“Noise” Messed Up The Run Game

September 19th, 2024

Interesting nuance was offered today by Buccaneers offensive coordinator Liam Coen.

Coen is the leader of the one of the worst rushing attacks in the NFL through two games. That’s nothing new for Bucs fans — and neither is winning in spite of it.

Looking back at the Bucs’ rushing struggles on Sunday, Coen noted how well the Bucs managed the crazy-loud crowd noise in Detriot when it came to penalites — no false starts or obvious screwups because of noise. However, Coen said the noise got in the way of the Bucs making line-of-scrimmage adjustments in the run game.

“We had at least three or four miscommuncations up front,” Coen said. “Detroit played in like eight different front structures, you know, on normal down and distance. So, you got a guy in your gap on this play and then the next play he’s over here … and the communication [broke down].”

Well, the Bucs shouldn’t have an issue like that at home in The Licht House on Sunday.

Interestingly, Coen raised his voice after that take, which wrapped up his news conference. The volume and intensity went up when he mentioned “we missed two runs at the end of the game.”

He prefaced it with the dreaded and beloved, “I’ll be honest …”

“… In a game like that, where you need to extend drives and run the football to close out a game the way we want to be able to close out a game, we can’t miss those runs,” Coen said.

It’s unclear what Coen was referring to.

Joe has watched the film and there is gray area, but Joe is quite confident Coen is at least referencing Rachaad White not hitting the hole (or wide) on 1st-and-10 with 52 seconds remaining.

20 Responses to ““Noise” Messed Up The Run Game”

  1. Esteban85 Says:

    Does seem like White has the speed to run around the edge but he is like a magnet towards the pile of bodies. I don’t think he has the vision that Bucky has.
    Rewatching the game I did see some mix ups on the offensive line. Even Wirfs whiffed on a block in the first half where Baker was sandwiched between Hutchinson and a DT. Noise could be the factor or the fact that the line is under new management with new calls and vocabulary. Either way there is no excuse worthy of the abysmal performance we saw Sunday. Gotta clean that up and execute on the ground.

  2. GoneGator Says:

    “Coen is the leader of the one of the worst rushing attacks in the NFL through two games”

    Wait…. I thought Rachaad White was the leader of the rush game, or at least why it sucked?

    Just kidding with you this time Joe 🤣

  3. Jfgobucs Says:

    So we’ve added different o line players …offensive coordinator..still same stuff..I
    Wonder which other piece needs to be changed…3 years running.

  4. Dave Pear Says:

    Noise? Yeah that too. But many of still think that most of the fault lies with a backup RT who had been dead for a week before taking the field.

  5. Smashsquatch Says:

    Tick-tock, tick-tick…just a matter of time before the back with better vision and quickness pops open the run game

  6. KABucs Says:

    Dave’s right, put Goedeke back in there and it’s completely different game (minus the concussion of course). Hutchinson didn’t do a whole lot the last two games with Luke at the right side.

  7. pewter941 Says:

    If Godeke played, we would have had more rushing yards, if we had 60 more yards for the year, we would be ranked 16

  8. Mike Alstott Jr Says:

    I read this as “Bucky time”

    Coens complaints about white not hitting the hole to back to camp. Chaad deserved a chance to show he can hit the hole, he just flat out cannnot. He’s obviously good in space, but is a wr not a rb like Bucky or even Sean.

  9. Adam's Angry Says:

    The difference between week 2 and week 1 is the Bucs closed out Week 1 with BUCKY.

    They tried to close out Week 2 with RW.

    And the results were very different.

    Tick tock… Bucky will be starting by Week 6.

  10. Hodad Says:

    We had exactly one series with the starters during preseason. It’ll look rough for awhile, this line hasn’t had enough game reps yet. Give it more than a couple of games for heavens sake.

  11. unbelievable Says:

    Bucky averaged 3 yards per carry against the Lions, let’s stop pretending he was doing something special. The o-line simply couldn’t open any holes last week.

  12. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Unbelievable – that was almost double the production coming from White who averaged 1.8 yards per carry. What’s better 3 or 1.8?

    I can almost guarantee if Bucky is in that last series he sees the gaping hole on the left side Joe mentions and runs through it for an explosive run.

    It was there for the taking.

  13. heyjude Says:

    I remember Brady holding his helmet trying to hear during the game. I think he took a time-out too. And he still did well. The noise in the domes are a huge factor. In the end, we won!

  14. heyjude Says:

    * I meant Baker. Sorry.

  15. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Yeah about White, if you watch the game with me you will hear often “trust your speed!” meaning run hard to the outside and trust that you will get their first instead of cutting back. Everyone wants to cut back. (I’ll just hit the brakes and they’ll fly right by” – Sure Maverick)

    If I was an RB coach, my drills (for most backs) would emphasize one cut and go. Don’t make a move after that first cut. Some guys can make moves but most should plant one foot and go.

  16. infomeplease Says:

    The problem L C brings up may happen at least 7 more times.

  17. infomeplease Says:

    Perhaps some sort of hand signals!!

  18. Mveal2006 Says:

    Everybody knows you need to run. That’s a good time to use your best runner, who appears to be bucky

  19. garro Says:

    Not sure whether to believe that noise was really a factor on run play. Just don’t sound right. RBs and O line recognize fronts almost instantly and should know their assignments by now. Something smells here.

    Go Bucs!

  20. Jeremy in Lutz Says:

    White is not good. Never has been, never will be. Let bucky play


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