Creamsicles Return In October

July 17th, 2024

Orange crush.

They’re back!

Even though some images from photoshoots were leaked in recent weeks, it was still a mystery if the Bucs would break out the Creamsicles again this season.

They will, types Scott Smith of

With the Atlanta Falcons in town on Oct. 27, the Bucs will break out their ultra-popular “Creamsicle” uniforms and transform The Licht House, paying homage to their first home, Tampa Stadium.

Last year, the long-awaited return of the glorious orange didn’t help the Bucs on the field. They were humbled by the Lions at The Licht House.

But hail to John McKay, Lee Roy Selmon, Doug Williams, James Wilder, Jimmie Giles, Kevin House, Charley Hannah and, of course, Batman Wood!

Joe is stoked!

52 Responses to “Creamsicles Return In October”

  1. ‘79 Defense Says:

    Fantastic! —I’d like to add Mark Cotney, Scot Brantley, Gary Huff (first QB with a win for the Bucs), and of course Ricky Bell. And George Yarno for kicking that extra point, for those who remember.

  2. rrsrq Says:

    wow. Kevin House, I can remember my pops (RIP – who passed a few months before the Bucs first SB win) saying, “OK Doug, let’s take it to the House. And my first jersey was #54, Batman Woods

  3. BucsFan55 Says:

    Damn, thats gonna be a L.

  4. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Don’t forget Jimmy Giles.

  5. Panhandle Buc Says:

    It was a great atmosphere last year and glad it will happen when I am in town to attend my 1x game THIS year! Hoping for better results on the field this time around…

  6. Dude Says:

    When was the last time we won a game in these dang things?

  7. Joe Says:

    Don’t forget Jimmy Giles.

    Oh, Joe is confident he’s forgotten a *lot* of dudes who wore the creamsicles.

  8. Joe Says:

    “OK Doug, let’s take it to the House. And my first jersey was #54, Batman Woods


  9. SlyPirate Says:

    1 Win and 3 Losses

    They got killed the last time they wore throwbacks. Atlanta is a divisional game. Players are superstitious. This is dumb. Burn them.

  10. Locked In Says:

    I’m ok with Yarno, but Capece is kaput!

  11. First Name Greatest Says:

    If you think a uniform dictates an outcome of a game you should watch another sport as you don’t know this game

    Wish the Bucs wore these multiple times a year like other franchises rock their throwbacks multiple times

  12. Joe in Michigan Says:


  13. heyjude Says:

    So excited about this, and then I read SlyPirate’s comment with our winning stats wearing orange. Oh no! Now I am superstitious about it.

  14. Marine Buc Says:

    Wake me up when the season starts…

  15. Will Says:

    I hate those uniforms it only reminds me of losing. A quick search says that we haven’t won wearing those throwbacks since 2009. Smh
    I’ve never understood why soo many fans love that uniform.

  16. LouisFriend Says:

    The newer generation of Bucs fans feels a need for nostalgia for a uniform that, when worn, represents the all-time worst losing percentage of any professional team of any sport in USA history. That’s right, the Bucs record wearing creamsicles is 95-217-1.

    That’s a 30.3 winning percentage, folks. No team ever plays as badly as the Bucs do wearing them.

    My plea – don’t embrace the suck. Burn the jerseys. Put them and their horrid history out of existence. Salt the earth where the ashes are buried when you’re done.

    Don’t just take my word for it. Ask Sapp or Brooks what they thought of the jerseys. They were thrilled to get rid of them.

  17. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Jose, I can still name the entire starting defense in 1979, and most of the offense.

  18. Alexandre Nascimento Says:

    Loved the news!!
    Go Bucs!!!!

  19. heyjude Says:

    I love the nostalgia too. However, remembering and seeing stats to substantiate losing they may want to rethink this. Or it could be too late now to change. They probably have a lot of marketing already started along with having new ones made for newer players.

  20. Alfredo Mendez Says:

    Verygood news

  21. Anderson Says:

    They play terrible with those jerseys

  22. Rook Says:

    Ugly as sin

  23. Mark Says:

    Understand the superstition, but the Creamsicle Bucs terrible legacy was the result of a lot more than uniforms…the unspeakable Hugh Culverhouse and his cheapskate ways, the curse of Doug Williams, the Bo Jackson fiasco, head scratching decisions like trading number 1 picks for Jack Thompson and Chris Chandler, awful coaching, horrible drafts, letting Steve Young go, etc.

  24. infomeplease Says:

    I would like a win! What color our team plays in is not so important to me. A W against the Falcons would make my day!!

  25. David Benson Says:

    Can’t wait it’s been far to long.

  26. Rod Munch Says:

    The woman running PR there needs to be fired, she thinks this might sell a few extra tickets for Sunday afternoon game that no one outside of Tampa and Atlanta cares about. Meanwhile, the week before the Bucs have a national MNF game, where they’d sell many thousands of jerseys.

    This is like last year, with the big return of the orange jerseys, no one cared because it was a crappy Sunday afternoon game vs the Lions that no one outside of Tampa and Detroit saw. Again, it could have been huge if they had pulled them out for a primetime game vs the Eagles, for example.

    This is why you don’t have women run the Secret Service, and you certainly don’t have them running the PR of an NFL team. They don’t know how this stuff works, just thinks maybe an extra 50 tickets are sold on a Sunday afternoon – has no idea how iconic the Bucco Bruce jerseys are because she grew up playing with Barbies.

    Oh and I just got an email from the Bucs, and they’re going to have a ‘RED OUT’ game on Dec 8th, where you’re supposed to wear red. Since when is that a thing — and no, I won’t wear red. The Bucs colors are orange, and the other color is pewter, it’s not red.

  27. Dave Pear Says:

    This is so stupid. The Bucs always lose when they wear those atrocities.
    I guess Josh Failman’s first start against GB in 2009 was a win. Otherwise, horror show.

  28. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Once a season is enough.

  29. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    Funny though, we’ve been in the “new” stadium and in the pewter & red for longer than we were in the Sombrero & orange but it does not seem like it to an old timer like me.

  30. heyjude Says:

    How about new throwbacks and change the superstition at the same time?

  31. Dave Pear Says:

    I agree with the consensus to set fire to the jerseys, the patterns, and the stupid winking gay pirate logo. The city of Tampa should issue an ordinance to ban those embarrassments. The suckage is too strong.

  32. LouisFriend Says:

    Wear the USF Bulls colors for a game, if they want something that’s different and supports the local community. Or the old logo and jersey of the Tampa Spartans football team – they predate the Bucs in Tampa. Heck – the Bucs wearing the Tampa Bay Bandits gear would be a freaking riot.

    Just skip the orange creamsicles. Anything but those.

  33. Steven007 Says:

    rrsq, I got Kevin House’s autograph at Sears in Tyrone Square Mall back when I was a kid. Was a prized possession for quite some time.

  34. SteelStudBuc Says:

    Haven’t the Bucs lost every game in the modern Creamsicle uniforms?

  35. Fred McNeil Says:

    The bad times are mostly forgotten by me. I remember the good times more vividly. Back then every win was a reason to celebrate. Even if it was only on the radio.

  36. Rossta Says:

    Please people just stop with the nonsense there’s a reason they change their uniforms … those uniforms are associate with losing go ahead they’ll lose again uniforms are so hideous

  37. Buc4evr Says:

    Not another loss. Lose the Creamsicles please, they belong in the past with Bucco Bruce.

  38. FairMinded Says:

    Totally agree SlyPirate. Burn them and never let them see the light of day again. Reeks of losing and the Culverhouse curse

  39. Drunkinybor Says:

    @Doug Last win in the orange I can recall was Josh Freeman balling out against green bay or he threw the winning t.d. to Vincent Jackson something like that.

  40. FairMinded Says:

    No idea what Rod is munching on but I’ll stay faaarrr away

  41. Drunkinybor Says:

    Sorry @ The (dude) man

  42. Bucnjim Says:

    The throwbacks should be the first pewter and red uniform in the early 2000’s. Those of us who had to live through the orange uniforms consider this torture. Not sure how many 2 win seasons I had to witness.

  43. GoneGator Says:

    “I think it’s a good idea.” — on the Buccaneers’ execution

    “We didn’t tackle well today but we made up for it by not blocking.”

    “You do a lot of praying, but most of the time the answer is ‘no.'” — on why coaching an expansion team is a religious experience

    “We didn’t have a lot of talkers. We had two or three guys who could say a long prayer. In fact, one guy went so long one time he got an standing ovation. He was blessing everybody, the motor, the tire, the wheels, the fans. I kind of went to sleep.” — on his early Bucs teams

    John McKay

    I loved that dude 😂😂😂

  44. Drunkinybor Says:

    I love these jerseys. Yes we sucked most of my life in the 80’s and early 90’s growing up. But I would meet the players in the gaspirilla parade as a kid in thier orange jerseys. There is a lot of fond memories. Especially remembering savoring every single tiny thing that went right during a game and if we won it was I celebrated like it was a superbowl.

  45. LouisFriend Says:


    Man, we’ve got to get you some therapy. What the franchise did back then was torture it’s fans deliberately. “True fans” weren’t so much rooting for the team as they were victims of cruel and unusual punishment. You deserved better back then. And that thing you’re feeling right now isn’t nostalgia, it’s PTSD.

  46. Rod Munch Says:

    FairMinded – The Bucs hired some woman from Adidas to be their ‘community outreach director’, ie, marketing. Since then, the promotions have been terrible – and this falls under her domain, just like last year did.

    Take someone who knows nothing about the team, or it’s history, who probably doesn’t know a football from a baseball – and you get dumb results like this. It’s like the Rays needing to sell some extra tickets on a Tuesday night, so they give out bobbleheads. To this dope, the iconic orange jerseys are the same thing as bobblehead night, a way to sell a few extra tickets, with absolutely no idea how big of a deal it should be.

    Meanwhile, at the same time they’re screwing this up, the dopes in marketing there are sending out emails saying, ‘wear red on Dec 8th’ – literally that is all it says. It’s just stupid, entry level hire type of garbage. There’s no way there aren’t way better qualified men out there that got passed over for this DEI hire.

  47. Rod Munch Says:

    To all you dullards that don’t like the orange jerseys, let me pull an old line out of my hat … and ask you to drink some Drano.

    How DARE you not like Bucco Bruce. How lame can you be? You morons probably thought the alarm clocks uniforms were the best, because you have no taste, none at all.

  48. Colonel Angus Says:

    I’d like to see them rock the all white throwbacks for a road game.

  49. PbnJ Says:

    Love these. Would love to see the all white road jerseys adopt Bucco Bruce so we could enjoy it several times each year when the storm troopers are worn.

  50. Dave Pear Says:

    Maybe if they replaced the gay pirate with an image of BA, it would seed some mojo into the ether and they could win a game in those ugtrocities.

  51. Rod Munch Says:

    The gay pirate is part of the charm. While all the other pirates when they hit land were out ra–ing and looting, Bucco Bruce was worried about football and hanging out in the locker room, because you know, bros before ho’s.

    The fact you dullards don’t get it is all on you.

  52. View from 132 Says:

    Ultra popular? Gross.