Baker Mayfield: Bucs Were “Stressed Out” With Tom Brady

September 17th, 2024

“Not all these kids get me, Julio.”

So did some Bucs lose their joy for football playing with Tom Brady? And was everyone at One Buc Palace too stressed out once the calendar turned to 2023?

Listen to the words of Baker Mayfield, whose appearance on the Casa De Klub podcast was posted yesterday.

“The building was a little bit different with Tom in there,” Mayfield said of Bucs headquarters with Brady. “Obviously, playing-wise, Tom is different. He had everybody dialed in, high-strung environment, so I think everybody was pretty stressed out.

“So for me, and everybody was expecting the Bucs to not be good last year, they wanted me to come in, be myself, bring the joy back to football a little bit for guys that weren’t having as much fun, and just continue to raise the competition level. They just asked me to be myself. As a player, you really can’t ask for much more than that.”

That was intriguing. Which Bucs were losing some love of the game?

Some fans skewered Joe for writing last year that Brady had run his course in Tampa and Mayfield was not only a better player in 2023 than the 2022 edition of Brady, but that he was an upgrade off the field.

It seems some at One Buc Palace had similar vibes before Mayfield arrived.

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61 Responses to “Baker Mayfield: Bucs Were “Stressed Out” With Tom Brady”

  1. AL121976 Says:

    It sounds like Brady was so focused on winning that nothing else mattered. Baker cares about winning but is more in tune w the age group of the players and realizes comradery and fun can be had together.

  2. darengibo Says:

    LOVE Baker and so happy he landed in our lap! The dude is tough, competitor, fun and can sling it!

  3. JimBobBuc Says:

    Lots of ways to win in this league. Brady had his way and made him the goat. Let’s see how Baker’s way will turn out this year…

  4. A Bucs Fan Says:

    This was obvious! Brady lost the team his last year. He was an old Buffalo that needed to be put out to pasture.

    I wasn’t a supporter of Baker when he first signed either and was hyper critical of his character because of the Odell Beckham situation. He’s proven me wrong and I couldn’t be happier about it.

    Go Bucs! Let’s Bake!

  5. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Excellence… for who, what?

    I get it, Tom.

  6. First Name Greatest Says:

    Loved Brady’s run here but after that Rams loss in the playoffs the guy should’ve just walked away. No shame in going out like that to the eventual Super Bowl Champ especially with no AB, no Godwin and no Wirfs on offense.

    Offense just wasn’t creative enough to survive the losses of those guys.

    Glad Baker is here as I bet he’s a lot easier to be around than Brady. Hard to work with someone you look up to and so many young players idolize compared to someone you look at as an equal

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    BA relieved much of the stress…..Bowles wasn’t up to that in 23…..and then we be having Byron

  8. Joseph C Simmons Says:

    Baker might have said it, but he wasn’t here, so obviously it was told to him. I didn’t listen to the podcast, but I’m guessing those words came from Jason Licht’s mouth.

    I think Licht and Bowles both have a really good feel for the morale in that locker room, and probably felt that Brady’s intensity wasn’t what a very young team needed anymore. They needed someone who was “just one of the guys”, loved having fun, and of course intense when the situation calls for it.

    Brady is probably the greatest quarterback to ever play, and I feel so lucky that I got to root for him as my QB for a few seasons. But Baker is the best QB for this team *now*.

  9. Citrus County Says:

    TB12 got us a Super Bowl win in our own stadium. For that we can be thankful. Aside from that I am glad he and BA and BL have moved on. I think lessons were learned from that experience that benefit the organization as a whole but were costly at the time.

    Now with a very solid and stable foundation, an improving salary cap situation, loads of young talent, 2 SB trophies in the trophy case, a true franchise quarterback (Brees 2.0), a maturing coaching staff, and excellent front office that has proven to be very good at talent evaluation, drafting and cap management, I think we are on the verge of replicating what the KC Chiefs have done over the last few years.

    I look forward to listening not watching many great Bucs games in the future. I cannot support the NFL or the major media outlets. So I will rely on JBF to keep me informed.

  10. CGB spender Says:

    Lol they all love to have fun but they never win anything. Brady brought back to life this loser franchise. Let’s see where the “We have fun with baker” will lead them. Definitely not to the superbowl

  11. AMI_Chris Says:

    As a fan, I’m OK with players being a little “stressed” if it brings a Super Bowl or two. Welcome to the world…we are all a little stressed.

  12. Oneilbuc Says:

    Forget Brady we have Baker now it’s time to let Brady go!!

  13. ATLBUC Says:

    AL121976 Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 12:16 pm
    It sounds like Brady was so focused on winning that nothing else mattered.
    Something else mattered! He left camp for two weeks. This probably rubbed a lot of players the wrong way since he had been pushing them and telling them winning was everything and then leaving in the middle of spring training.

  14. Jmarkbuc Says:

    Weird story.

    TB12 was the GOAT for a reason.

  15. Dave Pear Says:

    Right on, Oneilbuc.

  16. A Bucs Fan Says:

    @Jmarkbuc – he was not the GOAT his final season. He was a stressed and distracted divorcée and that was felt by the whole organization.

  17. Dtownva Says:

    Bucs sure looked like they were having fun when they decimated the Chiefs in the Super Bowl.

  18. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    And most NBA players didn’t enjoy being around Michael Jordan either. Sure is fun partying down with the championship trophy though ain’t it?

  19. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Someone with greater intensity can rattle some people who are more laid back. Tom most likely demanded everyone be on top of their game at all times. Some thrive on it. Others don’t and get stressed. It’s not an unreasonable take.

  20. Pewter Power Says:

    The divorce was an issue but Dude was 45. Maybe licht should have made sure the guy had a top notch offensive line and it would have been a different season and vibe

  21. BuckyBuc Says:


  22. Alvin Scissors Harper Says:

    Tom should never have come back for 2022. His heart wasn’t in it. Whenever anyone got within 5 yards of him, he threw the ball in the dirt.

  23. JustVisiting Says:

    Sounds a bit like playing with MJ. It’s not always fun to ride the GOAT.

  24. BucHead Says:

    Every player has an expiration date. Brady’s was January 2021. In 22 he was distracted by his failed attempt to join the Dolphins and his failed marriage, and with the loss of Ryan Jensen, Brady was just average. That’s how life works.

  25. BucVoyager Says:

    MJ was intense. He would fight his teammates.

  26. SlyPirate Says:

    You’ll never get me to bite on a TB12 shade article. Dude single handedly made the Bucs a nationwide phenomenon. 2020 was the most fun Bucs season at the worst possible time in history. He was a hard ass. Players can complain to the ring on their finger.

    Is Baker more fun/entertaining than TB12 (and the players he brought in: Gronk, 4Net, AB)? As a fan, not even close. Baker is easy to root for this year and I’m excited he’s a Buc.

  27. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Different types of leaders….Brady proved his style works….Baker has yet to prove his does…..but, TBBF really likes what he’s seeing

  28. BakerFan Says:

    JustVisiting Says:
    September 17th, 2024 at 1:11 pm
    Sounds a bit like playing with MJ. It’s not always fun to ride the GOAT.


    Playing with Jordan for Washington Wizards was way different than with the Bulls.

    It is a good comparison because Jordan was not the same Jordan with the Wizards as he was with the Bulls, may not of been even their best player at that time. I remember a lot of the younger guys said they could not relate to Jordan.

  29. Simeon4HOF Says:

    A poundtown frustrated Giselle equals stressed buccaneers I guess

  30. Rod Munch Says:

    There is absolutely a conspiracy at foot, to make sure that any time you start feeling good about Baker, the Baker Boi(s) show-up in mass making retarded statements, like Baker is better than Brady, in order to push away the non-mentally ill.

    It can no longer just be dismissed as random events, there is a concerted effort at hand to incite hatred.

  31. Defense Rules Says:

    JMarkBuc … ‘Weird story. TB12 was the GOAT for a reason.’

    O’NeilBuc … ‘Forget Brady we have Baker now it’s time to let Brady go!!’

    Yea verily to BOTH comments! We’re 2 games into the season and looking backwards? Why? We’ve got a brutal 8 game stretch in front of us until our BYE week (Broncos, Eagles, Falcons, Saints, Ravens, Falcons, Chiefs, 49ers) & we’ve already got a ton of injuries. We need to be forward-focused.

    Personally I’m surprised at Baker for his comments BTW. He wasn’t here, and he should’ve by-passed any questions about that period by telling the media to ask that question to someone who was.

  32. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Brady was stressed cause his wife was a cheating hoe & then there is the money side of it.i don’t like cheating Brady but I hate a cheating dirty scoundrel wife she is a POS!

  33. BakerBucs says duh Says:

    Same old derense rules cry baby post poor boy freaking whiner

  34. Dave Pear Says:

    This is nothing to waste light over. It’s Baker’s team now, it’s pretty clear he knows how his players feel about him and how they look at recent history. He’s probably saying this stuff for their benefit. It doesn’t take away what Brady brought, or the SB win, or the 13-4 season that would have been a SB repeat except for AB going mental, injuries galore, and the Cover Nobody but Blitz Nobody Either experiment that wasted the best comeback in team history.

  35. M1K3_Fanclub Says:

    Brady is a d0uche. He got us to a SB, but he’s kind of a sociopath.

  36. Show Me the TDs Says:

    This article and the one above are fine examples of the BS written on this site. Rumors, innuendo, conspiracy theories. Might as well include links to TMZ and People Magazine.

  37. Bobby M. Says:

    Did Michael Jordan have teammates that didn’t care for his approach…..definitely but pro sports is a results focused business. Brady came in and changed the entire culture, delivered a SB, two division titles and 3 straight trips to the playoffs. Who cares if he stressed people, to win at a high level you have to do the difficult tasks. Jordan demanded teammates practice with the same intensity as he did….thats what the greats do.

  38. Kenton Smith Says:

    Ooh ! Rod Munch and Defense Rules. You are both right. I saw this headline and it’s exactly the kind of headline we don’t need. Baker God gave you 2 ears and one mouth for a reason. We’ve got one job right now. Fight like hell and find a way to score at least one more point than Denver.

  39. Joe Says:

    This article and the one above are fine examples of the BS written on this site. Rumors, innuendo, conspiracy theories. Might as well include links to TMZ and People Magazine.

    So that’s why Joe dominates Bucs traffic? Cool.

  40. Show Me the TDs Says:

    “So that’s why Joe dominates Bucs traffic?” Absolutely! It’s what’s popular with a lot of people. Can you please recommend a Bucs “football” site? TIA

  41. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    brady’s mediocre 2022 was a direct result of his off-the-field misery caused by pushing his family one year too far. he gets a pass. it was pretty obvious he wasn’t himself that year. it’s hard to do anything when you are miserable. even moreso when you have to pretend you’re fine

  42. Joe Says:

    “So that’s why Joe dominates Bucs traffic?” Absolutely! It’s what’s popular with a lot of people. Can you please recommend a Bucs “football” site? TIA


  43. Jeffrey Becker Says:

    no gronk was prolly a soulcrushing problem in his mind too

  44. Irish Laughter Says:

    Blah, Blah, Blah does it ever change. No wonder Brady has distanced himself.
    Once Mayfield wares out his welcome it will be his turn. Stay tune. Keeping it real in Ireland.

  45. adam from ny Says:

    yeah man i said it before…

    year 3 of the brady era is literally “30 FOR 30” waiting to happen

  46. Simeon4HOF Says:

    I’m grateful to Tom for the SB. Just hard on him when opportunity arises bcuz of his marital team distraction effect as well as his purposefully timid play his last season

  47. heyjude Says:

    Thankful we got the Goat for awhile. He was at the end of his career and 45 going on 46, and we still got a SB. Thank you to our team and coaches too. He also was going through that crypto issue and a divorce with children. A lot on a plate. Two different types of QBs and mindset. Baker was the perfect fit after Brady retired. Thankful we have him now.

  48. Jmarkbuc Says:


    Agreed. Baker has a penchant for hubris at the strangest times..I mean why offer up that having a killer desire to win, and the work it takes, rankled football players ? It isn’t the flex he thinks it is.

    What the GOAT did here was incredible and brought us back from the dregs. Baker should’ve abstained.

  49. unbelievable Says:

    I’m sorry but the last thing this team needs is a distraction like this, with our current QB talking ish about our previous QB, who happens to be the GOAT.

    This is poor form IMO.

  50. unbelievable Says:

    Agreed Jmark.

  51. Gotti-Dog-05-20-84 Says:

    The biggest reason I dislike texting and emails is because it
    is very difficult to convey accurate emphasis and inflection…..

    That being said, after listening to the interview I didn’t feel as tho he said anything in a disrespectful manner.

  52. Cdog76 Says:

    NEVER disrespect the GOAT! Until you win a Super Bowl, keep your mouth shut.

  53. orlbucfan Says:

    Bucs were ready on both sides of the ball to win that SB. All they needed was a competent QB, ironically enough. Famous Jameis wasn’t it. Methusaleh Brady showed up here cos the 49ers weren’t interested. So, Brady is history. Let’s move on.

  54. BA's Red Pen Says:

    Who cares, Brady is gone.

  55. Beeej Says:

    Playing HERE in ’22 wasn’t Brady’s first choice. Fairly obvious he wanted to do a season in Miami, and Bucs management refused to cut him loose.

  56. Bucschamp Says:

    jameis winston era was too chill. They needed brady to get the guys in line. Not only did they win the SB, they brought everybody back.

  57. unbelievable Says:

    @Beeej – while there’s def some truth to that, Brady is way too much of a competitor to tank. He would never voluntarily tarnish his own legacy / record. Never.

    2022 was a clusterfahq for a lot of reasons… Brady’s personal life was just one of them.

  58. CleanHouse Says:

    I’d take Brady all day every day. He’s was an actual winner. Let the stressed out players walk…

    Baker had me won over after those two scrambles last weekend, but now I think he’s a clown again.

    Thanks for the quick reminder!

  59. lambchop Says:

    Brady at the end of his career was equivalent to an older chick dating a younger guy. It wears out its welcome at some point – for the younger guy being bossed. He knew what it took to win, been there and done that. He knew he had the talent around him to win, he just didn’t have the time to let that happen organically. It was the Patriot way or he was going to another team (Miami).

    Basically, the Bucs were a stepping stone to cement his legacy post Belicheat/NE. He got what he wanted. I mean the guy was telling the WRs the foot positioning and body language of DBs right before the SB. Tom had it down to a science and he wasn’t going to let the last couple of years of his career go wasted by perennial losers having a hard time trying to figure out how to win. Our players and the fans got what we wanted – a SB ring. It was a ransom worth paying.

  60. mj Says:

    i’ve been watching the bucs since 1976 and we’ve never had a top tier quarter back except doug william… steve and vinny did not get good until they left… hugh booted doug, insulted him for 300k right after his wife died. i moved away outof the country, stopped watching football for twelve years but brady brought me back to the bucs just in time for a magical first season, we never had a qb that good, laser accuracy great leader until his wife left him. i like baker a lot but it’s uncool and unprofessional to talk bad about tb, you can be stressed out for millions of dollars and a super bowl ring, what a dumb story, and this after brady said good things about baker just last week

  61. Ed Says:

    Brady is in the booth at Fox, not sure why this is a topic now, he didn’t even play with us last year. There is enough to write about with these current young Bucs who fought the Lions tooth and nail. Lets find more stories on the success of these young turks instead of revising the past with Brady. It’s just not relevant at this time.


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