Humiliation Day Inside One Buc Palace

September 23rd, 2024

A former Todd Bowles player weighs in.

So what’s it like on a sour Monday with Todd Bowles at One Buc Palace?

A former Buccaneer explains.

Longtime NFL defensive back and Tom Brady buddy Logan Ryan played for the Bucs and Bowles in 2022 before ending his long career with the 49ers. Now he’s weighing in on NFL games every Monday for SiriusXM NFL Radio.

Today, Ryan dropped quality intel on what’s happening at One Buc Place. Ryan didn’t say he talked to former teammates after their beatdown by the Broncos yesterday, but he very confidently said the kind of loss the Bucs endured would have Bowles and coaches breaking down film with the entire team together. So every screwup would be called out before the entire team.

Rather than the typical process of breaking off into position groups for film study following a short Bowles speech, Ryan said, today would be more about public humiliation.

“I know what that meeting is like with Todd Bowles today,” Ryan said.

“The quarterback is going to see what you did wrong at corner. Baker is going to get corrected in front of the entire defense.”

Ryan gave the analogy of a struggling salesperson getting a dissection for underachievement in front of an entire company staff — from the receptionist and marketing manager to fellow salespeople.

Will the approach help motivate the Bucs?

Joe’s not sure. But Bowles and general manager Jason Licht have said this Bucs team is extraordinarily tight-knit. Perhaps this kind of group correction session will lead to more unity and accountability.

Free Bucky Irving

41 Responses to “Humiliation Day Inside One Buc Palace”

  1. Jonbusfan Says:

    Well …they should all be embarrassed! I know I was when I had to sit there in the heat listening to the Bronco fans talk sh#t for 4 quarters!!!

  2. 1#bucsfan Says:

    They should be humiliated more for that performance. Everyone is to blame. Even Joe lol. Bucs came in on their high horse. Buc players were prob reading joes post all week about have trash nix and the broncos are and the Bucs got full of themselves. This should humble them no such thing as a team easy win. How many times in years past has a rookie or back up QB made the Bucs look like trash come on bowels

  3. Dom Says:

    And they should be. Relaxed their way to a beating against a bad team

  4. SlyPirate Says:

    “Get corrected” in front of the entire team.

    How many times have Yaya, JTS, and Hall been corrected?

    This tactic doesn’t seem to be working.

  5. Bucsalltheway Says:

    Jonbusfan…..had to be the closest thing to hell for you lol

  6. Lakeland Says:

    Did they watched the films before or after they received their paychecks? That paycheck is their biggest concern, not their performance on Sunday..

  7. captivajim Says:

    Hall still on the team ,, Why ??

  8. PanhandleBuc Says:

    As they should…that performance was PATHETIC by just about EVERY one in that organization!!!!!!!!!!! Like everything else, it starts at the top!

  9. GoneGator Says:

    They should be “flogged” in public!

  10. HC Grover Says:

    Nope. This team does not have ‘The Right Stuff’.

  11. DJB Says:

    Hmmmm. . . It is going to take some time to break that film down.

  12. WiseCrack Says:


    I think that is why people hate GMC. We all know what you just said is true. But the ones who show that type of attitude on the field, while on a losing team specifically. They become easy targets for any and everything negative.

  13. JonBucsfan Says:

    Bucsalltheway…it was!!! Lol

  14. Zoocomics Says:

    @Jonbusfan…that fracking blows… Anyone that’s gone to a game has been there, and it’s amazing with all the Bucs fans aroudn there, you just happen to be near Broncos fans…smh.

    It makes you hate the Buccaneers a little more, doesn’t it, I mean as fan you simply don’t want to be emarrassed. I get the Broncos weren’t as bad as their record indicated and that Bo was going to take a little time to show up as the starter they were hoping for, but you at least want this fracking team of ours to simply PUNCH BACK!… This is the end-of-season Saints game all over again. How does a team come into our house, and we treat them like they’re the Kansas City Chiefs?

  15. Mike C Says:

    Denver had a Strong Coach, and playing for their season, Bucs have a Very young team, hopefully this is a good lesson for them.

  16. DoooshLaRue Says:

    My pre game poll response.
    Not tooting my own horn, just reminding the hype believers about the REALITY of being a Bucs fan.

    We ALWAYS do sh!t like this and this is why the schedule means absolutely NOTHING to this team.

    DoooshLaRue Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 11:48 am
    *Sean “butthole lips” Payton
    *Rookie QB
    *Young Bucs believing the hype

    What could possibly go wrong?

    I’m hoping for the best though.

  17. No Mercy Says:

    After this week I have zero faith in is beating a team that just beat the eagles. If we can’t score against the broncos and stop them the eagles are going to dog walk us with or without AJ Brown

  18. BuckyBuc Says:

    Haven’t seen a game like that with such little heart in the game in years. The only bright spot was Bucky.

  19. Simeon4HOF Says:

    And the just day at 1 Bowles Place for humility it is. Start with Rashaad White, Cody Mauch, KJ Britt and Jamel Dean. Next the trash trask faithful can nominate him to pull the lever for the dunk tank action, with Todd goin it first.

  20. FlBoy84 Says:

    Bowles should include himself & his coaches in that film study as well… it wasn’t just the players that were completed outclassed, outplayed, and overmatched in that game.

  21. ocala Says:

    Bucs depth is concerning and was exposed badly by the Broncos. I know the Bucs have had to work through some salary cap issues over the last few years, but the Bucs need to significantly improve depth on the offense and defensive line and they need to improve the starting guards too.

  22. Pewter Power Says:

    Yea the only problem is they have to eat that criticism knowing the gameplan was also trash and doomed to fail. Even Dave Canales can scheme open Mike Evans. A head coach/D coordinator that can’t generate a sack. Denver doesn’t have elite edge rushers either

  23. Pewter Power Says:

    HOMEGROWN talent how’s that slogan going over this week at Bucs headquarters, Logan hall was unstoppable or was it invisible or inactive but hey he’s on the roster

  24. Dave Pear Says:

    At the end of the meeting, Jason needs to come in there and give Todd his corrective action plan. Being flat and lethargic is a Todd staple along with slow starts on offense and defense.

    How and why.

  25. Lakeland Says:


    I agree totally 100%

  26. Nprbuc Says:

    We had a President a few years back who DID his job yet donated every penny of his pay to various charities. Never took any pay for doing a good job. This team with a few exceptions should be embarrassed to cash a game check. When you play as poorly as the product that was put on the field Sunday you should not get payed. Maybe that would make a difference in their desire to win? It’s obvious that they won’t hesitate to cash their game checks, even when they soiled their pants.How about manning up and saying “ I didn’t earn my money this week” and donate it to a charity that could use it? Never happen but real men can dream.Maybe should be a clause in their contracts that if you don’t show and at least give it your best, no jingle for the week. 😊

  27. Creamsicle Says:

    That game was absolutely horrible. What happened to this being the fastest team since Todd Bowles has been there?? Defense looked extremely slow. Zyon and dean both got burned all game. KJ Britt did nothing but trip over himself
    All game and has no speed whatsoever to protect the perimeter. Second week in a row with 0 sacks while on the other hand baker got sacked 7 times from 6 different player on the broncos defense. I know we have a backup tackle in but even wirfs was getting thrown around. Baker thinks after 1 decent game scrambling from defenders he’s Lamar Jackson. This team needs to get off their high horse and show up and play football instead of living in neverland because they beat one decent team two weeks into the season.

  28. Crickett Baker Says:

    I predicted Todd would say “The players AND COACHING NEED TO GET BETTER”. I just didn’t expect him to say it three times.
    So same old.

  29. Matt_PcAfee Says:


    I’m sorry you had to endure that

  30. Tony Says:


    I was right there with you, too! I’ve got season tickets & that was one of the most depressing games to be at. I don’t remember wanting to stick my head in a toilet after a game. Been awhile.

  31. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    No BA, no accountability. Coaches and players are soft. White and Britt need to be benched at least to send a message. And patience should run out for Kancey, Winfield and Vea.

  32. gp Says:

    FlBoy84 Says:
    September 23rd, 2024 at 3:36 pm

    Bowles should include himself & his coaches in that film study as well… it wasn’t just the players that were completed outclassed, outplayed, and overmatched in that game.
    Yeah, about a minute and a half of watching the seconds tick off the game clock, while right next to it are THREE unused Bucanneer time outs.
    So ends the first half.

  33. Jeff Says:

    Trust me, the fans are way more embarrassed than the millionaires that gave away the game.

  34. Greg Says:

    The Bucs are not good at picking certain types of players in the draft. There is a pretty good track record demonstrating this. Running backs, cornerbacks, quarterbacks and defensive ends. Thankfully we are really good at picking receivers and o lineman on offense and linebackers, tackles and safeties on defense.

    It’s a problem when we have injuries in our strong points. The weaknesses become glaring.

  35. unbelievable Says:


    They should be humiliated.

    Every single player, coach and staff member and ownership.

    Fans who paid for that crap deserve a refund. They were sold tickets to see two professional NFL teams play each other, but they only got to see one.

  36. unbelievable Says:

    @gp – you know Todd Bowles is saving his timeouts again, just like last year.

    He still thinks there’s a prize waiting for him at the carnival when he presents all the TOs she saved up all season long. What he somehow hasn’t figured out yet is that the “prize” is just a mirror and all he’s going to see in it is a clown.

  37. Bucamania Says:

    As it should be. That was a terrible effort.

  38. GP Says:

    Actually, neither team played well.
    If only half of the holding penalties had been called, we might very well be celebrating a very ugly win where we (as usual)played down to our opponents level.
    These refs need to be audited.

  39. GP Says:


  40. unbelievable Says:

    Oh I said the same thing about the officiating crew. It was heinous. Not just all the missed holding calls either, though there were a lot.

    That said, Broncos showed up and we didn’t.

  41. Daniel Z Says:

    If they’re going through that game tape and dissecting all the mistakes, they’re not going to have any time for practice this week.


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