what they want….Trask will be executed at 50 yard line right before the national anthem. This will finally satisfy the Trask haters and he will get what he deserves for getting drafted to high 4 years ago. He is obviously a terrible teammate and a terrible person.

    Blood sacrifices were a thing for a long time……….


  20. adam from ny Says:

    cantalones keeps poaching people off other rosters left and right…

    with dalton having a car accident and injured, cantalopes might not want to be going back to bryce young…

    so the bucs might be working that trade with carolina for trask right about now…

    or they’re worried that cantalopes will poach pratt – they already might know cantalones’ impression of pratt from when he was with the bucs for that short period of time…

    also trading trask would be slightly throwing in the towel on the season after the 2 big receivers have gone down…

    it’s like a f it type move…like saying “yeah we’re almost done here”…

    something is definitely up with pratt and trask…and you’ve gotta consider if another team is involved, it’s carolina since dalton went down – and davie cantalopes had previous interest in trask

  21. Tony Says:

    I could see them trading Trask to somebody like Cleveland, LV or even the Giants. I’m sure they’re gonna be making moves at QB soon.

  22. adam from ny Says:

    cantalopes will probably almost do anything to save his job right about now – because his owner is probably starting to bounce off walls over there – and he knows if he plays young he might not win another game – thus costing him his job, if owner has a quick trigger finger…cantalopes is prolly feeling like he’s really on thin ice over there now that he lost dalton…

    he might have bitten off way more than he can chew…

    also tepper probably notices since cantalopes is no longer bucs OC our offense is back to it was like in the brady days…so not a good look for dave…

    tepper could be growing icy while cantalopes is trying hard to keep him tepid

  23. Tony Says:


  24. Bobby Says:

    Oh nor what now?? This year has been injury plagued since Training Camp and it looks like it’s going to be for remainder of this season.

  25. Ted Says:

    A Terrible Teammate And A Terrible Person” – I have seen or heard ZERO evidence of this whatsoever, anywhere.

    Tongue firmly planted in cheek

  26. Oxycondomns Says:

    they are trading trask for cash considerations

  27. Hawk Says:

    Is it still possible that Baker gets suspended for PEDs? Wasn’t there an inquiry recently?

  28. Dave Pear Says:

    Pratt played edge rusher in high school. Todd is elevating him to play defense. He needs another pass rusher to drop into coverage.


  29. Tony Says:


    Would be nice if they could trade him for an extra draft pick but I’m sure they’d find a way to screw that pick up. Probably draft a long snapper or something.

  30. Lightningvinny Says:

    CB T White is available from the Rams ,, Cosn does know the Rams ,,, does Stafford even have a back up?

  31. Rod Munch Says:

    You guys are way over thinking it.

    The Bucs are plagued with injuries. This gives them a chance to pluck one of the guys off the PS and give them a regular season paycheck. Probably nothing more than that. He’s going to be inactive anyways, so just keep him happy with a much bigger paycheck for a week. I wouldn’t be shocked if next week they rotate someone else into that position.

  32. adam from ny Says:

    they could be trading for a receiver next week, and trask is part of the deal…

    so they are playing it ultra safe this week…

    if baker goes down or must sit out a series, maybe they don’t want to risk playing trask and injuring him – as it can directly monkey-wrench a trade already in the works…

    a trade might almost be done for a receiver and it’s just not going to be announced until after this weekend’s games

  33. Rod Munch Says:

    Also, if you’re going to have the spot inactive on Sunday anyways, just make it a QB since if both Baker and Trask got injured, you could activate him as the emergency QB.

    Doubt it’s anything more than that.

  34. Bucs since 76 Says:

    They carried 3 Quarterbacks on the roster when Trask was a rookie. They must be afraid someone will take Pratt off of the practice squad and they want keep him.
    Their is that possibility that they trade Trask as he will be a free agent after this year and no way he resigns with the Bucs where he has no chance to start.

  35. Woodenman Says:

    Maybe Baker is going to get SSPD for using tobacco product during game monday.

  36. adam from ny Says:

    if baker was suspended for tobacco for this sunday’s game…THE BUCS WOULD KNOW ALREADY…

    and i don’t think the nfl can do that sunday morning for sunday’s game

  37. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Bring back the lawn chairs Says:
    October 26th, 2024 at 5:17 pm
    Trask to Cleveland for a number 2….. pure speculation
    Did you mean to say a 7th?

  38. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    “CB T White is available from the Rams ,, Cosn does know the Rams ,,, does Stafford even have a back up?”

    Jimmy G is

  39. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    The number of people on this site that think Trask has any trade value at all never ceases to amaze me.

  40. Dave Pear Says:

    It’s a move to fortify the pass defense. A QB knows where the opposing QB is going with the ball. So, Todd will put him out there and then blitz him.

  41. BucfaninMi Says:

    @ Joe in Michigan, it is Cleveland, it’s possible 😂

  42. Bojim Says:

    Trask is still QB2. They’re protecting Pratt. Thats all. At this point he’d only be handing off and throwing screens anyway.

  43. Badbucs Says:

    Trask and a pick for a MLB…. nah…makes too much sense

  44. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Did Baker Mayfield come down with the flu? Does Kyle Trask have a case of shingles? Something had to have happened for the Bucs to make this move. What was it?’

    Let’s see. Flu & shingles progressed to trading Trask, protecting Pratt, executing Trask at midfield, trading Baker, bringing back Brady, Baker getting suspended, giving Pratt a regular season paycheck as incentive … the possibilities in JBF World are unlimited.

    Rod, I concur with you …

    ‘If you’re going to have the spot inactive on Sunday anyways, just make it a QB since if both Baker and Trask got injured, you could activate him as the emergency QB.’

  45. MadMax Says:

    I like Pratt, I wanted him in the draft.

  46. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I recant. Trask for number 3 and number 4, and the Bucs give up a 6. Now that’s so NFL like.

  47. Defense Rules Says:

    Badbucs … ‘Trask and a pick for a MLB…. nah…makes too much sense’.

    Trade deadline (5 Nov) only about a week away. Bucs desperately need to bring in at least 1 starting-caliber ILB to be competitive. Trask is gone after this season anyways. Duh. Looks & smells like a no-brainer, but there seems to be an endless supply of folks capable of filling that criteria, thus … probably not gonna happen.

  48. adam from ny Says:

    you crazers…

    trask is on an expiring contract…

    maybe you’d be lucky to get a 5th for him…

    most likely a 6th…

    where do you guys dream some of this sh!t up…

    lol @ a 2nd for trask……..a 3rd and a 4th for trask…….wtf guys

  49. adam from ny Says:

    what if cantalones is actually offering the bucs bryce young for trask…?

    i swear i wouldn’t even do it…young is a total zero

  50. LouisFriend Says:

    Reading some of the comments in this tease article makes me wonder if there’s something in the water around Tampa retarding people’s brains.

  51. Free Will Says:

    Kyle trask and a late round pick to carilina for wr Dionte Johnson. Gives Canales a qb that knows his system, consider Andy Dalton’s injury.

  52. Tony Says:

    @Rod Munch

    Yep that’s the problem nowadays. People are always trying to overthink things. They waste so much energy overthinking things.

  53. Pete O'Connor Says:

    …leave the gun, take the cannoli…

  54. Usfbuc Says:

    Seems most likely this is just protecting Pratt from being poached. Pratt will be the backup next season for us and we don’t want him swiped by another team. I don’t see the Bucs getting anything for Trask but if they did it would be a 6th round pick or maybe even a 7th rounder.

  55. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Dear Oucclt of Trask,
    Nobody hates Trask, you weirdo’s have a very unhealthy obsession with little Kyle and quite frankly it’s sad.

  56. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Here’s what it says on the Buccaneer’s website: Elevated QB Michael Pratt from the practice squad for the Oct. 27 game against Atlanta.

    There is no mention of Trask; if the Bucs had sent him down to the practice squad it would have indicated so. Are we going into the game with 3 QB’s?

  57. Bill in Seminole Says:

    Here is the answer:

    The NFL introduced the practice squad elevation option in 2020, allowing teams to activate up to two practice squad players for each game. The Buccaneers are back to 53 players on the active roster after activating wide receiver Rakim Jarrett from injured reserve on Saturday, and the elevation of Pratt will give them 54 available men to play against the Falcons at Raymond James Stadium. They will be able to keep 48 of those player active for the game, naming six inactives prior to kickoff.

  58. Koala Says:

    Joe is such a drama queen.

    They’re trying to stop someone from poaching him. That is all.

  59. NaplesBucsFan Says:

    We’re gonna find out how good Baker is without 2 of the top WRs in the league at his disposal. Now we find out how competent this offense is or was it dependent upon the superstars to make it work???
    If they can win tomorrow there’s some hope, if they lose I do t think they make the playoffs…only the division winner is getting in, NFCN is too good

  60. Gipper Says:

    Baker is being readied for trade because of the loud reaction on this website to his 2 second Q INT’s resulting in an insurmountable 17-10 halftime deficit to the Ravens. Bucs hope there is a market for Mayfield with his league leading 18 TD passes, second in NFL in passing yards, and 70%+ completion rate. Licht has been talking to RodMunch and Rod has told him that Mayfield may bring a sixth round draft choice in 2025.

  61. Zoocomics Says:

    My thoughts if everyone is healthy and no one is getting traded… Pratt is the fastest of the trio and is considered a mobile QB. Could be used as a gadget guy.

    Lmao…can you imagine they’d have 2 plays laid out for a guy like Pratt, talking all-in on this game as it’s a must win scenario they pull him onto the 53 man roster. Be crazy if that’s why they elevated him was for a trick play.

  62. Robbie Says:

    Turns out Baker Mayfield is on PDiddy’s after party guest list!!

  63. adam from ny Says:

    what if:

    someone could have covid

  64. Koryc Says:

    Can the advertising x be any smaller on the pages? Tired of clicking and going to their site not yours.

  65. Bucswin! Says:

    Multi team deal. BUCS trade Trask get DE LB and Receiver…. done. Go BUCS!!

  66. Dave Pear Says:

    The elephants are running wild and people are worried about the mice. How’s Todd going to be able to hold the Falclowns under 40 points and 600 yards? That’s the pertinent question. A turtle could catch a 3rd and 19 TD pass against the genius and his defensive linemen dropping in coverage . Full expectation for Todd to take his third strike, in which neither the Glazers nor Jason will be able to ignore that he, not the players, is the problem. Force him to take action or take it for him.


  67. Danny Baker Buc Esq Says:

    Cleveland is not trading for a QB. They are about to unload their best players for future #1s, 2z, or 3z. The Browns announced a move to a suburb for 2029, Haslem, An Almost Human Idiot, wants a dome. Present Brown’s players will be spent by then. Why don’t you grab Myles Garrett ? 2 future #1s, and, a # 2 or so will get him. Hez mad at the fans for cheering Watson’s injury. He won’t play hard for Cleveland anymore. BUTT, he IS THAT GOOD.

    I weep for a new coach, John Dorsey’s return, AND, GM Barry to take a hike.
    You guys don’t know just how good you have it. All we have is another year of waiting for Watson. Me, I mind as well be waiting for Godot. Danny Baker Brown Esq. 1st.

  68. Gipper Says:

    DannyBakerBuc Esq,

    No need to torture yourself. Sunday NFL Ticket will ley you watch all of Buc games for less than the price of one ticket to one Browns game. Hopefully, Myles Garrett will be with the Bucs when you tune in.

  69. JD Still Says:

    A trade for Kyle could be a possibility , Kyle is a free agent at the end of this year, ( a half season away) , so no team in their right mind would give away draft choices for a player that can just walk away in a few weeks,……..unless, a team wants to get a head start in the Kyle lottery and will offer him a contract for the next few years if he signs with them now, what team would do such a thing! Well let’s look around at a few teams that are not satisfied with the quarterback they have, such as, New England, Cleveland, The Jets, Giants, Eagles , Titans, Panthers, Jaguars, Dolphins, Falcons, Saints, Cowboys, Cardinals, Chargers, Raiders, and Seahawks, ( half the league!) and who knows another disappointing .500 year for a certain overpaid 100 million dollar QB and they might want to keep Kyle , but , I’m afraid that ship has sailed so they will have to settle for a secured practice squad qb, (that’s all they will be able to afford for awhile).

  70. Rod Munch Says:

    If you want to get conspiratorial, then how about Trask is about to be traded to Carolina for Diontae Johnson. Trask knows the Canales offense, and both Trask and Johnson have expiring contracts. This lets Carolina save some face by getting a former 2nd round QB in return, and the Bucs obviously could use Johnson and would instantly become the #1 WR until Evans was back, and be a very good #2.

    For Canales, he’s seen Young in practice and doesn’t think much of him. Perhaps you make this move to bring in Trask to get him some playing time to see how he performs. However, with no real NFL WRs, there’s very little chance any QB would look good there.

    The other problem is Johnson should a decent draft pick. Perhaps in this made up scenario, instead of having to give up a 4th, you’re giving up Trask, a 5th and a 7th – something along those lines.

    Or, as stated above, it’s most likely due to the number of injuries, the Bucs can elevate someone from the PS, and Pratt is a QB, which means they can be inactive on gameday, yet still serve as an emergency QB in the unlikely situation that Baker and Trask both were to get hurt.

  71. White Tiger Says:

    The way we’ve been hit by injuries this season, as well as Mayfield’s style of play…may be some far-sighted prepping.

    Still, Mayfield has not looked as accurate after being slammed to the turf a few weeks ago.

  72. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Mayfield is sore, so they are prepping incase he cannot play.

  73. JeffreyLane77 Says:

    I’m betting after Mayfield got hit hard on one his runs last week. And the week before. They had a what if conversation. What if Mayfield gets hurt. Then we only have one QB left.

  74. MelvinJunior Says:

    Yeah, could be protecting him for a worst case scenario… Just one injury away! Otherwise, you’re either having to pluck someone off of the couch (and who the hell would that be), or forced to give up draft capital for a backup QB… Again, and who the hell would that even be!? Prob not going to matter anyway, so would definitely HATE having to give up a friggin PICK over some BS.

  75. heyjude Says:

    Only guessing. Maybe Trask is going to the Panthers? Also agree with others, what if Baker gets injured. This solves the problem.

  76. adam from ny Says:

    of course mayfield is sore…he’s sore and sad…he just lost his 2 top receivers and 2 of the nfl’s top receivers…

    he’s feeling sore fosure

  77. go dawgs Says:

    Trade Trask for a turkey sandwich, bag o chips, and a coke.

  78. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Bucs preparing for a wr trade? Trask as part of compensation?


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