Did The Bucs Anger The Football Gods?

October 4th, 2024

Bucs coach Todd Bowles.

Look at all the fortunate plays the Bucs p!ssed away tonight?

When you have the following plays that go your way, you have to cash in on them. The Bucs didn’t. And they got beat.

* A blocked field goal by Tavierre Thomas.

* Having stud Atlanta kicker Younghoe Koo miss two field goals — two! The first one was waved off on a penalty and on the next play, he missed another.

* Logan Hall had two sacks. You read that right, Logan Hall had two sacks.

* A perfect Baker Mayfield pass to Sterling Shepard for a four-yard score. Mayfield threaded the needle perfectly. If that pass was off by six inches either way, it’s either incomplete or picked.

You have that many things go right, Lady Luck is smiling on you. And the Bucs offense urinated in her face with less than two minutes to play and a chance put the game away.

Any time you don’t make an opponent pay for those rare plays, you are begging to lose.

They lost.

Who Pulled The Plug On The Offense?

46 Responses to “Did The Bucs Anger The Football Gods?”

  1. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    TENNESSEE READY!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  2. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Bad coaching…..that’s it!!!!

  3. Rod Munch Says:

    There’s literally nothing you can do when the refs determine the outcome of the game.

  4. unbelievable Says:

    That’s the first time we’ve blocked a field goal in what, at least 10 years? Maybe longer?

  5. unbelievable Says:

    @Rod – 100% they completely effed us in that holding / no face mask.

    Knew the game was over at that moment. There was zero chance the defense was stopping them again.

    But really, the defense was atrocious and we should leave Bowles and the entire D-line in ATL

  6. Rican Says:

    Bowles runs the worst zone scheme..

  7. TheBucsAnthem Says:

    Also forgot Atlanta dropped TD pass to Mooney….

    You also forgot the LVD interception……

    That Bucs deserved to lose with all the chances they were giving to win.


    ……and the Bucs aren’t a good team right now

  8. Hodad Says:

    I remember when we had a defense that said give us 17, and we’ll make it stick. Not this defense, 30 isn’t enough. Better get TDs eveytime on offense, this D sucks.

  9. Miller5252 Says:

    But they gave up 509 yards to a non mobile QB that was hardly moved at all. Time to get a real D end if you wanna go anywhere this year. Starting D ends are doing nothing.

  10. WiscoJoe Says:

    I wish I knew what to type here but this is so depressing I’m at a loss of words

  11. Bucschamp Says:

    You jinx it. Bad matchup for the bucs eh?

  12. Erik w/ UniqueModernArt.com Says:

    Todd Bowles Confidence Poll after this game:

    I vote Zero Confidence. He sucks until he doesn’t again.

  13. Let em bake Says:

    Winfield was missed tonite…

  14. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Joe the Bucs will be fine. They will heal up and when many more games this year.

  15. Rican Says:

    That zone scheme needs to go.

  16. Matt Says:

    Can we get a pass rusher that stays healthy?

    Kancey lacks the toughness to play through pain.

  17. Bnasty25 Says:

    Joe watching Bucky run I was yelling for him to fall like what White did in Germany before he fumbled… We’re you thinking the same? As soon as I saw the first I was screaming for him to get down. Personally this is a huge learning game for our team before a real tough stretch… I know major markets get credit for injuries but personally it seems like our defense has suffered a ton of injuries… VERY UNLIKELY but any insight on D white? Seems like we almost need a guy like him with Dennis out and Britt going down. Didn’t hate White he just seemed hurt all last year. We lack depth there and with this schedule and middle of the D beat up don’t see how we over come it. Also any update on Winfield and Kancey? Seems like we need them now and the early bye week but there’s plenty of football left . Don’t agree with soft zone is that from injuries game plan? I don’t remember us doing that to cousins last year… Sorry for questions just want thoughts and input

  18. StormyInFl Says:

    The Bucs defense urinated on it all night long.

    The KJ Britt experiment is officially a failure.

    I can’t believe I’m saying this but they need to explore bringing Devin White back. If for no other reason than to drop Britt back to special teams where he belongs.

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    October 4th, 2024 at 12:15 am
    @Rod – 100% they completely effed us in that holding / no face mask.

    Knew the game was over at that moment.


    Yep, I just turned it off at that point. I already knew the outcome was going to be and it didn’t matter what the Bucs did or didn’t, the refs were going to make sure the Falcons, with their schedule full of national TV games, was going to walk away with the W.

  20. Let em bake Says:

    Piositives: flashes of run game. Hall showing promise. 10 day break to get healthy. Baker dodged knee bullet. Chase kicking great. Still in first. It’s a long season, folks. Again, 5 and 5 T bye is realistic .

  21. Coburn Says:

    Wish dean could catch.. although reciever did get a hand in. Him and McCollum both had shots at interceptions

  22. LakelandBuc Says:

    How many so- called Bucs fans are still begging for Bucky to take Rachaad job????

  23. Old school Buc Says:

    This one stings as any game I can remember

  24. Josh Says:

    He’s gonna cost us another super bowl

  25. Old school Buc Says:

    This one stings as much as any game I can remember

  26. nick houllis Says:

    that d was without both our safeties at the end, we need to get healthy and we need to realize Atlanta is no slouch on offense. but neither are we.

    lets focus on positive: we have a franchise QB, we have a money kicker, our O line is getting better but hurry back RT, and hurry back safeties.

  27. Davenport Says:


    White cannot be traded to the Bucs. There is a league rule in place barring the signing of a FA and then trading him back to his original team before two years have elapsed.

    Not that the Bucs would want him anyway.

  28. Kenton Smith Says:

    Lots of positives. Our defense is wounded. But it’s not their fault. Our offense scored 6 stinking points in the second half. Baker threw it 6 times in the second half. Cousins threw it 58 times tonight. Liam and Baker – playing not to lose doesn’t suit us. The banged up defense could have used a helping hand – and you guys can’t hang 7 points in the second half. We’d have won in regulation.

  29. gp Says:

    This was actually a good game.
    The refs didn’t eff it up nearly as much as they usually do(national audience)
    Our offense played well (first half)
    So did Atlanta’s (second half)
    Our defense is working with about half of it’s starters
    Atlanta was dealing with key injuries too.
    I can’t even fault the coaching (I’m a noted Bowles dissenter)
    I think the bottom line is… Atlanta wanted it more than us

  30. FortMyersDave Says:

    This was a bad loss. It could cost Bowels his job if the Bucs get swept by the ATL and lose the division because of this game. Kenton: as Joe said in another post; who called the “Code Turtle” toward the end of this game, that could and likely is on Bowles, as is the secondary playing like garbage.

  31. gp Says:

    ever so slightly more

  32. Bucs Guy Says:

    Bad last 5 minutes after a great first 55 minutes.

  33. NYbucsfan Says:

    Run the toilet bowl confidence poll now.

  34. Rod Munch Says:

    Davenport Says:
    White cannot be traded to the Bucs. There is a league rule in place barring the signing of a FA and then trading him back to his original team before two years have elapsed.


    There is literally no such rule. Literally.

  35. Rod Munch Says:

    gp Says:
    I think the bottom line is… Atlanta wanted it more than us


    I don’t get people trying to downplay this like the Bucs did something wrong – or it wasn’t the refs fault. The Bucs had won the game – then the refs took it away. This isn’t just a missed call, it was a missed call while making up a bad call, a 25-yard swing deep in Falcons territory with less than a minute and half left.

    The Bucs were the better team. The game was over. That 25-yard bogus call changed the outcome of the game.

  36. heyjude Says:

    I thought Baker was on fire. He and Sterling have the vibe, that is for sure. Yes, so much good including Logan’s sacks.

    Agree with Rod. We had won the game on their turf. Did the refs miss the face mask or just ignored it? That was a critical call to be made. The Bucs were the better team.

    Cousins was frazzled and his usual facial expressions on the sidelines said it all. The sports media was waiting for the chance to build him up again. In the end, the refs gave it to them.

    We play them again this month on our field. Go Bucs!

  37. GP Says:

    I’m not disagreeing that the refs screwed us yet again.
    Just saying that they called a much cleaner game than we are used to.
    My point is that we could have played past the refs and sealed the game, but we didn’t.
    Our ‘walking wounded’ defense couldn’t keep up with an Atl team that was playing beyond themselves.

  38. bob in valrico Says:

    There was another curious play on White getting tackled in the backfield late in the game. White was running to his left his head was twisted and he seemed to hit the ground head first. I would have liked to see that play again to see if the tackle was legal.

  39. JD Still Says:

    There was a lot to learn from this game and not much time to do it in, as the old saying goes it’s getting late early! We only play six divisional games and Atlanta already has wins against us and New Orleans , and We still have to play Baltimore , Dallas, Kansas City and San Francisco among others.

  40. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    That dropped pass was the needle that punctured the balloon we were riding. As the air was ran out so did we. So many little things went the wrong way. Tighten up all week cause we really going to the Thunder Dome next. Mike leave the boxing gloves at home dammit. Lol 🤣

  41. SenileSenior Says:

    Both teams were decimated. Their heroic effort beat our heroic effort. Last man standing.

    I predict that they will come in to RayJay overconfident as a result of this one.

    On to the next one, meanwhile. Go Bucs!!

  42. D-Rok Says:

    Like all, I’m discouraged we lost because we could have / should have won.

    What I’m encouraged by is the heart of this team. They lost, but they played a very competitive game – we did not get Bronco’d at all.

    Next game with the Falcons is gonna be cannot-miss TV.

  43. stpetebucfan Says:

    A skeptic always doubts and needs to see proof. A cynic simply believes the worst. Skepticism is healthy, Cynicism in not! Literally. There are studies related to all kinds of health issues for cynics that do not occur with skeptics.

    How many missed calls are there in any given football game?

    How many are “on purpose” as in the official has been instructed to look the other way?

    I concede the home field crowd always has “some” impact on refs, but my experience is that most of these people are doing a job they love to the best of their ability.

    Another call I thought they missed was the roughing call against Baker they waived off. Replay showed his foot was very close to the white when he was hit. We’re not talking a scoring play that is absolute. We’re talking about officials keeping the game under control when other players are playing dirty.

    The Falcons were borderline, if not across the border, in dirty play. The low block at LVD’s knees really cheesed me. I wish someone would have taken a shot at OL’s knees for every play the next series. But that’s why I’m not a coach. LMAO That and a lack of experience and talent.

  44. stpetebucfan Says:

    BTW I loved Raheem when he was with the Bucs.

    He’s still probably the same “nice guy” he’s always been but the “no love lost” comment combined with the abundance of cheap shots at knees and late hits OB including the one not called against Baker now have me viewing him as an enemy!!!

    Compliments to Raheem on that. I respect his coaching ability just like I respect Peyton’s ability but after the scuz bag crap he pulled in N.O. I love everytime he’s humiliated! I’m starting to feel the same way about Raheem.

    All we need is now two teams in the Division with no class who will resort to cheap shotting people, and perhaps even PAYING people to put other players out of the game!!!

    So at least Raheem has brought the heat and hatred to this series and the Bucs may begin a really brutal I-75 rivalry with the soon to be hated Falcons!

  45. heyjude Says:

    stpetebucfan – You always have well written comments and I agree the majority of the time. Yes about the Falcons and home field advantage, the refs, and dirty plays. They also have turf. And there is a lot of discussion on that.

    I still respect Raheem and he has grown a lot since the Bucs. But now he is a frenemy. Hopefully, at the end of the month we beat them on our Bermuda grass!

  46. Babygrace Says:

    “Kancey lacks the toughness to play through pain.”

    Matt, have you ever had a pulled calf muscle? Obviously you have not! Nobody in this world could play football with a pulled calf muscle! It doesn’t matter how tough you think you are it’s not going to happen!!!


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