Make The Call!

September 13th, 2024

Flash poll posted at 8:37 p.m. Poll is closed.

11 Responses to “Make The Call!”

  1. Weebs10 Says:

    I always have and always will vote yes on polls like this GO BUCS

  2. David Says:

    Unlike others who just continuously vote yes, I actually use a little logic. The lions are one of the best teams in the NFL. A month into the season, healthy with the D and O Lines gelling together better, they would have a chance. Right now, being injury depleted, I don’t think they have a chance. If they were Healthy it would be really tough task.

    I just hope they get healthy and can finish 3–2 or 4–1 through their first five because then it gets real tough for the next five

    Make no mistake, though, I want them to win.
    Many on here seem like they prefer to be correct over what’s best for the team.

  3. Simeon4HOF Says:

    Bucs 30 Lions 27

  4. unbelievable Says:

    ^ Agree David, prob too depleted to realistically beat them right now. Hope more than anything that we somehow win, but I wouldn’t bet money on it.

    We’ll see them in the playoffs and should have a better shot by then.

  5. unbelievable Says:

    Love the optimism here though lol

  6. Paratrooper Buc Says:

    If we had no injuries I would say we were 50-50 chance with weight to Detroit for home game. Now it’s 25% chance in my mind. So we still have a chance in my mind.

  7. Mike Johnson Says:

    Tough game in Detroit. All hands on deck..which we will not have. We will have to outscore them. Don’t see our defense stopping them. Baker will play well. Not saying we cannot win. But it is a monumental assignment. Who knows though? Maybe the football Gods will be on our side. GO BUCS!

  8. White Tiger Says:

    Love my Bucs, but belief won’t guarantee a win.

    As others have said, defense (and offense) have been depleted. Offense will make a valiant effort, defensive subs and they’re capable of scoring points, defensive subs will give maximum effort – so there’s a chance.

    It’s just not very high.

    The good thing is it’s just one game, and even if we lose it won’t upset the season goals… we don’t have a bad team, we’re just hamstrung by injuries – but hopefulky with the rest, we can get these starters back in time to win the games we’re supposed to.

    I’m watching, and I’ll be ecstatic if we somehow pull this out, I just don’t expect it this week.

  9. DoooshLaRue Says:

    Just target Carlton Davis.

  10. BillyBucco Says:

    I think if healthy we get them in the playoffs but the injuries are just too much.
    It’s reminding me of the Saints beating us 3 or 4 in a row before we finally got them when it mattered.

  11. El HEFE Rick Says:

    26-20 BUCCS


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