Liam Coen Confident Bucs Will Continue With Fast Starts While Searching For RB1

October 18th, 2024

Who starts at running back?

In case you haven’t learned, the theme sifting from One Buc Palace this week can be summed up in two words.

“Hot hand.”

No, it’s not when Joe reaches into the pizza box too quickly. It’s about the Bucs trying to finish a game strong.

Since the Bucs racked up 277 yards rushing last week in Lincoln’s Tomb against the slimy Saints, one would think that given that sort of production, it would be a flat out no-brainer that the two backs responsible for such an output, Bucky Irving and Sean Tucker, would share the carries again Monday night against the Crows.

Apparently, someone who wields power at One Buc Palace must be worried they may bruise Rachaad White’s ego.

Therefore, a message of the week was designed to spare adults and professionals the indignity of slander. The Bucs are going with the “hot hand” between their three backs.

Bucs coach Todd Bowles said it yesterday. Offensive coordinator Liam Coen said it today.

The Bucs have a three-headed monster, they will have you know. And the monster who shines brightest in his one series of work most will get the rock later in the game.

This sort of seems to Joe like the old cliché about not naming a starting quarterback. You know, “If you have two quarterbacks, you have none.”

If the Bucs are — in theory — going to paint themselves into a corner burning two of their first three possessions to determine each week who the RB1 is, doesn’t that drag down the concept of fast starts?

Joe asked Coen this. Coen shook his head and stated he didn’t believe that.

“I don’t think so,” Coen said. “At the end of the day, we can start fast, regardless of who is in. I believe that. I trust that.”

Coen pointed to the past three games where the Bucs had fast starts with different combos of their three running backs.

“The last three weeks we have gone out and scored on the first possession,” Coen said. “That’s more so because the guys are clicking. They are doing their job. They are pass protecting. We are getting open.

“I have full belief and trust that whoever is in, in those moments, will be able to give us a fast start.”

Coen was pretty adamant that the Bucs need all three of their running backs for lasting success.

“It’s a long season,” Coen said. “We are going to need all three of those guys to carry us.

“All of those guys are going to get their reps. At the end of the day, whoever is giving us the best opportunity to win throughout that game will probably get the majority of carries.”

Coen’s plan is each back will get a series to prove he belongs on the field. In a sense, it’s the ultimate put-up-or-shut-up strategy.

It is also fraught with potholes. Irving, Tucker and White are three different backs with three different skillsets. One would think if the Bucs don’t know entering the weekend who their RB1 is (and Joe is very dubious of that claim), then the Bucs would have to craft three different gameplans.

A team just can’t hatch a gameplan in the second quarter each week and hope to win on a regular basis.

These backs are plug-and-play clones. Surely the Bucs aren’t going to ask a running back to do something he’s not good at because his teammate is.

The Bucs ought to know who their best back is before kickoff. If not, Joe is fairly confident Team Glazer might start researching saving hundreds of thousands of dollars by unloading the quality control staff (film/tape/video) and the analytics crowd. If coaches aren’t going use practice habits, film study and analytics to help determine which back gives the Bucs the best chance to win, then those staff members aren’t too valuable.

30 Responses to “Liam Coen Confident Bucs Will Continue With Fast Starts While Searching For RB1”

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe Coen said also that he needs a violent back to break tackles Monday night. That’s Tucker & Bucky all the way. We know Rachaad doesn’t do well after contact.

  2. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    You’re assuming each back gets and entire series to themselves. This is obviously not the case. If RW gets stuffed on one play, the Sean Tucker rips off a 17-yard run two plays later, boom, you have a hot hand.

    Stop making a mountain out of a molehill.

  3. Timbucs2 Says:

    I’m really hoping this is just gamesmanship and obfuscation, and that they are going to just play the guys who matchup best against the defenses they see on tape.

    Let’s pray that we are beyond the Lovie & Schiano days of trying to make guys fit in your dumb system… I think Coen has shown that he adapts his gameplan to the matchups given.

  4. Joe Says:

    You’re assuming each back gets and entire series to themselves. This is obviously not the case.

    For Joe “a series” is singular which means “one.”

    Joe’s taking Coen at his word.

  5. Citrus County Says:

    Talk run and 1-2-3 punch all week. Try to get the coin toss. Then throw the >>>> ball like never before. Then revert back to a balanced game.

  6. Cannon Says:

    This also could be gamesmanship from the coaches. They likely have a plan, and they don’t want the Ravens to know it before hand.

  7. Citrus County Says:

    Hot hand – Hot hand – Hot hand ! OK boys and girls, say it with me…Who’s the hot hand ? Baker Mayfield.

  8. Citrus County Says:

    Everybody will be watching this game (except for me, I’ll be listening). This will be the perfect time to light the afterburners, make a statement, and catapult our Baker to new heights. He deserves it and we deserve it.

  9. unbelievable Says:

    This sort of seems to Joe like the old cliché about not naming a starting quarterback. You know, “If you have two quarterbacks, you have none.”

    Except quarterbacks and running backs are completely difference.

    There is a reason why teams brag about having a “two headed monster” or “three headed monster” at running back.

    No one has ever said that about the QB position, because it’s completely different.

  10. unbelievable Says:

    As for a series each, what about all the two back sets they run?

    We are fortunate to potentially have a 1a, 1b, and 1c at running back. Every one of them has had at least 1 game this year averaging more than 5 ypc. That’s fantastic.

    I don’t care what the order is, just produce.

  11. CleanHouse Says:

    Joe,why don’t you let the coach stick to coaching?

    He seems to be handling it well so far.

  12. Leopold Stotch Says:

    I agree with the statement they’ll need all three. Problem is we know what White is at this point. While he seemingly has improved (marginally) it’s mostly because of the line and scheme. He does not have the vision behind the line to be as successful as Tuck and Buck. I just hope this doesn’t screw us.

  13. Citrus County Says:

    Yeah we have some good RB’s. But we have a QB that deserves to be a star and this game is a perfect game for Baker to achieve national prominence. This game could make or break Baker and the Bucs for years to come.

  14. Ds Says:

    We know what we have in white, but Tucker and Irving just at just natural runners

  15. Beeej Says:

    Ain’t getting 277 rushing yards on the Ravens

  16. Citrus County Says:

    I hope none of our opponents read fan comments. I’m liking the fact that the focus is on the three headed monster. If Todd and Liam car stir up something special in the caldron, tidbits like Ronde’s 175 yard statement might be a great defense subterfuge. Let’s beat the crows with an offensive thing of beauty. That is what will ring the cash register for the Bucs and make the loyal Bucs fans VERY happy.

  17. GoneGator Says:

    Did he say each back “would get a series” to start each game?
    Or did he say they would all get their touches… Big difference

    I’ve been one of those who have taken up for RW when Joe and others have tried to claim he sucks as a runner etc but for gawds sake if it will make Joe and the cute (gay) nickname crew happy name Bucky starter and Sean #2.

    It’s NOT going to change the results over the course of the season. If RW gets good play calls and good blocking he’s going to excel. Hopefully the same people rooting for Bucky and Sean will celebrate his success, and what a great thing it is to have depth at the position.

  18. orlbucfan Says:

    The Ravens have never been outplayed by Tampa offensively. The Bucs have the better Offense and OC. Harbaugh will be focused on the Bucs D. That may be the key to beating Baltimore. Go Bucs!! Decent weather at RJS.

  19. Saskbucs Says:

    I also believe it’s nonsense. Nonsense to do it in game and split carries that much. You often see backs get better and pick up momentum later in games when the D is tired and the RB has seen where the holes have been opening that maybe he missed early on. Hot hand should be week to week.

    Maybe I am wrong but seems to me a guy needs lots of touches to find his groove. Feel out that D a little bit.

    Bucky should be given 20 touches this week, White and Tucker 5 each or whatever.
    If Bucky does well with that he keeps the ball next week. If he doesn’t, it’s someone elses turn and the opposing D doesn’t need to know who the feature will be.

    If Bucky stays hot for 3 weeks with lots of touches but is getting a lil banged up, well that’s another reason to turn to the next guy and give your #1 a rest.

  20. adam from ny Says:

    the thing i’ve noticed about good nfl receivers is…

    usually the moment they come into the league they start to impress…like right away…they appear to belong…godwin was like that…they impress right off the bat…

    yet their production is still minimal due to a limited work load…

    then as they get more substantial field time the numbers increase…

    these receivers who come in and look like sh!t early on, and everyone’s saying “give him a little time, he’s adjusting to the league and stuff”, they never really make it…

    it’s very rare one of those types wakes up one morning and just get’s it…

    that’s a reason to begin to worry about mcmillan…just saying…

    and you can probobly forget about palmer and jarrett ever being more than they already are…

    they aren’t who we thought they were,,,lol…………denny

  21. adam from ny Says:

    oops wrong page…belongs on the receivers thread

  22. GoneGator Says:

    I’m sure my comment will show up in another hour or 2

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    The delusional just win fan would think nothing of that nonsensical answer.

    The crowd is out there begging for more Bucky. Bucky is barely getting snaps with White in the lineup so how are they gonna work in Tucker to find a hot hand?

  24. Kenton Smith Says:

    Everyone saw it. All of America saw it. Our coaches saw it. For the remainder of the season Bucky and Sean will get a bunch of touches. I can see either one of those guys being a star. There is room for White too. Never have too many playmakers. Liam will get the best of what they offer. But to be clear – I think a star was born last Sunday. I’m a football guy. The coaches and his teammates saw it. Sean Tucker made a very bold statement. And it’s gonna be a pleasure watching him play this season. I promise. The coaches know. Tucker will be well fed.

  25. Oddball Says:

    Word salad… they know who is starting.

  26. White Tiger Says:

    You know, this is a non-conference game – meaning other than a gauge of how far we’ve come… it really doesn’t mean much. Why not rest those who aren’t 100% – while showing a few different looks to see how this AFC team reacts? Intel may be useful, later.

    In fact, it wouldn’t surprise me if we saved our roster strength & scheme for games like Atlanta and San Francisco…conference games are more important.

  27. Let ‘em bake Says:

    The psyche of a professional ball player may be a fragile thing. Why disrupt it unnecessarily? All three rbs have a need to perform. A need to validate their place on the team. Smart coaches understand and nurture that. These three need to hear the message of the “three headed monster” .It displaces the individual, and focuses on team success.

  28. Defense Rules Says:

    This is a ‘mountain meet molehill’ discussion. No team has gotten over 81 total yards running against the Ravens this season, and no single RB has gotten over 46 yards. And the Ravens are very good at not giving up explosive running plays.

    Can’t say the same however for their passing defense. They look to be susceptible to the deep pass IF it’s set up properly. Bengals for instance did that nicely (although they lost in OT). Burrows was 4-for-5 deep for 116 yards.

    Seriously doubt the Bucs will beat the Ravens by running the ball a bunch. We’ve got a much better chance IMO if we run them ragged using quick, short passes, toss in a periodic deep pass to keep them honest, and run the ball selectively. They look to be susceptible to runs around the ends BTW, and the Bucs have been very good lately at executing those.

  29. Badbucs Says:

    Discipline and consistency. Those are the keys. No stupid penalties. Don’t lose contain on Lamar. Keep drives moving to keep Ravens from dominating time of possession. Play to our strengths and Don’t outsmart ourselves trying to prove we’re a running team. This is a coaches game plan game. If we go three and out plus short punt time and again it will be a long night. Conversely, if our offense can stay on the field, we can disrupt their plan. The less time our defense is on the field the better chance we have to win. I’d much rather have the outcome in Coen’s hand than hoping for the defensive genius to hold them off at the end. Go Bucs!!!

  30. GoneGator Says:

    Let ‘em bake Says:
    October 19th, 2024 at 12:09 am
    The psyche of a professional ball player may be a fragile thing. Why disrupt it unnecessarily? All three rbs have a need to perform. A need to validate their place on the team. Smart coaches understand and nurture that. These three need to hear the message of the “three headed monster” .It displaces the individual, and focuses on team success

    Very true but a lot of these old farts (or young) think psychology, or feelings, are for “cupcakes”, “snowflakes”, and “sissies”.” Real men” ignore their feelings 🤣. Just ask Rod Muncher.


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