“Baker Mayfield Is Must-See TV”

October 19th, 2024

“Sorry Jameis, I have a new favorite Bucs quarterback.”

Former Bucs quarterback Ryan Fitzpatrick has a simple formula when he’s melting into his couch on Sundays and is scrolling through his YouTubeTV menu looking for a game to watch.

If the Bucs are playing, he puts his remote down. Because for Fitz, it’s Baker Mayfield time.

Appearing on the Ross Tucker Podcast, Fitz said he likes watching Mayfield for a variety of reasons. One is Mayfield is fun to watch. Beyond that, Fitz said he knows Mayfield is playing to win. Fitz isn’t convinced winning for several starting quarterbacks is all that important so long as their numbers look good.

“For me, Baker Mayfield is must-see TV,” Fitz began. “Like I have four or five quarterbacks I need to see every weekend. Baker is definitely one of them I’m tuning into.

“I love the way he plays the game. Some of these young guys that are coming in now, it almost seems like winning isn’t the most important thing. The most important thing is making sure the stat sheet looks OK.

“Baker, on every single play, is trying to win a football game.”

An NFL analyst for Amazon, Fitz lauded Mayfield for not getting gunshy. Fitz cited after three picks in the second quarter last week, Mayfield “doesn’t stop slinging that thing.” For those who don’t think Mayfield is focused on winning, Fitz noted how Mayfield was 30 yards downfield throwing a block on a run in New Orleans.

It’s a great point. The guys that want to win, they wear their passion on their sleeves. There’s no tanking of plays or half-arsed efforts.

Fitz, who Joe thinks played for half the teams in the league before he retired, said there are four or five elite quarterbacks who can play anywhere at any time and succeed. Then, there are maybe 10-12 quarterbacks that need just the right system and just the right scheme and just the right “infrastructure” to win, he said.

Sam Darnold and Mayfield are two of those quarterbacks, per Fitz. Both seem to have found their sweet spots.

32 Responses to ““Baker Mayfield Is Must-See TV””

  1. Proudbucsfan Says:

    It’s hilarious to me that Fritz is wearing a helmet 3 sizes to small in your picture Joe.

  2. BillyBucco Says:

    Baker has actually grown a lot this year keeping plays alive downfield with his arm. We haven’t seen too many runs to the sideline where he just holds the ball forward for 1 yard. Proud of his growth. After watching the Cincy game against Baltimore, Burrow threw for 5 TDs and nearly 400 yds, but they were in his face on a ton of throws.
    I think for us to win this game, Baker is gonna have to do the same. Hope he holds up.

  3. garro Says:

    “Fitz noted how Mayfield was 30 yards downfield throwing a block on a run in New Orleans.”

    The word the media dreamed up is moxie…I call it a tough nut who loves playing football. That block got me where I live!

    I am also sure everyone on the team has seen that since then. When your QB is giving it 110% it is great motivation for everone. Also noticed Wirfs down there hunting someone to play with after nailing his man. That was one heck of a play all the way around.

    Go Bucs!

  4. Gipper Says:

    Not sure what is “the right infrastructure” for Balker to win. Does Fitzpatrick mean that Baker needs the worst rushing team and leaky pass protection to get to a second round playoff? There were many problems with last year’s team that Mayfield had to overcome. This year Baker is playing behind a rebuilt O line and a team until only recently has improved the running game. Still need to get Baker the kind of pocket time that Goff gets consistently. In short, the kind of time that Brady insisted on so he could play until he was 44.

  5. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Has anyone heard from Trask to the Stupid lately?

  6. Citrus County Says:

    After the failure and matinee idol #1 pick that threw a pick 6 on his first nfl pass, it was pure misery until he was fired and Paladin was hired. Paladin took care of business but lingered at the saloon and failed to get out of town fast enough. Paladin had a few too many and broke some of the fine china placeware before he left.

    Suddenly a humble cowboy riding a chestnut sorrel with a white blaze appears in town, cleans up the mess and becomes the new sheriff.

    The Bucs Finally have a Quarterback to call their own.

  7. MadMax Says:

    Baker this and that, too short you Baker fanbois….lol….um, where are those losers now? lol

    Like i said when i pushed for us to sign him, said last year and saying now….we have our franchise QB …. IN BAKER I TRUST!!!!

  8. heyjude Says:

    Always enjoyed and respected Fitzmagic! He is completely correct about Baker. He wants to win and shows us his passion every single game.

  9. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    Lol, i agree Gipper, Baker just needs 2 b free 2 play 2 win n have a few guys roll wth that moxie n the more, the merrier, more explosive plays
    Dont think right infrastructure is right at all
    Baker is one of a few who cld win anytime!!Go Bake, Go Bucs

  10. Beeej Says:

    I love watching Baker the same way I used to love watching Brady. Way up and beyond watching the game itself

  11. Bucswin! Says:

    He did win in Cleveland. Has anybody else done that? Go BUCS!

  12. PSL Bob Says:

    Baker’s the type of QB we want representing this team. He’s tough, focused and has an unbridled passion for the game.

  13. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I agree, his passion is magical.

    It’s almost like Baker is channeling his inner Durable Donnie and asking himself, “how much more can I do to help my team win?”


  14. JustVisiting Says:

    That block reminded me of an old Favre play…and Favre was another QB I loved to watch.

  15. stpetebucfan Says:

    “Fitz isn’t convinced winning for several starting quarterbacks is all that important so long as their numbers look good.”

    Can you say Fameis Jameis? His career with the Bucs began with a pick six and he ended his Bucs career, the playoff chances with yet another pick six and famously said, ““I know I’m a baller. I know I’m going to fix my mistakes. . . . I’m focused on how I can get better, because I know if I eliminate those, I’m going to be the best. That’s bar none. You better check your sheet. I eliminate those, I’m going to be the best.” Simply count the I’s and the lack of “We”

    I post this to point out that character does count in life! JW is bright, talented, but has taken forever to simply grow the eff up. His character lapses throughout the start of his career are simply off the charts if you also count FSU days.

    JW was also must see TV but not always for the right reasons. And as Fitz suggests JW was more concerned about himself than the team!

    Having said all that let me hate his sins but not JW himself. Hate the sin not the sinner. Now that he’s in Cleveland and with Watsons horrid play perhaps JW will finally grow up, get it together and resurrect his career. I’m happy for his opportunity since it’s in the other Conference. Love to see JW and Baker in a SB matchup! Talk about great theater.

    Baker had his issues of immaturity in college and his rookie year in Cleveland but he always wanted to win more than anything. His rough start on horrid teams and franchises seemed to have taught him a lesson. I honestly hope JW’s struggles have also taught him as well. JW has talent if he could ever find the character, maturity, and lose the self absorbed attitude. Just check yo sheets!

  16. orlbucfan Says:

    Coen and his offense fully get on the same A+ game page, Bucs win!! Bucs win!! (Channelling the great Gene D of Bucs Radio.) I noticed Harbaugh is voting concern over the Bucs Offense. That’s cos he knows how weak his passing Defense is. That’s the Ravens’ Achilles Heel. C’mon Bucs!!

  17. orlbucfan Says:

    *voicing concern. Lawdy, I hate typos!

  18. Marky Mark Says:

    Fitz isn’t convinced winning for several starting quarterbacks is all that important so long as their numbers look good…. There is this long running argument over whether wins are a QB stat. My opinion is they put the ball in play first just like MLB pitchers thus wins are QB stat. In the DW debacle I kept tweeting but the guy was 4-12 at Houston. Others said his stats (except for sacks) were good. Turns out I was right because when you watch Depervert now he is not trying. He does not care about winning but moreover he does not care about stats anymore. He is fully guaranteed and can retire with generational wealth. If you believed wins were a stat then 4-12 would have been a huge red flag to stay away.

  19. Marky Mark Says:

    Brilliant stpetebucfan. Character counts. All those assault allegations for both guys should be a stay away sign or at least a cheap prove it contract.

  20. Baking with Coen Says:

    Once again, Licht hit it out of the park!

    We got Brady and Mayfield at the perfect time. We got a p1ssed off Brady ready to show everyone he still had a few years left. And we got a mature Mayfield also ready to win and show the old bosses they are missing.

    Thank you, Licht!

  21. Cobraboy Says:

    ATM: “Check my sheets!”

  22. Citrus County Says:

    What a P.I.T.A. it is these days to exercise free speech. My 3:13 AM post just was cleared by the digital censors.

  23. Citrus County Says:

    I’m looking forward to the day when the media identifies the Bucs as
    ” Baker & the Bucs” and not “Down in Tampa” or “Tampa Bay” or just “The Bucs”.
    Being a Navy man my all time favorite QB is and always will be Roger “Captain America” Staubach.
    I hope the Bucs manage Baker’s image well and “win baby win”.
    He is our identity.

  24. Citrus County Says:

    stpetebucfan Says:
    October 19th, 2024 at 7:52 am
    Your post was very well written and thought out. Character and forgiveness are two essential corner posts to a good life. Jaboo could have owned Tampa but failed. I hope he has learned and grown. We’ll never know what failed him. Was it parenting ? Was it the school system ? If I recall correctly he had a Stanford scholarship offered. What a shame.

  25. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Great post SPBF.

  26. drdneast Says:

    stpetebucfan, Liked your take on JW but he had an ample opportunity to grow up in NO but didn’t take advantage of it their. His rejection of DA’s play call at the end of the game and saying the team “took a vote in the huddle,” proved that. JE simply lacks they type of character needed to lead a NFL football team to a championship. Character does count when leading anything, least of all a nation, which is wh

  27. drdneast Says:

    why a current presidential candidate will always tack to the wrong course when facing a dilemma or crisis. He will think only of what benefits himself. Just like him JW is a clown.. Licht should have seen that before he drafted him and he had plenty of indications of it when he didn’t get any serious draft offers for the No. 1 pick. No one else wanted him.

  28. GoneGator Says:

    Baker is a fighter! And he’s motivated by wins and SB’s. That’s all he wants and that’s what we want as a franchise QB!

    It’s ridiculous to me the number of QBs who will never sniff a SB have gotten paid 20-30 mil more than him per year but then again I think the NFL pay scale is waaay out of whack in general.

  29. Citrus County Says:

    drdneast Says:
    October 19th, 2024 at 1:31 pm Just like him JW is a clown..
    I have some strong views but I keep them to football related topics.
    If drdneast means dr down east, I have some experience there. I saw the launch of gov janet’s career way back when. I remember Curtis, Longley, Brennan, and McKernan. If you want to see a clown, you need to look no further than the Blaine House in Augusta. There is plenty of juicy stuff on Collins family and King’s beginnings as a lawyer in Topsham. I left for my own good. Keep your politics to football.

  30. Bartow Buc Says:

    I always wanted Jamies to be the best there ever was. But we sure did the right thing by bringing in Tom Brady and Baker Mayfield. The Bucs are just a thrill to watch !!

    Go Bucs !!!

  31. Citrus County Says:

    drdneast Says
    I’m waiting for the tee up on Lepage. In spite of his very humble beginnings, I include him in the clown category as well.

  32. adam from ny Says:

    i wanna know which 4 to 5 guys fitzy must watch on sundays…

    wish he rattled off his short list


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