“Football Nerd” Baker Mayfield

October 2nd, 2024

“Kyle, you better know everything about that backup Falcons nickel back like I do.”

Baker Mayfield is often celebrated for his arm strength and his win-at-all-costs mindset (unless Todd Bowles doesn’t call timeout), and the huge production he had for the Bucs last year and through Week 4 this season.

He’s also lauded for being a strong and colorful leader of men.

But what else? What don’t fans know? Those questions were posed to assistant Bucs general manager John Spytek this week on the Buccanees Radio Network.

Spytek had no problem finding a quick and thoughtful reply.

“He is extremely intelligent. He is a football nerd. I mean that as an absolute compliment,” Spytek said of Mayfield.

“When you tell him somebody’s out of the game, like, ‘an Eagles player is in the [medical] tent and he might not go in,’ he knows instantly who’s coming in. And he knows the strengths and weaknesses of that player.”

Spytek went on to note how Mayfield processes information at an exceptional level and is an “elite thinker.”

Joe was pleased to hear this. Why? Because the fast-thinking football nerd QBs who love to study usually are the ones who improve well into their 30s.

Struggling Kirk Cousins

26 Responses to ““Football Nerd” Baker Mayfield”

  1. Gipper Says:

    The Baker naysayers have been quiet lately. Don’t necessarily like that. Baker always better with an edge. C’mon Baker naysayers, we miss your galactically stupid and misguided analysis.

  2. Dave Pear Says:

    Hopefully Baker is hanging out with his OL and Liam and reminding them how they all sucked, really hard, against Denver and how that can never happen again.



  3. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Zipper, let me try:

    Did you see what he did in Carolina? He stinks!

  4. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Sorry Gipper, didn’t see the spell check.

  5. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    I have one, Bake was in a QB competition with Trask 🤣

  6. Josh Says:

    Until he wins a superbowl I’m sorry but it’s the Baker cycle everyone knows it he even did it this year already. Play like crap. Lose to a team he shouldnt. Get criticized. Have an Underdog mentality. Then beat a team that he shouldnt. Looking like an MVP. Call out the haters and Naysayers. Get tons of Publicity. Play like crap again and then repeat. I want him to be the best Bucs QB ever and I have faith he’s turned this around but until I see a ring on his finger I will always question if he’s “turned the corner”

    How’s that for ya Gipper lol…

  7. Truth be Told Says:

    You can only be so good as a QB if you don’t have the ability to process all the factors that go into each play. Baker is a Stud. We are lucky to have him. Go Bucs!!

  8. Beeej Says:

    Josh Says:
    October 2nd, 2024 at 7:20 pm

    As I can tell, there are only two QB’s in the entire NFL right now who have won a super bowl

  9. Danfan Says:

    Not to be defeatist or anything, but it should be noted of the active QBs, only Mahomes, Stafford, Rodgers, Wilson, Flacco, have won Superbowls. That doesn’t mean all the other QBs (Burrow, Allen, Lamar, Hurts, Prescott, Herbert, Goff, etc etc) are trash, and similarly Baker can be a good QB without having won a ring.

    Any QB can have a bad game here and there, the key is for Baker to put together a couple of good seasons with more good games than bad.

  10. Josh Says:

    I was just having fun for Gipper. Personally Love Baker think he’s great. He’s fun and love his playing style hope he gets multiple rings for himself and the Buccaneers Organization.

  11. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    I’m so happy Bucs brass got him and resigned him. Great move gentlemen.

  12. El HEFE Rick Says:

    He has a wedding ring

  13. Bartow Buc Says:

    Look at what Baker has accomplished during his career. Walk on player to starting quarterback at Texas Tech – 3 Big 12 Championships at OU – Heisman Trophy winner – number 1 overall NFL draft pick by Cleveland ! The Brownies will never admit it but they know they made a huge mistake letting Baker go !! I’m so thankful the Bucs signed him last year. Baker is really an exciting player to watch because you see how much effort he puts into winning for this team! He is a football nerd !!
    Go Bucs !! Beat the Falcons !! L G !!

  14. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Baker Gulper always chumming up reasons to feel like a victim. Don’t worry tinkerbell he will without a doubt reach deep into his bag of bad qb play and show up like he did against Denver eventually. The only thing he/we can hope for is that Coen learned his lesson and makes the same game plan going forth. As long as Mayfield doesn’t have to think too much or hold the ball longer he’s able to make quicker decisions, any longer the Happy Feets come out.

  15. Dave Pear Says:

    Light the fire under the team, Bake.

    No complacency. No more Denver Broncos games.

  16. Gipper Says:


    There you go. That’s more like it. Certain big intellects like you we can always count on. And the way you express yourself, breathtaking. A person as creative as you with the English language could only have learned those skills hanging around pool halls? Bucs are headed to NFC Championship game this season. We Baker/Bucs fans are going to have fun with the season. You just keep being a real nowhere man, sitting in your nowhere land, making all your nowhere plans for nobody.

  17. Saskbucs Says:

    It’s one thing if the team is fired up, guys are getting open, the OL is providing good protection and Baker stinks. It’s another when 90% of the guys are going through the motions, including the coaches. A QB doesn’t take the heat when he has no time, the gameplan is garbage and guys generally look like they don’t want it.

    Baker was bad but the team didn’t follow his lead against the Broncos, they all sucked minus like 3-4 guys.

    Ask Josh Allen after Sunday night. I know Baker can be bad when everyone around him is good, and it will prolly happen this year but those games seem to be getting fewer and farther apart. His last couple years before the Bucs, he was playing hurt, and then he was in trash systems getting thrown to the wolves. Wild inconsistency for him is a myth. It’s not a 50/50 proposition with Baker, it’s like 85/15. Maybe it used to be 60/40-70/30 but he’s in a stable spot and probably getting better.

  18. Dave Pear Says:

    The best course of action is to listen to what his coaches, players, and management think of him. Others can be ignored.

  19. TF Says:

    It’s no coincidence that Baker is better with the new O.C Coordinator, offense, revamped OL, and RBs. Something he hasn’t had before. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves yet. It’s gonna be a LONG road. Outside of Nick Foles who was an injury replacement, can you name a SB winner that didn’t have a HOF caliber QB? I’ll tell you, hint… it was US. Brad Johnson!! And then Dilfer a couple years before. HOF worthy QBs have been DOMINATING SBs for over 20 years. We have our work cut out for us still.

  20. View from 132 Says:

    Good to hear but still mind blowing that stuff like this is not table stakes for a pro QB. The job pays $30M in 6 months. I would hope a full commitment to the craft is standard.

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    View – you would think your point would be a no brainer. It should be. But, let’s consider…

    Josh Freeman
    Dwayne Haskins (RIP)
    Trevor Lawrence
    Daniel Jones
    Deshaun Watson (LOL)

    Many many others. The work ethic of a Tom Brady is so rarified, he’s a one of one.

    It’s very good to know that Baker is lauded for his work ethic and cerebral game component. It doesn’t matter to me where the pundits rank him. Just win, baby.

  22. Bartow Buc Says:

    Well said Dave Pear !! Thanks for the reminder!!

    Go Bucs !!

  23. Kenton Smith Says:

    TF for your information there are 26 QBs from the modern era in the Pro football hall of fame. After 6 full years in the league Mayfield has numbers beating many of those 26 after their first 6 years. If he can win a Super Bowl and play until he’s 35 or 36 years old with the same production he’s had his first 6 years he’ll be a first ballot hall of famer. Full Stop.

  24. Kenton Smith Says:

    I liked Brad Johnson. Good player. 15 year career. Baker has almost the yards and TDS in half the time. He’s 29. – who knows he might play 10 more years and win multiple Super Bowls.Maybe top 10 all time type player. That’s how good I think he has the potential to be.

  25. B Says:

    Getting that ball out faster is the big thing this with guy. He’s always had the arm and the ethic but he goes on a run where he doubts what he sees and creates unnecessary needs for admittedly gutsy improvisation.

  26. Bucs33Saints14! Says:

    Let’s look back at our QB list before TB12 (the best QB ever even before that last SB ring)…
    Garcia – End of career
    Freeman – Could’a, Should’a, Wasn’t
    Glennon/McCown – No comment
    Winston – Could’a, Should’a, 33 TDs – 30 Picks under Bruce

    Finding the next great QB in the draft is hard. Winston/Mariota were both can’t miss.

    I’ll take and root for Baker!


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