Todd Bowles Says He Hasn’t Spoken To Randy Gregory

July 17th, 2024

Mysterious new Bucs edge rusher Randy Gregory.

Imagine pulling a no-show at your new team’s manadatory mincamp and then not having a little chat about it with the head coach.

That’s the boat edge rusher Randy Gregory is floating in, per Bowles’ comments on the The Sick Podcast – Pirate Parlay.

“We have not had any conversations,” Bowles said when asked if he’s talked to Gregory. “I expect him to be here, but we’ll see.”

Strange situation brewing at One Buc Palace. Joe would be inclined to say, ‘Screw Gregory. What has he ever done and if he doesn’t want to be here, there’s the door.” However, the Bucs are desperate for a pass rush off the edge.

If Gregory shows and the Bucs think the veteran might be their second- or third-best edge rusher, then get the man a new locker stool.

27 Responses to “Todd Bowles Says He Hasn’t Spoken To Randy Gregory”

  1. Buc4evr Says:

    The guy is a bum. Just keep fining him when he doesn’t show until the Bucs recoup their money. In the meantime sign someone else. Shouldn’t be too hard as Gregory’s stats are pure garbage. Why Jason signed this pathetic loser is beyond me?

  2. ATLBuc Says:

    He might be like Baker, realize this is his last chance and ball out.

  3. Win in the Trenches Says:

    Unless there’s a legitimate personal excuse. …then there’s no excuse 😔

  4. jimmy Says:


  5. Patrickbucs Says:

    That should be grounds for cutting him and getting the signing bonus back..

  6. catcard202 Says:

    To me, it looks like Gregory quit on the team before ever putting on the jersey…

  7. Stanglassman Says:

    I hope he shows up to camp and balls out this year. Low risk high reward. My only concern is that if he shows up and plays well it could lead to risking Jose Ramirez on the practice squad. I expect he and Watts to really look good in the preseason. OLB 5. Watts # 6 Greggory (?) or Ramirez.

  8. heyjude Says:

    Unfortunately, he may be informed by his attorneys to not talk or do anything right now since they are in a lawsuit with the NFL which probably supersedes the team right now. This is a fluid situation by the sounds of it.

  9. Hail2dabucs Says:

    Meh, jayson kicked the tires on this & as it turns out them baby’s are flat !

  10. Tony Says:

    That’s right. They decide to sign him over Calais Campbell. Good job. Might as well just bring Antonio Talib Keyshawn & Devin back & then we’ll be full of problems.🙄🤦💩

  11. FrontFour Says:

    Good lord, just dump this guy already.

  12. Irishmist Says:

    What a waste. They could have used that money to get Wirfs signed.

  13. Gofortheface30 Says:

    There is literally nothing at all mysterious about Randy Gregory. 1. He’s successful financially because he was born athletic, but otherwise there is a hierarchy in society that Jordan Peterson astutely preaches. His IQ, his brain in general is incapable of consistently making good decisions. This is how he’s wired. He has a few bad spark plugs except that you can’t change them. He has been enabled because if you show him a football, he will know what to do with it. Otherwise, he’s a mental patient and the Bucs – very stupidly I might add – are getting EXACTLY what they should have expected.

  14. Statguy Says:

    “They decide to sign him over Calais Campbell”

    They play two different positions. Which first round draft pick we drafted are you sitting for Campbell Einstein?

  15. SlyPirate Says:

    Bucs have a great locker room. Don’t mess it up.

  16. Crunchbuc76 Says:

    I was on my way to one Buc…but then I got high. I was on my way to one Buc…but then I got high, then I got high, then I got high. 🤡

  17. Not My NFL! Says:

    I just want to know why you keep showing his mugshots??

  18. Brian in St Pete Says:

    Just cut this bum and give the spot to someone who is hungry to compete.

  19. Tony Says:


    They brought him in hoping he’ll help the pass rush whereas Calais is still capable of playing. I’d rather give Watts a chance over Gregory. They’re still probably gonna draft a DE next year so it wouldn’t of been bad idea if they did sign Calais for a year or two. Especially since they could use some veterans on the D (other than Lavonte) to help the younger players. THEY CAN’T DEVELOP THEMSELVES. THEY NEED PLAYERS THAT CAN HELP THE YOUNGER PLAYERS LEARN. EINSTEIN.

  20. Dave Pear Says:

    Face30 – very insightful take. Spot the eff on. Love the unchangeable bad spark plug metaphor. Thank you.

  21. Mike Johnson Says:

    Sound like Gregory is a few breadstiks short. But you never know. Guy might show up to camp kickin butt. Stranger things have happened

  22. GoneGator Says:

    If the dude don’t act like he wants to be a part of what were building cut him lose. No major damage done.

    But, @Gofortheface30 , really?
    “His IQ, his brain in general is incapable of consistently making good decisions. This is how he’s wired.”
    Are you this guys shrink? Father? Just curious how you’re able to speak to this man’s IQ and and his ability to make decisions in general. I assume you have info and expertise the rest of us don’t?
    Not trying to stir up sh#t, I just find armchair psychologists and highly judgemental people really annoying 🤷🏼

  23. Gofortheface30 Says:

    Gonegator- people with proclivity to making bad choices chronically is no accident. It’s, more times than not an intrinsic issue. These are one of the markers that define success. Not every man is created equal. I know this really really bugs the delicate flowers that thinks anyone can be successful if given the opportunity but that is simply not the case. There are outliers like a Randy Gregory who possess unique talents that can provide financial success but Gregory’s pattern of behavior will probably cause him to run through his money as well. Further, people act like victims the loudest are usually the ones that blame others for their troubles. No accountability. No self awareness and even a lack of understand of basic problem solving skills. Those are the people that never make it out, end up in prison, or work in call centers their whole life. Non nepo babies who are legitimately successful making 200k plus have completely different temperaments and mentalities

  24. teacherman1983 Says:

    He’s a hustler.

    He was planning to sue the NFL.

    The Bucs gave him a million guaranteed.

    He is focused on his lawsuit. Which I hope he wins.

    I also hope Mike James wins his lawsuit.

    Remember him Bucs fans? A Miami RB. A Schiano Man.

    He ran hard for us. Broke his leg on a goal-line run. Trying to get us a TD.

    Cannabis has helped Mike James deal with the pain. As cannabis has done for thousands of year.

    I studied Anthropology and Archeology at Auburn.

    If you study cannabis, archeologically and anthropologically from a scientific and international point of view. Instead of a “reefer madness” American-centric point of view.

    Cannabis. Etymology. Sumerian: kanabu. Hebrew Kanabu.

    According to Korean, Chinese, Tibetan, Indian, Nepali, Cambodian medicine systems, marijuana is considered sacred medicine.

    We have found mummies in Siberia buried with vases of cannabis.

    We find cannabis resin ceramics throughout ancient Egyptian systems.

    They recently found a Hebrew Jewish Temple in the Negev desert, with two alters. One had frankincense resin. The other hashish.

    In Persia and Morocco cannabis has been smoked for milennia.

    I hope Gregory wins. And I hope every marijuana prisoner in America is pardoned by Trump.

  25. Badbucs Says:

    This is about Bowles, not Gregory. Gregory is a tool. Bowles can’t play stupid here. Why would you go out on a limb for this jerk. Make a stand Bowles. Could his possible contribution be worth backing an all about me guy? I don’t get it. The Sargent Shultze act doesn’t cut it. Cut him or get his butt in camp.

  26. Idroolpewter&red Says:

    I can imagine a conversation between Coach Bowles and RH going something like, “Randy, why didn’t you show up to mandatory mini camp?”
    “Coach, it’s always 4:20 somewhere”.

  27. Addb Says:

    His lawyers probably have him quiet. Who knows maybe he shows up to camp and balls out