Bucs On Pace For 11 Sacks This Season

September 22nd, 2024

Todd Bowles loves quarterback pressure from his defense and he does a great job telling the world that those pressures can replace sacks.

Joe’s not buying it.

Not only can sacks get in a quarterback’s head and potentially wound him, those sacks are huge confidence boosters for a defense. They also jack up a home crowd.

Bowles said to fans himself before today’s kickoff on the Buccaneers Radio Network, “the louder you are, the better we play.”

Most important, a few sacks per game, the Buccaneers’ average in recent years, can flat out change outcomes.

Today, the Bucs were sackless against a rookie Broncos quarterback and Tampa Bay has only two sacks this season, one by Joe Tryon-Shoyinka and one from backup linebacker SirVocea Dennis.

Keep in mind the Bucs faced a Broncos backup right tackle making his first career start.

Tampa Bay is on pace for 11 sacks. It’s stunning. Not only was the NFL-team low for sacks last season was 27 (Carolina), the Bucs racked up 48 to tie for the NFC lead.

Something needs to change in a hurry, and Joe’s not seeing an inevitable rise from rookie edge rusher Chris Braswell this season.

Joe is starting to wonder today (just a fleeting moment) if the absence of Devin White is hurting the Bucs when it comes to the overall effectiveness of blitzes. Offenses did devote resources to blocking him.

38 Responses to “Bucs On Pace For 11 Sacks This Season”

  1. HC Grover Says:

    Bucs on pace to finish 3rd or 4th in division.

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Bucs pass rush turns on when Kancey and Vea return to the line up.

  3. Lakeland Says:

    And they’re on pace for giving 75-100 sacks


  4. BucNasty Says:

    Joe i admit when I’m wrong, I picked on you for wanting Reddick. But it would help. Diaby isn’t a #1 rusher, he did much better with someone to take the heat off the other side. Nelson has cement blocks for feet and Braswell is too green. Reddick would be a good lead guy and would probably only cost us a 3rd or 4th

  5. Mr_Barf Says:

    Prancey Kancey & Brittle Vita..nope

  6. Christopher Schiefen Says:

    And White inactive again today.

  7. Miller5252 Says:

    The D line looks horrible. I remember listening to Bowles on Ira’s podcast act like a high sack D end could be a bad thing. Today was a perfect example of not having at least one guy able to get to the qb. Even blitzing wouldn’t even come close. Better hope Vea and Kancey help take up blocks and Yaya can get home. If not it’s gonna be a long year with no pressure

  8. Bubby Says:

    What’s ring of honor licht going to do?!?!

  9. rrsrqnc Says:

    Pressure is on

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    Christopher Schiefen Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 4:50 pm
    And White inactive again today.


    And he’d be starting for the Bucs today.

    Says a lot about the LB depth on this team, watching sorry a– Britt out there giving up 4th and goal TDs because he’s too slow to play.

  11. Rod Munch Says:

    Miller5252 Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 4:52 pm
    The D line looks horrible.


    That’s literally what happens when you’re missing 2 of 3 starters.

  12. HC Grover Says:

    Panters can beat these Bucs with Dalton

  13. Miller5252 Says:

    You noticed that did you Rod? Nothing slips past you bud!

  14. Bubby Says:

    Is Jancey really a starter? I mean… he doesn’t play.

  15. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Kancey is soft. He’s a paycheck guy. He’s not a gamer. Stop talking about him. He’s a non-factor. He doesn’t play.

  16. Boltsfan17 Says:

    Licht did nothing to improve this awful pass rush except rely on guys who we all know stink or occasionally flash potential. Why does he keep getting a pass from the fan base and media.

  17. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The guy hurt himself during a walkthrough and hasn’t played in three weeks.

    That’s clown territory.

  18. Buc king Says:

    Defense is pure trash right now ..no if and or buts about it…
    David looks done…d line is comple garbage… secondary is being put in some tough spots with poor pressure and zone play call.

  19. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Calf injury? Sorry not buying it.

  20. adam from ny Says:

    we have an empty cupboard when it comes to pass rushers…

    yaya ain’t all that…he’s okay…….at this point…

    also dennis was not the dennis we saw in week 1 and 2…

    nelson maybe was the most active guy today

  21. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    I don’t know coach I tweaked my calf. I need a month of DNP and then I’ll let you know.

  22. PewterStiffArm Says:

    Uh make a phone call to the Jets. There’s a disgruntled player with the last name Reddick that needs a new zip code. Joe, are you the only guys speaking about this? Game three, we stink at getting to that guy with a different uniform color.

  23. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    The strength of the defense is in the secondary.

    Payton knew that so he put pressure on the backers.

    He didn’t try to run his WRs all over in fancy intermediate routes. Short rubs, flares and hooks. He didn’t try to get behind the defense. He was content to get 7 yards a clip and live on 2nd and 3rd and short.

    He out Buc-balled Tampa. They dominated the LOS and controlled the clock.

    It was Parcellsian.

  24. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles is a joke…..he can’t scheme to stop a rookie in his own house. We’ll be hovering around 9-8 which is his trademark season. A rookie QB came in and dismantled his defense.

    Also…..White is trash as a RB1. Irving makes plays, he needs to be the primary 3down back.

  25. unbelievable Says:

    No Vea + No Kancey = no chance of a pass rush.

    Simple as that.

    Logan Hall = bust
    JTS = bust

    Those are 2 BUG misses.

    I won’t write off Diaby yet cuz he’s shown flashes, but he clearly isn’t ready to be our primary pass rush threat.

  26. unbelievable Says:

    *BIG, not bug

  27. Dave Pear Says:

    Amember Todd’s other seasons? Doesn’t know how to handle success. Can’t win a game he’s supposed to win. Gets his ass beat by Bo Fargin Nix.

    As I could see coming.

    All the platitudes are the sign of rookie fans who don’t know Todd and don’t know the Bucs.

    Hurts will ring up the soft zone for yards and points, bet on it. Payton just sliced Todd up like a ham with the worst QB in the NFL. Bryce Young might have thrown for 300 yards today.

    Bye bye.

  28. Alstott40 Says:

    You guys are something else I mean really. Yes today was a bad game on the whole team and coaches. However this defense is NOT trash by any means. Vea is the leader on the defensive line and it shows when he’s not playing. We had two defensive starters and our all pro safety out, it was bound to catch up to an extent. However we held them to zero passing touchdowns and made enough stops to comeback. Again offense failed big time as well as the coaching. Our defense does not suck though.

  29. Hodad Says:

    It’s simple Joe, our two starting edge rushers, YaYa, JTS are both busts. No way around it. Bucs have not found a double digit edge rusher teams fear. Trade YaYa and JTS for Reddick, and pay him. Licht can’t draft edge rushers, buy one.

  30. Beeej Says:

    We lost ONE game and look at you idjits

  31. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd – your career basically comes down to this.

    Beat the Eagles and you have a chance to build a real winner. Lose and when you wake up you’ll be 2-7 and Jason will have his list of head coaching candidates finalized.

    It’s that simple.

  32. Thunder Says:

    Go get Hassan Reddick probably have to give a 3rd and a new contract.
    It will be worth it

  33. LakelandSteve Says:

    The Bucs got beat on both sides of the ball. Offensive line and defensive line were dominated by the Broncos. And once again a rookie QB beats the pants off a Todd Bowles coached team. We look slow!

  34. MegaFailure Says:

    Bad draft picks and injury prone d-linemen will do that

  35. Jeff Says:

    Cancey is starting to remind me.of Gaines Adam’s. All hype and a trainer table squatter. All the hype of the draft of defensive lineman but JTS (bust) Logan “who” Hall (bust) Vita “59 percent available” Vea (a beast but overpaid) and Calijah “not ready.for the first quarter of a regular season” Cancey (looking like a pattern here). The returns are not promising and the “little school that could offensive linemen” are nearing their 15 .minutes. Sure, the draft picks are .making the roster but are they making a difference?

  36. Alstott40 Says:

    Saying Yaya Diaby is a bust already is crazy it’s his second year in the league. Only the third game in, you guys are a bunch of cry babies to be honest

  37. Esteban85 Says:

    Just goes to show you the necessity of a beast like VV at nose for a Todd Bowels 3-4 defense. Vea is the lynchpin of this defense. He may not blow you away with his stats but his presence, pressure and size makes every other player on the defense better. We need to get healthy this week

  38. Darbymike Says:

    @Lakeland Steve…said the something in 1st quarter today. No D-Line and no O-Line…it was brutal. Most sacks given up and least made !! Theres a problem.


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