No Suprise, Jason Licht Likes His Offensive Line

August 30th, 2024

O-line chatter.

Joe remembers former Bucs great Warren Sapp once talking about cliques in a locker room.

He said you can always bank on offensive linemen hanging together when other teammates from various position groups intermingle.

“They’re like cattle,” Sapp said of offensive linemen. “They always hang together like a herd.”

Joe also remembers sharing Sapp’s quote with long-time NFL scribe Jarrett Bell of USA Today. He smiled and said, “Sapp’s right! They do always hang together.”

So Wednesday, when Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht said he was stoked about his rebuilt offensive line, it reminded Joe of Sapp’s quote.

Licht, who played offensive line for Nebraska when they had offensive lines that would just maul opponents, was just being an offensive lineman, Joe thought.

“The growth of our offensive line, what we’ve done with the run game so far in preseason – hopefully that transfers over to the regular season,” Licht responded to what excites him about the 2024 roster. Everybody’s very excited on that side of the ball for what we are capable of with the run game, which is going to help the entire team.

“It’ll help with ball control, it’ll help the defense, it’ll help the passing game – everything. So those are some of the things I’m excited to see hopefully continue.”

Licht previously said he was excited for Baker Mayfield’s second year with the club, but Licht spent a lot more time and words discussing his offensive line.

No, Joe doesn’t believe Licht is wrong. But once an offensive lineman, always an offensive lineman.

Rich Eisen Picks The Falcons

26 Responses to “No Suprise, Jason Licht Likes His Offensive Line”

  1. DS Says:

    Give Licht his flowers guy is one of the best OL evaluators

  2. Proudbucsfan Says:

    I have no doubt that our OL is going to kick A— this season and our offense will be great because of it

  3. adam from ny Says:

    OLine room X RB room = exciting times

    it’s def been a good minute since i’ve been this excited of these position groups

  4. garro Says:

    Thats said out of jelousy, because nobody woud hang with Sapp. What an asshat!

    Go Bucs

  5. garro Says:

    If we can stay healthy up front we could put a thumping on some folks.

    Go Bucs!

  6. Capt.Tim Says:

    Best OL evaluators? Weve been the absolute worst rushing team in the league
    For two years straight. Our lousy offensive line gave the Goat, Tom Brady, his only losing season. I have no doubt that, given that teams talent- Brady would have won us another Super Bowl if Licht had got iff his ass, and given us a decent line.
    I like Licht. But I believe he THINKS Hes an O line genius- and thats what actually hurts this team.
    Our 3 interior line were the worst rated group in the league two years in a row.
    And while Barton will grow into an outstanding Center, Bredeson and Mauch are the the worst pair of starting guards in the league. By Far!
    We have an outstanding pair of Tackles. Our Rookie Center will grow into a great player. But our two guards will be a very weak link.
    Once again, expect constant pressure up the middle. It will once again kill the running game, and Mayfield will have to scramble to get a pass off.

    Watch their film. Check out their ratings. Its like Licht searches for crappy guards. Opeta, Bredeson, and Newman were all horrible last year. Bottom ranked in the league. Their teams didnt trade them. They just fired them. Bredeson wasnt good enough to be a backup for the horrible Giants line- but hes gonna be our starter. Mauch actually has regressed. And Lord, he was horrible last year.

    So, no, I dont think Im crowning Licht a great O Line evaluator- until we get an O line that isnt the worst group of Run blockers in the league. Our Guards suck

  7. SB~LV Says:

    Extremely satisfying to have the attention to a quality of the offense line. I remember the days and attitude of “developing and finding late round picks OL”
    The desperation when Kenyatta Walker was picked for the cost of trading up , something like a 1 and a 2 and the long list of forgotten names

  8. David Says:

    Love it! The Oline and D line should be priority every single draft. Control the trenches, you win. It is that simple. The game has changed over the decades but that has remained constant.

  9. Leighroy Says:

    Capt. Tim, the OL was dominant in the Superbowl winning year (especially in the playoffs) and played pretty good the following – disagree? In May of ’22 Ali Marpet retired out of no-where. In August of ’22 Ryan Jensen’s career was over, we were just in denial.

    Those two were supposed to be interior cornerstones for years to come and were paid as such too. Licht couldn’t have anticipated those events. I’m as disappointed in Hainsey as the rest of us, who was drafted to be the back-up interior guy and was thrust into starting roles he wasn’t ready for, but you don’t just replace those two in the snap of a finger.

    This year, Mauch has a year under his belt and clearly grew stronger in the offseason. I predict he’ll look less like a rookie from a FCS school, and more like an average NFL guard. Bredeson may not be an all-pro but the guy isn’t a scrub either. Dismiss them before a regular season snap at your own risk.

    A lot of recency bias focusing on your perceived slights this year as your only means for grading Licht. His track record in totality speaks for itself when you don’t get so emotional.

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    It must have pained Jason deeply to watch the three matadors with Canalwater calling Rachaad runs up the middle over and over and over.


    Throw to set up the run.

  11. Bucs Guy Says:

    Absolutely agree with Leighroy on why we had line issues. Getting better now.

    Something I’ve always preached is a great GM will pick at least one Olineman or a Dlineman in round 1 or 2 every year. Why?
    1. The most injuries occur on both lines, so you need good depth.
    2. 9 of 22 starters are on the lines (41% of your starters). So just the math says to be always addressing this area.
    3. You don’t see a lot of 40-year old lineman. They have shorter careers and need re-stocked.
    4. The majority of all pro lineman on both sides of the ball are 1st or 2nd round picks. Not saying you can’t get a good one later, but play the percentages.
    5. Lineman normally take 1-2 years to grow into the position.
    6. GMs aren’t going to hit on every pick, so repeat.

  12. SlyPirate Says:

    This is the best line we’ve had. By EOY, they’ll be dominant.

    I wish they would have kept Xavier Delgado. He looked so good.

  13. DS Says:

    Capt Tim were you alive when we had a top 5 OL in the first 2 yrs of the Brady era ? Did you forget Cappa left and Jensen got sent into retirement. Also Cappa was a late round pick Marpet was a 2nd or 3rounder Dsmith got alota flack but he played well for a 2nd pick Wirfs has been AP 2x Mauch is getting better Hainsey converted to center and battled. Show me 1 early round bust for OL and Licht resume

  14. Fartin Matin Says:

    Great article Joes.

  15. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Capt Tim – your opinion of our guards holds little water, but keep spewing your vile. Perhaps wait to eval after a real game? Is Mauch the same player as his rookie year? Ummm – doubtful.

  16. DS Says:

    O crap and I forgot the glass eater who played at a high level last yr

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    Licht built the best pass blocking line in the NFL, only to see Bowles, who is stuck in the 1970s, think the way you win in the 2020s is by running up the middle, even if you’re not good at it.

  18. DS Says:

    @rod munch hopefully coach Bowles stops playing smash mouth football lol

  19. Larrd Says:

    The line will be lauded as the league’s best in the next few years, I bet. Wirf and Barton and Goedeke are already better than just good and Mauch is going to be good by the end of this season. I do not believe Baldinger would feature Elijah Klein on his YouTube multiple times if he did not see a plus starter there, either. Sooner rather than later.

    The line and Baker can make the Bucs a winner for the next ten years. The long term strength of the team going forward, imo.

  20. Bucs Bucs Bucs! Says:

    Capt Tim– Have you looked at the Salary Cap issues that Licht had to navigate? The untimely retirements? The injuries? SMH.
    GO Bucs!!!

  21. orlbucfan Says:

    Jason Licht’s knowledge of OLine talent is light years better than this whole blog’s. That includes you, Capt. Tim. The 2020 OLine was the best one in Bucs history. I’m looking forward to a repeat. Sapp? Great player on the field, total yahoo off it.

  22. Stanglassman Says:

    How does JC Allen get a one on one with GM Jason and not Ira/JBF podcast?
    Jason was on Ira’s podcast two weeks ago for about 40 minutes.

  23. Obvious Says:

    Hold on. You people are very forgiving. You weren’t singing com by yah (sp) these last two years and now he made good decisions during these last 2 years?
    Sure I’m in agreement that he can pick them in the draft and more than that he has excelled there no doubt. BUT…..

    Once we lost Cappa, Jenson, and Marpet pretty much all at the same time, Jason DID NOT replace them with suitable linemen. He brought in scrubs and rookies and as a result it was SO BAD that our teams o line was SO BAD that not only did it darn near get Brady killed and as a result produced Bradys ONLY losing season of a 20 YEAR CAREER!

    A HUGE LACK of good decision making and extreme POOR FORM! Lichts Stewartship of Bradys last days ….. I’m not so sure the rest of the fans WORLD WIDE thought very much of our management and therefore our team after that COMPLETE FAIL… It almost seems as though MOST commentators have it out for us for some reason. HUMMMM. Maybe that’s why…….. Management seriously tarnished a legend “maybe” how a lot of folks see it.

    Just a thought. Doesn’t mean that’s why. However, there is NO QUARTER for the lack of action ONE WAY OR THE OTHER on Lichts lack of providing at least “adequate” linemen during Brady’s last year here. THE MAN WON’T EVEN TALK ABOUT ONE OF OUR PLAYERS! It seems DELIBERATE for some reason or another now doesn’t it….

    Even though. I see Licht as the BEST GM we’ve ever had but he IS NOT walking on water…. Sorry (though h is skimming on it pretty well)

  24. Gipper Says:


    Got your point but not sure Mauch will struggle in 2024. Really like seeing him downfield in preseason looking for secondary blocks. Think added strength is a big plus;and,he seems to genuinely like playing football. He may turn out to be a very pleasant surprise in 2024. We will see soon enough.

  25. SenileSenior Says:

    I do not think Bowles orders his OCs to frequently call runs up the middle. LoL I do believe he wants a good run game. Others here have adequately elucidated why.

    Go Bucs!!

  26. Capt.Tim Says:

    Leighrot and Bucs guy.
    Absolutely agree. We had a fantastic line the year we won the Super Bowl.
    Wirfs, Cappa, Jensen, Marpet, and Donovan Smith.
    That was a great line.
    Then we lost Capoa to free agency. That was a mistake.
    Then Unexpectedly Marpet retires. That really hurt.
    Even worse- Logan Hall ends Ryan Jensens career during a no contact drill.

    Losing your entire interior line in one Summer is unsurmountable.

    But what is unacceptable is how long repairing the line has taken. Instead of signing starting quality linemen, we keep signing terrible backups.
    Ive listed available quality linemen every off season. There are guys available that we could afford. But we dont
    And we keep trying to win without a running game.
    We should of got Brady a competent line,and gave him another chance at a SuperBowl.
    Mike Evans aint getting any younger. Give Mayfield a running game- and we’d have a real shot at the SuperBowl.

    Keep jerking around with terrible backups as starters- at that Window will close again.

    74 Buc fan. “Spewing Vile”? Meybe you can put a cheering spin on being 32nd in rushing two years in a row. I’ll wait

    Gipper. Been watching Mauch this preseason. He looks really bad.