Terrell Owens And The 2021 Bucs

July 18th, 2024

“Julio, I was as likely to take that call as I was to invite Bruce Arians to my roast.”

Back in 2017, legendary Bucs pass rusher Simeon Rice was 43 years old and made a public plea to return to Tampa Bay — on the field.

Like all fans with sight, Rice could see the Bucs’ pass rush was dreadful. He shared on social media that he was fit and ready to serve. And this was following a summer trip to Tampa to tutor Bucs edge rushers.

Alas, the Bucs showed no interest. (And someone very high on the Bucs’ food chain was annoyed that Joe lobbied for Tampa Bay to take a legitimate sniff of Rice to see if he could help. No, it wasn’t Jason Licht.)

Fast forward to the 2021 season and the legendary on-field meltdown and quitting of Antonio Brown against the Jets. The historic freakout probably cost the Buccaneers another Super Bowl win.

In the aftermath, per a story on ProFootballTalk.com, then 48-year-old Hall of Fame receiver Terrell Owens reached out to Tom Brady via Randy Moss to ask Brady for a shot to replace Owens. Brady, per Owens, blew him off completely and Owens is remains annoyed that he got dissed.

Owens says he thought he could help the Bucs in third-down and red zone situations.

Joe’s not sure what to think of this revelation. Why would Brady not respond? Why didn’t Evans call Bucco Bruce Arians or Jason Licht? Would Owens have been a better fit than Cyril Grayson or Jaelon Darden?

34 Responses to “Terrell Owens And The 2021 Bucs”

  1. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    At 48 there is no way he could have helped. Just silly to think he could run with guys half his age. Brady maybe should have let him down easy but then again probably thought Owens was crazy. If Owens was a malcontent when he was young and great, how would he be as an old and broken down man?

  2. Statguy Says:

    False Jack. Owen’s still runs a 4.4

  3. TF Says:

    In today’s NFL where you cannot touch a receiver, T.O. would have been PERFECT for the 3rd WR. His experience with route running, the fact he could still fly, and the fact his body fat % was that of a 30 year old would of made it worth it to get him on the field in person for a tryout. Clearly the Bucs didn’t want “potential” baggage that comes with his outspoken personality. Probably a little scarred by the AB circus

  4. gotbbucs Says:

    Why would Brady not respond?

    Why would he? Owens thoroughly pissed off everyone in the NFL while he could actually play, imagine the pain he would be when he realizes he no longer can play. It would have been an unneeded distraction for a team that already had enough of them with the whole AB fiasco. Arians would have slammed the door on that before Brady even got the word Terrell out of his mouth.

    This is a dumb non-story.

  5. heyjude Says:

    I like and respect Terrell Owens, but I really don’t believe that Brady just ignored him. And it isn’t Brady’s decision. That would be Arians and Licht. Did Terrell contact them?

  6. Alanbucsfan Says:

    Why would Brady not respond? Maybe he was focused on Dolphins at the time.

  7. Buc4evr Says:

    TO might have surprised a lot of people in the red zone. The guy was on social media working out and looked fit.

  8. Dave Pear Says:

    Might as well ask Jerry Rice. C’mon, man.

  9. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Lances Alworth I was available at that time as well.

  10. LouisFriend Says:

    Joe needs to know why Brady didn’t respond to a 48 year old WR who hadn’t played in 11 years? Seriously? You need to know why?

    11 years.

  11. Oneilbuc Says:

    Y’all keep acting like Brady love the bucs all you want but he hasn’t been to one bucs game since he left. He don’t even mention the bucs even when people asked him about the bucs in interviews . Give it up he’s not a real buc rather you like it or not.

  12. heyjude Says:

    Oneilbuc –
    Respectfully, Brady and Gronk helped us get a SB along with the rest of our roster. It was an exciting time. The Goat and Gronk were Bucs, even it it was only for a brief time.

  13. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    All you people who think Owens could still play at 48 are not even 38 yet. You have no idea. Remember the Julio Jones experiment?

  14. Matt_PcAfee Says:

    Dude was dropping critical passes in Dallas…

  15. Dom Says:

    T.O was out of the NFL for 11 years at that point and was 48 years old. Sure it would have been nice of Brady to not leave him on read but c’mon seriously? The playoffs were in two weeks. A guy that hasn’t played in 11 years and is 48 isn’t going to contribute to a playoff team. Amazing player but that time has passed. I’m sure Brady was locked in at that point. Why would he acknowledge something so dumb

  16. Dave Pear Says:

    The O-tard continues to reduce the level of the bar. It’s almost impossible to be wrong every time. That takes a special kind of tard.

  17. Scotty Mack Says:

    2021 is soooo last, last, last year. Who cares now and why think T. O. would have been any good, anyway.

  18. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “The historic freakout probably cost the Buccaneers another Super Bowl win.”

    I never liked him, but that’s a stretch.

    TO was far too old…and another malcontent.

  19. Lol Says:



  20. Rod Munch Says:

    Owens was always very highly overrated – should not be in the HOF.

    Go find the 2002-03 Bucs playoff game vs the 49ers, and listen to the announce team slobber all over Owens, talking about how the Bucs small corner, Ronde Barber, wasn’t going to be able to cover Owens or keep up with him. Then, watch the game, and watch as Barber puts on a show. Everyone remembers the Eagles games – but Ronde was just as good in this game and dominated Owens, it wasn’t even close (not to mention Ronde had an INT TD return called back when, after the INT, Rice blindsided a 49ers offensive lineman and got a PF – had that not happened the Bucs defense would have outscored the opposing offenses in the playoffs as they only allowed a net 3 points over 3 games).

    Anywho, Owens was completely washed up well before 2021.

    As for Rice, I never understood why the Bucs didn’t bring him in for a look. At worse he’d have been a player/coach in camp until he got cut. Also Rice is a complete physical freak, and 43 at DE isn’t nearly the same thing as a 48-year WR.

  21. An Erection for Sacks Says:

    “In the aftermath, per a story on ProFootballTalk.com, then 48-year-old Hall of Fame receiver Terrell Owens reached out to Tom Brady via Randy Moss to ask Brady for a shot to replace Owens.”🤨🤔

  22. Fred McNeil Says:


  23. Oneilbuc Says:

    Heyjude. That’s true but what I was referring to was Brady does not care about the bucs at all. And all I did was stating that fact that he never came to a bucs game since he left and when they asked him about the bucs he find ways to talk around the question. Now Gronk haven’t done that but Brady does it every time when he’s asked about the bucs. And to be honest I love talking to people that you can actually have a conversation with even though we may disagree we can still have respect for each other. And not respond like children do like one guy on here. He disrespect everyone who disagree with him about the bucs like children do with each other because they don’t know any better and they are being taught to not act that way because someone has a different view about something.

  24. heyjude Says:

    Oneilbuc, understand that too.
    True Brady hasn’t said much about the Bucs. We sure have had many conversations on here about that too. I keep hoping that Brady and Gronk are going to surprise us. Thinking we will have Brady for some of our games as the analyst too. He will have to talk about us at that point 😊🏈

  25. unbelievable Says:

    Julio Jones was too old when he got here. TO was waaaaaaay too old. Would have pulled a hammy running his 1st route.

    And crap on Cyril Grayson all you want, but he did take the game winning TD to the house…

  26. pancake block Says:

    didnt Darrell Green just run a 4.6 @ 64 years old?

  27. heyjude Says:

    unbelievable, it’s hard to believe that Julio is 35 years old now. i think he has been in the league since 2011 so he may be thinking retirement from the Eagles in the next few years.

  28. PNW Buc Says:

    Let him play flag football in the Olympics.

  29. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Thanks but no thanks buddy, that guy was a real piece of work in his career. Remember him freaking out on McNabb, in the Superbowl. Did he really think Brady wanted him around? Hell No … Talk about someone who could ruin a locker room, preMaddona Cry Baby. Yeah he was good in a lot of ways especially crying.

  30. Dave Pear Says:

    Otard’s hatred for Brady makes it unable for her to be considered a Buc fan. She’s a Browns fan and will wave her JaMiss signed Taco Bell bag at the tv while JaMiss sits the bench behind DuhShaun the Perv.

    Hilarious that the Browns now have two QBs who are known as sex offenders.

  31. Dude Says:

    “Remember him freaking out on McNabb, in the Superbowl.”

    Yes, because TO was playing with a fracture in his leg and McNabb was playing like sh*t lol also, ones in the HOF the other is probably not going to get there anytime soon unless Campbells’ Soup has a football HOF.

  32. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave trash. If Baker was black you hate him to you have a problem with black quarterbacks. Both of them are millionaires and living their life while you on here haten . But I can tell you still mad about the civil war lol 🤣🤣 and guess what anyone can be tuff on the Internet lol 🤣 🤣 Man your life must be miserable 😖.

  33. Oneilbuc Says:

    Dave Pear. You must be a miserable 😖 person and I can see that the bucs must be the only thing you live for. I feel sorry for you because you are the only one who lose their mind when someone disagree with you. And normally I don’t even read nothing you say on this site. But man I think you really need some serious help to be that emotional about a player or even a team. God bless you bro I really hope you get the help you need.

  34. Dave Pear Says:

    Charlie Brown’s teacher made more sense than the Otard. .

    The Otard probably can’t believe she hasn’t been hired by the Bucs. Surprising Darcy wouldn’t bring her in for some fresh ideas. But it’s because all the ideas suck.