Light Shed On How Injuries Held Back Chris Godwin

September 5th, 2024

Interesting stuff today at One Buc Palace today about a guy who last year logged his third consecutive 1,000-yard season.

A dirtyish hit from a slimy Saints player wrecked Chris Godwin’s knee late in the 2021 season. It was a crushing blow to the Bucs’ Super Bowl aspirations. Godwin returned in 2022 and didn’t look like his former Pro Bowl self physically, but he still caught 104 balls for 1,023 yards and 3 touchdowns.

Last year, Godwin talked in the preseason about how much better he felt 20 months after the injury, and then he hit the field for a 17-game season. Godwin caught 83 balls for 1,024 yards and 2 touchdowns. And he was more effective late in the year after the Bucs let him play more at slot receiver.

So Godwin was all good. Right?

Not even close. That was the message today from new Bucs playcaller Liam Coen.

He said Godwin is much healthier and explained. It really stood out for Joe because Coen wasn’t seeing Godwin live in past years, only on film.

“I think he’s feeling better. You can see his balance is better. He doesn’t feel like he has to cut off one leg,” Coen said. “… I think his physical attributes and tools are going to take over and I expect him to have a good year.”

Of course, some of what Coen is saying surely is parroting Godwin telling him how he’s cutting off both legs now and feeling more fluid.

Joe can say Godwin looked quicker and super sharp in training camp — from Day 2. This is his prime at 28 years old and healthy, and with a quarterback he’s familiar with.

If Godwin can’t churn out a huge year now — say, 1,200 yards and 7 touchdowns — he’s probably not going to again.

Jon Gruden: "I'm Catching The Falcon Fever"

11 Responses to “Light Shed On How Injuries Held Back Chris Godwin”

  1. RustyRhinos Says:

    Godwin, again is healthy back playing in the slot with Evans outside and Palmer and McMillan rotating, with Otten, White, Bucky, Tucker, Culp, and Durham. Great problems to have.

    Godwin & Evans 1200 yards each, with 7 TDs each. 500 yards each for McMillen & Palmer & Otten, 5 TDs each. Count me in.\


  2. SB Says:

    I am in 3 FF leagues and i drafted McMillan in all of them. ME and CG are going to draw just enough attention that he will be a household name by the end of the yr barring injury of course.

  3. Bobby M. Says:

    I think Godwin has a very productive year back in the slot.

  4. JimBobBuc Says:

    Good to hear Godwin is feeling good. If our receivers are in shape for the heat Sunday, they should be able to wear down the Wash secondary. Coen can then attack the backups.

  5. Boss Says:

    CG is Elite.

  6. Dewey Selmon Says:

    SB. I drafted Bucky with my last pick in every league.

  7. Jimothy Says:

    Isnt this counter of the Social Media shots taken by his wife? Wasnt he fully healthy and upset because he wasnt getting touches?

  8. Rod Munch Says:

    Godwin, to me, did not look like Godwin at the beginning of last year – not that he was bad or anything, but didn’t look like a special player, he looked like a guy still getting up to speed. However, by the end of the year, I thought he was looking a lot better – and if he’s back to full speed, that’s fantastic news.

    However, 1200 yards and 7 TDs is a lot when Evans is going to get at least 1000 yards and at least 10 TDs. Baker just doesn’t throw the ball enough, to WRs anyways, to sustain them and get McMillian his yards, and Otton his yards, and White his yards, etc. So I wouldn’t get too hung up on the stats – if he’s back to being a special player, it will show up on the field and teams are going to be in trouble since Evans, last year, I think looked the best he’s ever looked – and McMillian appears to be the real deal as well.

    But in any case, great news, that’s a huge weapon.

  9. garro Says:

    Godwin on one leg is better than half the #1 WRs in the league Joe.

    That is one tough dude. Saying he will decline in production is a bit of a slap in the face.

    Go Bucs!

  10. orlbucfan Says:

    @garro: +27! Signed, “ungodly” CG14 fan since he came here.

  11. Rudy Says:

    Mayfield delivered 2 1,000 receivers and a 1,000 rusher at cleveland with both Landry and OBJ going over 1,000