Randy Gregory Still MIA

July 23rd, 2024

Quit on the Bucs?

Enough! Cut the cord.

Pillar of teamwork and locker room leader Randy Gregory, the outside linebacker the Bucs signed this year to help groom young pass rushers like Joe Tryon-Shoyinka, YaYa Diaby and Chris Braswell, has been MIA since he signed his deal this spring.

He blew off all of spring practices, mandatory minicamp and apparently has yet to show up at One Buc Palace — even though veterans were supposed to report to training camp today.

As a result, the Bucs today placed Gregory on the on the Reserve/Did Not Report list.

If you review the exact NFL.com definition of Reserve/Did Not Report List, it basically says this is for players who have quit. Here is the definition:

Reserve/Did Not Report (left team): Players who have left their team or stopped playing NFL football but have yet to submit retirement papers. This player does not count against a team’s roster limit or its salary cap.

So Gregory quit? Imagine that.

If this is a precursor to the Bucs washing their hands of the guy, then good. Joe couldn’t believe Tampa Bay signed Gregory in the first place. He sued the Broncos this summer for some $500,000 claiming discrimination, basically because the Broncos wouldn’t let him pull bongs.

If Gregory did quit on the Bucs, good. Then that means he’s gone. Joe will wait for confirmation.

Joe always felt Gregory was the last guy you wanted in the Bucs locker room with a talented group of young defenders. Can you say “Swaggy Baker” and “DeSean Cancer?” How’d that turn out?

Last week Bucs coach Todd Bowles told “The Sick Podcast” that not only had he not spoken with Gregory, he wasn’t sure if he was going to show up for training camp.

This guy Gregory had less production the past three seasons than JTS. Goodbye (hopefully).

57 Responses to “Randy Gregory Still MIA”

  1. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘Goodbye (hopefully).’

    How about ‘Good riddance’ instead Joe?

  2. Joe Says:

    How about ‘Good riddance’ instead Joe?

    That’s past tense. Joe doesn’t know for sure he’s gone.

  3. BucsFan55 Says:

    He’s ngmi

  4. JimBobBuc Says:

    How could Licht etal even consider Gregory? Hopefully Gregory has been a bigger distraction for us fans and not our players. End of story, move on.

  5. WiscoJoe Says:

    You see another certain edge rusher didn’t show up to camp? Please Licht make the move and give the Jets a call!

  6. Mark A Swygert Says:

    I’ve heard of 1 year show-me contracts, but never a don’t show up for one day contract. He has proven he is unreliable. His representation must suck too, because they don,’t even have a bad excuse to offer to justify him,

  7. Mike Says:

    Hopefully the Bucs don’t have to pay him anything when it’s all said and done.

  8. Citrus County Says:

    JimBobBuc Says:
    July 23rd, 2024 at 4:32 pm
    How could Licht etal even consider Gregory?

    Ditto ! After first saying “dump him now”, I reached deep for a human element of compassion and said to give the guy the benefit of the doubt. I did so because I assumed the front office could not have been so stupid or desperate or both in signing him. I’m all for second chances but Joes readers saw this coming.

  9. Mr. Editor Says:

    Yes, let’s move on! Maybe Randy Gregory’s lawyers have promised him a big pay day. I know that this is a reach, but Yannick Ngakoue is available. A diminished Ngakoue is better than a no-show. He might do it for the same salary that Gregory was offered.

  10. Saskbucs Says:

    See ya Randy. Might as well offer his cash to Yannick Ngakoue, Markus Golden or even the ageless Justin Houston if we need another pass rushing body.

  11. Joe Says:

    How could Licht etal even consider Gregory?


  12. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Cut him yesterday. I don’t want this crap in the locker room.

  13. BrianBucs Says:

    You are either a member of the team or you are not

  14. BrianBucs Says:

    Off topic here, but did the Bucs weigh in today?
    I want to know what Vea and Wurfs weighed

  15. Kgh4life Says:

    Gregory would’ve been a role playing, so I understand

  16. ManzielMadness Says:

    Agree with the above, it’s not as if Gregory is Antonio Brown (a productive head case). Roster cuts are coming, somebody better is bound to get cut.

  17. Mort Says:

    lol “Pull bongs”. You couldn’t tell me you don’t partake in cannabis any more clearly.

  18. Ugotrobbed Says:

    Another JL head scratcher?? Not sure what goes through his head on some of these FA signings

  19. Cobraboy Says:

    It better be an epic, world-class excuse.

    Not dog and homework.

  20. Beeej Says:

    Could have been worse –Reddick is no-show holdout for the Jets. THAT would have cost us a high draft pick

  21. Beeej Says:

    Lol you can’t say the player’s last name whose FIRST name is Hassan

  22. Jerimy Hunter Says:

    Or he is SUING the NFL. His agent and lawyer probably told him
    You have a good case worth more than the 3mil you could make from Tampa. So don’t show don’t talk just wait untill case is over and at that point nfl will probably pay you and tell you go away

    This case isn’t about just him. He is going to fall on the sword for medical weed to be used if laws allow

    Sad y’all are so closed minded. Wake up look at the big picture

  23. Biff Barker Says:

    Good we’ll have room on roster soon.

    We badly need a pass rush specialist.

    Just not this headcase!

  24. Joe Says:

    Could have been worse –Reddick is no-show holdout for the Jets. THAT would have cost us a high draft pick

    “Worse?” This is great! Means the door is not closed on a proven pass rusher.

    But yeah, Joe knows you prefer JTS’s 4-5 sacks a season. JTS sure did scare Jared Goff, didn’t he?

  25. BLM Says:

    He looks high as hell in his pic above.

  26. SB Says:

    Hey, Our pass rush hasn’t showed up in years anyway.

  27. Fred McNeil Says:

    He wasn’t going to make the team anyway. Maybe now we won’t owe him any guaranteed money.

  28. Pewter Power Says:

    Dudes a damn idiot! So he sued the broncos and off he gets it what’s the point if you’re being fined by the Bucs and can be fined $30,000 per day. That’s a great way to throw away money.

  29. Irishmist Says:

    Use his money to sign Wirfs. We’ve got Braswell, JTS, Watts and Ramirez. Each has the physical tools and good reason to be motivated. I’m willing to bet that at least one will step up.

  30. Buccos Says:

    I’d rather have JPP right off the beach than this headcase

  31. RGA Says:

    Reddick is a Diva, scheduled to make near 15 mil this season and whining like a baby, he’s under contract for a good sum of money. No thanks for show me the money and not team oriented guys.

  32. Scott Says:

    This is the kind of thing you get when you are penny pinching from the bottom of the barrel. Oh well let the young guys get more reps.

  33. GoneGator Says:

    I haven’t really considered him part of the defensive equation anyway. I don’t think any of us have after his previous no-show.

    If the guy suffers from chronic/acute anxiety I feel for him. It can be absolutey debilitating and very difficult to treat without resorting to benzo’s, SSRI’s etc which come with their own issues. I hope he gets the help he needs.

    But as far as him and the TEAM are concerned, that’s probably a wrap…. No big deal really.

  34. Capt Ahab Says:

    Absolutely no chance the Bucs pay Reddick a fortune at his age. Riddick is scheduled per his signed contract to make close to 15 million this year, HIS CONTRACT! He’s holding out for more, no thanks to a all about me guy and not a team guy.
    I certainly couldn’t make it on a measly 15 mil a year. 15 million a year is up scale wages in the NFL, he signed his contract and raking in the $$$. If I’m the Bucs GM I stay away from this primadona.

  35. Noclu4u Says:

    Get rid of that cancer before it spreads.

  36. Mike Johnson Says:

    Head Case. Sometimes you gotta dump folk like bad habits before they infect a project. Good luck to him. Lets roll Bucs!

  37. Capt Ahab Says:

    My post are not worthy, blocked?

  38. DCone Says:

    Maybe he has the same perception of the Bucs as the the rest of the world outside Tampa.

    Can’t even get a Pothead to show up and play for $3 million.

    Based on his investment portfolio and net worth since entering the league he is far from stupid.

    Based on reading this: “ Our free agency preview lists the Cardinals, Falcons, Ravens, Bills, Panthers, Bears, Browns, Broncos, Lions, Packers, Texans, Colts, Jaguars, Chiefs, Rams, Vikings, Saints, Giants, Jets, Eagles, Seahawks, Titans and Commanders as being among the teams that could use help on the edge this offseason” He may already have a little better deal is place and just needs to get fired/released first.

  39. Leopold Stotch Says:

    Yeah, I’m done. Was willing to give a chance to him, but then he skipped everything, after that I wanted him cut. Now today? Yeah, he needs to be cut yesterday. This is insulting and disrespectful.

  40. kgh4life Says:

    Joe, where would the Bucs get the money to pay Reddick? There are reports he wants $25-$28 million.

  41. Joe Says:

    Joe, where would the Bucs get the money to pay Reddick?

    Creative accounting. That’s where they would come up with that.

    C’mon. The Bucs had a much, much, much more loaded team with stars (and big contracts) when they won a Super Bowl. Yet they found a way to come up with the cash to keep all the starters, didn’t they?

    Let’s worry about getting the players first. The professional accountants will worry about salary cap.

    Bucs have maybe a two-year window. If they aren’t serious about making a run at a Super Bowl now, maybe they should have traded off guys to stock up on draft picks.

  42. Delusional Intelligence Says:

    I bet JTS spiked Gregory’s brownies.

  43. Fred McNeil Says:

    I didn’t want this Rickey Williams wannabe on the team anyway. I don’t give a rat’s rectum about this butt-clown. All I wanna know is why did you bother to sign the contract?

  44. drdneast Says:

    Randy who?

  45. SenileSenior Says:

    BrianBucs, the best kept secret in the NFL is the actual PLAYING WEIGHTS of the players. Do not know why. … Anybody?

  46. Chark Says:

    He should not get one dime!!!

  47. Dadgumit Says:

    Oh my, oh my, oh my. The “IfNhope” list is growing. First JTS, then RW, now bong man. My, how many keystrokes have been wasted: not to mention $. JTS could not sack a tater, RW couldn’t find a whole in swiss cheese and the only thing RG shows for is a cloud.

  48. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    Well, we don’t actually know the reason for his absence. We’re just making assumptions.

    But…if I were Licht, I would cut him right away. Unless there is a good reason behind his absence (like cancer treatment or something). No show means no contract. Bucs could actu sue him to get back anything they already advanced him.

  49. Booger Says:

    Reddick backed off his word. He promised the Jets that he’d play out this season for his current contract, then if all went well, there was already a pre determined set amount in a long term contract that they would honor after this season. HE AGREED. So, the Jets give up like a conditional 3rd, that could become a 2nd in 2026, & Ol’ Hassan decides all on his own to NOT show up and instead be a holdout. NO. THANKS. The Bucs really dodged a bullet there. The LAST thing we needed… Being held HOSTAGE by a 30 year old EDGE demanding prob $100MIL+!!!!

  50. Addb Says:

    How do the guarantees work? Are they just holding on to fine him and get the money back?

  51. Hunter's Crack Pipe Says:

    Randy Gregory is on a bigger crack bender than Barret Robbins (allegedly).

  52. heyjude Says:

    Gregory is in litigation with the NFL and Broncos. He probably has been informed to do nothing until this is settled, or at a minimum to tread lightly.

    The NFL denies Dronabinol, a form of THC which is also used for other treatments including anxiety, PTSD, and other mental illnesses. He is suing for himself and others due to the NFL’s out-dated rules. I am betting there are many other NFL players, coaches, owners, and employees taking Opioids for anxiety and other illnesses, so why not alternative measures too? Opioids can be highly addictive too. Doesn’t the NFL want to help their players with mental disorders? This is all sounding like the entire CTE Déjà vu all over again.

    I have never used any type of drugs and don’t feel it would be my place to judge what others need to help them through their days. If it works, allow it. How about all the other players not reporting to mandatory camps because they went on vacation, are holding out for more money, and other reasons other than health… He is not only fighting for himself, but for others too.

  53. BucU Says:

    FRG. He’s a bum. I’m glad he never showed up. Total loser.

  54. Fan of the South Says:

    Just like GM’s game the System with creative accounting Gregory is using the Americans with Disabilities Act to recoup money that the NFL and Broncos took from him.

    Looks like he is gaining traction because the Broncos are trying to get the case moved from State Court where in Colorado THC is legal to a Federal Court where the rules are different.

    Even if Gregory is fired by the Bucs, with the new CBA testing period of 2 weeks before camp until the first preseason game, he can sign with another team and go to work High AF as the other 50% of the players that smoke weed do.

    Bowles said he wanted Smart Players. Unfortunately Gregory has to blow this deal to keep his plan moving forward.

  55. Carr911 Says:

    Be Gone Randy!

  56. Dude Says:

    “Creative accounting. That’s where they would come up with that.”

    You’d have to give up something from off our depth chart/draft picks to get him because Reddick got traded for, so his rights are owned by NYC and if they don’t pay him, before they cut him they’d for sure field as many calls to get comp for Reddick.

    You think if the Jets don’t resolve the money issues their going to cut him for nothing when they gave up a conditional draft pick to get him? You think if Reddick get cut he’s not going to take his desire for another pay day to whomever he lands with?

  57. PassingThru Says:

    Randy Gregory is probably waiting for any banned drugs to exit his system.