Bucs Put On A First-Down Throwing Clinic

September 29th, 2024

More head-tilting data on the new-look Bucs offense.

So the Buccaneers led all game long today and threw the rock like they were trailing.

Soak in this eye-popping, heart-warming stat.

Tampa Bay passed on 22 of their 32 first-down plays. (Joe’s not counting Baker Mayfield taking a knee to close the game.)

“They played on their terms the entire day,” Tom Brady said of the Bucs on the FOX postgame show.

They sure did.

Bucs playcaller Liam Coen decided to put his foot on the gas and he never let up. It was freakin’ inspiring.

Throwing on 22-of-32 first downs while winning decisively for much of the game, damn that’s 68.8 percent of the time. It’s an unheard of rate with a big lead and productive running backs. Bucky Irving and Rachaad White combined for 98 yards on 20 carries.

In what felt like a franchise record, the Bucs didn’t try to slam a run up the middle until their 14th offensive play.

What a glorious day.

21 Responses to “Bucs Put On A First-Down Throwing Clinic”

  1. Gary Says:

    Bye Eagles Bye

  2. TBSwarm Says:

    Really enjoyed the play calling today. Got everyone involved early, kept the D on their toes, exactly what you should try to do. I hope Coen continues down this path.

  3. Bucs And Them Says:

    Glorious indeed Joe! I didn’t see that coming. Philly obviously didn’t either. Throwing is our obvious strength. That being said, throwing sets up our run. Let’s build on that as we slowly get back to full strength with our injured players. Defense deserves applause as well. Sure helps wash the stink off of last week’s showing.

  4. Mister Marty Says:

    Best offensive play calling I have ever seen from the Bucs, spread and led.

  5. PSL Bob Says:

    Joe, not only did they throw often on first down, they also used a lot of motion. It seemed like WRs and RBs were shifting on almost every play. That kept the defense off-balance, and I think that helped a lot. I hope Coen keeps that up.

  6. Capt.Tim Says:

    Loved watching all the eagle fans ooze out of the stadium today.
    It was really a beautiful sight.

  7. WiseCrack Says:



  8. Dave Pear Says:

    Maybe, hopefully, we’ve seen the last of “control the clock because my defense gets tired” coaching philosophy and play to score points fast and put the opponent on their heels. Then you get 6 sacks. And control the clock anyway.

    Offense really does rule.

  9. WiseCrack Says:


    Say that until you are hated!!!! Love comes in many forms and I just fell in love with you after that post

  10. SenileSenior Says:

    Wish I could have been there to see that, Cap. Tim.

    Oh and the Jets also got embarrassed by the Broncos today, 10-9, for what it is worth.

    Go Bucs! Steady on! Wipe the Falcons Thursday night!

  11. Winny Testaverde Says:

    CrackHead…the gender fluid frequent commenter…is hopped up on White Claws and wine coolers! You go ( girl ? )!

    In non Teen People/Facebook like news, Coen called an excellent game. In fact…he threw a little too much ( in my opinion ) with 8 minutes or so left with the clock the biggest enemy at the time.

  12. Bucks 'n' Bucs Says:

    What a great stat! Thus should cause the Falclods defense to change their scheme. Maybe our running game gets even better. Really looking forward to Thursday. Go Bucs!!

  13. Statistically Insignificant Reader Says:

    Baker was getting passes off quicker today. The line played much better because of it as well.

  14. GenocideD Says:

    Great win today. I also loved the motion. Now to not be cocky and think we’re all that. It’s always the “winnable” games that make us look bad. Let’s keep our eye on the ball and cook us some dirty bird this week.
    Keep spreading the ball around, keep Mike on track towards 1k and feed Bucky! Baker, keep bakin’!

  15. Rod Munch Says:

    Hopefully it’s more than a one game deal. I’ve never understood why, for year after year, you have Evans and Godwin and you’re just wasting downs, like you need to meet a first down run quota. Doesn’t mean you can’t ever run up the middle on 1st down, but if you just mix it up they won’t be sitting on the play and you might get more than 1 yard. Although I’d be fine with banning all runs up the middle on first down for the rest of the season.

  16. LakelandBuc Says:

    The Bucs were the best passing team in the NFL with BA and Leftwich. Tom Brady and Jameis Winston threw for over 5,000 yards. The pass game is their bread and butter. I don’t know what Liam Coen was trying to prove, whatever it was, it wasn’t working. We can be like the old San Diego Chargers when they were “Air Coryell”, famously named after their Head Coach Don Coryell. Dan Fouts would sling it to Winslow, Chandler, Joiner, Jefferson ….then run it with Muncie…..we can do the same with this offense……we have the players.

  17. kgh4life Says:

    when you have Evans and Godwin it better start with the pass.

  18. Let em Bake Says:

    Non common opponents:

    Bucs Falcons Saints

    Lions (w) Steelers(l) Browns
    49ers Vikings Rams
    Ravens Seahawks Packers

    Falcons face 3 division leaders. Saints should face a Rams team with Kupp and puka healthy, and a fiesty Packer team. If Bucs can split their remaining two here, they should overcome the first place schedule handicap.

  19. adam from ny Says:

    bake was def cookin’ in the pot…

    we blew them off the field in the heat, before they knew what hit them…like the broncos did to us the week before…

    then we played with them in the second half…going t!t for tat scoring 9 points each…

    while eventually just letting the well rested defense get out there and eat…the D was hungry and really eating as the game wore on………………..oozing buffet vibes!

  20. First Name Greatest Says:

    Byron Leftwich watched this gameplan and was confused that you could throw on 1st down

  21. Bucs4EverMore Says:

    Step On the Gas and Don’t Let Up! Thanks for a Great Game. Go Bucs!


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