Pursuing (Not Necessarily Signing) Devin White Is Smart

October 9th, 2024

So the Bucs have a need at inside linebacker and former Bucs savior inside linebacker Devin White, at 26 years old, was cut yesterday by the Eagles.

Joe is surprised so many Bucs fans, and Ira Kaufman, would rather eat rotten grouper than consider re-signing White.

First, Joe will repeat, the Bucs have a need at the position. SirVocea Dennis has a serious shoulder injury and K.J. Britt is struggling. Plus, Lavonte David is 34 years old.

Tampa Bay’s need won’t disappear on its own.

Second, it costs the Bucs nothing to bring in White for a workout and a chat to see if he’s healthy — and if he’s potentially matured. Heck, some fans are acting like White is Antonio Brown or Jerramy Stevens. He’s not.

Joe also scoffs at the notion that re-signing White would be some form of spiritual loss or an ego hit to Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht.

That should be ridiculous.

This past offseason, the Bucs had no interest in giving White the fat payday he was seeking. So White hit the free agent market and found rejection. He ran to the Eagles for $4 million on a one-year deal, a small fraction of the annual salary he desired, and he didn’t get a long-term contract.

Philadelphia never put White on the field.

So Licht should know he won any public-perception war with White. The Bucs said, ‘You’re not worth it,’ and White said, ‘I sure am.’ Licht was right. White was wrong.

Only five NFL teams have a better record than the Bucs, so it’s not like the Bucs crumbled without White.

Talking to White in person and evaluating his physical status sure seem like a no-brainer. No rule says that has to lead to a contract.

If the Bucs don’t take a step toward pursuing White, Joe will consider that to be either an ego- driven decision and/or that White was the significant internal problem last season Kaufman claimed many times that he was.

Ira Kaufman Talks Derek Carr Injury, Next Moves At Inside Linebacker, More Falcons-Game Frustration & Position Evaluation, Answers Fan Questions And More

Devin White Released By Eagles

59 Responses to “Pursuing (Not Necessarily Signing) Devin White Is Smart”

  1. adam from ny Says:

    if he sounds sincere and serious, you give him one shot at redemption…

    any funny bizzz and you send him packing faster than you can steal his catalytic converter

  2. Tony Says:

    No way I’m not bringing the drama queen back. Even Philadelphia didn’t want to put up with him.

  3. Hodad Says:

    If he clears waviers that means all 32 teams passed on him. The Bucs know him better then anyone, what’s to look at? What’s changed? We have a need? Yes the Bucs have a problem at ILB. Last year White was the problem. You don’t fix a problem, by repeating the same mistake that made the problem in the first place! It’s obvious the Bucs know he’d create a bigger problem then they already have. This is on Licht. He was fine losing White, and replacing him with nothing. I had hoped Licht would’ve used this extra time to bring some ILBs in, at least fill a spot on the PS for one. He’s more interested in punters. Maybe next year.

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    White is not subject to waivers. He’s an instant free agent and can sign anywhere… hopefully anywhere but Tampa.

  5. August1976Buc Says:

    Sign White, he is needed. Yeah he is a head case, but so what, the Bucs need healthy bodies on the Defense.

  6. Capt.Tim Says:

    He’s gone off his rocker. He’s nuts.
    Why do you think 2 teams have cut him so far this season?
    Some kids start making millions, hearing their name on TV- and they go crazy.

    He’s not the answer. He’s just more problems

  7. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    Only one team cut him this season. The Bucs chose not to renew his contract. There’s a difference.

  8. Carr911 Says:

    Hard to think he has Matured much in the last 10 months

  9. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Not much risk & he will not change locker room….Bucs locker room will change him.

  10. Lynchmob47 Says:

    I agreed letting him go. I agree to bring him back. We win regardless. He will be cheaper then he was before. He knows the system. He will be playing to prove himself to get better paycheck or his payday have ended. I think he will play lights out….Humility is the greatest teacher, and if he is willing to come back, then he has gained Humility

  11. Larrd Says:

    He sure runs fast and can hit hard. He also rushes the passer maybe better than anyone on the current roster.

  12. Lt. Dan Says:

    Bring White back NOW! One year veteran minimum prove it contract with an “out clause”. No risk to the Bucs.

  13. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    At time point, desperate times call for desperate measures. Let’s see what he has left.

  14. doolnutts Says:

    The folks who say no to white are folks that I am glad are not in charge of the Bucs. Business decisions should never have emotional attachment some folks are upset white chased the bag (he lost) but I think most would chase a 100 million if they could.

    Now the good news is we just saw this happen with Whitehead. Whitehead was far more classy about things when he left but he left chasing a bag and came back. I trust Licht to really sit down and look at this roster and if he thinks white could help between knowing the scheme to knowing the team I think he will pull the trigger. Would anyone be shocked if Licht also just asked around if people would take him back? Licht seems very receptive to speaking with players from what Brady has led on.

    If its me I bring White in vet minimum. If he sucks or is a pain in the ass he’s out its that simple.

  15. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @doolnutts – other Bucs insiders have already said they have heard from the Bucs there is a 0% chance the buccaneers employ him

  16. Hodad Says:

    You don’t fix a problem with a problem. Licht was happy going into the season with Britt, and the fragile Dennis. He replaced White with no one this offseason. He could’ve at least drafted one. He did nothing, and thinking White is the answer to giving up 509 yards passing, we’re looking at this defense all wrong.

  17. PSL Bob Says:

    Yeah, I’m starting to rethink my position on this after watching last week’s game. Perhaps he comes back a little more humble and less distractive. It may be his last chance to stay in the NFL. He certainly has the capability to be a great player. He’s shown that. Can he muster up that same level of play again? I think we should give him a chance. If he reverts to his prior self, we cut him.

  18. Nicholas Carlson Says:

    I’d be fine with signing him

  19. Beeej Says:

    There’s more going on with him than X’s and O’s. He didn’t even get a snap on PREseason

  20. SteveK Says:

    Sign Devin White today.

    Trade two 1st’s for Maxx Crosby of the Raiders and line him up next to Vita and watch him eat.

  21. orlbucfan Says:

    White dug his own hole, Let him lay in it.

  22. Ol' Boy Says:

    This is an easy no. As much as we are struggling at the position, whatever DW is bringing to the table is best not served up as a solution. Whatever yous that want him back see in him, both the Bucs and now the eagles see something else.

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    Jason licht ego says his undrafted home run talent is better. What’s with the panic after licking his boots all offseason? White’s issue is after he won the Super Bowl he got fat and lazy. Dude is slow now, him and Britt need some Pilates or something

  24. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    No thanks

  25. Zoocomics Says:

    It’s got to be humbling for White to not be resigned by the team he helped win a Super Bowl with, and then go to the team he was lobbying for a year prior to his departure in Tampa, not even get a start, then get release. Truly an unbelievable fall. Things were that bad in Phili?

    I’m indifferent about a reunion with White. I can’t believe after 2 teams passing on him that this isn’t a wakeup call for White, and that much like AB, at least for a season can right the ship and be productive. We don’t have great depth as it is at ILB and regardless how people feel about him on these boards, he’s a talent. Low risk, high reward… no way this guy breaks our locker room after the beds he has already spit in. I like redemption stories, but the reports I’m reading, this aint going to happy no matter how bad it gets in Tampa.

  26. Buctoothbuc Says:

    A lot of you guys say you wouldn’t bring him in, he’s cancerous, a diva, this and that. I wonder how many of you said the same thing about A.B. If not for him we probably wouldn’t have won a Super Bowl. IF not for him we probably would have won 2. How many bad apples have we gotten rid of that has went on to other teams and help them win Super Bowls. I can think of a few. I would be glad to have had Donovan smith back for this year instead of what we have. There are some players who might enjoy a second look and take advantage of the opportunity to get better. What can it hurt, certainly not our wallet.

  27. stpetebucfan Says:

    I read on the internet (combine that with me as a source and you have every right to be skeptical) that DW45 and Philly had reached such an impasse over things like Special teams, Eagles wanted him to play ST’s, he did not want that and after the atmosphere grew so horrid DW45 paid the $$$ back to the Eagles so he could in effect reenter the FA market. IE He doesn’t have to clear any waivers and he can go where he wants.

    IF that is true and I haven’t misinterpreted that means the Bucs have an immediate clear shot at him IF they want to “kick the tires”. And IF he wants to come back to Tampa which is not really known is it?

    I’m a HUGE believer in team chemistry. But TBBF makes a great point that is “probably” true. ” he will not change locker room….Bucs locker room will change him.” I think that is an excellent point.

    And there’s still the question about how much game he has left. Was last season an aberration or is DW no longer “motivated” enough?

    Unlike the majority here I trust Bowles to make those decisions and IF Bowles wants him back or has seen enough and doesn’t even want to explore the possibilities, I’m cool either way. Todd knows DW a LOT better than ME or any other poster here.

  28. Bucnjim Says:

    Bucs don’t need to give him a physical they need to evaluate him mentally. Seems like he has lost all passion for the game of football. Usually that means there is a woman involved telling him what he needs to do or don’t do. Have seen it a million times!

  29. PassingThru Says:

    I see White as more of a specialist, 3rd down back. He’s an asset at pass rush and coverage relative to most LBs, but he’s a minus at stopping the run. He has trouble shedding blocks and doesn’t consistently process the blocking to find the hole. He was likely distracted towards the end of his stay in TB due to contract issues.

    I believe Phili shelled out $7.5 million or so (correct me if I’m wrong) in funny money, which means they didn’t see a $7.5 million problem that White could solve. That’s pretty pricey for a LB specialist.

  30. Drunkinybor Says:

    He kept writing checks with his mouth his mouth that his A$$ can’t cash. His ego is his problem. He was talking about leading the Eagles defense and how he’s now in the right system. As if he was being held back like a wild horse about to break free from a rope. Plus he’s going to be even better because they value him more so he will play extra special. He needs to do a arrow Roger’s dork retreat in the darkness or some young guns peyote teip and see his true reflection not the one he imagines himself as to face the world. Grow up, be a adult, accept life isn’t all fairy tales and rainbows put your head down and get to work. Could be his father’s passing has led him down a dark depression. It happens to the best of us a I wish him good luck.

  31. SenileSenior Says:

    Thanks, Stpetefan, you gave a possible answer for why the Eagles let him go.

    I am sure Licht will ratify any decision made by Bowles regarding White.

    Go Bucs!

  32. Cobraboy Says:

    White made a deal with the Iggles so there would be no waivers.

  33. Bucschamp Says:

    Eagles payed him 4mil/1year but never played him. Why?

  34. Cobraboy Says:

    Why would White want to come back to the Bucs and eat some humble pie?

    He may want to go to the Saints as a hometown kid returning to glory.

  35. Cardiac kidz Says:

    He’s 26 years old, an elite athlete that doesn’t just happen. He’s worked years to get there and as most athletes at that level has had a big chip on his shoulders. Sounds a lot like Mayfield… a big slice of humble pie, another opportunity to hit the reset button. It’s possible that you get just what we got in Baker.
    Bottom line is we aren’t going to beat any top tiered teams now that our LB weaknesses have been exposed. I believe in redemption and the difference in can make in a relationship.
    Go Bucs!!!

  36. Alanbucsfan Says:

    He signed a contract with the Eagles and then, apparently, was beaten out by other players and then refused to play special teams.
    Why would Bucs want him again? Do they need an influx of pout?

  37. PassingThru Says:

    I forgot to add: Be safe everyone. If you’re still in TB, you know the drill. In addition to the usual tips, don’t forget to fill canisters with drinking water and fill your bathtub for toilet flushing and as a backup reservoir. Pack food in plastic bags. Grab cash from an ATM, though at this point they’re probably empty.

  38. Jmarkbuc Says:


    The people who run the Bucs cut him loose.. remember?

  39. Josh Says:

    Reasons to Resign Devin White

    1. **Playmaking Ability**: Can create turnovers and disrupt plays.
    2. **Run Defense**: Strong against the run, making key tackles.
    3. **Super Bowl Experience**: Valuable insights from his championship run.
    4. **Formerly on the Team**: Familiarity with the organization and system.
    5. **Market Value**: Hard to find a linebacker with his impact.

    Reasons Not to Resign Devin White

    1. **Coverage Issues**: Struggles in pass coverage, exposing the defense.
    2. **Inconsistent Performance**: Up-and-down play affects reliability.
    3. **Leadership Concerns**: Lacks strong leadership qualities. Locker room cancer comes to mind honestly
    4. **High Contract Demands**: Could limit cap space for other needs.
    5. **Emerging Talent**: Younger players (Grier Jr, Deloach) might fill his role better.

    I’d say pass but if the “team” wants him back that would make ALL the difference in the world to me. ASK THE LOCKER ROOM…

  40. Hodad Says:

    Philly wanted him to play STs and he said no. Does that sound like a diva, not a team first player? That says all you need to know about him, to good to play teams.

  41. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Hodad right! Devins perception of reality is warped. He told Philly reporters he never played teams before when here in Tampa he play hundreds of snaps on teams. He’s delusional.

  42. Bucnjim Says:

    Wish Ronde Barber was available to ask that question. You know you’d get a straight answer from that dude.

  43. stpetebucfan Says:


    Well done. Maybe my analytical mind prefers facts and organization of one’s argument.

  44. aaron Says:

    Do we know if he can even play anymore?

  45. Josh Says:

    Thank you Stpetebucsfan. I’m just trying to foster an environment where discussions are open, honest, and ideas can be freely shared—after all, the only dumb idea is the one not discussed. There’s a lot of talent out there, and in 2024, there are many more free agents who can contribute than most people realize.

    So many individuals grow up playing football, and if we’re just measuring physical attributes, how is Devin White considered better than Antonio Grier Jr.? Grier appears to be just as fast, though White is a bit more agile according to analytics. The key question for both is whether they can mentally handle the game. Just like Sirvocca Dennis seems promising, but staying healthy will be crucial for him. The Bucs have the talent and there’s guys out there that can play not getting a chance. One of them in my opinion is already on the roster… AKA Antonio Grier Jr…

  46. Biff Barker Says:

    We don’t know the real story and probably wont ever.

  47. Crickett Baker Says:

    Devin may actually have physical problems that he is trying to hide. Why anyone would want him back is beyond me. Out of hundreds of other people to interview, we can find someone else. Devin is not a TEAM player.

  48. Show Me the TDs Says:

    Bring him in for an interrogation, uh interview. There’s a need. I have always believed in 2nd chances if the offense wasn’t heinous. He was (?) an immature dummy. See how he is now, after being humbled. He’s from Louisiana and is probably just a slow learner.

  49. JustVisiting Says:

    It sounds like the real question is whether he’s matured, and you can’t tell that from an interview:
    Q: “For a few million $, have you matured?”
    A: “Yup, sure have!”

    If the Bucs are going to pursue this, they need to ask the players and coaches +around+ White, not the man himself.

  50. JustVisiting Says:

    Stay safe, y’all!!

  51. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:





  52. Matt Says:

    100% agree. He’s an upgrade over Britt if he still has what he had when he left – at least in certain packages. He could not possibly have walked away from philly not humbled a bit.

  53. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    Hey, HOe, just read the dirty birds SIgned lazy troublemaker White

  54. Tiff, Okla,Bake, Bucs 4 life Says:

    Sorry, keyboard skipped, Joe but, falcons have a podcast out claiming they r siggning white

  55. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Word is he’s not even in shape – and never was serious in Philly.

    That’s why they’re cutting him.

    I’d be shocked if he finds a job soon.

  56. Winny Testaverde Says:

    I figured he was trouble before he was drafted declaring “I want to be the first LB to get $100 million contract”.

    He was literally magical in the SB season…especially the playoffs. He may have figured he secured the bag 💰.

    I wouldn’t be against a look…it’d likely be his last chance in the NFL.

  57. Allbuccedup Says:

    They will sign him for vet minimum with big incentives, hey they signed Randy Gregory they will sign anyone no ego exists. Might as well give him a second chance.

  58. RandomBuc Says:

    He lost his dad yall. Grief affects people differently. Also young and maturing…we dont know the impact that has on the man. We gave Brady a pass when he was going thru with his wife and was clearly “not motivated” but now White is a headcase. Make it make sense

  59. ThatAintRight!! Says:

    Okay h/o one minute. I know what everyone is saying and thinking here.

    Uhm TB Bucs I think are in need of some help to their LB corps , but I don’t see any big moves any time soon coming their way at least not in the next two weeks.

    I personally would be more interested in maybe trading for a certain Jets pass rushing LB who has been holding out. Yes you got it Hassan Reddick.

    If he’s willing to agree to a deal over the phone with TB before the trade goes through then I’d say make it happen. Some money is better than no money. We need help since parting ways with Shaq Barrett. He’d also be in a much better situation than the Jets that’s for sure. Our defense fits his play style also.

    Yaya Diaby + Hassan Reddick on the outside getting after QBs seems like a huge win on the field if you ask me. We still would need a better ILB next to LVD, but
    White wouldn’t be that guy anyways. He was awful in coverage on pass downs. Britt is not much better but you know what at least he’s here now and working hard for TB Bucs trying to make himself a household name.

    When LVD leaves were arguably going to have two huge holes at ILB on passing downs. They better hope someone decent lands in their lap.

    Sucks white couldn’t be the guy we wanted. He is athletic strong and can tackle but that’s all he’s good for. Himself and that’s it. Not a team player. A headache more than anything.


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