Chris Godwin: Baker Mayfield Is “A Nice Mix” Of Tom Brady And Jameis Winston

August 1st, 2024

Sort of a unique pairing earlier today when classy Chris Godwin sat down with prickly Pete Prisco, the noted CBS Sports NFL insider.

Prisco asked Godwin to talk about what it’s like in the huddle with the various quarterbacks he’s played with.

Godwin started with Jameis Winston, the former America’s Quarterback.

Godwin seemed to say Jameis wasn’t super serious, always looking to crack a joke during a TV timeout. But he said Jameis, who he called “a very unique individual,” also was always playing in the moment, a trait Godwin said he admired greatly.

“Whatever happened the previous play or the previous drive, it never existed [for Jameis],” Godwin told CBS Sports HQ. “You’re going to get the same guy and he’s going to be ready to throw it every single time.”

Tom Brady? “Very business-like,” Godwin said, adding Brady was laser-focused in the huddle and was coaching guys up in the huddle on their options during the upcoming play.

“Bake gives you like is a nice mix of both [Jameis and Brady,]” Godwin said.

Godwin called Mayfield locked in when it’s time to play but always joking with the team or “messing with the defensive linemen or the refs” when there’s a break in play.

There was no mention of Ryan Fitzpatrick.

"Nothing In The NFL Has Felt Like This"

21 Responses to “Chris Godwin: Baker Mayfield Is “A Nice Mix” Of Tom Brady And Jameis Winston”

  1. Mike S Says:

    Saying a guy shakes off bad throws is sort of a loaded complement, no?

  2. Buccos Says:

    So Mayfield is a combo of a genius and an idiot

  3. lambchop Says:

    Gotta ask DJax about Fitzpatrick. Fitzy, when on, was so fun to watch. I just wish he could have lost the Jameis in him a bit more because these gunslingers live and die by their confidence. Mostly die. It takes a special team to withstand a gunslinger’s mistakes (Brett Favre one season). You’re just not going to live to tell the story when throwing into double, triple coverage and across your body through an entire NFL season.

    Fitzpatrick could have had a totally different career arc. He was the boyfriend every girl thought they could change.

  4. Dave Pear Says:

    Shocked he never mentioned Kyle Trashk.

  5. Bucswin! Says:

    Buccos Says:
    August 1st, 2024 at 10:21 pm

    So Mayfield is a combo of a genius and an idiot

    Go BUCS!

  6. heyjude Says:

    Great interview! Yes, agree Jameis had the personality, a jokester, fun to be around. We all could see that. And then Brady, laser focused, giving tips, in the business mode in the huddle, like a stern parent. We definitely could see that too. So glad to hear that Baker is a mix of both. That is why players, coaches, and we fans love him!

  7. Defense Rules Says:

    HeyJude … ‘Baker is a mix of both. That is why players, coaches, and we fans love him!’

    Baker has definitely won over the Bucs’ fan base. He could have a long tenure here … as long as he produces. Fans get rather fickle when you throw a bunch of INTs or fumble a lot or can’t move the team, and they’ll turn on just about any player in a heartbeat.

    Baker doesn’t strike me as being a Top-10 QB at this point in his career, but he does strike me as being a very good fit for this offense & for the Bucs in general. He’s also very close to being the perfect fit for a coach like Todd Bowles IMO.

  8. heyjude Says:

    Well said, Defense Rules! Agree with you. Baker was a great choice after Brady. Yes, a good fit. Unfortunately, sadly true about fickle fans.

  9. Senor Harry in Costa Rica Says:

    DR, as always, I agree with your analysis. Baker is not a top-10 QB. But I am not sure if we know what his ceiling is. Maybe I am just being overly optimistic, but Baker has not had a long-term stable environment in the NFL. Maybe that will provide him with a platform that could elevate his play. I think there is the possiblity Bake has Jerod Goff potential. Give him a running game and a solid team around him, and he may excel.

  10. Dude Says:

    Great Value Tony Romo, but never ask him for change for a dollar, because he might not have the first or last quarter

  11. Beeej Says:

    If Baker is #10-15, is that enough?

  12. Drunk Bucs Fan Says:

    I’ve been thinking Baker is comparable to Fitz, but not really. Then it hit me, he is more like our version of Jim McMahon

  13. KABucs Says:

    He’s a tougher Tony Romo. Romo was too fragile towards the end… and he mostly played behind a stellar O-line. He was badly in need of the TB12 method… more pliability! LOL

    I’d take a #11 ranked QB with our weapons and a Bowles defense all day. Brad Johnson’s stats in 2002:
    62.3% – 3049 yds – 22 TDs – 6 ints
    He was an anti-gunslinger. Any sign of trouble, throw it out of bounds. He knew the defense was the real weapon… give the offense more chances, keep the opposition from scoring much and probably score themselves. We need a top 5 defense to go with that.

  14. Bee Says:

    Baker is Jeff Garcia with more arm strength. We’ll see if that’s good enough to beat a good team in the playoffs. No excuses this year, NFC Champion Game should be the floor for this team.

    And Dave Pear…Trask has condos in your head. You mentioned him and he’s not mentioned in the article. Lol. Why would Godwin mentioned him when the coaches won’t let Trask throw to the starters. And before you say he isn’t good enough, if that was the case he wouldn’t be on the team or Worford would be ahead of him on the depth chart. 😄

  15. View from 133 Says:

    Ok, 3.5 SB wins would be a good career.

  16. drdneast Says:

    I was never so disappointed in a QB that I was in Jameis Winston. The guy had an incredible skill set but his childish immaturity kept getting in the way and spilled over to his decision making on the field. His childish antics in college should have been a huge warning light going off in front of Licht. It certainly was to the rest of the league since none of the other teams were offering much to move up to get him. He still hasn’t grown up as indicated by his childish move on the last play of last seasons game against Atlanta.

  17. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    “Unique individual”. Ha! That says it all.

  18. SenileSenior Says:

    I like the Jim McMahon comparison. Fun to watch and a winner.

    Go Bucs!

  19. infomeplease Says:

    Drunk Bucs Fan says. “I’ve been thinking Baker is comparable to Fitz, but not really. Then it hit me, he is more like our version of Jim McMahon. “.
    DBF, I think you’re on to something, JM was a fun guy, a winner, and would sacrifice his body to make a play. He got the job done. His OL loved him as did Mike Ditka until he didn’t.

  20. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    Well Senile Baker is not quite a winner yet, still a negative in the win loss column but he’s allllmmmost there. Still Mr. Win Some Lose Some more

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    FatGirl99 with another estrogen laced drool based on heavy panting syndrome for a soon to be used car warranty magnate.