Baker Mayfield: “Let Your Kids Enjoy Sports”

July 12th, 2024

Count Baker Mayfield among the parents shaking a head at the legions of obsessed moms and dads that think it’s great for their kid to hyper-specialize in one sport at a young age.

Yes, Joe realizes Mayfield only has been a dad for a few months, but he does have a firm opinion on the subject.

Mayfield did not refer to all the basketball parents that want their kid to get a private coach, play year-round and, of course, shoot 150 jump shots a day when they have down time. And Mayfield didn’t touch on the soccer moms and dads who do the year-round club thing foolishly convinced their kid is on track to be D-1 player.

Instead, Mayfield was talking about what he thinks when he’s asked, “Should I get my kid a QB coach?”

“Let your kids enjoy sports,” Mayfield told The Mike Calta Show this week. “Let them grow up, try every single sport, figure out which one they’re in love with and that’s the one they’re going to work for.”

Mayfield is hosting a youth football camp in Land O’ Lakes next week and he was asked on the show about interacting when he’s in that setting.

One thing Mayfield loves about putting his name on a camp, he said, is getting to play safety when the kids start playing 7-on-7. (Man, Joe hopes Mayfield opts to stay on the bench or just throw passes.)

Per Mayfield, he’s hosted many youth camps in Oklahoma but this will be his first in the Tampa Bay area.

11 Responses to “Baker Mayfield: “Let Your Kids Enjoy Sports””

  1. Dave Pear Says:

    Hopefully Logan the Oaf isn’t assisting.

  2. Crickett Baker Says:

    How nice. It is rather cool that he likes another position, too. He still remembers how to “stiff-arm”.

  3. The Truth be Told Says:

    We are so lucky to have him fall into our laps for the next 10 years and assures that we will be a competitive team the whole while because of him. Let’s get Baked! Go Bucs!!

  4. heyjude Says:

    Baker is such a great guy and will be a wonderful dad. What a nice experience for the kids at the youth camp to have Baker as a leader. He is the perfect role model for them.

  5. gp Says:

    I would take it a step further.
    Kids should be encouraged to try all sports, and hopefully find one they love to play. But be aware that 98% of them are going to be “camp meat” for the 2% that have the talent/skills/physique to go pro in the sport they love.
    Both of my boys became ‘mathletes’, competing in math skills competitions through school. One is now an engineer and the other is in IT, and both enjoy their work.
    I couldn’t be more proud of them.

  6. Oneilbuc Says:

    My son been playing football since he was 5 years old and was a all star every year in little league. The league my son played in had former NFL players coaches. Antoin Winfield Jr dad had a team and his little brother was a beast they won the Superbowl my son second year. And now my boy is playing his senior year in highschool this fall . He’s a 6’3 all district safety and maybe if it’s God’s will he will help the bucs one day . I’m so proud of him because he’s also a honor row student. But sometimes I do miss those little league days!!

  7. garro Says:

    Had a team mate many years ago who was a very good Baseball player. His dad managed to ruin the game for him by pushing him way way too hard. Baker is right. let your kids enjoy the game!

    Go Bucs!

  8. stpetebucfan Says:

    O’Neill Buc

    GOOD LUCK with your son. Love to cheer for him at RayJay some year hence.

  9. Oneilbuc Says:

    Stpetebucfan. Thanks πŸ‘πŸ‘

  10. Oneilbuc Says:

    Mr Mac. I agree πŸ’― percent bro I constantly teach my son that I also am teaching him that you don’t have to be the player regardless of the sport . I tell him that when you go to college take up finances or something like that. Because if you don’t go to the NFL than you can be a GM or even work your way up and become a coach if he loves the game that much. I also told him it don’t have to be just football. But when we visit colleges I ask one question and it’s about his education. I told him try to get your degree in 3 years that’s what I hope and pray for with my boy!! But thanks for the info and your story!!

  11. Larrd Says:

    Colleges should abandon sports. That would help the kids, the parents, and society, imho.