Adam Schefter: If Chris Godwin’s Ankle Is Dislocated, It’s The Worst News

October 22nd, 2024

Chris Godwin.

This may make some people call in sick to work this morning.

When Joe heard the Bucs believed Chris Godwin may have dislocated his ankle last night, Joe actually thought that might mean Godwin could return this season. At least it wasn’t broken.

To Joe, “broken ankle” is something like San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey suffered — where his ankle was turned around at a play at the plate in a way that feet shouldn’t be turned around. He was lost for the season.

But Joe is no doctor.

Word from BSPN NFL insider Adam Schefter this morning is that if Godwin is diagnosed with a dislocated ankle, he’s done for the season and his career as a Bucs receiver may be finished.

Joe just wants to barf.

Below is a video of Godwin’s Bucs teammates reacting to his injury. They saw up close what the rest of us did not.

They know. Their reactions speak volumes.

37 Responses to “Adam Schefter: If Chris Godwin’s Ankle Is Dislocated, It’s The Worst News”

  1. surfslowson Says:

    His foot did turn at it angle it shouldn’t have. It’s very bad!!

  2. MerryPlankster777 Says:

    Lets not overreact, Chris will be fine.
    Kudos for a solid effort.

    Bucs actually looked great in 1st Quarter! Back to Back sack attack had me feeling like it was 1999, or maybe even ’02.

    Once Evans dropped, things deflated and all momentum was lost. Well, lets pick it up and beat the dirt birds next week! Rah Rah shis kum by yall

  3. Hodad Says:

    Thanks Todd. Way to end Godwins career, at least as a Buc. If there’s any silver lining to all this is we won’t have Bowles to kick around as coach next year. With 2 years remaining on his deal he’s good as gone. Look for the Bucs to make that splash hire next season. The only way to be relavent next year will be to hire Belichick. No one will take the Bucs serious if Todd is allowed back. Book it, Belichick will be coaching the Bucs next season.

  4. Win in the Trenches Says:

    Godspeed on the healing process, we love you Chris and pray for total recovery

  5. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Starters never should have been in the game Bowles doesn’t know what he is doing.

  6. Wow Says:

    Season is over

  7. LVMYBUCS Says:

    I don’t get it this was not a playoff game why would u have ME in the game so he can make his injury worse. The Ravens took their starters out why didn’t u Bowles. Bowles is not head coach material he doesn’t know how to adjust but he does know how to play scared

  8. HC Grover Says:

    keep Coen Dump Bowlees

  9. Knothead71 Says:

    Belichick’s win/loss record without Brady is 82 – 98 with one career playoff win. I’m fairly confident in saying Brady won’t be involved in any games coached by Belichick moving forward, so I pray to God that the Glazers and Licht aren’t stupid enough to make a play for Belichick. That would be a massive error in judgement and it turns my stomach to think that there’s even a remote possibility of it happening.

  10. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Todd Bowles said after the game that Godwin wanted to be in the game just like Baker. How stupid are u Todd when in the hell does a player dictate to the coach? As a head coach u do what’s best for the whole team and organization not one player u idiot. This why ME was in the game because he wanted to be but if he gets injured more then he already is and can’t play down the road or in the playoffs how does that look idiot

  11. Let Them Eat Bake Says:

    @Hodad — You can forget Bellichick. He’ll want to run the front office, too, and there’s no way the Glazers are letting Licht go.

  12. Mark Says:

    Devastating for Godwin, a stand-up guy and great teammate who worked hard to be at peak performance for a contract year. He was performing like a star and deserved his payday. Hopefully he recovers fully and the Bucs work out a way to keep him that is fair to all.

    For the Bucs, the team has a lot of fight in it, and I expect will battle the balance of the season, but it is hard to imagine competing with loaded teams like the Lions.

    it is clear that the post-Brady rebuild is far from over. There are many areas to be addressed, particularly on defense. The Glazers and Licht have some soul searching regarding Bowles and the coaching, but the defensive roster is clearly too thin and untalented to compete at the highest levels. Finally getting clear of the salary cap mess will help, because the draft alone won’t fill those holes in a meaningfully short timeframe.

    A bad morning for sure, harder than most post-loss days. Bucs fans are tough, and used to being beaten down by humiliating performances. Hopefully better days down the road.

  13. Bobby M. Says:

    Our OC is about to make a name for himself if he can find ways to score without Godwin and Evans.

  14. Colonel Angus Says:

    Sky is falling for some of you mentally weak fans. McMillan is gonna have to grow up quick. Shepard has been the guy before, hopefully Evans heals quickly. Coen will earn his pay. I feel bad for Godwin, man lost millions last night.

  15. stvcl Says:

    The possibly, down 10 pts., with no time outs and less than 2 minutes to play, why were the starters even on the field? wtf? This was the most boneheaded call in Todd’s career. Inept!

  16. BucNasty Says:

    Season isn’t over. Chicken Littles need to chill. It isn’t pretty, but we have a great chance to beat Atlanta and take first in the division. I remember this spring when people were saying that McMillan would be Godwins replacement. Well… the time came sooner than we expected. Let’s see what we’ve got. Run the ball and throw strategically

  17. Kenton Smith Says:

    The sun’s coming up this morning. My dogs and my chickens don’t seem to be affected by my attitude. Think I’ll get on my motorcycle and take a ride to see my friend this morning. He can’t get out much his wife had an awful stroke last year. He doesn’t get to ride much anymore. Hope those hurt by the hurricane are getting well. Life is short so let’s get out and go live it. Football is a game. My only regret is that our offense, defense, and special teams have alot to work on and have to take on this challenge without our teams unquestioned leaders. Don’t give up people – as bad as it looked we’d have won the game without the turnovers. And anyone blaming coaches for Godwins injury doesn’t understand football well enough to even be on this site.

  18. FortMyersDave Says:

    If this injury does not cost Bowles the locker room, I would be surprised, as the HC he has a responsibility to look after the welfare of his players. He basically might have made a decision that could have ended CG’s career and it should have never come to this as the game was lost. Man, what makes it worse is that CG was up for a big payday, I hope he has one of those Lloyd’s of London policies. Lack of accountability (for his defense and himself) and mind boggling ineptitude characterize the Bucs’ head coach. So Joe, how can the players trust or follow Mr Bowles after this major gaffe?

  19. PSL Bob Says:

    My heart goes out to Chris and his family. He’s not only an excellent receiver and key element of this offense, but he’s an outstanding individual. I pray he heals quickly and that this is not a career-ending injury. He does not deserve that! Hang in there Chris, we’re all thinking of you.

  20. Chef Baker Says:

    Praying for your speedy recovery CG14. We love you man!

  21. PSLBucfan Says:

    Prayers for Evans and Godwin. There is no way our top players should have been playing in the 4th qtr. The game was out of reach. Just because a player wants to play is not a reason to risk injury in a blowout game. Good coaches make tough decisions. The video says it all.

  22. stpetebucfan Says:

    Knothead for the win!!!

    Bill Belichik WAS one of the greatest defensive minds ever in the NFL. There I’ve given one of the major JERKS of my time his DESERVED props.

    As Knothead pointed out without Brady, Belichik is a LOSING HC.

    As the old dude here I’m generally against “ageism” but Belichik is now 72 and do we believe he’s gotten better than that losing record without Brady.

    One could make an argument that Brady doesn’t win some of those SB’s without BB’s defenses. One could counter that who knows, there are other talented DC’s. One thing that is for sure…BB never was a winner without Brady’s skill and team leadership and inspiration.

    Who the eff is BB going to inspire on this young team?

    BTW Todd, even after last night now has a winning record, admittedly only ONE game over .500 but still MASSIVELY better than BB’s .455 win % without Brady.

  23. Defense Rules Says:

    Kenton Smith … Excellent take on last night’s game. Kudos.

    The only thing that any of us have to offer right now is prayers for a speedy & complete recovery for both Chris Godwin & Mike Evans. And hopefully Tykee Smith’s concussion is minor & clears quickly.

  24. Biggun Says:

    This could have happened in the first quarter to CG14, it’s a game of chance I tell you was a true warrior was Otton. The Ravens tried to kill him literally! They could not stop him, he took some massive blows and a couple of questionable ones at that I think should have been flagged. I love CG14 and pray for a speedy recovery he’s tough and and determined young man lets see what the doctors have to say about his injury. Time for Shepard our veteran WO to step up we move forward can’t change the past the people at fault if “at fault” will bear the burden personally, NOT THE TIME TO JUMP SHIP AND DROWN now is the time to see who will step up and make a difference we’ve had the dynamic duo for several years and we like having that security caped duo but for now and for the next several weeks the cape has been ripped away WE MUST move forward with the guys we picked and traded for to get the job done. Granted it was at the worse time with the division up for grabs and possibly locking it down for the 4th consecutive season but lets hope and pray we can preserver GO BUCS!

  25. Greg Says:

    The injuries are what they are …. Tragic and regrettable. What they aren’t is insurmountable. We’ll REALLY see how good Coen is now.

    The real problem is Bowles defensive play calling. I think the nfl has him figured out. We have given up an average of 386 yards per game. Defensive genius? Hardly.

    One thing we can’t do is get into these boat races without either of the best receivers this team has ever had. That’s on the defense.

  26. stpetebucfan Says:

    @Kenton Smith

    Love your posts. Perhaps its because I’m generally the “skunk at the picnic” here.
    Nice to have a little company.

    And your social commentary was spot on! I’m wearing my Tshirt “Gratitude is my attitude” for all that you describe.

    A beautiful morning and I’m headed to Weedon Island to see how the trails held up. As yes a breath of fresh air and Lord knows this place could use some!

    You Kenton have provided at least a blast of fresh air.

  27. PassingThru Says:

    A clean break on the ankle is probably better news than having significant soft tissue damage to the ankle. The way Godwin’s ankle just hung flat on the ground as if detached was sickening.

  28. heyjude Says:

    Kenton Smith – Well said.

    Defense Rules – Hoping to hear better news later on regarding Chris, Mike, and Tykee.

  29. WanderingWallflower Says:

    This is why many refuse to play in final year of contract until a new deal is done. Many more will do so next season after seeing this happen. The good news for fans is most honor their word and play. The few who suffer this type of injury are simple cautionary tales.

    It’s seemed Chris has been determined to test free agency. He’s bet on himself and he was winning bigly until this happened. It increases the chances he remains in Tampa, if you’re looking for a silver lining. He may not be better than a 4th wr, though, if he can return at all. Chances are he’ll be able to play with successful surgery if the damage is general.

  30. unbelievable Says:

    Ravens did not take their starters out Luv.

    That was Roquan Smith delivering an illegal hip drop on Godwin to break his ankle. It was also Smith who kept going helmet to helmet against Otton. Funny how the refs held their flags.

    That said, I agree game was over at that point and it was senseless to have our guys out there.

  31. Cobraboy Says:

    I feel like I did in 2002 when the Bucs lost Alstott and Jurevicius in the same game.

    That pretty much ended that season, all downhill from there.

  32. go dawgs Says:

    Godwin out for season. Dislocated ankle

  33. MelvinJunior Says:

    Belichick would be a horrible hire on several levels. Number one being at 72-years OLD, he is absolutely NOT taking a over a complete rebuild, nor is HE the man for it. So there… There are ‘two’ reasons with the ‘third’ being, he is a DEFENSIVE COACH in an OFFENSIVE ERA. Not. Happenin. Nor should it. Also, I said earlier this week that they should rest Mike Evans, especially if there’s a chance he can make it worse… We all KNEW (with a hamstring) that it definitely, wasn’t getting ANY better. With that said, he should’ve caught that BALL. And, we should’ve had 21 on the board if not for Wirfs FIRST holding call in TWO freaking YEARS!!!! It is 💯 A Bucs Life.

  34. MelvinJunior Says:

    It’s just such a shame. It’s prob going to cost Chris at least $100-MILLION over the remainder of his career. I hope he had a nice sweet FAT insurance policy of some kind.

  35. Bucamania Says:

    Horrible injury that should never have happened. Even the announcers were asking aloud why starters were still in there. So dumb.

    I feel for CG14.

  36. Gofortheface30 Says:

    “We’d have won the game without the turnovers.”


    That’s like saying if we ended the game without more points then we would have won. Denial is the worst kind of cope. If you want to go chase butterflies then that’s fine, but you clearly took the blue pill and not the red pill.

  37. BUCS4EVER Says:

    4-6 incoming. Defense can’t stop anybody


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