What If Baker Mayfield Struggles?

July 10th, 2024


Kyle Brandt may have said it the best: We all want Baker Mayfield to succeed yet his history suggests he’s a yo-yo.

Up one season; down another.

Last year Mayfield had a career year and nearly had the Bucs in the NFC title game when just about everyone in the free world outside of One Buc Palace expected the Bucs to fall flat on their faces in the first season AB (after Brady).

While Matt Verderame is bullish on the Bucs this year, he freely admits a significant support beam for his prediction is that Mayfield improves or at least has a good year, Verderame isn’t playing ostrich. He knows both Todd Bowles and Mayfield are still seeking professional validity from the NFL as a whole in their current positions.

Verderame thinks the tandem of Bowles and Mayfield is No. 20 in the NFL.

No. 20: Todd Bowles (22) and Mayfield (19)

The Buccaneers shocked the football world in 2023. The biggest reason was Mayfield, who threw for 4,044 yards and 28 touchdowns. Now on a three-year deal in Tampa Bay, the expectation for him is to continue elevating despite losing Canales, while Bowles keeps the defense working as a terrific unit.

We all know Mayfield is Bowles’ guy. Bowles lobbied hard with Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht to sign the Oklahoma quarterback. And Joe’s written how Mayfield was the Bucs quarterback for well over a year. Meanwhile, the Kyle Trask cultists in Gainesville rode their red bikes down the path, chanting, “LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA.”

So what happens if Mayfield, with hand-picked offensive coordinator Liam Coen, has a down season as many predict and the Bucs, as a result, lose 11 or 12 games?

Will that come back to bite Bowles in the behind?

35 Responses to “What If Baker Mayfield Struggles?”

  1. Permanently Moderated Says:

    Automatically assuming Mayfield will struggle this year is lazy analysis. He will have better protection this year and his head seems to be in a better place now.

  2. Defense Rules Says:

    Joe … ‘So what happens if Mayfield, with hand-picked offensive coordinator Liam Coen, has a down season as many predict and the Bucs, as a result, lose 11 or 12 games?’

    Hmmm, having second thoughts Joe? I thought you of all people knew the Bucs better than that.

    The key to analyzation IMO is being able to tell the difference between reasons & excuses. Sometimes things don’t go as planned for valid reasons (like injuries?). But sometimes folks just make excuses for lack of talent & poor performance (the zebras hate us?).

    In Baker’s case, there are some valid reasons IMO why he’s had up-add-down years (injuries, continual coaching changes, surrounded by mediocre talent in a couple years at least?). Right now he’s healthy, and he’s got solid coaching. He was the #1 pick in 2018 for a reason (he has talent), yet he’s not that truly special QB (like Mahomes?) who can put the team on his back & pull out a victory.

    That’s not what the Bucs expect of him though; he’s surrounded & supported by quality talent and we can win with him. As long as he stays healthy. If not, hopefully Trask or Wolford are up to the task.

  3. Lt. Dan Says:

    If Mayfield struggles then the Bucs as a team will suck. That equals a high draft pick and that = a franchise QB.

  4. George R Says:

    There is a chance Baker is the franchise QB we been looking for. He was the overall #1 pick for a reason. I love to see him with the same offensive coordinator for mor than 1 season.

  5. Dude Says:

    Same thing that happened when Mayfield struggled in 2023, we lost games we shouldn’t have, interceptions were thrown, sacks were had, and points were not generated.

  6. Beeej Says:

    Lotta external factors in those up and down seasons, Cleveland and Carolina are both fusterclucks. Now it happens THIS year, totally on him

  7. Scotty Mack Says:

    Depends who lost those games. Did the defense suck? Were there massive injuries? Did Mayfield throw 20 TDs and 20 INTs? Not sure why a team’s win-loss record seems to always be pinned on just one guy.

  8. Orange Republic Says:

    Baker struggles when he plays hurt or for the Panthers. Trying to play through injuries did him in in Cleveland. Keeping QB1 healthy it the #1 priority of every team. Coach Moore I’m sure would be happy to remind Coach Bowles that anytime. Keep #6 healthy and he’ll be fine.

  9. D Cone Says:

    If Mayfield sucks up the place he will be shaded by those ‘He had so many
    Bad Coaches and OC'” people. People that say ‘He’ took the Browns to the playoffs for the first time in forever. Same Browns that Stefanski got them back to the Playoffs two years after booting Baby Boy and while using 5 QB no names and has beens to get there but it was Mayfield.

    Hell some are so far up his arse that they peddle the lie that he made it to the Playoffs won a Playoff game his Rookie Season.

    Mayfield has benefitted from fortunate happenings along the way. One in getting double from Tampa than he would the 15 he might have got in Free Agency.

  10. OHBucFan Says:

    Little risk here with Mayfield. IF he has a great year then the past is sloughed off, Baker is compared to Kurt Warner and even better: Jim Plunkett. What a great success story that will be.
    Living in Ohio, I’ll thoroughly enjoy hearing that the Cleveland market is castigating the Browns for their joke of a QB room and the one that got away.
    Just a few more weeks. Can’t wait. Go Bucs!

  11. HC Grover Says:

    In that case The Bucs struggle too.

  12. bucnjim Says:

    Going to have to agree with Orange Republic. The biggest mistake Mayfield has made in the past is trying to play through injuries. Nobody cares or remembers that a QB has Shoulder issues. They only remember wins and loses.

  13. Allen Lofton Says:

    The media talks about the Yo-Yo effect of Mayfield, but I believe it’s more of the result of the mismanaged Cleveland and Carolina Panthers who have played a role in Mayfield’s up and done career.

    Right now, the media needs someone to talk about, so they take easiest path of resistance by picking on Mayfield. Mayfield has demonstrated the ability to play well with a better run team like the Bucs. Tom Brady wouldn’t have picked the Bucs if they weren’t a good franchise. The Bucs franchise is pointing up and I like the odds of them succeeding this year

  14. Dave Pear Says:

    If the Bucs with this roster lose 11 or 12, we will find out who the second Jason Licht head coach hire would be.

    But that’s not gonna happen.


  15. Shane Callahan Says:

    Baker won’t struggle unless he’s injured, has a terrible playcaller, or has a terrible o-line.

  16. LANshark Says:

    People say Mayfield is inconsistent from year to year… BUT, when he was in a relatively stable situation at Oklahoma (same coach, some continuity of WRs, good Line) he was very, very consistent, and in fact improved year over year.

    The Browns are, as someone else mentioned, a ‘fustercluck’… And NOW they’ve stabilized with Stefanski… but prior to that (the majority of the time Baker was there) was a revolving door of coaches, OCs, bad line, etc. That changed in 2020, and Baker had a great year. Yes, he got hurt in 2021, and probably should not have played. But they really didn’t have a decent backup…

    I expect him to get BETTER this year.. .we’ll see.

  17. Robbie Says:


  18. vadertime Says:

    I can’t wait for September. The Browns mortgaged their future by bringing in Deshawn Watson on that crazy, ridiculous contract and releasing Baker. In Tampa, he has more stability and a better environment in which he can thrive. It’s all up to him now to prove if he can be the long-term solution under center for Tampa. BTW, go back over the past 30 years and look at the long list of Tampa QBs that didn’t rise to become franchise QBs. Good luck Baker. Go Bucs.

  19. White Tiger Says:

    Good take by Defense Rules – inconsistency has relevance – as do turnstile HC/OC.

    Baker isn’t ever going to pretend to be Mahomes. But if you build a balanced team you just need a healthy QB and some consistent play from the QB. He can move the ball downfield, he’s gritty, and mostly plays well, even when the interior line is like Swiss cheese.

    If the additions on both sides of the ball are better, we can win more than we lose with Baker Mayfield. He’s not much different to me than Brad “The Bull” Johnson – and HE did pretty well (and he didn’t have much of a running attack either.

    Will the defense become dominant? If so, we’re going places with Baker Mayfield.

    It’s a TEAM effort in Tampa Bay. Even during the GOAT era – when he got stellar defensive play – he won. When he didn’t – we didn’t.

    Did the TEAM improve over this off-season? We’ll see in a few short weeks. My money says we got better – but by how much is yet to be determined. I think we’re a year away from having that championship look, but we are going to be pretty good this season.

  20. GoneGator Says:

    I’m going to start my own list of Bucs, Baker, Bowles haters from commenters on this site.

    Again it raises the question: Are you people actively hoping we (the Bucs) fail/suck to reinforce your narrative or prove a point?

    @mr mac
    @D Cone

  21. Dave Pear Says:

    If Baker struggles, Coen will put Wolford in before he puts in the Mike Glennon clone

  22. Dave Pear Says:

    mr mac – wow man. You really need a job with the Bucs. No one on this board or at JBF hates your fantasy lover. The coaches players and staff who see him perform every day are the ones to take your frustrations out on. They keep him on the bench. We don’t.

    I trust those making millions of dollars who must win or get fired if they don’t, to make these decisions.

    I’m a Gator by the way. 76-81. I’ve followed them ever since. I watched every one of Kyle’s games. He succeeded at UF because he had NFL caliber targets who were either wide open or bailed him out by making plays in double and triple coverage.

    He’s a feel good story. A real underdog success story who feels pass rushers who aren’t there, doesn’t feel the ones who are, and processes field action at the speed of smell.

    Todd and Jason are waiting for you to apply for a job so you can finally see what you have your fantasy lover. The decision makers already know.

  23. Dude Says:

    “Again it raises the question: Are you people actively hoping we (the Bucs) fail/suck to reinforce your narrative or prove a point”


    I’m sorry, but I can’t partake in the blind optimism shared amongst my fellow Bucs fans for a mid-tier QB at best because the hype/passion has never matched the potential/production.

    This is the same QB that didn’t hire a throwing coach until AFTER his 4th year in the league when more talented/established QBs abide by their offseason training with their QB coaches.

    I just can’t be fooled by the football celebrity being passed off as a quality starting QB and unlike some Bucs fans I’m too much of a realist to ignore the poor play that comes from players and directly impacts the game.

    84 starts, but having 36 games where you couldn’t pass for >200 yards doesn’t impress me.

    The fact every game he started for the Panthers he scored not 1 TD in the first half for them, that is mediocre to me especially considering we had the same problem prior to Mayfield arriving and instead of being a catalyst for a fix he just joined in on the ineptitude.

    Bad footwork, record amount of tip passes and sacks since he’s been in the league that are as much as reflection of his pocket presence(something QB coaches drill to death) just doesn’t do it for me.

    Put it like this, some of you guys want Stone Cold Steve Austin pop for a guy who’s more like the 1-2-3 Kid or Disco Inferno, just doesn’t do it for me.

    Love my Bucs, wish the best for this team, but the logical part of my brain knows Mayfield isn’t getting us as far as some of you hope he will, partly because he’s never been that type of QB in his career and 1 time isn’t enough to build a case for consistency.

  24. Dude Says:

    Last but not least, I can be a fan of this ball club like I’ve been since the Hardy Nickerson trade but not necessarily love the QB.

    Like I wasn’t head over heels for Freeman or McCown or Glennon, I tolerated Fitz because it’s Fitz, but can we be foreal what makes Mayfield any different or better than having a Ryan Fitzpatrick, that’s actually a pretty on the nose comp.

  25. Gipper Says:

    Baker will be in top 6 of all NFL QB’s in 2024. The only caveat is he must stay healthy. In the past he has tried to play through injuries and it has cost him. Last year he tried to play through an ankle injury. Nobody remembers the injury but they remember the games where he struggled. Hopefully, Baker will be given more authority to audible at the line this year. Most remember his audible TD pass to Chris Godwin last year late in the season. Baker has a rocket launcher arm. He is learning to take a little off some of his throws to make them easier for his receivers to handle. Last year ME dropped more than a few that hit him right in his hands. Hopefully, Baker gets better rhythm this year with all his receivers.

  26. GoneGator Says:

    I appreciate the same old song and dance. At least you seem consistent.

    For the record, I don’t consider my optimistism “blind”. I’ve been watching Baker since he got to Cleveland and I honestly think he has more potential than all but a handful of starting QBs in the NFL.

    I think too many people underestimate the importance of the psychological aspect of success in the league especially at the QB position. The doubt, dysfunction, and disrespect can beat you down or it can piss you off and motivate you to prove people wrong.

    The coaches and the TEAM seem to think he’s the guy, and can lead us where we want to go, and it’s their ass on the line if they’re wrong. Do you really think they’re conspiring to put less than their best players and team, ie chance for success, on the field? Or possibly they’re just stupid and can’t see what you see?

    If Baker sucks or drags the TEAM down then the haters here and elsewhere can rejoice and say I told you so. I hope (but doubt) that they’ll admit they were just wrong if we build on and exceed last years season and become true contenders.

  27. Gipper Says:


    You may as well talk to your refrigerator rather than these know nothing bloggers who pretend to know what they are talking about. Baker took over a team that was 1-31 prior to his arrival and instantly made them competitive and fun to watch. Biggest mistake in Cleveland was trying to play while injured. This lead to his so called inconsistency. I trust John Dorsey who drafted both MaHomes and Mayfield as franchise QB’s. KC has had an excellent head coach and solid supporting cast that Mayfield never had in Cleveland. Baker is in a good place in Tampa with Coach Bowles and GM Licht. If he stays healthy this year, he will have a sensational season. Last year was his floor. Ceiling to be determined.

  28. Gipper Says:


    You may as well talk to your refrigerator rather than these know nothing bloggers who pretend to know what they are talking about. Baker took over a team that was 1-31 prior to his arrival and instantly made them competitive and fun to watch. Biggest mistake in Cleveland was trying to play while injured. This lead to his so called inconsistency. I trust John Dorsey who drafted both MaHomes and Mayfield as franchise QB’s. KC has had an excellent head coach and solid supporting cast that Mayfield never had in Cleveland. Baker is in a good place in Tampa with Coach Bowles and GM Licht. If he stays healthy this year, he will have a sensational season. Last year was his floor. Ceiling to be determined.

  29. Shane Callahan Says:

    I’m glad SI named him the 20th best QB in the NFL right now. If they’d put him in the top 10, he’d be less driven. Go Bucs!

  30. Shane Callahan Says:

    (He’s way above Watson. Poor Cleveland fans…)

  31. Dave Pear Says:

    Gipper – spot on post. What Baker came into and what he did with the Fecals his rookie year was pretty stout. No he didn’t make the playoffs that year but came damn close. Taking the 1-31 Fecals to 8-9-1 and was runner up for OROY. I too believe and expect even better from him in 2024 after a very difficult 2023.


  32. GoneGator Says:

    Apparently Tyreek over in Miami thinks Bakers a real one.
    Has him #5 in his list behind Mahomes, Tua, Lamar, and Dak

    I don’t know how much his opinion matters… But it was interesting (shocking even) to see that.


  33. Dave Pear Says:

    Gator – at least Tyreek actually plays the game (very very well) unlike the horseface and the Canadian cocktail, among many others. I’d say number 5 is a stretch at this point. Potential to be for sure.

    Still, refreshing versus “he’s a yoyo, he sucks” etc etc.

  34. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    Don’t be talking bad things into existence, Baker had how many coordinators in Cleveland ? Then went to a sh!t team, where everything was in shambles. LA he did a fair job at the end of the season. Last year he took off with the Bucs and a poor run game. So his arm is what did most of the work. Now he’s been around Coen before and Canales thanks for starting the engine. Baker is alright in my opinion, and now he’s got a few new weapons as well as Mike and Chris. So how many guys do we have that are pretty good pass catchers ? Eight or nine if six receivers are on the roster plus Otten and the running backs, that makes ten. Just need a little help from the run game. Go Bucs!!!!

  35. ballwasher61 Says:

    Those top 5 I would put Bake in front of Zak, he just hasn’t done a thing in Dallas to go next level. Lamar hasn’t done a thing either, it’s about the rings plain and simple and Mahomes has em. Gipe, Pear, DR, good posts and accurate. Consistency is the key to being good at anything, especially this team sport, why do you thing KC is there year after year? I like Trask and he had to put the ball in the receivers hands for them to make the plays and he played well his SR. year but none of us see him day to day. The most consistent players have the most consistent base, GM, Coach, staff, etc. It ain’t rocket surgery.