“They Outplayed Us. They Outcoached Us. They Outhit Us.”

September 22nd, 2024

Todd Bowles was direct and to the point after today’s blowout loss to the Broncos.

“They outplayed us. They outcoached us. They outhit us and they won the game,” Bowles said, as he took blame for the loss.

Bowles insisted that the Bucs weren’t caught sniffing the flowers of their 2-0 start. “We didn’t take them lightly,” Bowles said firmly.

The Bucs are now 2-9 in their last 11 Week 3 games. That includes a miserable 1-5 record in Week 3 since Bucco Bruce Arians took over as head coach in 2019.

Coincidence? No. Something is flawed in the Bucs’ approach to Week 3.

Bowles also pointed to missed tackles as “the most disappointing thing.” He wouldn’t cite specific plays and cited needing to watch the tape.

“A complete team collapse, a complete team loss,” Bowles said.

40 Responses to ““They Outplayed Us. They Outcoached Us. They Outhit Us.””

  1. adam from ny Says:

    it was a freakin” mop job…

    it’s like the film needs to just be immediately burned, and get to iggles film right away…



  2. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Out coached should have been first out of his mouth.

  3. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Interesting point about week 3 Joe.

  4. Chris l Says:

    The game started and I immediately had flashbacks to the saints game last year. The exact same game. Anytime this team feels itself they get destroyed. Wasn’t even close

  5. Bucs4Ever Says:

    2-2 incoming

    Jason Licht’s lines are total garbage

  6. Rod Munch Says:

    Hey stupid, here’s an idea, blitz rookie QBs, speed up the game, don’t sit back in your garbage soft zone defenses.

  7. B Says:

    As I said after the Lions game-the blueprint is there to beat us: can’t run, can’t adjust for several blitz packages and the Rachaad White / Logan Hall sub par isn’t new and isn’t going anywhere under Licht.

  8. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Remember that time Tampa gave that fraud Baker Mayfield $100M while never once giving the young prototype QB they drafted who had the greatest season in SEC history an opportunity on the field?

    LOL it’s a Bucs Life.

    This season is about to sideways in a big way.

  9. rfdes Says:

    I agree that they were stroking their egos all week. We’ve this happen many times over the years.

  10. Rod Munch Says:

    Why is Britt still on this team? On 4th and goal, Britt is too slow to get to the edge, and gives up a TD – and that was the game, it was over. Literally how many times do you need to see Britt being to slow for the NFL before you figure out he’s too slow for the NFL?

    Go trade for Devin White, he’d have made that TD and game saving play 100 out of 100 times.

  11. HC Grover Says:

    Todd agrees with Grover….I saw the same thing.

  12. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Maybe some more interviews about Tom Brady might help.

  13. Miller5252 Says:

    This was the worst part about last year. It seemed like when they lost last year they wouldn’t even show up. That just screams coaching and not having your team ready. Even with the injuries you should have more of an effort than that. Baker needs to come back down to earth and quit listening to the media. Drop back and throw the ball and quit trying to be Superman.

  14. LABicsFan Says:

    Why does Anthony Nelson not know how to set the boundary on that 4 down TD run? That’s high school defense 101

  15. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    We got the guy who set records against Alabama and Georgia on this team and they signed an undersized journeyman who’s biggest skill is running his mouth to play instead.


    Baker Mayfield cannot throw over the middle. Teams now know that thanks to Sean Payton. It’s in the pass chart for everyone to see. Overload the middle and press corners. Done. Barton can’t block everyone. Have we run out of people to blame yet? $100M for this one dimensional garbage.

    It’s going to be a loooong season.

  16. Bobby Says:

    I was at this game, the heat really went up sitting in those season on the 3rd level after halftime!! Remained hopeful Baker and the Bucs would begin a comeback. Unfortunately, that never happened. Terrible game. O-line let Baker have orange jerseys in his face all game. Baker just wouldn’t throw the ball away in this game. He took some unnecessary sacks man. Just throw it away sometimes Baker!! He missed some guys open at times, like he didn’t see them. Bucs didn’t throw it to Evans enough. Bucky had a few good runs. A big 30 plus yard run too. One run he was danced and breaking ankles. Looked like Bucky Sanders Irving on that one play. But the defense got gashed all game!! Dean dropped another interception. Dean gets paid 20 mil a year and he still can’t catch a interception if his life depended on it. JTS and YaYa jumped offsides costing the Bucs 10 yards in penalties on one drive. Penalties killed the Bucs today!! Can’t win a game giving that many free yards away in penalties to the other team. The new OC play calling sucked today too. Overall the team definitely missed all our injured players like Vea, Winfield, Kancey, Ramirez, our starting RT Luke was definitely missed. Regardless the team should not fall apart as much as we saw today. Overall a very undisciplined team today.

  17. Cobraboy Says:

    Your guys read their press clippings about what bad a$$es they were, Bowles.

    Whose fault is that?

  18. Cardiac kidz Says:

    Skule keeps getting schooled at RT. It seems like a few screens to the right side…a TE in motion to the right to chip are a couple of things they could do to help.

    On Defense, will someone please tell Dean, he is not good enough to give up 11 yards off the line. We gave up almost 1000 yards in passing Dean’s way today.

    The next 7 games… we can’t do what we did today or were toast.

  19. Rod Munch Says:

    Speaking of being out coached, suddenly the Panthers look like a legit NFL team with Dalton at QB.

  20. Rod Munch Says:

    Cardiac kidz Says:
    September 22nd, 2024 at 4:55 pm
    Skule keeps getting schooled at RT.


    He has no business being on this team, and certainly not starting.

    Not sure what the final tally will be on how many sacks he gave up, but the team gave up 7, so it’s safe to assume Sucke gave up 2 or 3 of those.

  21. Buc king Says:

    Baker played like absolute garbage 2 weeks in a row..no if ands or buts about it..his vlock is off and he’s not prepared or pre reading the defense..no mismatches no isolated plays..no getting the best buccaneers in buc history involved in the game…
    Did Mike play??? Baker should be ashamed of his self and if he ever in fn life talks bad about Brady again im roast him for days..
    I will but a ticket behind the bucs side of the field and I will roast him just like I did Matt Ryan… I had all the falcons players mad it kinda back fired but I can tell I had them hot.
    I’m tired of seeing a poor coached team.
    This starts at the top.. the oline is garbage. Baker is not 3 to 5 Step getting it out..hes taking to long to drop the ball off to the rb and throwing it like trash.
    Play call today was very uncreative look like Bowles has put his finger in the pot again..
    Runs up the middle on first..no screens..no play actions..saw we we killing them on the edge and didn’t even try again???

  22. Dave Pear Says:

    This was as predictable as the sun rising in the east .

    Todd is not a motivator. No one can flatten a team before a prove it game more skillfully than Todd.

    Prove it game? Yes. Prove you’re one of the league’s best and beat a rookie QB. Who sucks. Who will lose next week, guaranteed. But no. Come out in a coma and proceed to show the world you need Depends.

    Todd? Nice job.

  23. Mr_Barf Says:

    Honest straight up truth coach Bowles..you suck at this job

  24. unbelievable Says:

    First thing Bowles has been right about all day today.

  25. Jp09 Says:

    Good thing we beat the Lions in the Super Bowl last week!

  26. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs played a bad game. Broncos will lose their next game. I want to know why no spy on Nix?

  27. Ol' Boy Says:

    Payton just gave Bowels a coaching facial and left a twenty on the countertop

  28. Rod Munch Says:

    Panthers offense is looking good today. Unlike the Bucs.

  29. MarkV Says:

    You can count on big changes in your Todd Bowles confidence poll this week Joe. It seems like there’s two or three times a year where he doesn’t have the team ready to play against an absolute scrub opponent and we get gashed.

  30. Doughboy Says:

    Without a TJ Watt we’re just average defense. That’s all.

  31. Saskbucs Says:

    Peaceful Trask Fan… give it up pal. Trask sucks or he would have played games already. Season back on track next week when Vita and Luke are back and the Eagles get walloped again.

    Good news… Bucs have 1 loss to an AFC team. Saints lost to an NFC team and Falcons well they should have lost to the Eagles. Unfortunately the Falcons are prolly beating the Chiefs tonight

  32. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Baker Mayfield is a fraud.

  33. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    It ain’t funny how this happens a lot to with Bowles led teams

  34. Dave Pear Says:

    In other words, Todd, YOU FAILED.

  35. Mayhem41 Says:

    This game had trap written all over it. Interior line and RT being out caught up with us, and Denver being desperate. Trask fan, stop it. Mayfield is an NFL starter, Kyle Trask is not. I’ve seen a lot more of Kyle than you have, guaranteed. He’s a career back up. Oh he set this record and he set that record, you know who else did? Danny Wuerffell. How’d that work out? You know who else did? Tim Tebow. How’d that work out? I’m a UF guy, stop with your nonsense.

  36. Mike Johnson Says:

    When a team marches into your home and beats the living Sh.. out of you, Nothing else need be said. Denver was Outstanding. They controlled both sides of the ball.Bucs were finally brought down to earth. Long season folks. NEXT……

  37. Les Says:

    Sorry to say but bowles is showing us again he is no head coach ! Has his finger in the scale with the offence play calls .pretty obvious. Never adjust at the half. Where are the screens during the blitz where are the quick poppers to a slant. Why don’t they roll Baker out away from the rush? Todd bowles is no motivator! Why are we playing 10 yds off the receiver ? This season is it for bowls if he does not produce he needs to go! 😡

  38. Les Says:

    Sorry to say but bowles is showing us again he is no head coach ! Has his finger in the scale with the offence play calls .pretty obvious. Never adjust at the half. Where are the screens during the blitz where are the quick poppers to a slant. Why don’t they roll Baker out away from the rush? Todd bowles is no motivator! Why are we playing 10 yds off the receiver ? This season is it for bowls if he does not produce he needs to go! 😡 Get it done

  39. Dave Pear Says:

    To outcoach another team, you need a good coach.

    About 7 out of 10 times, it’s more that Todd under coaches the other team. Because he’s a masturmind genius. Could motivate the SB Champ Chiefs to play like the Cleveland Browns.

    Smart guy who should be in the lab studying. Not a head coach. And, a very overrated DC.

    Cue the expected wind of the long yammering genuses.

  40. Citrus County Says:

    I suspect that through the years there have been teams where players hid behind doors, under tables, and locked themselves in bathroom stalls in fear on Monday mornings to avoid being seen by the head coach. That’s not likely to be the case with our Bucs.


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