Who Ordered A “Code Turtle?”

October 5th, 2024

More than 24 hours after the Bucs’ debacle in Atlanta, Joe isn’t  just depressed about the 36-30 Bucs loss. Joe is p!ssed off!

How p!ssed off is Joe? Joe didn’t even drink a beer while watching football last night!

Joe wrote about this Thursday night. But today it bears revisiting as Bucs fans still attempt to fight through the fog of a horrific choke job by the Bucs offense.

Joe presents to the jury Exhibit-A. It is a documented quote from Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen on his strategy to attack a defense.

“Until Todd [Bowles] tells me to take the foot off the gas, we’re going to try to go,” Coen said.

That quote was spoken on Sept. 12, three weeks and one day ago.

However, the following week, Coen seemed to reverse field. Days after the Bucs beat the Lions, Coen talked about wanting to ground and pound to end games.

Did Coen get called to the principal’s office the week prior for saying he had no interest in field goals?

Referring to the end of the win over the Lions, Coen said, “In a game like that where you need to extend drives and run the football to close out a game the way we want to close out a game, you can’t miss those runs.”

For Joe, it’s not about how anyone wants to close out games, it’s what is prudent at that moment. And choosing not to give the ball to a sure-handed Pro Bowl receiver who is having a career year, or to a Hall of Fame receiver (who ran a route past the defense all alone downfield when a screen was called) and instead have one of the league’s worst running backs try to win it is, well, just downright dumb in Joe’s eyes.

So Joe wonders if the disgusting final drive of the Bucs on Thursday was predetermined before the game? For example, did Coen, with a field goal lead, just want to run and kill the clock to satisfy his defensive-minded head coach?

The entire second half, the Bucs offense had the stench of a team following orders to carry out a “Code Turtle.” The Bucs offense was electric in the first half.

In the second half, the Bucs managed only two field goals. That’s not how a passionate Coen broadcast to the world the type of offense he wanted to operate.

You aren’t going to win many games kicking field goals while your defense is playing matador pass defense and your opponent is scoring touchdowns. That’s just simple math, man.

So with the Bucs having a first down in field goal range on the Falcons’ 28-yard-line with 1:44 remaining, up by a field goal, what does Coen do?

He takes his foot off the gas. He committed a Nick Saban Cardinal Sin: not getting the ball into the hands of his best players.

Instead, Coen chose his worst option: handing off to Rachaad White.

In a critical moment, it is about players, not plays. Just ask Saban.

Who issued the Code Turtle? Or did the Bucs decide pregame that, come hell or high water, they would win or die in a close game riding the league’s No. 24 rushing attack?

Either option was just stupid and might cost the Bucs a playoff berth down the road.

Just a shameful game.

65 Responses to “Who Ordered A “Code Turtle?””

  1. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Fair criticism, Joe.

  2. Hal 9000 Says:

    The game was tough to watch. Awsome In first half sucked in second half. I kept thinking we have to get up by two scores. Never happened. A lot of common sense was not used.

  3. RVATom Says:

    Baker has options at the line. I’d have to rewatch the last series. I was under the impression he audibled on at least one of those plays. I can’t recall exactly.

    I know that play where Evans was wide open, running free, it sure seemed like it was a miss on Bake’s part. But he’ll, I don’t blame Bake for losing. I wouldn’t even blame Cohen if he called all run because that’s what they thought would work. They lost that game becaise they never opened a lead and they never defended the Falcons. Team loss all the way. Disgustig, but not one person’s fault. I won’t even blame Bowles entirely.

    Britt is a liability. But that’s just the way the cookie crumbles. Watching Britt get owned in this game was like watching Skule get owned in Detroit.
    You keep wondering why the coaches aren’t adapting coverage to adjust?

    Good teams find a way to win. They leverage the other teams weakness. Bowles and his staff got put coached and out schemes by Raheem. And Baker definitely was the lesser of two QBs. 509yds on 60 whatever passes from that statue is remarkable.

  4. RuKa_44 Says:

    The “code turtle” (great code name Joe!!) was ordered by the same Guru that ordered it during the pre-season of the last Brady season: he took a coordinator that broke offensive team records over 3 full seasons and ordered him to “pound the ball so the D can rest”. The same Guru that hired an OC with no experience last year so he wouldn’t object to Todd’s ball…

  5. Lightningvinny Says:

    To not come away with 3 points on that drive still has me sick in bed! Buckys fumble,, well that happens (just horrific timing) ,,, The more I think about it ,,, D White for a 7th might be needed,,, I know about the locker room disaster but I think w leadership of David, Vea, Winfield ,,, we could overcome that …. These articles can’t be about Coen,,, It’s about the D,, giving up 500 yards to Cousins w basically 1 good received is criminal…. Todd’s saving grace is his D,,, once that’s gone, then he is too!
    Sorry , had a 6 play parlay (Bucs had to win) have the Bucs at 90-1 to win SB,, have them at 4-1 to win division,,,
    As the great Lion King monkey Rafiki once said “The Past,, we can RUN from it or Learn from it”

  6. gp Says:

    Stubborn is as stubborn does
    “You will win it my way or you won’t win at all”

  7. gp Says:

    This is why he has earned a no confidence vote from me on ALL of your polls.

  8. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … “Who Ordered A “Code Turtle?”

    The title says it all Joe, but you never answered the question. Still just pure speculation. Would someone PLEASE ASK Todd Bowles & Liam Coen WHY they took that approach. Speculation accomplishes nothing more than gets all the conspriacy theorists’ emotions in an uproar.

  9. Lightningvinny Says:

    This loss on the D,,, get White back and hope Vea,, David and Winfield can control the locker room

  10. It’sJustOneGame Says:

    Fair criticism of the offense for sure, definitely would’ve like to see them finish the game. Which I believe the offense was well on its way to doing until Buckys unfortunate fumble (great play by Bates).

    That should be enough bashing of the offense though, at least they looked formidable most of the game. The Defense on the other hand was garbage from the start.

    The D sucked against the Lions (yes they were actually terrible against the lions, they just found an away to get turnovers),Broncos and now the Falcons.

    Time to hold the complex mastermind accountable. It seems the no pressure soft zone scheme has finally been figured out by Offensive Coordinators. Maybe we should try to confuse them by playing or LG at corner…

  11. Lt. Dan Says:

    @Joe: I read your earlier post Joe – i think it was “Five Things”, where you said put the “Defensive Genius” name to bed. I wholly agree. The defense is a mess and if true, Bowles ordering the O to go turtle mode, is a fire able offense. Especially after the Cleveland and Pittsburg debacle from a couple of years ago.

  12. Casual Observer Says:

    “Loss is on the D.” Agree. Something in the pass D needed changing at halftime. Receivers were wide open – nobody within 10 yards sometimes. But NO adjustment at the half. Same openness (too loose coverage?) again.

  13. Defense Rules Says:

    RVATom … ‘You keep wondering why the coaches aren’t adapting coverage to adjust?’

    Sounded like (from the announcers) that they were trying to adjust coverages, at least during the 2nd half of the game. Looked to me like Britt was the weak link from the very start of the game, and Atlanta knew it. They attacked the middle over & over & over again.

    What I didn’t get was why we didn’t put 1 more DB out there as soon as the Falcons showed their hand, to take away the middle of the field. Theoretically at least, that would’ve prompted them to run more, and that plays more to the strengths of Britt. But then again, that’s hindsight, and we seem to have plenty of that currently.

  14. Lightningvinny Says:

    They were playing the bend but don’t break D , ultimately it was a bend and break D

  15. Usedtocould Says:

    Amazing how far this organization has come in 5 years. That being said, my vote for Bowles is jail.

  16. Kenton Smith Says:

    Joe, “might cost the Bucs a playoff berth down the road”. If this game costs us a playoff berth than we aren’t good enough anyway. Hope we fans can put that game behind us soon. I’m sure the team has learned a lesson from this and are moving forward. We’ll be fine. And we are not looking forward to a playoff berth. We are looking forward to a playoff run.

  17. Beeej Says:


    White runs 2 yards
    Baker to Godwin for 7–holding on Skule,
    never overcome that, punt.

    2nd drive:
    We get to ATL 7, Baker sacked, FG

    3rd drive:
    Drive dies at ATL 35, FG

    4th drive:
    We drive to ATL 32, Bucky fumbles

    FINAL drive:
    White off left minus 3 yards
    Bucky off left for 7, but holding on Barton
    Baker short pass to White, minus 2 yards
    Bucky off left (this is 3rd and 25?) 1 yard

  18. FrontFour Says:

    If Baker hits Mike over the middle instead of dumping the ball off the White in the flat it’s game over. What happened.

  19. Buddha Says:

    Joe, Relax. It’s a football game. You are a fan. Sure, you can be disappointed. But angry and p.o. You did not lose your life savings. Nobody passed away. The sun came out this morning. The Falcons had a huge streak of luck. A recovered fumble. A missed penalty call. A punt that bounced into the end zone.

  20. Oviedo Jim Says:

    Todd, hear it comes. Can you hear it? Time to be depressed.It’s great to be a buc fan.

  21. adam from ny Says:

    i thought i saw a turtle tip toeing thru the tulips the other day

  22. adam from ny Says:

    just when you think they’ve turned a corner after the detroit game it’s like…


  23. Knothead71 Says:

    This article and the game Thursday night reminds me of a quote from one of my favorite movies, Remember the Titans.
    “Run it up Herman, leave no doubt!”
    This is how I want the Bucs to play/finish games. Keep the gas pedal on the floorboard from start to finish. If players get gassed, tough spit. Sweat more in practice, bleed less in the game. Always, ALWAYS play to win big.

  24. Todd Says:

    Shameful is a great word.

    I still can’t believe it.

    Because the world obviously revolves around me, I’m bitter that the leadership’s “turtles all the way to 4th down” play-not-to-lose strategy has really messed with my podcast-listening joy this week.

    If we would have rightly won, I would cherish any and every podcast that contained “Bucs / Falcons”.


    I just don’t care.

    This is how you lose the fan locker room, Toddy.

    Stop playing scared.


    For me.

    Because it’s all about me.


  25. Dave Pear Says:

    The answer is in the definition of the responsibilities of the head coach. Todd is accountable. And it’s in his DNA. Browns game 2022. Tom Brady is your QB — and you’re afraid of throwing a pick? So you go to OT with your bend over and break pass defense.

    Same recipe Thursday night. The excuse makers and apologists for Todd can pretend he’s a genius defensive coordinator and a good head coach. Joe has published some eye opening stats and made some excellent points about teams with inferior personnel playing better pass defense with more effective pass rush than the Bucs.

    If the Bucs make the playoffs they’ll need to average at least 30ppg. This would save Todd’s job — but unless a miracle happens, his sieve of a pass defense must be fixed for 2025 and beyond. This is when Jason needs to tell his subordinate we are hiring a full time defensive coordinator, and getting some outstanding consultancy on game management training — both for the head coach and his players.

    I love LVD and cheered when he picked off Cousins. But if he just batted the ball down, Bucs take over on the Falcons 16 yard line. Even two holding penalties and you’re still in FG range then.

  26. Kenton Smith Says:

    They are paying that old QB 180 million dollars for a reason. I’ve watched him from Washington to Minnesota and now to Atlanta. But RVATom – to say that we have the lesser of two QBs? Don’t get me started on a beautiful Saturday morning.

  27. adam from ny Says:

    are they really supposed to beat atlanta and new orleans on the road back to back after a philly win ?

    the answer is no…

    a split is all i was asking for previous to the falcons game…

    beat the saints and we are back on schedule…or even slightly ahead of schedule…
    (i kept talking about going 5-5 in the fist 10 games before the season – a win in new orleans has us at a 6-4 pace)

    yeah just beat the saints and this crazy game can be put to rest…

    long wait until the next one tho

  28. PSL Bob Says:

    Agree with the logic, but you do have to keep in mind that most defenses (not ours) make adjustments at half time. So what may be working great in the first half meets heavy resistance in the 2nd half. However, that said, it didn’t look like we were even trying man of the plays that worked in the first half (i.e., we went into Code Turtle).

  29. It's Corn Says:

    The Bucs got screwed by the stupid NFL overtime policy.

    How is it fair that Atlanta gets the ball for the last two possessions in the game? It’s not.

    A game tied at the end of regulation should reset just like the end of a quarter, not the end of a half.

    Then whatever team was supposed to have the ball next does.

  30. Buddha Says:

    Week 5 Wagering Selection:
    Year to date posted here: 9-5
    Week 1. 2-3
    Week 2: 1-1
    Week 3: 5-1
    Week 4: 1-0

    Week 5 Selection:
    New York Giants +7

  31. Viktor Vaughn Says:

    I have been sick of hearing Bowles labeled as a ‘Defensive-Minded Head Coach’ for a long time now. Unfortunately we will probably win enough games this year for this dork to keep his job.

  32. Lightningvinny Says:

    I knew it was over when ATL won the coin toss for OT,,, would have loved to see Bake get a chance to do the same ,,,,
    But the Bucs played it safe!!!!
    As the Bolts Stanley Cup winning coach (Torts) famously said,, “Safe is Death”

  33. Dewey Selmon Says:

    If LVD bats the ball down instead of intercepting we get the ball at the 19 instead of the 29

  34. Josh Says:

    Buccaneers don’t win the superbowl Todd Bowles should be fired. Keep Coen bring in Rex Ryan to coach the defense he almost won with Mark Sanchez should be able to with Baker. This team is right there and that’s what makes thursday so wretched they pulled defeat out of victory. They found a way to lose a game they had won. On to the Aints it’s a long season beat them Dirty Birds in a few weeks…

  35. Dave Pear Says:

    Yes Dewey. That’s been a point that has gone undiscussed.

  36. Davenport Says:

    Bowles Bucs
    2022: 8-9
    2023: 9-8
    2024: one or the other

    He’s 46-60 overall.
    Don’t expect anything better.

  37. Trey Long Says:

    Imagine Belichick w the ball and 140 left to win. A first down probably does it. Horrific play calling . Abysmal coaching.

  38. LVMYBUCS Says:

    Todd Bowles is the problem on this team haven’t we learned that yet IT STARTS AT THE TOP

  39. Let em bake Says:

    Oh boy. You don’t throw at that time. A drop stops the clock. That’s how Atlanta beat Philly , when Barkley dropped a sure td. Gave Atlanta the ball back. The calls to run were correct. Barton holding was critical. Joe , and others , would be screaming if we threw it there, and a tipped ball is picked off. Percentages. Bucky fumble was the difference. Make that first down, ball game. Bucs were simply too thin in the secondary when skill was needed ( no Winfield or whitehead).

  40. 1#bucsfan Says:

    AGREED JOE. IM BURNING WITH FIRE OF A THOUSAND SUNS. it’s freaking ridiculous that we go conservative. It’s not coen THIS HAS BOWLES NAME WRITTEN ALL OVER IT. Bowles is a conservative nut. EVER SINCE BOWLES TOOK OVER AS HEAD COACH he has done nothing but ruin offenses and NOT opposing offense his own teams. JOE you hit the nail on the head pro bowl receiver having his best season in HIS career and a first ballot hall of famer having another great season and yet we run the ball when we are the worst at it. THIS IS BS. Coach better learn. It’s decisions like these that make me dislike Bowles as a head coach.

  41. Pewter Power Says:

    It’s strange as hell that after all these years a team that has a coaches who wants to run the ball hasn’t figured it out yet

    If it’s not the line and not the running backs like they keep telling us then it’s toughness. You close out games with the run. We can’t run so I don’t know why they why they keep trying

  42. stpetebucfan Says:

    Buddha You selected a great name and I always read your posts.

    Yeah it’s waaaamorning pass out the pacifiers!!!

    REALITY CHECK: The Bucs went on the ROAD, on a short 4 day week, against a team favored to not only beat them in the game but to win the Division. They went there with a defense missing the best 20% it could have fielded not even counting the walking wounded who did play.

    Miraculously they showed up and Mayfield and the O and COEN did their job.
    The depleted D without the BEST FREAKING SAFETY ROVERBACK in the league to help fill that horrible void in the middle of the field caused by the loss of SVD, simply couldn’t close the show.

    It’s the offenses job to score enough points to win. THEY DID!!! It’s the defense’s job to keep the other team from scoring enough points to win…THEY DIDN’T.

    NOW how is this team constructed? With our Buc’s tradition built on a DEFENSE that could close the show I’m spoiled.

    So which is more important? An offense that can SAVE a one score game or a Defense that can CLOSE THE SHOW!!! I have a feeling my friend D.R. despite loving defense would say BOTH you need complimentary football.

    STOP LOOKING FOR SCAPEGOATS AND MOVE ON!!! I’m already looking at N.O. and hoping the Chiefs beat the bejesus out of them physically and a short week for them combined with enough rest for the return of AWJ and Kancey give the Bucs a shot at winning in a tough spot on the road against rivals who will be CHEAP SHOTTING them just like Raheem’s Falcons did!!!

    GO BUCS!

  43. FortMyersDave Says:

    Great article Joe! I hope someone gets to ask Coen why he went turtle on Thursday and channeled the worst play calling traits of Leftwich and Canales allbin one half?

  44. BucU Says:

    This one was infuriating. Once again Todd Bowles and co embarrassed the entire fan base AGAIN.
    This sucks man. With any competent coach we wake up Friday at 4-1. To lose the way that HIS team lost is disgusting. I blame him directly even though the players were abysmal. When there’s no accountability nothing changes. His insistence of playing KJ Britt every down and playing that awful soft zone defense is malpractice in my book. He’s a great man but a lousy HC.

  45. stpetebucfan Says:


    Do you give Bowles ANY credit for holding the team together during the mid season swoon and watching HIS team IMPROVE enough to win the Division and a first round playoff game? Just curious?

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    I just want to know when the Bucs get the letter from the NFL that says, hey, sorry about blowing the call at the end that cost you game, cost you the lead in the division and gave the Falcons a 2-game lead in the South, our bad.

    Please make sure that apology from the NFL gets its own post.

  47. Kenton Smith Says:

    Bowles and Mayfield, I think, get along perfectly. Bowles wanted badly for the Jets to get Mayfield but Baker was gone with the first pick in 2018. They have alot of the same character traits. They don’t dwell on failure but march straight ahead. I’ve never heard one make an excuse for perceived failure. The next 12 games are going to prove alot of naysayers of our coach and QB to be dead wrong about the organization that is building this team. We’ll lose some games – but not many.

  48. adam from ny Says:

    what if:

    the fix was in 🙁

  49. HC Grover Says:

    Bowles Blunder…Magnitude 1….He has the record and the tendancy to do this….It is his signature MO. It will happen again and again. Over and over. it is his nature. And that is the way it is.

  50. Buc1987 Says:

    Code turtle? Bowles of course!

  51. HC Grover Says:

    We are looking 6-11 right in the face.

  52. gp Says:

    Kenton Smith Says:
    I’ve never heard one make an excuse for perceived failure.

    I’ve ONLY heard one accept responsibility for the ‘teams failure’, even when he obviously wasn’t the reason after playing a good game.

    Oh damn, I just gave away which one NEVER accepts responsibility.

  53. jameswillie Says:

    I was at the game. I about lost my mind when the ball was handed to White on 1st and 10 with a couple minutes left in the game. Get one first down and a win was all but guaranteed. ZERO creativity. If you hated the game, try watching it with a stadium of Falcon fans.

  54. GoneGator Says:

    If a run had picked up a 1st down late Joe and many more would be celebrating Coen and the O-line and how we closed out the game.

    RW was avg 7+ YPC, Bucky almost 5.

    I doubt anybody called a “code turtle”. And until I hear actual EVIDENCE that Todd is interfering in offensive game plans/calls I’ll file this code turtle stuff as speculation/insinuation/gossip.

    I like Liam. Think he’s got mucho potential but he’s still learning on the job. This should be an important lesson for him, the offense, Todd etc.

  55. Doughboy Says:

    I’m so sick of Bowles losing games with less than 2 minutes in a game. And watching Evans running downfield all by himself nobody looking. It was our game. Let me tell you if Belicheck coached that game it was a win.

  56. Bubby Says:

    For those that like to wager, both the saints and falcons have much better odds to win the nfc south. It’s a Bucs life.

  57. Pewter Power Says:

    If you’re basic Like Todd Bowles you can’t win anything significant without a run game. This is no longer a weak division so how long will Glazers tolerate mediocre .500 football before they pull the plug on this coaching staff. I think Todd Bowles has had enough time to take this team to the next level so the problem is either the coaches or the GM

  58. Ben Says:

    Been saying this since the loss. Who is getting paid? Not White, not Irving. Who also happened to almost fumble the game away until LD saved him….Irving. Too bad the 2nd chance didnt pan out either. With that much time left and 3 timeouts and still not in an automatic scoring position, have to be creative with your playmakers. Why not a screen to Godwin, play action slant to Evans. Quick simple low risk plays to move the chains. That was so frustrating!!!

  59. rrsrqnc Says:

    The Bucs moved the ball second half, with exception of a couple of possessions, the problem was overcoming penalties (2 holding), a sack on 3rd down in the red zone and it wasn’t just Barton, they rushed three people and non of our interior lineman could block one man in the middle on that play.
    Not letting the refs off. The PI on LVD was a trash call because ATL got away with it in the first half on Evans. A blatant face mask not called, it also happened last week with Bucky where it was not called, sounds like a conspiracy. Todd and Jason need to send film to the league

  60. Ed McSherry Says:

    Yup, yup, Rachaad plays-hurt against the Eagles with a 150 degrees on-field temp and super humid, so bring ‘im back 3 days later and run ‘in up the middle all day, including the critical clock beating final drive.

    The same genius who said (paraphrase): “Nice win against the Lions that I engineered with my genius, now go party and don’t worry about the Broncos; I have the secret sauce for winning now; up-the-middle! Chris..Mike…who?!”

  61. Darin Says:

    Not hard to figure it out. He didn’t try to the end of a playoff game last year. That should tell you all you need to know. He’ll never win the big one unless he becomes a much better head coach

  62. Joe Says:

    Yup, yup, Rachaad plays-hurt against the Eagles with a 150 degrees on-field temp and super humid, so bring ‘im back 3 days later and run ‘in up the middle all day, including the critical clock beating final drive.

    Good point.

  63. garro Says:

    Angry? A bit, Yeah. Better word for me would be disgusted though.

    Go Bucs!

  64. Dave Pear Says:

    Wow. It’s clear. Defense sucks,

  65. FortMyersDave Says:

    Go ahead and bet on them Bubby. While I am a Bowels critic I am not a fan of Dennis Allen or Rah and not a troll either. Dennis Allen is fighting the press and fans about choking away 2 losses vs Philly and the ATL (Its a Saints’ life too Bubby) and Rah, well we know him, would not surprise me if he loses outright to Carolina next week and gives an excuse Todd Bowles will wish he had in his back pocket….. Ten wins gets the division, time to be disgusted but not trolling yet.


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