Winning Management

July 29th, 2024

Defensive lineman Will Gholston speaks out.

So Buccaneers Ring of Honor general manager Jason Licht recently credited Todd Bowles with building an unprecedented culture in the locker room, one Licht hasn’t seen in his previous 10 years in Tampa.

Joe asked 12-year Bucs veteran Will Gholston about it.

“I would say it’s the atmosphere that he creates, Coach Bowles,” Gholston said. “He treats everybody like men, let’s us be accountable for our actions, you know, truly treats us like pros. And I he feel like he gets the most or the best out of us every time. The disappointment falls on us when we make a mental error or a technical error, so it always strives to make us be better.

Joe asked Gholston what that really means on a regular-guy level, like how Bowles handles a player if he’s late for a meeting, for example.

Gholston said that’s not in the culture.

“I can’t even think of the last time somebody missed a meeting or was late because, like I said, we are treated like pros,” Gholston said. “When you’re a professional, you got to work on time, do your job and make sure you keep your self in check — and then you got all your brothers around, we help police that kind of stuff. Knock on wood, there’s not too many instances that we’ve been in trouble when you think about everybody else around the league.

“I don’t think we get in trouble a lot here. But that’s a testament to the accountability we hold each other and the standard that’s been set.”

Gholston also talked about how great the Bucs’ front office is, along with the Tampa community. He said it really makes players appreciate playing for the Bucs.

Not tied to this line of questioning, Joe asked Gholston to name his two favorite personnel moves of the Jason Licht era that didn’t include Tom Brady.

Gholston’s No. 1 answer? Licht re-signing every starter plus many backups after the 2020 Super Bowl victory. Gholston stressed that having a team culture that has so many players hungry to return is difficult for any NFL team.

12 Responses to “Winning Management”

  1. SlyPirate Says:


    Licht resigned every starter after the Super Bowl. That has NEVER happened. It’s nearly impossible with cap and FA. How Licht wasn’t named Exec of the Year is still beyond comprehension. (BTW, Licht drafted Wirfs and AWJ in 2020)

  2. zzbuc Says:

    I like JL, don’t get me wrong, he even has a super bowl, but he has tons of goods and tons of bads….
    The good are very good, and the bads are awful…Benenoch, Aguayo, Noah Spence, MJ Stewart JTS, and the list goes on.

    My point is he is better tan average because we has a ring, if he hadn’t probably he was out……But he has it so, my respect and gratitude will always be there

  3. BucsFan81 Says:

    The one thing you have to give JL credit for is when he makes a mistake and he has he admits to it and fixes it. Previous GM we have had have not been that way.

  4. Let Them Eat Bake Says:

    It still shocks me when NFL fans don’t know that a GM getting a 50% success rate on even 1st round draft picks is really solid, and that the success rate in successive rounds tends to go down from there. Countung on a 3rd or 4th rounder to become a starter is really dicey. Some do, but most don’t. I don’t know Licht’s numbers off the tip of my head, but I’d put them up against any other GM in the league, plus he still manages to draft high-character guys that the town can be proud to have represent them on the national stage. Does it even get any better?

  5. infomeplease Says:

    I believe this Bucs team has everything it needs to be very successful this season! NOW, it’s up to the vets and younger guys to MAN UP and play to the Best of their abilities on EVERY PLAY! If that happens then they will achieve their goals and make Tampa a happy place come January and perhaps February.

  6. Tony Says:


    His only mistake is not putting Alice In Chains ahead of AC/DC as his favorite band.😀

  7. Hodad Says:

    I did not know Jason Licht was in the ring of honor? Some day I’m sure he will be, but using that monkier now seems pretty silly.

  8. The Southest Buc Says:

    Hey @joe! What was his second answer of best personnel moves of JL? Did Gholston had one?

    Thanks as always for great work.

  9. Lt. Dan Says:

    So let me get this straight: Bowles “treats everyone like men”

    ““I can’t even think of the last time somebody missed a meeting or was late because, like I said, we are treated like pros,”

    And yet they want to introduce that malcontent Randy Gregory into the locker room? SMDH.

  10. Fred McNeil Says:

    Lt Dan, I hear ya! WTF was he thinking?

  11. lambchop Says:


    This reminds me, who has Antonio Brown’s jersey from that Jets game? LMFAO. Someone has it and it is one of the most peculiar NFL souvenirs of recent memory. It would be something Pat McAfee would track down and hang up during his show.

  12. Rod Munch Says:

    “He treats everybody like men”
