Sack-Eating Baker Mayfield

September 23rd, 2024

So Baker Mayfield has eaten a whopping 13 sacks through three games, some because he held the ball too long.

The only people happy about this are board members of the Kyle Trask Cult.

Mayfield is on pace to absorb 73 sacks this season. Yesterday, he took seven and required a black protective sleeve on his left arm after one of them.

Team Glazer must have loved watching their $100 million quarterback investment get slapped around like a piñata.

It cannot continue.

It doesn’t matter how the blame is fairly spread across the offensive line, Mayfield and playcaller Liam Coen, the sacks and hits must stop. No quarterback survives this level of punishment through a 17-game season.

The snap counts show the Bucs never lined up an extra offensive lineman yesterday to help form a max-protect/jumbo formation. Too often the right side of the line was worked over and even Tristan Wirfs was beaten cleanly for a quarterback hit.

Todd Bowles is obsessed with protecting the football. Rightfully so. But No. 1 has to be protecting the quarterback.

If the Bucs can’t figure that out, Trask jerseys might be selling very well on Black Friday.

77 Responses to “Sack-Eating Baker Mayfield”

  1. Faspro Says:

    Get rid of the ball Bake!!

  2. Kenton Smith Says:

    I can’t wait to see Trask To The Future, Rod Middling Munch, WiseCrack and the rest of these fair weather fans explaining how bad the Eagles suck next week at about this time.

  3. D-Rome Says:

    It’s easy to blame the offensive line whenever a QB under performs, but I really think the issues were with the offensive line yesterday. The entire unit under performed. Even Tristan Wirfs looked below average.

  4. StormyInFl Says:

    If Mayfield can’t get away, why would anyone believe a statue like slow Kyle would?

  5. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    Might be time to throw the ball at the feet of the receiver just to let the coaches know you don’t wanna take them hits.

  6. Pmike Says:

    Mike Glennon will get his shot one day. Oops I meant Trask

  7. No Mercy Says:

    Baker abused the scrambling instead of looking downfield like he did vs the Lions. The impact Goedeke has on the entire offense is insanely huge. We go from a top 10 offense arguably to worse than the stinking panthers. I still think we have a decent shot at winning the division but I would not longer be confident enough to put any money on it that’s for sure

  8. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Baker had numerous chances to throw the ball away, yet did not. Is that from lack of preparation or something else?

  9. Joe in Michigan Says:

    Pmike Says:
    September 23rd, 2024 at 3:17 pm
    Mike Glennon will get his shot one day. Oops I meant Trask

  10. WiseCrack Says:

    Kenton Smith who are you and what would you know about fair weather friend.

    Not sure why you can’t wait, not like you have anything else to do with your life. If indeed you have one??? Never know these days.

  11. GoneGator Says:

    The line has sucked… That can’t be denied. We banked on Barton’s draft, Bredeson, Mauchs beefing up and having more experience etc making a BIG difference. So far it hasn’t shown up other than a few flashes. Skule was a convenient excuse in Detroit but not anymore.

    Bakers playing tentative and getting happy feet.

    Time for coaches to earn their paychecks.

  12. JD Still Says:

    Interesting , the Mayfield bootlickers are in full flimsy excuse mode , the offensive line, the receivers, the running backs,( funny how Bucky was able to get out of the same backfield Mayfield was in and make positive yardage, strange , no?), the coaches , the weather,( really weak excuse there!), the sun being in his eyes, Evil Trask supporters, the refs, voodoo , and the balls being under or over inflated, were all to blame, but don’t say nothing bad about Bake ! It’s like the story of the emperor who had no clothes , it is NOT saying anything bad, but you have to admit there is a problem before it can be fixed!

  13. WiseCrack Says:


    What you want Baker to be vs what he is are two different things.

    You want him to be a gun slinger. But he is not and will not ever be Brett Favor.

    He has the arm talent to be a Drew Brezz but Drew was a rare HOFer between the ears.

    The best we can hope for him to be (at this point of Bakers career) is a Brad Johnson, a game manager.

    Baker is not Horrible, so he does have that going for him. But dont kid yourself, everything you see in him on the field.

    Well just read everything you all are saying about Baker but change the name to Jaymiss Winston.

    JW did have that one year with 30 ints however. JW was and prolly still is better than Baker ON THE FIELD. And JW never had a HC like Todd that demanded such Moxie. So, it’s not fair to ask JW to do something he was never asked by his coach to do.

    So, we don’t hate Baker. We just realized that the “Winston’s and Mayfield’s” are better suited as a law firm after Brady came and went in our faces, hearts, and minds. Perhaps some other places to around the Bay area for sure as well.

  14. Boss Says:

    he thinks hes superman and will get laid out and laid up

  15. Dirk Disco Says:

    I was yelling at the TV, WHY ARE YOU ROLLING RIGHT! Because every time he rolled right it was right into a oncoming defensive end. He needed to roll left. That should have been the practice all week.

  16. WiseCrack Says:


    Tell me you said that while looking at Brady holding his final SB trophy in Tampa Stadium.

    Its so hard to imagine that the Baker Cult is not somehow ran through this site. Clearly yall all have the same talent of sorry opinions of what a QB should be and is. LOL

  17. OrlandoBucFAn Says:

    Baker holds the ball too long and does not appear to have the processing power to make quick decisions…or he is just waiting for the big play to develop. Either way, he needs to get rid of the ball more quickly or he will be eating even more sacks.

  18. Lol Says:

    Yeah Mayfield looked like crap on Sunday. So did the whole rest of the team. But the amount of times Bake was ready to throw, then tucked it just to get sacked was BAD. Throw the Damn ball away dude.

  19. El HEFE Rick Says:

    Kyle trask is not that slow but he is no Mike Vick baker is more aware I would say to get out of trouble not yesterday tho

  20. Fan of the South Says:

    Canales put in a QB that could follow direction an get rid of the ball in less than 2.5 seconds. Result was the first QB this season to throw for 300 yards and 3 TD’s and his 1st Win. Dalton was only sacked twice for 13 yards. QBR 86.9 and a passer rating of 123.6.

    Far better than the 10.1 QBR and 83 Passer Rating turned in by the “Franchise Guy”. 75% completion % is impressive until you see the Average throw was under 5 yards and the long was 13.

    You think Stafford takes the hits he does in McVey’s Offense because he likes to? No. it takes longer for the plays to develop so step up in the pocket, deliver the ball and take the hit. That’s why they are paid 50-60 million to “do their job”. Mayfield would rather tuck it and run. That is why he will make 35 for one year and 20 to leave town when Bowles gets replaced. CLV v.2. Bucs will end up paying 15, next dreamer will pay 2 and Mayfield will forgo 3 just to have a job and try staying relevant. Although they both might throw Coen under the Bus come week 15. Wouldn’t expect that from Bowles though.

    Going to have to accept the regression that was predicted is real . Between the Lions showing what not to do and the Broncos showing what to do it’s going to be an uphill battle now that teams have a blue print.

  21. BuckyBuc Says:

    outcoached on all levels, payton knew exactly what bowels was gonna call

  22. jameswillie Says:

    The OC needs to be more creative. I thought we were getting away from the style of the last two OCs. It looked awfully familiar.

  23. GoneGator Says:

    Baker sucked yesterday. 😡
    It’s not going to help the Trask disciples but good news for y’all is he may get a chance after Canales fetches him to Carolina 👍🏼

  24. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Dirk Disco it’s because Mayfield historically has a harder time making good decisions and completing passes to his left than when he rolls out to his right.

  25. Buc4evr Says:

    Jumbo protect on the Bucs Oline is a total joke. Mental midgets. Looked like something out of a three stooges movie. Mauch and Skule are terrible. Barton was run by a lot. Bredeson is not even backup material and even Wirfs was getting owned. Both O line and D line are total clown shows. Outcoached, outplayed and outmanned. I said that this could happen in previous posts and it did. Total trap game.

  26. HC Grover Says:

    Or…the Oline did not hold blocks long enough

  27. Obvious Says:

    Let me tell you something kenton, Never Heard of you before. They are confirmed Buc fans for YEARS…. Exactly who do you think you are calling anybody a fair weathered fan???

    Let me guess, you’re a baker fan that’s been around for 10 seconds and you don’t know shat! And btw, any part time buc fan that’s only here because of one guy and will be gone as soon as he is,…. well you’re a slurper and NOT an actual fan of the “team”! And TO BE CLEAR, if baker doesn’t improve on the garbage he puked on the field yesterday, BE WILL BE GONE AND YOU WITH HIM “fan”

    He already has a woman. He don’t need you to slurp him up. Go work on your makeup, (don’t forget your lip stick) and come on back after you’ve been around for a few years.

    Right now, you’re just a Slurper! You’ll have to EARN YOUR STRIPES before you’re considered a “FAN” with ANY credibility…..

    You have ZERO legs to call ANYBODY a fair weathered! Never heard of you before….

  28. Jody Says:

    Look, this is my analysis. For what its worth. AKA my 2 cents.
    We should ALWAYS have someone in for Skule to chip his blocker or just block with him. This guy sucks!

    Secondly, we got ate up with multiple blitzes (Denver brought an extra defender on almost all bucs offensive plays. The tape is clear. We should’ve been in max protect all day.

    Thirdly, Why were we calling such long pass plays when they were eating our quarterback for lunch? Slants/Screens? When a team is over pursuing you screen them to death…or slant them to death. Quick throws rather than long developing plays.

    Next, Skule needs to be cut! I believe he is a 5th year player that can’t use mucinex to block a cold. Guy is garbage in his 5th year? Time to retire brotha. To me, he isn’t even worth being on the practice squad of ANY NFL team. Everytime he steps on the field, he gets Skuled!

    Lastly, our defense let a ROOKIE QB prone to interceptions look like a Pro-Bowler. WE have ZERO Edge Rush…(Shaq Barrett is still available and would be an upgrade over these clowns). EDGE RUSH is MANDATORY and we have none whatsoever.

    I wouldn’t be surprise if we lose the next 5-6 games straight with horrid O-line…D-Line is pointless, Jamel Dean getting raped, etc. etc.

    Nothing worked yesterday…nothing. Our supposed Defensive genius couldn’t even touch the ROOKIE quarterback but twice the whole game? Homeboy had enough time in the pocket to eat a ham sandwich back there.

    O Line – F
    D Line – F
    Secondary – F
    Running Backs – F
    Couching – something below F
    Gameplan – something below F

    They may have well started the damned cheerleaders!

    Not sure anyone will read this but, for the first time in 30 years I actually turned the game off mid-way through the third quarter!

  29. ATLBUC Says:

    I don’t understand. Baker now has the green light to change protections. Does he not recognize blitzes does he not know how to change protections or does he just think that his moxy will get him out of every situation?

  30. Watch More All-22 Before Commenting Says:

    Anyone mentioning Canales must have missed they had the 2nd highest rated pass blocking Oline in the NFL before the Red Rifle stepped on the field.

  31. D-Rome Says:

    Anyone mentioning Canales must have missed they had the 2nd highest rated pass blocking Oline in the NFL before the Red Rifle stepped on the field.

    That’s right.

    To add, that Carolina team is not as dreadful as people think. They made the move to Dalton because they think they can be competitive. Bryce Young does not give them a chance to win. In the first two games of the season their offensive line played very well.

  32. WiseCrack Says:

    We will watch more All22 so long as you READ more than 22 letters.

    Great point though. All22 shows Mayfield is no Hero QB like his ego wants him to be. Literally did a great job of creating sacks and juking his own OLine just to get those sacks.

    Par for the course with him. Baker is like a bad version of Winston. The only real difference was Jaymiss never threw for less than 100yards while his team was getting beat up.

    You would be surprised what the All22 shows FOR REAL. Great Point!!!

  33. Kenton Smith Says:

    I noted Trask To The Future, Rod Middling Munch, and WiseCrack in my previous post. Let me add Obvious.

  34. StormyInFl Says:


    Tell me you said that while looking at Brady holding his final SB trophy in Tampa Stadium.”

    Are you seriously saying this OL is in any way comparable to the superbowl OL? It’s not REMOTELY as good.

    Brady would get killed or be dirting balls left and right. His ability to process quickly would help some.

    Trask is neither quick in the feet or in the head. His own coaches said as much (see “slow learner”). He would he obliterated behind this clown show.

  35. WiseCrack Says:

    blah, you Baker fans are like the hand that shakes in the restroom. Gonna start calling you Baker Shakers

    That said, I am no longer going to reply to the people who have “multiple personality disorder” pretending to be Baker Shakers. That feels like abuse to disabled people at this point.

    Trolls, AI Bots, and Baker Shakers. Whats the world coming to?

  36. Trask To The Future Says:


  37. David Jones Says:

    Don’t blame this on Bake, he shouldn’t have to be running for his life 3 seconds after ball is hiked. He doesn’t even get enough time for the play to set up Same old Same old…… No offensive line worth a crap

  38. WiseCrack Says:

    R. White needs to be replaced

    Bucky is the best based on his experience and dopamine levels
    Baker ahhhhh.

    We can have the “BB 1-2 punch” cause they would like BBs vs Paintballs. AHHHHH

  39. WiseCrack Says:

    I DO NOT know this answer, but does anyone know how many sacks “Bake” (so cute how you Baker Shakers leave off the “R”) has taken with Bucky on the field?

    Would anyone care to even know?

  40. ElioT Says:

    Best way to protect Baker is to have him play for the other team. He wont get touched!

  41. Crickett Baker Says:

    I mostly agree with Joe.

  42. unbelievable Says:

    They didn’t line up an extra offensive lineman once against Detroit either.

    It’s becoming crystal clear why Sean McVay didn’t allow Coen to call plays.

  43. heyjude Says:

    Baker got knocked down over and over by the Broncos. He got back up and tried his hardest. The lost wasn’t all on him. Anyone else probably would be injured at this point. He isn’t.

    With that being said, I agree with others, Baker is slow on the release. Drove me crazy yesterday. I may be wrong, but I think it was Belichick and Brady with a 2.50 second or less rule in throwing the ball. It worked for them and for us too. We got a SB with Brady. Now the Bucs can focus and practice hard on beating the Eagles on Sunday. It was posted on here earlier today that we are the underdogs going into this next game. That is a good thing. Go Bucs!

  44. adam from ny Says:

    in one week you can go from a saavy running quarterback, weaving thru the detroit defense…to a sack eating machine a day after the denver debacle…

    it’s week to week alterations when you only have 17 games on an 18 week schedule…

    just lay it on philly, stuff a cheesecake down their throat with extra whiz…and all will be forgotten…

    yesterday’s game should really be called the “denver debacle”

  45. adam from ny Says:

    so let me get this straight…

    jameis eats W’s…

    baker eats sacks…

    and tom doesn’t eat gisele


  46. Falconrap Says:

    The simple reality is we got bad Baker this week. Yes, on about a dozen pass plays he had pressure to deal with, but he dealt with it poorly on about half of them. Week one we got good Baker, where he threw more with anticipation. Second game was a mix, but he was good enough. We can only hope we don’t keep seeing bad Baker, the guy who won’t throw guys open; won’t throw in the intermediate middle of the field; and who doesn’t seem to want to give Evans too many shots at a jump ball. That guy needs to go away.

    As far as Trask is concerned, the slow learner stuff is getting old. That was one idiot (Claude Christensen) making stupid comments because he sucked as a QB coach. There’s a reason why you saw so much improvement after just one off-season with Canales. What Trask does have over Baker is the ability to stay focused downfield while sliding around in the pocket. When Baker starts moving around he gets antsy, but Trask doesn’t. But Baker is the guy, so we all better hope he gets better or this team is another 8 or 9 win team with a first or second round exit, if we’re not watching from the coach.

  47. Kidfloflo Says:

    Baker is really good at sneaking out of pressure and making something happen or just avoiding sack and running for positive yards,Trask would have been sacked 15 times sunday for sure!

  48. Beeej Says:

    “Dirk Disco Says:
    September 23rd, 2024 at 3:43 pm
    I was yelling at the TV, WHY ARE YOU ROLLING RIGHT! Because every time he rolled right it was right into a oncoming defensive end. He needed to roll left. That should have been the practice all week.”

    The man is right-handed. If he rolls left he has to stop and square himself up in order to throw ahead. (and THEN get sacked) Else lose 75% of the field that he could possibly throw to on the run.

    Patrick Mahomes is the most physically gifted quarterback I’ve seen in my 64 years, and he absolutely sucked against us in the super bowl with a diminished line

  49. Defense Rules Says:

    Ooooh, the anti-Bakers are coming out of the woodwork. Funny how he couldn’t do any wrong when we won, isn’t it. Just as funny as Todd Bowles getting around a 90% Confidence rating in Joe’s pre-game poll last week.

    The first 2 game plans were virtually identical: we ran on 50% of the plays & we passed on 50%. First game against Washington we convincingly won the ‘Stats Battle’ & won the game handily. Second game against Detroit we convincingly lost the ‘Stats Battle’ BUT still won the game (combination of several factors why IMO). The common denominator in the 2 games: guys were making plays. Big plays. Game changing plays.

    In Sunday’s game we changed our game plan big-time: we ran on only 28.6% of our plays, with Baker throwing 33 times with 25 completions (75.8%), with 1 TD, 1 INT & 7 sacks. My biggest issue with the game plan is that it neutered our biggest weapons because it was almost totally dink-and-dunk. High completion rate but couldn’t keep drives moving (as evidenced by our 3-for-13 performance on 3rd & 4th down conversions).

    And oh ya, no one seemed to be capable of making plays (the miserable performances of our OLine & DLine may have had something to do with that). Denver protected Nix very well, and he chewed us up like any NFL QB would. Bucs didn’t protect Mayfield worth a hoot, and it cost us big time. He NEEDS a strong supporting cast around him, on BOTH sides of the ball, to be successful, and yesterday that supporting cast sucked. And BTW, so did Tom Brady as we saw in 2022.

  50. Ex-Browns02 Says:

    Great hearing from the Baker-sucks crew. As to Baker holding the ball too long — you’ve all been watching him for a while now. How often does he throw the ball away? He doesn’t throw the ball away much because to him, that’s giving up on a play. How many times have you seen Baker make second and third-effort plays?

    Grant it, he should’ve thrown the ball away more yesterday because the O-line pocket protection collapsed almost immediately on every play. How do you expect any QB to perform under these circumstances?

    I think that it’s a positive that they got their asses handed to them on week three. We’ll likely see a different overall performance next Sunday.

    Go Bucs!

  51. JustVisiting Says:

    I agree with Ex-Browns02’s take on Baker.

  52. Creamsicle Says:

    I see a lot of talk about how terrible the offense was, and I totally agree. Wirfs has not looked like a top paid tackle in the last 3 games and mauch gets man handled every game. Baker thinks he’s Lamar Jackson after 1 decent game of scrambling around like a maniac. Baker signs a 100m contract and thinks it’s a good idea to put his head down and try to run through two linebackers instead of throwing it away. Really??? With all the being said tho the defense looked even worse. Two weeks in a row with 0 sacks, unreal amount of missed tackles that turned into huge plays for the broncos. CBs were terrible and our dline couldn’t do a thing. Got beat on the line and just jumped up and down hoping to deflect a pass. If a rookie qp can run around and shred our defense at home like that it’s going to be painful watching what the saints and falcons do to us

  53. Wyoming Joe Says:

    Trask fans, let it go already! You’re making me feel sorry for you because, mostly, you’re so pathetic. And because you give up so easily.

  54. Rod Munch Says:

    Baker was holding the ball way too long yesterday, however, the offensive line play wasn’t helping him.

    But, with that said, why in the world is Sucke on this roster? He’s a trash player, who by my count, has given up at least 6 sacks in the last 2 games (and almost certainly more, I just haven’t had the stomach to watch yesterdays disaster yet). Additionally, I’m going to guess some issues yesterday came from other guys trying to help Sucke – although at the moment that’s just a guess.

    I think once Luke is back, and he had better be back this week, things will improve greatly. In the meantime, it’s a disservice to this team that Licht hasn’t made any roster moves to bring in a new tackle already. There is no excuse for Sucke to ever see the field again in Bucs jersey, he’s terrible.

    And speaking of terrible, how many TDs and games will Britt lose this team before he’s off the roster – or at least regulated to playing special teams only? All offseason anyone with a brain said he’s too slow to play in this defense, RBs will easily beat him to the edge, and on 4th down yesterday he had a huge, and easy tackle in his sights, and the guy just ran right around him because Britt is too slow for the NFL.

    Generally I’ve been really positive about Licht, but these two guys being on the team and starting games is inexcusable. Do a 7th round swap pick or something with the Eagles to get Devin White and his cheap contract back. Yesterday, White would have made that 4th down stop 100 out of 100 times, and that literally might have completely changed the outcome of that game. There’s no excuse for Britt to still be here, and there’s even less excuse for Sucke to be here.

  55. Badbucs Says:

    Baker is like a lot of other guys on the team. He’s trying to make up for the guys not able to do the job. He’s holding the ball too long trying to make a play out of nothing. He should be throwing it away or at their butt just inches away. Defense was the same. Guys losing contain making up for others out of position. They were the same against Washington. Daniel’s ran by them time after time. The O line has no push. They’re in the backfield pushed on top of Baker. It’s disgusting to watch. The RBs know it too. Get some guards from somewhere please. Skule just has to go away. Unwatchable. They sure fed us a line about the improved line though. That propaganda was right out of the Stassi playbook. And we bought it.

  56. JustVisiting Says:

    Creamsicle, Baker would have made that same play every time, any time. It has nothing to do with getting a contract or thinking he’s Lamar Jackson. When he’s under pressure, he tends to play with more balls than brains. To really perform, he needs a strong enough supporting cast (especially the OL) so he doesn’t have to choose.

  57. Reverend Orange Says:

    Just curious… How did it feel having people chant “LET’S GO BRONCOS” the last few minutes? I’m just wondering because damn

  58. Creamsicle Says:

    Rod munch

    I completely agree with you about Kj Britt. All he brings to the table is his energy otherwise he might be the most unathletic player that’s on a starting roster in the NFL. He looks like his feet are Stuck in mud and is way to slow to cover the perimeter.

    Just Visiting

    Yes I understand baker plays with so called “grit”. But after 5 sacks throw the ball away. If he continues to play with “balls and no brains” he’s going to end up injured. It’s only 3 weeks in and he’s lucky not not already be injured

  59. Bucschamp Says:

    I fully expect the middle and skule to struggle but not wirfs. Hes underwhelming so far

  60. David Says:

    Through 3 games Mayfield has an average of 2.56s to throw (Next Gen Stats).

    That’s the 3rd shortest TT among QB’s who started all 3 games.

  61. Defense Rules Says:

    Rod Munch … ‘Generally I’ve been really positive about Licht, but these two guys being on the team and starting games is inexcusable.’

    I’ve also gotten more & more positive about JL over the past several years, but dang, who’s responsible for the lack of depth on this team if not for the one who does the drafting & FA signings? We’ve got a decent starting lineup on both sides of the ball for the most part, but there are a few exceptions. Middle LB is one of them as you’ve noted. And so is DE/OLB (Diaby & Braswell have potential obviously) and DT (look at what’s happened when Vea went down). And on offense, our Guards & TEs aren’t up-to-snuff by any stretch of the imagination.

    The bigger problem is depth IMO. We’ve been using all our higher draft picks on guys who can either start (to replace losses) or to be key rotational guys. The result seems to be that the ‘depth’ cupboard is quite bare in a number of position groups. And that comes back to bite us in the arse when injuries to starters pile up or when starters move on or retire.

  62. Defense Rules Says:

    Bucschamp … ‘I fully expect the middle and skule to struggle but not wirfs. Hes underwhelming so far’.

    Hmmm, wonder if this has anything to do with ‘Camp Cupcake’?

  63. WiseCrack Says:

    How many Baker Shakers up in here watching the Bills QB tonight thinking….

    Well never-ending, yall don’t

  64. JustVisiting Says:

    Creamsicle: I completely agree.

  65. Simeon4HOF Says:


  66. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    It’s just like last year. Whenever Baker plays bad the excuses flow.

    It’s everyone’s fault but Baker.

    I think they have already figured out Baker is bad at calling protections – in case anyone is wondering why Skule has been totally left out to dry in the early goings. Goedeke will be an improvement when he gets back, but it won’t totally solve the problem.

    Baker will keep taking hits.

  67. Dave Pear Says:

    The player who needs to be replaced is the headless coach. Never has been good at the job. He’s a defensive version of Dirk Koetter, except Dirk had a good offense.

    Todd’s defense just made the worst QB in the league look like John Elway at his best.. So he has that going for him.

  68. Rod Munch Says:

    Defense Rules Says:
    I’ve also gotten more & more positive about JL over the past several years, but dang, who’s responsible for the lack of depth on this team if not for the one who does the drafting & FA signings?


    The Bucs have done a good job with the draft for the most part, but winning and having to pay to keep those winners meant you had to let people go and that hurt depth. Overall, I understand and get it, but with Britt, in particular, they made him a starter when it’s clear he doesn’t have the physical ability to do the job. I’m going to guess that was a Bowles decision, but the GM needs to step in some times and make sure you have legit NFL talent on the roster regardless of the coach. It’s like when Jon Gruden wanted to sign an old and washed up Andre Rison to a deal when he couldn’t break a 5.0, and Rich McKay told him no.

    For Sucke, I don’t understand how anyone could watch him getting beat in the preseason by 3rd stringers and not see this coming. In addition, after the Lions game disaster, how is another tackle not brought in from somewhere? How does the team have like 12 defensive backs on the roster and 9 offensive lineman, with only one backup tackle?

    Very puzzling decisions – and you see the results on the field, and seemingly nothing being done about it. It’s not too quick or early to give up on these two.

  69. Kenton Smith Says:

    I thought that Jaydon Daniels had the right stuff. Take a look at his line tonight beating the Bengals ! Damn. Glad we got them early. Burrow and Lawrence both leading 0 – 3 teams. Bills are winning the AFC this year. Josh Allen followed Baker in the 2018 draft. It’s gonna be a tough long grind but that would be one heck of a Super Bowl.

  70. JustVisiting Says:

    Per Pro Football Reference, Baker was only sacked once in the first half, twice in the third quarter, and four times in the fourth. It looks to me like he was trying to force something late in the game, when the Bucs basically needed a miracle to win. I was pretty critical of him for not throwing the ball away, but I can’t really blame him if that was the story.

  71. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Mayfield cannot read defenses that’s why he looks lost after the snap of the ball and happy feet enter the chat room.

  72. Defense Rules Says:

    JustVisiting … ‘Baker was only sacked once in the first half, twice in the third quarter, and four times in the fourth.’

    Great catch, and I think it certainly is meaningful. The Broncos defense knew in all those 2nd half plays that Bucs were in pass mode, and they just teed off for 6 sacks. Shameful performance by our OLine, across the board. Same can be said for the coaching that obviously didn’t adjust in a timely & effective manner.

  73. A Bucs Fan Says:

    From what Im seeing Jason Licht told the truth. After the draft and free agency their would still be holes on this team. They are magnified due to injury and inexperience.

    The position I’m most concerned about is Cody Mauch. He has been bad. He wins one rep convincingly and then loses five reps in a row. He’s the weakest link on the line apart from Bredeson.

  74. Kenton Smith Says:

    DavidBigBucsGan99 – Baker cannot read defenses. That’s your first mistake. Since anyone who knows the game of football knows that Baker is one of the most experienced QBs in the league and his strong point is his ability to read defenses. Play 10 straight solid games and one game causes you Bakerhaters to tell lies. Wish we could see you experts take a snap at this level. Then we could really see the definition of “ happy feet “.

  75. Gipper Says:

    More nonsense noise. Latest NFL defense fad is two deep safeties. Plays called last Sunday seemed liked they were trying to challenge the deep safeties who totally blanketed the deep routes. Took way to long for Bucs to switch to underneath routes. Start with the underneath to Godwin and Otton and when safeties come up, deep tp Evans. Have to adjust quickly and be ready to change offensive game plan on the fly. Surprised that it took so long Sunday.

  76. unbelievable Says:

    ^ how could you think they were challenging the 2 deep safeties when they didn’t attempt a single deep pass downfield?

  77. Gipper Says:

    unbelievable Says:
    September 24th, 2024 at 12:29 pm
    ^ how could you think they were challenging the 2 deep safeties when they didn’t attempt a single deep pass downfield?
    Easy because Mayfield was looking deep on many pass plays and didn’t throw because nobody was open. When he did try to throw deep, he was picked off by a safety hanging back.


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