Ankle Injury For Chris Godwin

October 21st, 2024

UPDATED: Todd Bowles delivered the news on the Buccaneers Radio Network. Chris Godwin’s serious injury is an ankle.

Is it broken? Bowles gave no details.

UPDATE: Per Ira Kaufman, Bowles said in his postgame remarks that the Bucs thought Godwin may have a dislocated ankle.

Joe was in the stadium tunnel near the Bucs’ locker room when Godwin suffered his injury. He was taken to an X-ray/examination room.

Joe did see what police confirmed to Joe was Godwin’s family jogging through the tunnel hurrying to the exam room to be with him.

53 Responses to “Ankle Injury For Chris Godwin”

  1. lambchop Says:

    There’s no way he makes it back. The ankle is broken. Just how badly broken is the question.

  2. BucsFan81 Says:

    Thanks Bowles for ruining another season. We really paid the price for the Arians Super Bowl cause we got stuck with his inept leftover coaching staff that gets out coached almost on a weekly basis. I want Bowles fired. Tired of his crap it’s year after year with this guy.

  3. CoffeeBuc Says:

    My prayers are with Chris Godwin

  4. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    In the army saw one guy dislocate his ankle and was able to be carrying full battle rattle and a rucksack for 12 miles within 4 months. Another guy dislocated ankle and tore so much up he was out of the army after multiple surgeries over 2 years. Hope Chris is more like the former. Praying for that young man.

  5. Cometowin2 Says:

    I have 3 jerseys. Evans, Davids and Godwins. I always wear Chris’s. I am heartbroken.

  6. BucNasty Says:

    It’s still a season ending injury. Even if there’s no fracture or ligament damage, the swelling will make running impossible for 4-6 months. Sucks to see that happen to our best offensive player

  7. Rican Says:

    Todd Bowles deserves to be fired.

  8. Trask To The Future Says:

    DISLOCATED ANKLE. Surely out for the season if that’s the case.

  9. BucsFan81 Says:

    Teams will stack the box to stop the run. No one is fearing Trey Palmer, Sterling Shepard and Mcmillion season is done.

  10. Bosch Says:

    Of course bowels give no details. He is as disingenuous as a politician.

  11. Tyler904 Says:

    Just get rid of the coach. Like cmon. Joe mark my comment here.. this is the beginning of the end of the Bucs for the next 5 years. Godwin will leave. Lvd will retire. Baker will look bad with no receivers. Mike will never get to 1k again. Keep in mind this all started when Bowles let the rams come back and beat us in the 4th of the NFC championship game and gave Brady his only losing season. If licht wants to keep his nice resume he needs to fire Bowles quickly

  12. DRob Says:

    Looked like a tib-fib to me

  13. Herbiebuc Says:

    Why are putting Evan’s and Godwin out before doctors confirm it or not!? This whole game is giving weird vibes never have I seen a commentator upset because a team wants to win and keep playing. We just recovered an onside kick and if we would have converted the two points it would have been a one score game ! You definitely keep playing till it’s over

  14. Hodad Says:

    He’ll be out for the season. This season is over. Not just because we lost Chris, but because our defense is total garbage. We gave up 5 TD passes twice in the last 3 games. That’s not winning football. How wide open receivers get on us shouldn’t happen this often in the pros. Whatever happens with Todd after this season is on him. We won’t have a winning season, we won’t make the playoffs. That happens which is more likely since Todd left Godwin out there in a losing cause, then Todd deserves to be fired.

  15. MadMax Says:

    I thought it was his leg…ankle almost as bad though, especially if broken….rest up Chris!

  16. White Dogg Says:

    Just googled the injury, since they didn’t show the reply… “X” has that play, hard to tell how it really happened, but it looks snapped (foot didn’t even move when he tried to crawl)

    Heart broken for Godwin, he was having an outstanding season and was about to get PAID

  17. Steve Says:

    Godwin’s loss will be felt in the running game as well. He is a very good run blocker.

  18. yucboy Says:

    NFL draft season came early this year

  19. adam from ny Says:

    ok forget reddick or that situation…

    GM is gonna most likely have to make a big move for a receiver !

  20. CleanHouse Says:

    It looked very serious, horrific

  21. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Swing a trade for Tyler Boyd dude is not being used right in Tennessee

  22. adam from ny Says:

    and cade’s body is prolly fully concussed from head to toe 🙁

  23. Herbiebuc Says:

    These fans are the worst! Y’all are the same fans that didn’t give the Bucs a shot before this season smh I have hope! This team is resilient! We ain’t going no where and the nfc is nothing to be afraid of

  24. Steve Says:

    Is Evans out for the season as well?

  25. adam from ny Says:

    the game reminded me of the prime time philly game early last season…

    we were not in their league…kind of looking like a college team or something…

    you think the lions are tough…this team kinda made us look like like charmin

  26. OR Buc Says:

    I agree with HerbieBuc. If we would’ve been in the game he would have been playing. Same amount of exposure. Hindsight is 20-20.

  27. Bucsgoham12 Says:

    Herbiebuc: You can only attempt 2 onside kicks which Tampa already did. The game was over no chance of the miracle scenario the plays discussed with coaches…Godwin injured on meaningless play accept that.

  28. Erik w/ Says:

    Bowles said that the ankle looked dislocated

  29. Hodad Says:

    Herbiebuc you’re forgetting something. The Ravens shut their offense down because they didn’t want what happened to Godwin happen to them. If we did get close, the Ravens would’ve just scored on us again at will like they did all night. Yeah we could’ve got with in one score in your dreams. This game was over at the half dude.

  30. Erik w/ Says:

    The recovery time for a dislocated ankle can vary from several weeks to more than a year, depending on the severity of the injury. Factors that can affect recovery time include:

    Severity: The more severe the dislocation, the longer it will take to heal.

    Surgery: If surgery is required to put the bones back in place, recovery time will be longer.

    Location: The location of the dislocation can affect recovery time.

    Prior health: The health of the ankle before the injury can affect recovery time.

  31. Bucs Orlando Says:

    100% same injury as Aidan Hutchinson, don’t be surprised to hear he had surgery today or tomorrow also.

    Maybe just maybe, if no tendon injury, he could be ready for playoffs…. If we make it.

    Just bad news.

  32. Bucs Orlando Says:

    Dislocated ankles are 90s, and if they are you have no tendons left.

    It’s broken folks.

  33. BUC4L Says:

    No I have been following the Bucs since before Ray Jay and this season is toast. I’m not counting participation trophies as success. Superbowl victory is all I care about. I hope we bring Godwin back. I love the dude! Time to tank for best defensive player in draft. Come back strong next season. Prayers to a speedy recovery for Godwin! Go Bucs!

  34. Usfbuc Says:

    Her is in the past when ME has had hamstring issues they have persisted throughout the season. Best case if we sat ME for a few games he might be able to play at full strength later in the season. CG is done for the season and hopefully not done for his career. Had a buddy who hurt his ankle pretty bad and damaged a nerve, was never able to walk normal again much less be an elite athlete.

  35. adam from ny Says:

    we are gonna have to make a receiver trade…

    there are receivers out there…

    we must go get one…

    mcmillan looks like booty…
    palmer is booty…
    shep is older so he’s booty…

    jason we must grab a receiver from the jags or a team that is flailing

  36. Mike Johnson Says:

    He’s either out for the season or 6 games. Either way, Next man up.

  37. BucsFan81 Says:

    Sounds crazy but maybe we need to make a trade for cooper cup he is in the same offense with the rams. His leg injury is almost healed and he was there when Baker was. Give them a third round draft pick and try to save the season.

  38. Oxycondomns Says:

    hamstring issues? evans could barely walk after his first td pass and they trot him back out there. joe should post about that also

  39. Aaron Says:

    I wonder if Bowles knows about the 2 onside kick max rule? There was a reason why the Ravens pulled his offensive players up 10 with 2min left…game was over…

  40. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Tyler904 Says:
    “… this all started when Bowles let the rams come back and beat us in the 4th of the NFC championship game…”


    And this game was very similar. Lamar Jackson was roasting the blitz all night. I was mad BEFORE we lost both of our wide receivers. At least in the Rams game in ’21, Bowles stopped blitzing in the 2nd half until that fateful play.

    Tonight, he just kept bringing the blitz all night long now matter that he was getting scorched, and Lamar was loving it.

  41. adam from ny Says:

    i just saw the replay on X…

    it wasn’t really able to be seen, no video…but now i saw it…

    the good news is it’s not his right leg (with the repaired knee)…

    its the left ankle and it looks like it was broken and to the side when he was trying to stand up…

    the smith hit didn’t look dirty or anything…

    just an unfortunate injury…

    i’m not seeing a dislocation, i’m seeing via the replay video what looks to be a broken ankle…but then again i’m no doctor

  42. Aaron Says:

    I’m worried about the D – seems like any O with a heart beat can get 500yrds against us…looks easy too!

  43. CleanHouse Says:

    Any time your foot is turned completely sideways, it’s not good

  44. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    adam from ny Says:
    “i’m not seeing a dislocation, i’m seeing via the replay video what looks to be a broken ankle.”

    I’m no doctor either, but I think that a bone break usually heals well if there are no ligaments involved. Better that a bad dislocation which could involve all kinds of tendons and ligaments.

    Bowles did say “dislocated” though. 🤷‍♂️

  45. Simeon4HOF Says:

    That was a deliberate dirty hit by smith. Hip drop all day targeted his lower leg. Where that mf at

  46. Ed Says:

    The Ravens are headhunters. Clearly Cade Otton was defense-less and an unnecessary roughness flag should have been thrown. The ball had already gone over his hands and he was airborne, no way should that play be allowed to be considered legit. This Raven defense is cold blooded, they are a team that intimidated the Bucs. So much more physical than our guys.

  47. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    That was the last time Chris Godwin will play as a Buccaneer.

    All those fans who wanted him to get a contract…if you’d gotten your way, it would be a wasted contract.

  48. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Memories of Paris Warren.

  49. Julio Restina Says:

    I think that the Baltimore Ravens played very dirty tonight and the refs should be ashamed of how they called the game. Too many non calls on clear penalties with intent to hurt the Bucs players. Also Todd Bowles should have taken all starters out when the Ravens had a two touchdown lead with no time left. Godwin never gets hurt if Bowles takes his players out. Bad coaching and bad officiating for not protecting the players involved. Wouldnt be surprised if Bowles is fired after this disaster. Truly Sad to see a player of Godwin’s caliber getting hurt when the game is as meaningless and the NFL needs to look into the hit that caused the injury.

  50. Ant Says:

    I’m not sure why everyone is saying Todd Bowles deserves to be fire? He has a winning record, he didn’t tackle Godwin, the guys could get hurt on any play. Secondly, baker was getting his receivers lit up all game. Tom use to talk about throwing to protect his receiver, not putting the receiver in a position to get lit up.

  51. heyjude Says:

    Thank you Joe for all the latest information.

    Heartbreaking for all of us, but mostly for Chris and Mike. They wanted to be in there and played their heart and souls out.

    The Ravens did seem as dirty as the Saints. And the refs didn’t do us any favors…, again. Sometimes it feels as though they have a script of who the NFL wants in the SB. Just saying.

    Ant is correct, Todd has a winning record and has the locker room. The players respect him. This is football. Injuries do happen and it hurts when it’s the good guys – our Bucs. With our fan support they have persevered before and will again.

  52. Buc4evr Says:

    Bowles = no confidence.

  53. BuckyBuc Says:

    three feature backs and they decide to throw the ball, wtf are you thinking.


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