Report: Bucs Brass Teared Up Over The Win

September 16th, 2024

When Joe read this, the only thing Joe could think of was how the great voice of Chicago sports radio, Mike North would react.

“Take. It. Easy!”

That was North’s reaction when someone got ahead of his skis on a subject. He would often follow that up by hollering, “Slow down!”

That’s what Joe thought when Jenna Laine of ESPN reported after Sunday’s big Bucs win that Bucs brass and/or coaches were so moved and emotional, tears were flowing.

Get a hold of yourself, men!

Was yesterday’s win in Detroit a landmark victory? Yes. Was it a great win? Yes. Was it an upset? Yes. Was it a shock? When you factor in all the injuries, yes.

Was it a division-clinching win? No. Was it a playoff win? Of course not. Was it a win for the NFC title? Don’t be crazy. Was it a Super Bowl win? Hell no!

It was a fantastic victory, one that may help the Bucs get to the playoffs with a quality seed. Few before the season expected the Bucs to get this win. Now at 2-0, Tampa Bay has a 79 percent chance of a playoff berth based on records the past five years.

Look, the Bucs won a Super Bowl just a few years ago. Many current Bucs coaches were part of that staff. Joe is guessing all of the front office staff was with the Bucs when they won the Super Bowl.

Letting tears flow over a Week 2 win? Really? Calm down here.

Joe is positively giddy over the Bucs’ win in Detroit. But if they don’t keep their eyes on the prize and beat the Broncos on Sunday, and other lesser teams on the schedule, Sunday won’t matter.

Yesterday’s win only reinforces the Bucs are a good team, which Joe knew before the game.

Tearing up? As an old school coach might yell at a player celebrating too much after getting a first down in the second quarter, “Get your head in the game!”

The Bucs have a long road ahead before they can start tearing up over a win. Save the tears for a crucial January win that really, really, really, really matters.

As Todd Bowles himself said when he addressed his team after the win, “This just gets us to 2-0. … Act like you’ve been here.”

When Bowles was told of the emotion displayed by Bucs types, Bowles said, “You let me know who they are, I’ll find them. There’s no crying in football Week 2.”

50 Responses to “Report: Bucs Brass Teared Up Over The Win”

  1. Rod Munch Says:

    This sissy crap has got to stop.

    Win 3 Super Bowls in a row on the day your dog is ran over and your dad dies, then maybe you can have one tear. But crying over a week 2 victory? What the hell.

  2. The Fighting Schianoes Says:

    It’s still today boss.

  3. unbelievable Says:

    Who cares

  4. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Hundreds of hours of prep by nameless, faceless coaches celebrating a special win . On the road. Depleted. Savoring the rise of many back up, new players. Talented opponent. It’s the manner of the win that is special. Bucs had half as many total yards. No run game. This type of win is rare. That’s why the emotion. Unless you’ve been part of something’ similar, you can’t understand their joy.

  5. Anon Says:

    Yeah reminds me of when Brady chewed out someone for crying when they beat GB. We’ve just done a lot less than that.

    Feel good story for all the backups that stepped up. That’s the only thing even mildly tear worthy. Ones from inspiration not from a week 2 victory.

  6. Jackjacksfan Says:

    Seems like joe is just hating

  7. adam from ny Says:

    ^^^^^^^ who is the crybaby in the picture ?

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    The reason this Bucs team is relevant is because the people care for each other. This was an against all odds game. Even at full strength, Bucs are underdogs.

    And all of you machismo beating tough guys don’t know what else might be going on behind the curtain.

    Todd has been a primary focus of much criticism, but on the subject of the human element, he’s top notch. And today he conjured a win out of the ether. Truly the best win of he head coaching tenure.

    If I were Jason, I’d be shedding a tear also.

    It’s 2024 people. And, the head coach knows it is this season.

    Kudos to Todd and Jason.

  9. Crickett Baker Says:

    Agreed, Let ’em.It was a strange win, statistically and player-wise. I am not sure I ever saw one like it.

  10. Winny Testaverde Says:

    Jenna Lame wouldn’t exaggerate now would she? Great win. Tears of a Clown worthy? Anything’s possible I suppose.

  11. Pewter Power Says:

    As long as someone reminds them they started off 3-1 before it went off the rails last year. Take it easy!!! It’s week 2 this is embarrassing even if it’s a lie it’s too late ESPN has already said it

  12. ATLBUC Says:

    They were tears of joy because they realized that if we can beat Detroit in their house with a depleted lineup that we can beat any team on our schedule. They realize what I realized a few weeks ago, that we’re going undefeated!!!

  13. Booger Says:

    It would be very nice to have your hometown team reporter know when to keep their mouth shut and not feel like they have to tell EVERYTHING they know. Just SO STUPID.

  14. Saskbucs Says:

    I look at this as them being us fans. They aren’t tearing up because they won a meaningful game, they are tearing up at the prospects of greatness!

    The message is obviously, “this means nothing, we got 15 more games to win then it’s playoffs and teams are just now, getting their legs under them.”

    BUT… this team just showed how good it can be at full health and how good our young guys can play. The brass were crying because they see SB potential and I don’t blame them! Go Bucs!

  15. ReeeBarrr Says:

    Dude that was a super display of heart today. So much about this team was on show. What an incredible win by a bunch of gutty players, great coaching. Heck yeah, lots to celebrate.

    Well said, let ‘em bake

  16. Mike C Says:

    The amount of heart and fight this team showed….. They were probably just so proud of their boys they couldn’t help it Joe, how about you take it easy.

  17. Mike C Says:

    If having ownership that ACTUALLY CARES is embarrassing for you, you are the one with the problem.

  18. Mark A Swygert Says:

    This win reminded me of the old days with Dungy. An ugly win is still a win. Yes it reminds me of what they used to call Buc ball. The defense bends but seldom breaks. We forced that powerful offense to settle for three FG’s. The offense scores just enough to give you a chance to win. Winning the turnover battle was the big difference. Points off the turnovers mattered too. We got a FG after Goff’s first int. And the 2nd int rresulted in preventing at least a FG. DanCampbell rare coaching mistake at the end of the half also was a big help. They would have only needed 3 at the end instead of a TD, which a I pointed out they had trouble getting against the Bucs’ defense, We held them to only one. Yeah, it really was a throwback victory, the return of Buc ball.

  19. EssexBuccaneer Says:

    The unfancied bucs went into the home of the predicted NFC champs and fought a hard win. If that doesn’t fire the emotions then I’m not sure what will.

  20. Daniel Dream Says:

    What people need to understand is the significance of this win- since it was Detroit who knocked us out of the playoffs last season, it shows our Bucs can win a Superbowl this season if:
    We work our a$$es off every single day in practice and film room and give it 110% every snap in every game and work together as a team and show this type of resilience-
    then we can reach the promised land again this season.
    Now that we know the goal is achievable, the imperativeness of the above gains even more impetus. Now is when the work really begins!!! It’s understandable to get emotional about a positive success, but immediately afterwards it is buckle-down time because that is when the work gets real.

  21. Bucnjim Says:

    Last year the entire staff was almost fired during the mid-season losing streak. I’m sure the ownership is very proud of the coaches and players for how far they have come. With the cap restrictions and the injury bug it kind of brings a tear to my eye beating the Lions.

  22. OHBucFan Says:

    I’ve no idea who was in the elevator with Jenna. I’ve no idea what their responsibilities are. I do know that I’m an emotional guy and if I was an assistant that had stayed up all night all week long trying to find nuggets to make a battered secondary protect the end zone, I’d be hard pressed to contain that joy.
    Life’s a journey. The SB is a destination. No judging on tears here.

  23. Todd Says:

    Bowles didn’t say, “I’ll find them.”

    With his typical sarcastic humor, he said, “I’ll FINE them.”

    A way better response than I’ll find them.

    Love that guy.

  24. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Get off my lawn!!!

  25. heyjude Says:

    Passion from the heart says so much about the coaching staff and top brass! It’s okay to have tears of joy.

  26. Hodad Says:

    Gruden once said, this is an emotional game played by emotional men! Apparently that emotion runs through the building all the way to the top. That’s a good thing.

  27. Walter Says:

    I mean, the adrenaline must’ve been crazy as hell, going into the Lions Den and beating them after getting swept by them last year, and with all the injured starters we were missing. Any person with a competitive spirit understands.

  28. It’s Exciting!!!! Says:

    Celebrate the win all the way. Monday is back to work.


  29. PSL Bob Says:

    Let em Bake, exactly my thoughts. It’s not so much that the Bucs are now 2-0. It was the nature of the win. On the road with a depleted secondary, a shaky new right guard, against a top tier team. It was the gritty play of the defense and the determination of Mayfield to get this team a win that was so impressive.

  30. Beeej Says:

    There’s no crying in FOOTball!

  31. Mike C Says:

    Baseball, football guys cry all the time after a tough loss.

  32. Bowles4President Says:

    @Letem Bake I completely agree

    @Mike C There is no way that the Glazers are casually sharing an elevator with reporters post game. It doesn’t work that way. This “front office” wasn’t owners.

    I also doubt Licht or Spytek were sharing and elevator with reporters.

    My guess is that the “front office” were the faceless, nameless scouts like @letembake said. These guys work all year to find overlooked college players or discarded training camp meat, and then to have that work justified so undeniably is probably a really special thing for them.
    These front office staff didn’t get into a Lexus or Mercedes after landing in Tampa. They got into their Civic, Sportage, Camry, etc just like the majority of us. Last night was a win for the little guys at One Buc, the front office Joes.

  33. orlbucfan Says:

    I didn’t shed tears, but I was numb. I’ve gotta be one of the most loyal fans in BucWorld. That said, this was an incredible win. My head kept saying Cardiac Bucs Win all last week. Common sense pooh-poohed it with all the injuries. Still, to beat one of the top 3 NFL teams in their home lair? Tears of joy are more than cool.

  34. Tucker Says:

    Crying happens all the time look at the game thread could have surfed on those tears. Lol go bucs! 2 and 0 baby

  35. Bojim Says:

    “It’s their party”.

  36. BakerFan Says:

    Somebody else is crying also, THE LIONS AND THEIR FANS. LOL

  37. heyjude Says:

    Right on, BakerFan! They showed a stream of the Lions fans toward the end of the game, before their loss, and it was pretty grim.

  38. SenileSenior Says:

    The team /franchise deserves at least 12 hours of joy after a win. Lighten up, guys. Grown men have emotions too.

    Go Bucs! Trounce Denver and SP!

  39. rrsrq Says:

    maybe they won a substantial bet that brought them to tears

  40. Pryda30 Says:

    Can’t stand Jenna

  41. Florida Cat Says:

    That was blood and guts for a year now. Im not shocked

  42. Chef Baker Says:

    Aww come on Joe leave em alone. This game was a confidence booster for the “youngry” guys. I’m proud of the entire team that should be proud of themselves as well tears or not. They aren’t popping bottles and trying to pick out their SB outfit to wear. Just an awesome victory over a top tier team. #LETEMBAKE!!!

  43. Chef Baker Says:

    We got our lick back!!

  44. Drunkinybor Says:

    I don’t believe her.

  45. Booger Says:

    Whoever it was I don’t blame them for being emotional (no one knows ‘their’ reasons). But, I do blame Jenna for feeling the need to disclose it. It’s just SO stupid and serves no purpose. It makes zero amount of sense whatsoever… It’s as if SHE allowed HERSELF, to get all wrapped up into it and couldn’t run fast enough to post it! It’s pathetic really, & desperate on many other levels. I used to like her… Ten Years Ago. Honestly, I don’t even believe that it really happened that way, & was 💯 waaaayyy overblown.

  46. Bucs'n'Bucks Says:

    I don’t understand why everyone keeps saying the defensive secondary was depleted. Zion played. Izien was a starter last year and just a small step down from AWJ. They took a big hit losing Vea on the line but survived. Whitehead and Dean played their usual quality game. Keep it up, Bucs!!

  47. No Mercy Says:

    It’s not just the win it’s how everyone played their hearts out in a very hostile environment, with key injuries on both sides of the ball. They were shorthanded and went into Detroit and beat one of the best teams in football. This organization has heart not just the players and they must be really proud of the team they built

  48. infomeplease Says:

    Next up!

  49. BubbaBuc Says:

    Just another game. It’s two games. I don’t understand the tears but either way the players know what the objective is and is already focused on the Broncos.

  50. BubbaBuc Says:

    RJ will be rocking Sunday. Let’s get and stay healthy and stay aggressive.


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