“Making Them Scan The Entire Formation”

July 31st, 2024

Just before last night’s practice in which the pass rush was dominant, Todd Bowles sat down with Joe and Ira Kaufman for a chat on the Ira Kaufman Podcast.

Kaufman asked Bowles what it would mean to the defense to have a big-time sacker coming off the edge and racking up 12 sacks this season.

Bowles’ response? Not much, if Bowles isn’t getting his usual sacks-by-committe results.

Tampa Bay led the NFC in sacks with 48 last season (tied with San Francisco).

“It wouldn’t mean much if the other guys don’t chip in,” Bowles began. “If we have a double-digit sacker and we’re over a 50 sacks, it probably would mean something. If we have a double-digit sacker and we got 25 sacks, it doesn’t mean anything. It’s almost a collaboration.

“We’re rushing well with four guys and they’re getting to the passer, we’ll keep four [rushing]. But there are different people coming and certain people have to sacrifice. And I think we can get a double-digit sacker; that’s not of importance to us. It’s a matter of everybody kind of chipping in, having a collaborative effort, making them scan the entire formation, but we have guys that are very capable.”

Bowles dismissed Kaufman’s assertion that having a big-time edger rusher certainly would change the way an opposing offensive line plays and would free up the defense to be more effective.

“Possibly. I’d have to see that first,” Bowles said.

Joe gets what Bowles is saying. And it ties to his desire to get in quarterbacks’ heads and to be unpredictable defensively.

The unknown and uncertainty is likely tougher on a quarterback than one massive threat from one position.

Special Guest Todd Bowles On The Ira Kaufman Podcast, And More

17 Responses to ““Making Them Scan The Entire Formation””

  1. Defense Rules Says:

    Todd Bowles is very much a ‘Find a way’ DC IMO. Back in 2019 his defense produced 47 sacks … Shaq got 19.5 of those, but only 6 Bucs had over 1 sack. Last year it produced 48 sacks … the most any 1 player got was 7.5 sacks (Diaby) & 9 Bucs had over 1 sack. It may have taken more guys to achieve the same result, but Bowles ‘Finds a way’.

    Bucs may or may not have that 1 guy who produces double-digit sacks, but we’ve got a number of guys who COULD very likely produce 4-5 or more sacks. Guys like LVD, Whitehead, Winfield, Kancey, Vea, Diaby, Braswell, Nelson, and yes, JTS. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to see guys like Christian Izien & Tyree Smith added to that list.

  2. Hodad Says:

    Most teams are lucky to have one edge who can get double digit sacks. YaYa should be that guy for us. If we get 7,8 from Kancey, and Vita, which is real possible. If we get 5 from Winfield, Smith, David, Britt, you get the picture, we can be really good. If that pressure leads to more fumbles, picks, put on your boat shoes we’re going to a parade!

  3. BucU Says:

    This defense could be special. Let’s cross our fingers that we don’t see any major injuries in training camp/pre-season.

  4. Dude Says:

    The goal should be to aim for 60 sacks, but shoot for 50 sacks as a team. Shakes out to something like 3-3.5 sacks per game which should be doable for this defense this season. I’ll take the concerted effort of the squad over having 1 player that’s doing all the heavy lifting while making the target on himself bigger and bigger.

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Todd the masturmind. If it isn’t complex enough to confuse his own players, it’s too predictable. I wish he’d lay off the genius complex and be more like Monte.

  6. Beeej Says:

    If you’re only getting sacks when you send 6 guys, it’s a problem, which he seems to be avoiding talking about

  7. bucnjim Says:

    If pressure is only coming from one specific player or position it’s easier for the opponent to neutralize the threat. The Bucs best defenses featured several players who pressured the QB including Rice, Sapp, Barber & others.

  8. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    The key is having a good pass rush without blitzing. Four after the QB, seven covering. That’s how the 02 boys did it and is generally the best way to get it done. There is a place for blitzes but not if you have to manufacture sacks. Offenses can start to predict blitzes like the weather if that is your MO. Having superior players is what we had then and what we finally have again.

  9. Dave Pear Says:

    The 79 Bucs got pressure with the front 3.

    That’s the dream – Vita, Kalijah and (player to be named). With 8 guys dropping in zone, maybe Todd’s 29th ranked pass defense wouldn’t be so soft.

  10. BucVoyager Says:

    The simple defenses died long before Monte did. That’s the same reason Lovie couldn’t survive. Offenses are more complex and defenses have to evolve. Coaches have to evolve as well.

  11. GoneGator Says:

    No Reddick comments yet ? 🤣

  12. Dude Says:

    Reddick is a pipe dream, first he’d have to be traded for then re-signed lol hell no

  13. Dave Pear Says:

    I hope Vita’s weight loss doesn’t turn out to backfire. He’s always been a brute with straight line speed. Does he have the coaching to help him add the right component of finesse? So far in his career, I haven’t seen it. Davis regressed, Diva regressed, JTS and The Oaf might as well be rookies, Dean hasn’t improved. This coaching staff has failed to developed a number of players, contrary to much myth making from the sunshine brigade. Whitehead had to go to the Jets to learn from Salah to get his feet right.

    Cmon, Todd. I have faith in you.


  14. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    The only way not having a top tier rusher is if the entire line applies pressure quickly because we led the NFC in sacks and still the defense couldn’t stop 3 & long. As good as Ya Ya was as a rookie on party time playing can’t wait to see him full time this season. Defense is gonna have to carry the team because our star qb is learning a whole new offensive system AGAIN so will struggle the first 5, 6 games before he finally gets it down in the 2nd half of games.

  15. Buc Bucs Bucs ! Says:

    Vita, Kalijah and Yaya!!

  16. Anyhony Says:

    @Dave Pear

    Who’s Davis?


  17. garro Says:

    Kancey looks a bit pudgy in that pic. Hope that is a good pudgy and not a slow and lazy pudgy.

    Go Bucs!