(UPDATED) YaYa Diaby Carted Off After Being Down For 3 Minutes

August 1st, 2024

Bad moment.

[UPDATE: 12:23 p.m.] Per Ian Rapoport of NFL Network, X-rays on YaYa Diaby’s injured ankle are negative. That’s the good news. The bad news? The MRI results may not be known until late tonight or early tomorrow.

YaYa Diaby, the Bucs’ 2023 sacks leader, went down for about three minutes and was carted off the field with an ankle injury very late in practice this morning. The injury occurred during a full-contact play.

Diaby did get into the cart without assistance. Joe will update as more information becomes available.

50 Responses to “(UPDATED) YaYa Diaby Carted Off After Being Down For 3 Minutes”

  1. BucVoyager Says:

    That’s some of the worst news we could possibly hear. Hopefully it’s not season ending. I was expecting a huge year for him.

  2. A Bucs Fan Says:

    Could be anything. High ankle sprain, fracture or worst case scenario is his achilles. Hope he’s ok.

  3. BucsFan55 Says:


  4. Lol Says:


  5. TT Bucs Says:

    Unbelievably bad news

  6. BigBucsFan Says:

    Scary bad news, bit of encouragement he was able to get on or into the card on his own. Fingers crossed andheartfelt thoughts for Yaya.

  7. BucU Says:

    We got the luck of the fugging Irish man. UNBELIEVABLE.

  8. KABucs Says:

    Says he got in the cart unassisted, so that’s huge.

  9. Billyboy Says:


    Phone number on speed dial yet?

  10. Lord Cornelius Says:

    Mother of god

  11. God Says:

    Thou shall not tear, for cramps will be with thee!

  12. Brian in St Pete Says:

    No………..praying for a sprain or other minor inconvenience.

  13. Mike Says:

    We need him, so hoping this is nothing serious.

  14. SlyPirate Says:

    1. If it’s an ankle sprain and he could be back by Week 2 vs Detroit. If you’ve never had an ankle sprain, they are painful and debilitating.
    2. Bucs started 3-1 without Yaya last year. JTS had 4 sacks.

    Fingers crossed.

  15. Durango 96 Says:

    Expect the worst and hope for the best.

  16. Godlovesbucs Says:

    Bowles updated. Sounds like ankle injury and they are hopeful he avoided major injury.

  17. Bobby Says:

    Training Camp just started an already Bucs have Opeta out for the year and now YaYa has a significant ankle injury. YaYa is a huge loss. This is going to be an injury riddled season isn’t it?? Kiss all those great predictions regarding this season away now.

  18. A Bucs Fan Says:

    I read that he and Vita Vea got tangled up and fell on one another.

  19. drdneast Says:

    Hopefully it’s no more serious than a high ankle sprain then he should be back by the opener.

  20. ElioT Says:


  21. A Bucs Fan Says:

    It’s been reported that Yaya DID NOT tear his Achilles and that they are hoping x-rays are negative. The thought is a sprain and/or bone bruise!

  22. unbelievable Says:

    Just our only proven pass rusher?


    Cool cool cool.

  23. Biff Barker Says:

    A high ankle sprain can take months to heal. A really bad injury for a speed rusher!

  24. DCone Says:

    Only time NFL tests for Weed is from August 9th until after the first Preseason Game.

    Perhaps Bucs have not commented on Gregory is that they don’t want to reveal that they are working with him to get around the testing period.

    Hell they worked around a Brady Vacation and a Wedding during the Preseason is 2022. Wha’ts Next?

  25. Mike Johnson Says:

    Injuries happen guys. Thats why I am not quick to talk trash about what we are going to do. A couple of your key players go down before season start and you are Done. More injuries will happen. Its called Football where the violence is swift and hard. Lets hope we can come out of training camp healthy.

  26. Buc2Blame Says:

    Imma Bucs Fan “of course we’re gonna lose someone pivotal to the season b4 it starts “

  27. Stanglassman Says:

    Per Rick Stroud of the Tampa Bay Times, X-rays on Diaby’s ankle were normal. Diaby still has to undergo an MRI later on Thursday but the Buccaneers are optimistic that Diaby avoided a serious injury.

  28. Ugotrobbed Says:


  29. Mostly Peaceful Trask Fan Says:

    Sounds like a sprain. Better now than a month from now.

  30. BucU Says:

    If we lose Yaya we go nowhere this year. Just a fact.

  31. IrishTony Says:

    Jesus he was gassed and twisted his ankle. Probably a freaking sprain. This has got to be the most catastrophic thinking community. Btw the Bucs have won 2 Super Bowls so we’re a blessed fan base. Trying being a Bill’s fan.

  32. All_da_way Says:

    It is early August so I am not too concerned. Diaby will recover in time for the season.

    But that means the young guys have to step it up.

  33. Kgh4life Says:

    The dreaded Achilles! Is Reddick available via trade?

  34. Babygrace Says:

    Hoping Yaya is ok, but it’s a Buc life!

  35. stpetebucfan Says:

    What Biff Barker said! Yes an ankle sprain would be good news in terms of non career ending and no surgery but as Biff points out, especially a high ankle sprain could disrupt the first half of YaYa’s season and maybe more.

    Fingers crossed!

  36. Buclover1988 Says:

    yaya will be fine. the Achilles has already been ruled out. it’s a grade 3 ankle sprain at worst. we need diaby for the stretch run, not necessarily the beginning of the year. this is why depth is important. we will find out if jts has it in him. we will get to see braswell, watts and Ramirez.

    be thankful this happened now and not in week 12. worse things have happened. bucs will be fine.

  37. Kgh4life Says:

    If he and Vita did get tangled up, most likely it’s a high ankle sprain.

  38. Capt Jimbo Neal Says:

    I’d like to know how many starters, on average, does an NFL team lose for the season each year, say before the midpoint of the season?

  39. go dawgs Says:

    The season is already over, might as well start Trask!

  40. SlyPirate Says:


    It’s not a bone break or tear. It’s either a sprain or bruise.

    I’m guessing Yaya will be back Game 1 or 2. We’ll need him vs DET. Less so vs WAS.

  41. infomeplease Says:

    Are the football gods with us or against us????

  42. Hearty Dikerson Says:

    Have Kancey or Watts been making any plays? Don’t think I’ve seen their names mentioned once in the recaps

  43. Jeff Says:

    High ankle sprains take 12 weeks to heal. He’s not going to play until the last 9 games of the season.

  44. HC Grover Says:


  45. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Personally, I’m praying for something simple.

  46. Mike Johnson Says:

    its Football people. Unpredictable and violent. More injuries will happen. Lets just pray we can get out of training camp with minimum injuries. But Nothing should surprise anybody.

  47. unbelievable Says:

    Latest from Rappaport:

    “A relative sigh of relief for the #Bucs: Young standout LB YaYa Diaby, who was carted off today, was diagnosed with a high-ankle sprain, sources say. Those are generally 4-6 weeks, obviously much better than it looked this morning.”

    Let’s hope… we simply can not go where we want without him this season.

  48. Irishmist Says:

    Jeff- Look up the Tightrope procedure for high ankle sprains. Players are now coming back in 6 weeks.

  49. WiseCrack Says:

    Meh, dudes like that (think ME13) are allowed to get a camp hamper injury.

    He will be fine.

  50. WiseCrack Says:

    @DCone my MAN!!!

    So, I am a Gregory Fan. Just as I was/am a Tanard Jackson Fan.

    Both are so so players and people worthy of playing if you have a need. If guys like AB get to play but guys that smoke weed get black balled. Thats a problem!!!

    I think you might be onto something. MAYBE the Bucs and all that Brain Trust, (that is killing it in the Player “Character” Evaluation department these days.) Maybe, the Bucs have a plan for Gregory like you say!

    If we get that guy at FULL POTENTAL. Its game over.