Rob Gronkowski On Baker Mayfield: “He’s A Dawg Out There”

October 17th, 2024

It seems Baker Mayfield is foot-rubbing Rob Gronkowski’s type of quarterback.

Or was that Tom Brady?

Gronk, the former Bucs tight end and future Hall of Famer, is a workout partner of Mayfield’s. But it seems Gronk enjoys watching Mayfield play football as much as Gronk likes pumping weights with him.

“What I love about his game is he is kind of fearless out there,” Gronk told Kay Adams on a broadcast of “Up and Adams” earlier this week. “He’s running around, scrambling.

“And when he’s scrambling, he’s not just sliding. He’s running through tacklers.”

That’s true. Mayfield isn’t a pansy out there. Dude has a linebacker’s mentality. He doesn’t care if he has to run over a defensive back or man up on a linebacker. If that’s what it takes for a first down, so be it.

Of course, Mayfield scared Joe on Sunday in Lincoln’s Tomb because that linebacker mentality got him hurt. Mayfield stayed in the game but he was in pain when he got leveled right in front of the Bucs’ bench.

Mayfield sucked it up, went back on the field and played as if nothing happened.

“That’s what I love about him,” Gronk said. “He’s a dawg out on the field right now.”

20 Responses to “Rob Gronkowski On Baker Mayfield: “He’s A Dawg Out There””

  1. kaimaru Says:

    I think that’s why TB has embraced Baker. He reflects the mentality of the TB area

  2. First Name Greatest Says:

    Baker is fiery, never give up type QB who is easy to root for as he’s gonna lay it all out there.

  3. heyjude Says:

    Right on Gronk! Loved the video – “Baker is cooking with gas!” So true.

    I was scared on Sunday too with the Baker’s hit, and I was listening to calming Gene Deckeroff on the radio and didn’t see the visual until the next day. Baker stayed in and persevered. Again, we are so lucky to him as our QB.

  4. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Baker is our franchise Quarterback for the next 10 years and it’s exciting. He is only continuing to get better. Every time Gronk is on Kay Adam’s show she get dolled up, I think she has a thing for Gronk 🤣😂

  5. stpetebucfan Says:

    The fanbase has gone through whiplash!!! From the GOAT who was never known for his wheels and became a frightened old man out there his final year, to Mr. Crazy Baker! I love Farragut’s famous “Damn the Torpedos full speed ahead”, but I think there’s some balance to be found. I was THRILLED to see Baker slide a game ago.

    When I look at the guys who make a living doing this Mahomes and the Buc’s next opponent Lamar seem to differ a bit. Both are fearless like Baker but Mahomes seems the best of the three at being able to protect himself.

    Mahomes is simply trying to win, Baker is trying to lead his team with his cojones and loves trash talking and getting in the D’s face. A side benefit of this is when the D focuses too much on trying to smash the mouthy QB they lose focus and make mistakes.

    I respect Trask’s arm. But THIS Buc offense is not the one Brady ran. Trask was a GREAT backup for Brady. But the Bucs are not 4-2 without a QB who can run and is fearless.

    So where’s the balance. I do not know and have to simply trust Baker/Bowles/Coen Inc.

  6. Lt. Dan Says:

    A+ trash talker too. “Eat another cheeseburger son!”

  7. BucsNoles Says:

    Love Bake, but I wish he wouldnt throw himself around like that. We need him for the long haul and without him we are Trask (you see what I did there)

  8. Gipper Says:

    Baker hurt his shoulder in Cleveland trying to tackle a guy who had intercepted a pass in game 2 of the 2021 season. That injury was the start of his departure from CLE. Thought by now Baker would know better than to do crazy stuff out there. Just the way he is wired. Bowles and Coen need to calm him down and make sure he slides!!!!!!!

  9. orlbucfan Says:

    Gotta admit Gronk is growing on me. He’s a character and a half. I hope Mayfield has learned how to keep himself healthy. He’s a Bucs QB now, and we all know how the refs are with Tampa. We can NOT afford to lose him! I love the moxie, Baker, but use your intelligence, too.

  10. TBChucky Says:

    @ Proudbucfan

    I noticed that too! She rolls out sometimes with her hair back in a scrunchy!

  11. KABucs Says:

    Did gronk say “even though he lost that game”? He does realize we beat Detroit, correct?

    I loved how Baker threw his body out there to block for Tucker last Sunday as well. When’s the last time you saw a quarterback run out into a rushing play and block for the running back? It’s pretty rare. That being sad, I love the mentality, but would like to see a little less of that stuff because none of it is worth getting our quarterback hurt. If Baker goes down, the Bucs probably go down. I don’t know if Trask can carry this thing. Then again maybe he can, but I do not want to roll the dice on that. Baker is a top 3 quarterback right now. The next man up mentality only goes so far. You can’t lose many of your primary stars that win games for you and expect to make or go deep in the playoffs.

  12. Kal6 Says:

    Love Gronk but at the end of that clip he said we lost that game against Detroit… lol but Baker did look sanders out there

  13. Citrus County Says:

    Baker Mayfield and Drew Brees share something I believe no other two QB’s share. They are each a phoenix.

    Brees arose from the ash pile and stacked silver dollars for two decades leading to a likely HOF bust.

    I believe Baker will do the same. Baker has some magic in him along with just a sprinkle of Bret Favre aura and a dash of Joe Namath charisma.

    It is finally time (after 48 years) for the Bucs to light the afterburners.

  14. heyjude Says:

    Citrus County – Nicely said about Baker. He does have that Brees vibe. And according to Gronk, Barry Sanders in the scramble.

  15. GoneGator Says:

    Too short, dink and dunker, not accurate, mid, inconsistent, no touch, blah blah blah…. Just a reminder 🤣

  16. JustVisiting Says:

    I thought comparing Baker to Brady was pretty ballsy, but comparing him to Sanders take it to a whole other level. LOL

  17. adam from ny Says:

    baker def is a dawg…….

    and he has created an angry kennel in tampa……..


  18. Gipper Says:

    Baker needs to be smart. He is only 29 and his next contract will be for the absurd mega bucks that many lesser QB’s are getting. He will get the $50Mill/year that is the going rate for an elite QB. Might even happen sooner than later if Baker finishes toward the top of the heap in NFL QB’s this year. Wouldn’t be surprised if Baker gets the team to the NFC Championship that Licht will want to extend and/or renegotiate. Baker seems interested only in football and his young family. Staying healthy is a priority.

  19. Rayjay1122 Says:

    Bake is a Dog and Kay is a fox.

  20. Bucschamp Says:

    Oh boy Kay adams is beautiful.

    That shirt and cap makes rob look like cartoon. Small head with really wide shoulders


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