Internal Pressure On Todd Bowles

August 31st, 2024

So yesterday, legendary Hall of Fame Buccaneeers cornerback Rondé Barber was kind enough take fans inside One Buc Palace, figuratively speaking.

Speaking on WDAE radio, Barber reminded fans that “I spend a ton of time in [One Buc Palace] with coaches, some of the players and, obviously, the front office guys.”

(Joe has told fans that Barber is a true insider for years, but it’s nice to hear Barber say it publicly.)

Barber wanted fans to know the mindset at Bucs headquarters is an absolute win-now and win-it-all — mentality.

“We’re still the champs [of the NFC South],” Barber said. “I think there’s a lot that goes with that in terms of expectations from everybody, especially inside One Buc Place. They expect to win. … They think they’re the same team that they were last year and they can compete to win.”

Barber also referenced his appreciation for the Super Bowl chatter from Todd Bowles and believes it’s appropriate messaging for this Bucs roster.

Joe finds Barber’s sharing to be significant as it relates to Bowles.

Think about Bowles’ first year as head coach. He was handed the job under strange circumstances in late March and his Pro Bowl center blew out his knee to start training camp. Expections for Bowles weren’t high.

Year 2 for Bowles? Half the country was picking the Bucs to lose 10 or 12 games and the quarterback competition featured a castoff against a third-year guy with no experience and very little pizazz. Bowles didn’t have a lot of pressure on him.

Now? That’s all changed. In January, the Bucs reached the divisional round of the playoffs and played well there, and Bowles ended the season forgetting to call timeout. As Barber said, expectations are sky high throughout One Buc Palace.

While Bowles seems extremely loose and confident this summer, the reality is he’s under all kinds of internal pressure.

Team Glazer also patrols the halls of One Buc Palace and is part of the “everybody” Barber referenced when it comes to expectations.

Bowles proved a ton last year as he pulled the team back together after a 3-1 start turned into a 4-7 mess. But Joe sure hopes Bowles can handle the added pressure that will come with every hiccup and mistake from this season’s opening whistle.

39 Responses to “Internal Pressure On Todd Bowles”

  1. Buc1987 Says:

    The season’s almost here!

  2. Mort Says:

    They’re better this year. I worry a lot about outside CB depth, but other than that I don’t see any glaring weaknesses. Much better at safety and should be better across the board on the O-line. Tbh we have what should be an upgrade at OC too. Same team? No no. Better.

  3. SlyPirate Says:

    “They think they are the same team as last year.”

    Sorry, Barber but you’re wrong. They know they’re better. You hear from every player and coach. People (even people on this board) don’t realize how much better this team is. I can’t wait for Week 2 against Detroit. This team will be dominant by EOY. It would not surprise me to see this team in NOLA in February.

  4. Dewey Selmon Says:

    17-17 and 1-2 playoff record in the weakest division. Defensive mastermind with no pass rush. Seat will get hot if Atlanta overtakes us this year.

  5. HC Grover Says:

    I worry about Bowles Blunders at critical moments.

  6. Irishmist Says:

    A daily serving of prunes can help relieve that internal pressure.

  7. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    TBBF has internal pressure…it’s called GAS!!!

  8. Let ‘em bake Says:

    Wouldn’t be great if “ Tuck and Buck” run for a combined 2000 yards? I think I’ll try to bet that ….

  9. Jarrett Says:

    Man Bowles better beat the washington commanders

    Let’s take this one game at a time.

  10. No Mercy Says:

    The biggest deterrent in my mind is how many good teams the Bucs play this season. The schedule is not easy, and expecting the Bucs to have a better record than last year with a tougher schedule, and knowing Todd Bowles trend of barely being above .500 makes it seem like we are the same team as last year. But I have optimism Todd can finely break this team out of the slightly better than good territory into great territory

  11. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Bowles is not my favorite however he’s far from the worst coach we’ve had in here. He is respected throughout the league and his own players on both sides of the ball love to play for him. It is what it is.

  12. GoneGator Says:

    Our offense SHOULD be much improved. More efficient and explosive. I think Coen and all the offensive coaches are on the right track and have the personnel to be top 10 in the league.

    The biggest question to me is our defense – Todd’s specialty. Specifically our pass D. If the defense can be dominant and Coen and company help him out Todd will be fine.

  13. stpetebucfan Says:

    TBBF A good fart can take care of that pressure.

    As for Bowles…”the reality is he’s under all kinds of internal pressure.”

    32 HC’s in the NFL are all under great pressure. It’s a what have you done for me lately league.

    Perhaps some wag can write a column about this. Which of the 32 are under the least pressure. I nominate Harbaugh. His career record is terrific so he’ll get some latitude rebuilding the Chargers a team with a talented QB. But if Harbaugh fails this season they won’t be coming for his scalp.

    Even Bill Belichik got to feel that pressure after Brady left and in fact he finally got shown the door. Great DC literally a losing head coach without Brady over two different franchises.

    IF Todd can stand the heat he would have gotten out of the kitchen long ago.
    In fact I maintain it’s less pressure that before because at last he has some talent and lowered expectations.

    With Brady it was SB or bust, now the bar is make the playoffs. That will ratchet up if the Bucs do and win another Division title. Then expectations will start to really grow and with them the pressure.

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    Here’s what we need to see.

    Fast start on offense. Score a TD on the opening drive.

    Fast start on defense. Force a punt on WFT’s opening drive.

    Score points. Win.

    This would be a solid indicator of the evolution of Todd necessary to do more than a .500 finish.

    The personnel is there. Is the coaching? We shall soon see.

    I’m pumped. LFG.

  15. Bobby M. Says:

    Bowles is 17-17 through two years, on his third OC in three years….hes going to have to show something more than a .500 season. Even if he wins 10 games, if we are one and done in the playoffs, I think the Bucs promote the OC and move on from Bowles. He got the job handed to him because Arians purposely bailed last minute. Licht is trying to make it work but I don’t believe Bowles is remotely close to secure beyond this season.

  16. Tampabaybucfan Says:

    Am I correct that the current PS has non QB?

  17. Pewter Power Says:

    Can’t keep going 9-8 even if you make the playoffs. If licht is this draft guru but we can’t beat San Fran or Philly or Detroit then what are doing what’s the point

  18. Saskbucs Says:

    Bowles is still the worry but once again I share the thoughts and feelings of SlyPirate. Stay healthy and there is no one we can’t beat. Comes down to coaching and getting after the other teams QB.

  19. Woodenman Says:

    Tbbf incorrect. Pratt?

  20. unbelievable Says:

    Pewter Power Says:
    August 31st, 2024 at 4:17 pm
    Can’t keep going 9-8 even if you make the playoffs. If licht is this draft guru but we can’t beat San Fran or Philly or Detroit then what are doing what’s the point

    We literally beat Philly in the playoffs last season, and hung with Detroit despite some big mistakes early in the game.

    SF has been kicking our arses lately though. But SF and DET are the top 2 teams in the NFC. It’s good company to be in.

  21. Citrus County Says:

    I truly want Coach Bowles to succeed, however, after hearing how much Jackie Davidson is on the headset with him, my concerns are that he is more of a Beetle Smith than a David Eisenhower.

  22. Citrus County Says:

    Correction Dwight David Eisenhower.

  23. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    We don’t feel pressure. We apply it. Chucky

  24. go dawgs Says:

    How bout them fightin gators!!!!! LOLOLOLOL.

  25. Tye Says:

    Bowels is barely an average HC!…
    So often easily out coached especially 2nd half…
    The Bucs would be better off if Coen turns out to be a successful OC that becomes the next HC!

  26. MadMax Says:

    Haha, clemsux

    Anyways…i like Bowles calm demeanor but sometimes you have to show youre a little upset if youre really into it….i dont know just me i guess….im not saying freak out, but he’s too calm sometimes.

  27. Lightningvinny Says:

    I haven’t seen a Gator beating like this since Oklahoma beat the Gators (trask ) 55-20,,, Trask 16-28, 158 yards and 3 pics ,,, I swear someone put a Banana down Trasks pants and turned a Monkey loose!

  28. HC Grover Says:

    LOL the Gators take on Samford next week.

  29. Citrus County Says:

    Perhaps the players and front office see Bowles passion for winning,
    but the fans need to see it as well. The game itself is all about the fans. The fans need to see both Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

    The fans pay the freight.

  30. LakelandSteve Says:

    So, on paper the personnel we have on this years team as a whole is better. That does not make us a better team. This years team has to go out and prove it on the field. The Bucs can be a better football team this year than last year and can go farther but they will have to perform and play much better.

  31. Stillabucsfan Says:

    Call me crazy, but I have that same feeling from 20 plus years ago when Gruden was brought in to get us where Dungy couldn’t. I think our weakest link is our head coach. I’m just hoping coen has a better offense than canales did so Bowles can focus on defense.

  32. B Says:

    The unspoken pressure on Bowles is what makes me a fan and what I find interesting. The NFL is a cult of of coaches and owners taking no risks, making no innovations and swapping jobs and job titles to put out basically the same product on every team because “parity” (or the perception thereof) equals profits. Bowles blitz heavy defense is one of the few outliers in the league and is entertaining to those of us few left who enjoy the tactics of the sport versus a video game fantasy football vehicle.

  33. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Harder schedule this year and Bowles is still not a good game day coach.

  34. Dave Pear Says:

    I’m suspending disbelief until after WTF game. The Bucs will release their bowels all over their opponent. That will alleviate pressure. Bucs win.

  35. Mike S Says:

    I had to watch Swamp Kings after today’s beatdown.

    There’s no D in Gators that for sure.

  36. Mike S Says:

    Bucs should handle WFT.

    If not… Oh boy.

  37. Bucnation Says:

    Make The Bucs Superbowl Champions Again!

  38. FrontFour Says:

    No pressure in the past???? People have put Bowles on the Hot Seat ever season since he took over for BA. So far he’s dealt with the shadow QB who was once Tom Brady, and then a roster and rookie OC that had the league betting we’d get 4 wins last season. And almost made it to the NFC championship game. The season hasn’t even started and Joe’s got him on the HOT SEAT for the third season in a row. Give the man his due.

  39. Marky Mark Says:

    The running game appears to be much better. That will allow Baker to throw under less duress and not get beat up. Bakes was cooking in Cleveland in 2021 till he got hurt game 4.