Demotion Respect For Joe Tryon-Shoyinka

September 12th, 2024

Interesting insight from Bucs inside linebackers coach Larry Foote.

Foote is a straight shooter slightly in the mold of one of his great mentors, Bucco Bruce Arians.

The former NFL linebacker and six-year Bucs assistant coach finds ways to be candid and keep players humble while still giving them proper respect.

Take what he first said today when asked about inside linebacker SirVocea Dennis getting his first NFL sack and making an impact in a backup role against Washington.

“He got his first sack, You know, Lavonte [David] missed the quarterback and [Dennis] cleaned it up,” Foote said with smirk before lauding the instincts, anticipation and football IQ of Dennis.

Today, Foote also was asked about where Joe Tryon-Shoyinka stands as an edge rusher after making a couple of plays Sunday.

“He’s always been serious,” Foote said of Tryon-Shoyinka. “He’s always been a pro since Day 1, you know, battling his confidence. He’s in competition. And I love the way he’s responded.

“I tipped my hat off to him last year. A lot of times guys that, you know, they get demoted, they go into the tank. That wasn’t him. He was all hands on deck, helping out on special teams and I really appreciate that. It just speaks to the type of guy he is and his upbringing.”

Cool take. And it was very interesting to Joe to hear Foote say Tryon-Shoyinka struggles with confidence.

If that’s the case, and low confidence affects his play, then perhaps Tryon-Shoyinka will be riding high Sunday in Detroit after a strip-sack on opening day and additional QB pressures.

Joe’s all in favor of anything that turns Tryon-Shoyinka into a dangerous player.

28 Responses to “Demotion Respect For Joe Tryon-Shoyinka”

  1. StickinUp4Centers Says:

    The last regular season game in 2023 he had a strip sack, the first game of 2024 he had a strip sack. Keep the streak up.

    Also had a sack against PHI in the playoffs so that’s 3 sacks in his past 4 games.

  2. gp Says:

    Joe’s all in favor of anything that turns Tryon-Shoyinka into a dangerous player.
    The athleticism is there if he can clean up some mistakes, learn and employ a few moves, and keep that confidence up!

  3. Knothead71 Says:

    I agree. I hope JTS blows up this year. If he and Hall can put it all together we should have something special

  4. Dave Pear Says:

    It’s beginning to look like pigs can fly. An emergence of JTS sis a huge boost.

    Bring it.

  5. J Says:

    JTS looked pretty confident vs Washington. So many (including myself)have had low hopes for some time, so it’s hard to recognize his good play. Good start so far.

  6. Ed Says:

    Maybe he’s working harder and recognizing that he can make plays if he gives more effort. At times in his career he appears to not be giving 100% effort.

  7. Pewter Power Says:

    Wanna make money JTS? Show up in games like this Sunday

  8. Bowles4President Says:

    This is a lesson to never undervalue the impact of solid coaches

  9. Joe Says:

    This is a lesson to never undervalue the impact of solid coaches

    Think it was Mike Tanier who once wrote about lousy Lovie, “Never underestimate how badly a bad coach can drag down a good team.”

  10. louinsrq Says:

    the bucs have a young core because Licht is an outstanding gm , who has an amazing scouting team to find the next draft score.

  11. orlbucfan Says:

    Finally, some respect for JTS on here. Unbelievable. Bet he’ll be in the Lions backfield where he usually is during games.

  12. dmatt Says:

    I’m not sold on JTS. I believe the plays he made were a fluke. I haven’t seen him make plays against better competition. He’s never been inconsistence since entering the league. Let’s not turn him into the second coming of JPP after making a play against the commanders OT who’s been waived by 5 different teams since being in the league. If he ball out against the likes of the lions, eagles, chiefs, chargers, cowboys, ravens, n 49ers, then he gets my vote.

  13. Ha-Ha-Ha Says:

    We need redemption on that pick.
    If he can turn it around I’ll be so happy for him and the team and for Jason.

  14. unbelievable Says:

    orlbucfan Says:
    September 12th, 2024 at 9:46 pm
    Finally, some respect for JTS on here. Unbelievable. Bet he’ll be in the Lions backfield where he usually is during games.


    Problem is he’s usually in the backfield way past the actual play… If he finally starts getting pressures and sacks regularly, nothing would make me happier.

  15. unbelievable Says:

    Tua just got concussed again putting his head down to take a hit… Gotta wonder how much longer his career will even last.

  16. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    Thing is I’ve never heard anyone say they don’t want him to be great. Play like Shaq and we will love you like Shaq.

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    JTS had a nice game – and I still think he’s going to have like an 8-sack season. People keep wanting to throw him away because he’s not a superstar player, but the guy is a borderline solid NFL starter, and if he shows anything this season, he’s going to get paid by someone. Keep in mind, when FA starts, he’s still just 25-years old.

  18. HC Grover Says:

    The 9 play came up the middle, not from the edge.

  19. garro Says:

    Sorry Joe but Foote was still in coach speak mode to me. JTS stunk it up in the first half but did show up a bit in the second half. His real impact in the game? Not what I would call impressive. Problem is that nobady else looked stellar either. Tough duty chasing that dude all day though.

    What happened to Watt? Did he piss someone off?

    Go Bucs!

  20. Permanently Moderated Says:

    JTS is at best an average player on his good days.

  21. teacherman-joe Says:

    Put him at MLB for some blitz packages!

    Let him sprint at the QB like Devin White used to!

    I swear 75% of Devin Whites sacks came on straight shot open lanes to the QB.

    Let Joe sprint at the QB for the MLB position.

    And his wing span is so big, he can cover a lot of space at MLB!

    We didn’t use Barron at LB like I suggested. We didn’t draft the Honey Badger in the 2nd like I suggested. (We drafted 4.6 Johnathan Banks).

    We didn’t convert MJ Stewart to dime package linebacker/SS. He’s still crushing people in the NFL. He’s still a nasty special teams player.

    1. We need Vea at OLB 4 snaps per game. 1 on 1 versus a tackle. He wins 75% of the time.

    2. JTS at MLB at least 4 snaps per game. Blitz and cover. Get him experience there.

    3. On 6 offensive lineman packages, slide Mauch to the 2nd LT position outside Wirfs and let Klein get snaps at RG.

    Mauch used to be a tight end and a LT.

    Let Klein be our 6th lineman on jumbo packages and put Mauch at TE/LT.

    He can catch too.

    4. Let Culp return some kickoffs. He’s 240. He can break the first tackle.

    5. God bless Bryce Hall. He was playing well.

    6. Is Gronk interested in a comeback? We still lack a badass tight end.

    7. Liam is a genius. Quick witted and tough. I love this aura and style.

    8. We need to draft another huge NT next year.

  22. Daniel Z Says:

    I’ll remain as I always have with a guy who starts to flash in a contract year, cautiously optimistic.

  23. Captain Vic Says:

    2 words- “Spin move”. All the great D lineman, especially defensive ends had great spin moves. I don’t think Joe is going to win often on a bull rush. Plus our guys need to maintain the edge. that rookie quarterback got a lot of yardage by guys over running the play!

  24. SlyPirate Says:


    JTS, Yaya, Braz, Nelson … That’s X factor in this game. They need to get home (hurry, hits, sacks). Bucs have a chance if they can get 4 sacks in this game.

  25. BucFanforLife Says:

    For JTS.. go get ’em! Once Goff loses confidence, he turns into well himself. No one has us winning, so it’s time to show the NFL who we are! 🦜💪🏴‍☠️

  26. lambchop Says:

    @Captain Vic,

    Von Miller had a sick spin move last night against the Dolphins. It was lightning quick and that change of direction will throw off most OL. JTS needs to hone is quickness and use it more precisely. I can’t say he’s improving just yet as he needs to string consecutive games with impact plays. But, he has the tools if he’s willing to learn to rely on technique along with his athleticism.

  27. Commander Says:

    At worst I see JTS as an above average backup. Not what we want from a first round pick but I see the Bucs resigning him since we like to keep our own.

  28. Wild Bill Says:

    Looks like a stud, plays like a dud. Been around enough to have reached his potential long before this season. Just doubt a major turn around. Pay cut and second string where ever he goes.Real talent rarely takes this long to show.