Veterans Have Taken Jalen McMillan Under Their Wing

July 28th, 2024

Discusses “pros” in WR room.

How much is the Bucs wide receiver room filled with standup guys? Just read from the words of Bucs rookie receiver Jalen McCollum.

“I have just been listening to what all the veterans have been telling me,” McMillan said. “Trey [Palmer], Mike [Evans], Chris [Godwin], they are all just telling me how they handle the routine after practice, the routine in practice. “

Yes, even the guy McMillan may unseat as a starter, Palmer, is helping the rookie. McMillan even cited Palmer first as a veteran who spends time with him helping with his transition to the NFL.

“They are pros,” McMillan said.

McMillan this past year, partly due to injuries, was relegated to No. 3 receiver for Washington. The Huskies, of course, advanced to the national title game before losing to Michigan.

Washington had a high-powered, high-flying offense led by current Dixie Chicks first-round pick and (oh, no) Pasco County native Michael Penix.

“[At Washington] it was just the standard of always having to make a play,” McMillan told Joe. “Coach [Kalen DeBoar] always relied on us to catch the football. We were expected to make catches. That’s one thing I’ve harped on: Making the catch. That’s what I’ve tried to bring with me here.”

He sure has.

Joe can count on one hand how many drops Joe’s seen from McMillan, with a few fingers left over. As a result, McMillan is in the thick of a battle for the No, 3 receiver spot along with Sterling Shepard and Palmer.

26 Responses to “Veterans Have Taken Jalen McMillan Under Their Wing”

  1. JimBobBuc Says:

    Love the competition for WR3! Joe, don’t drop the ball on watching these guys! 🙂

  2. Irishmist Says:

    I’m getting Keenan McCardell vibes from this guy. He might not blow the top off the defense, but I think he can be a really good possession receiver for us.

  3. Crickett Baker Says:

    This sounds so exciting!

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    WR room is absolutely stacked!

  5. geno711 Says:

    Getting Jarvis Landry vibes.

  6. B Says:

    The only real question that remains: is the league ready for forehead lines?

  7. Rod Munch Says:

    He was literally drafted to take Godwin’s job, no idea why Godwin would help him out. Brady didn’t do that nonsense, if you came to take his job, you were the enemy. That’s a winning mindset, not this nonsense about being nice to everyone and sure, kid, take my job, here’s how you do it.

  8. Citrus County Says:

    B Says:
    July 28th, 2024 at 1:38 pm
    The only real question that remains: is the league ready for forehead lines?
    My inclination is to say “Let the man cut his hair any way he wants.”
    BUT, I’m more inclined to say ” What were you thinking JMc ?”
    That’s funny.

  9. Rod Munch Says:

    I thought that was maybe how they do hair plugs in 2024 – like maybe he read about why Jordan shaved his head when he was 22, because he was getting a horseshoe hairline and wanted to get in front of it. But no, apparently it’s related to braids. But I don’t know, Sapp had braids, they didn’t look like that either.

    Whatever it’s about, it’s a poor choice as it looks remarkably dumb. What he should do is put a sponsor name there and sell the space, now that would be smart.

  10. Citrus County Says:

    Rod Munch Says:
    July 28th, 2024 at 2:07 : Whatever it’s about, it’s a poor choice as it looks remarkably dumb. What he should do is put a sponsor name there and sell the space, now that would be smart.
    Wait for it….a NIKE shoe deal is imminent.

    Nothing wrong with poking a little good clean fun. Todd Bowles statement set the tone and gave the OK.

  11. Citrus County Says:

    I like to choose a post that interests me and stay within that thread.
    Many of the commenters hop from thread to thread (or whatever these things are called) making multiple short comments that are sometimes not well thought out. Rod your above comment was thought out and funny but in a different thread you made the statement that Evans says “I like him” but you make no reference as to whom Evans was referring. Try working on quality not quantity.

  12. Citrus County Says:

    If as a group commenters would put the effort into writing a well thought out and well written statement, (short or long) I believe it would drive away the haters and morons. Controversy and disagreement is a good thing and could lead to the changing of minds. Haters and morons don’t have the mental capacity to make a decent statement and will likely not want to play in the same sand box.

  13. Irishmist Says:

    As a Trump supporter, I don’t feel comfortable criticizing someone else’s choice in hairstyle.

  14. Citrus County Says:

    Irishmist Says:
    July 28th, 2024 at 2:52 pm
    As a Trump supporter, I don’t feel comfortable criticizing someone else’s choice in hairstyle.
    More good humor. I like it. Trump himself even commented on the bad comb over.

  15. Citrus County Says:

    Irishmist Says:

    Since my other comment is in limbo, thanks for the wit.

  16. Rod Munch Says:

    Let me tell you, folks, nobody has better hair than me. It’s tremendous, really. People are always talking about it. They say, “Rod, how do you get your hair so perfect?” And I tell them, it’s natural. The best. Everyone loves it, believe me. It’s strong, it’s luxurious, and it’s always winning. Nobody can top it. Not even close. My hair is a national treasure. Tremendous!

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    Citrus County Says:
    Evans says “I like him”


    I was quoting that article – Joe said that Mike was talking about Coen and said, “I like him.” So I was just saying what a powerful endorsement that has.

  18. unbelievable Says:


    Happy Sunday all you crazy f**kers

    I am stoked about McMillan to be honest. I think he’s gonna get a ton of catches simply from how much attention Mike and Chris command.

  19. Citrus County Says:

    Sorry Rod. That’s what I mean by thinking first and writing second. I’m guilty as well sometimes. I thought you were referring to Trask.
    That’s the sort of thing I may mistakingly make a snide comment about. That’s also why I prefer to stay in one thread. I’ve been trying to follow all of them today and it’s pointless and exhausting. Imagine what the Joes endure. If they read all the comments from all the threads, kudos to them. It is so easy to take one comment out of context. Perhaps many comments are misinterpreted because a commenter only posts his or hers random singular thought without the proper pretext or context.

  20. Richy Says:

    Such idiots, talking about this guys head. It’s just pulled back to keep hisong hair out of the way!

  21. Citrus County Says:

    Rod, are you mocking 45-47 ? tsk-tsk I hope your winning hair translates to a winning season and JMc comes to his senses.

  22. Dadgumit Says:

    Whats that on his forehead? What it is is one thing, but how it reads is another.

  23. Dave Pear Says:

    He could wear a baby diaper on his head for all I care. Get open. Catch the ball when it’s thrown to you.


  24. Rod Munch Says:

    Citrus County = That’s a tribute, not mocking.

  25. Citrus County Says:

    Rod, I understood you tribute. I was trying to be humorous but it came across as sarcasm. I wasn’t trying to mock you. That remark would have come across entirely different had we been sitting at a bar watching a game. I should have chosen different words. That’s part of the reason I write posts here. It’s a mental exercise for me. I wonder how many posts get totally misunderstood in turn making the commenter look bad only because of the word he or she chose in trying to make a point. I’m beginning to think some commenters mean well but just don’t know how to express their thoughts accurately on paper (so to speak).

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    Citrus County – Happens all the time to me as well, here, in emails, etc – you’re saying something to be a smarta– and it comes off as a serious statement. No big deal. I’ve learned to just double down on it – to play it straight, then let them off the hook once they’ve worked themselves into a shoot.