There Was Vita Vea, And There Was Luke Goedeke

August 25th, 2024


Joe loves violence from Bucs trench warriors.

Joe is still, um, well — what does Luke Nichols of the YouTube outdoor adventure series “Outdoor Boys” first do when he locates a campsite in the Alaska wilderness? — over Bucs defensive tackle Vita Vea completely abusing Miami center Jack Driscoll Friday night in the final worthless preseason game.

Now that’s football! And Vea manhandling his poor opponent like that was why linebacker Vi Jones was able to blow up the third down play by the Dolphins, forcing a punt.

Also against the Dolphins on Friday, it wasn’t just Vea who had violence on his mind.

Bucs right tackle Luke Goedeke is known for being sort of a hothead who doesn’t back down, a man who also likes to get physical. Guard right guard Cody Mauch is like that, too, but unlike Mauch, Goedeke has a rap for being angry.

Mauch will bury a guy and then help him up with his toothless grin. Not Goedeke!

Brandon Thorn, who has carved out a niche for himself focusing on offensive line analysis, shared a play on Twitter last night that highlighted Goedeke. The Central Michigan product owned a Miami defensive end and dragged him damn near 10 yards downfield before burying him into the turf of The Licht House.

Goedeke nearly took out Ben Bredeson’s ankle as a result. Watch out there, Ben!

Baker Mayfield summed it up well.

“They asked for us to be really physical and I think everybody was,” Mayfield said.

Joe doesn’t know about “everybody” being physical but Goedeke and Vea sure were. If the Bucs play like that this year, teams aren’t going to be so eager to face them.

31 Responses to “There Was Vita Vea, And There Was Luke Goedeke”

  1. Steve in Mad Beach Says:

    LFG, keep that passion up Luke and you’ll be special! Love it

  2. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    Love the push by the entire o-line.

    FYI, that is 68 Ben Bredeson, not 88 Cade Otton.

  3. Haleywould Says:

    Luke “The Lifter” showing that not all the weight he lifts are made of metal.. Goedeke has been such a great find for the Bucs. I am concerned about the day we have to pay him tbh, bc he is going to be worth a LOT on the open market of we let him hit it. I thought the Buxs should have spent a pick on a developmental OT in the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Rd so we would’ve had options getting experience this year backing our OT’s up, but was very happy with how the draft turned out too. This offense has a chance to be very special if all the pieces come together. I’m more concerned about the EDGE players we have not showing up against better competition & it was nice seeing Braswell step up with the sack Friday night! LFG Bucs and Bucs fans!

  4. Dave Pear Says:

    Ohhhh……that’s gooooood!

  5. Brian in St Pete Says:

    I think that was Bredeson that Luke almost took out, not Otton.

  6. MadMax Says:

    That Mauch block got us the end zone td….but what in the world was going on with the db’s banks and isaac playing in the end zone when they shouldve been playing the 3 yrd line on that TD from miami?….that was some bs….i mean keep the guys in front of you but not inside the end zone!!!!

    We gave that TD to them…smh

  7. MadMax Says:

    Guys i dont expect to see cut…wr thompson, safety wisdom, dt brown, rb johnson, and of course klein, hainsey and grier jr.

    THATS your depth! I might have missed a few obvious ones, sorry, just woke up from a nap.

  8. garro Says:

    Somewhere Ryan Jensen is smiling and wishing he could be in the middle of that. I played OT for a few years and I never drove a dude ten yards down field and then pancaked him. Impressive Mr Glass Eater.

    I think Vea ended that dudes NFL career! He died of embarassment. Not often that a Nose should be on the highlight reel.

    I really can’t remember seeing the Bucs entire O line ever be that dominant and nasty. Wow!

    Go Bucs!

    Go Bucs!

  9. Doc Says:

    How can you brag about trucking a guy that more then liklely will not make the team. what did the team gain by playing starter aginst back up’s.

  10. DoooshLaRue Says:

    I only hope that we can schedule some kind of intervention for all this violence in the trenches.

    Ol’ Softy needs to give these guys some of his sage advice.

    It’s mean.
    It’s uncalled for.
    And, it’s not needed to win.

    Remember, it’s about having a good time, wins be damned.
    Dance on the sidelines like you just don’t care.

  11. richbucsfan Says:

    I told my Buccaneers-crazy son-in-law I’ve never seen the Bucs so physical as they were against the Dolphins. Agreed, if the Bucs play like that week in and week out most teams will not relish playing them. Simply put, they dominated Miami.

  12. Lt. Dan Says:

    “Bucs right tackle Luke Goedeke is known for being sort of a hothead who doesn’t back down, a man who also likes to get physical.” He’s also a world class trash talker.

    If I’m not mistaken that was Chop Robinson that Goedeke abused. Chop was considered by many fans (not the Joe’s though) as being the Bucs first pick. No thanks.

  13. Allen Lofton Says:

    Let he games Begin

  14. SB~LV Says:

    Goedeke is still pissed from The Goat reaming is ears in front of anyone within earshot as he sat dejected on the bench.

  15. Pelsbuc61 Says:

    Luke need to take over and be the nasty leader of the Oline like Jensen used to be.

  16. Dave Pear Says:

    Madman asked,

    “ but what in the world was going on with the db’s banks and isaac playing in the end zone when they shouldve been playing the 3 yrd line”

    That’s a prime example of Todd’s coaching. Or lack thereof. And why yards allowed and points allowed eventually correlate. Same mistakes, over and over and over and over.

  17. Dave Pear Says:

    *MadMax excuse the autocorrect

  18. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Let’s not get ahead of ourselves too much. He was given the nickname Gedonkey for a reason, but if he’s like that on every play then all of the linemen need to follow that example! Our line was a big part of us having the worse rushing attack the last two years, not just White’s lack of inside running ability. A huge example of that was the run plays on 3rd & 4th & short and the line got blown up and we couldn’t even make a 2 yard run to salt the game. At least we don’t have to watch Donovan Smith whiff on his block and just give up afterwards. We know Luke won’t give up!

  19. 74 Bucs Fan Says:

    Welcome to the NFL Chomp.

    Glass eating Donkey clearing paths and serving up dirt naps.

  20. Dave Pear Says:

    “ Glass eating Donkey clearing paths and serving up dirt naps. “

    Awesome, 74!

  21. Not My NFL Says:

    Now let’s see him do the same against 1st stringers

  22. Citrus County Says:

    “Luke the lifter” resembles Dick Butkus.

  23. Thundersack Says:

    @Joe – “what does Luke Nichols of the YouTube outdoor adventure series “Outdoor Boys” first do when he locates a campsite in the Alaska wilderness?”

    @Lt. Dan
    I noticed that Luke did that to “Chop” Robinson as well. Yeah, he is still a rookie in the preseason, but still. Godeke is playing like an animla right now.

  24. MadMax Says:

    @Dave, yep. At least they know how to follow the program code. We just need the programmer to freakin adjust.

  25. Anyhony Says:

    Good thing Jason the Lichtsaber didn’t listen to the advise given on this here corner of intertrollverse or he’d been cut and signed with Carolina.

  26. infomeplease Says:

    When the Bucs O-Line and D-line got pushed around last season by the Bills (early part of season), it was apparent that they needed to get bigger, stronger, and develop a “bring it on” attitude. I think they may have accomplished that. Time will tell. Good to see VV50 and LG67 rising up!

  27. Cobraboy Says:

    Goedeke is quickly becoming one of my ATF Buc linemen.

    He’s like Frank Middleton, but with skill.

  28. Mike S Says:

    White needs to stop doing the watusi in the hole and maybe they will have something.

    If not – Bucs have two backs that will gladly take the rock.

  29. Rod Munch Says:

    Again, it was vs 2nd and 3rd stringers – a lot of 3rd stringers when you look at who got the tackles for the Miami defense. It’s very difficult to take much away from what the offense did because of that. Still, they looked good – which, even if expected, is much better than if they had looked bad.

  30. Esteban85 Says:

    Just to clear it up, and I know no one is going to read this, but for all you flatlanders down there in the swamps; when you find a good place to camp up here in Alaska you piss all around it to get the scent of a human on the ground to keep the Grizzly bears away.

  31. Esteban85 Says:

    Never thought I would see an Alaska reference on JBF. Pretty cool