Technology Impacting The Bucs’ Offensive Line

July 29th, 2024

So the Bucs are in the high-tech realm when it comes to training camp practice.

Joe’s noticed a lot of players, mostly offensive linemen, using tablets on the sideline during camp practices. No, they’re not playing Animal Well, it’s real-time practice film, similar to what player can see during a game. A series ends for the first team, for example, and guys can see the film in a matter of seconds while the second team is on the field.

Not every NFL team employs the technology. The Bucs added it last season.

“Might as well take advantage of it,” Luke Goedeke told Joe. “I’m a real attention to detail kind of guy. And I know if something feels right just out there, and then if I know it feels wrong I go back and watch it on film and see what I need to correct. … It gives me instant feeback. I love it.”

Goedeke said the sideline film availability doesn’t cut his film study at night, but he said it refines it more.

New Bucs guard Ben Bredeson didn’t access practice film that way during his years with the Giants and he enjoys using it to a point.

“Obviously, it’s a great tool to have if you have a quick question, if you didn’t see something and want to get something fixed quick,” Bredeson said. “I’m not obsessive over it. I’m not looking at every single play. But if I have a question and, you know, I might have missed something or I want to double check a look, it’s a good resource to have.”

Rookie center Graham Barton, Joe has noticed (photo above), is big into the instant film study.

Joe supposes there could be potential drawbacks to it, like players disengaging from what’s happening on the field when their teammates are practicing, but it should be a benefit if used appropriately.

Very cool to know the Bucs are making it available.

6 Responses to “Technology Impacting The Bucs’ Offensive Line”

  1. JimBobBuc Says:

    Sounds like this is a good tool to use early in camp to learn faster. It will also be helpful for switch-offs on stunts and blitzes. Barton can learn faster on line calls. Joe, can you tell if Barton is making line calls?

  2. heyjude Says:

    Great tools to have and perfect for training camp. Goedeke – “The sideline film availability doesn’t cut his film study at night, but he said it refines it more.” Says that he is really studying film! Good for Graham being big into the instant film study. Thanks for the photo showcasing it too!

  3. Anyhony Says:

    Maybe Bredeson should be “obsessive over it” if he wants to be a starter.

  4. Hodad Says:

    The way the giants Oline played last year it showed film study wasn’t a priority.

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Canalwater already dead coach walking.

  6. OrlandoBucFAn Says:

    It could also lead to paralysis by analysis. Bredeson seems have a good perspective about the technology.