Beware Bucky Irving

June 21st, 2024

Rookie RB Bucky Irving.

Regular readers know Joe is really down on Rachaad White. As a running back.

Also, regular readers know Joe is really high on White. Catching out of the backfield.

For as down as Joe is on White as a running back, Joe is even higher on White in the passing game. The dude is a serious weapon.

And while White has led the worst rushing attack in the NFL the past two years, Joe might be hard-pressed to take him off the field. Why? Because the guy is so lethal in the passing game last year.

So while Joe is eager to see what third-round pick, running back Bucky Irving out of Oregon can do since he was so good at staying on his feet in college after a hit, Joe isn’t ready to jump in the deep end of that pool quite yet.

However, sometimes humorist Adam Rank of seems to think the Irving Era of the Bucs is coming.

My HOTTEST Buccaneers fantasy take:

Scoop up Bucky Irving where you can.
I know Rachaad White ranked fourth among running backs with 1,539 scrimmage yards last season. But I believe it will only be a matter of time before the rookie takes over. Irving, a fourth-round pick, led Oregon with 1,180 rushing yards and 11 rushing touchdowns in 2023. He’s also a good receiver out of the backfield.

Now a lot of this depends on winning. If the Bucs are losing, struggling to score points and White is stinking the joint up badly on the ground, then yeah, Joe could see Irving getting worked in more. If the Bucs are winning, a rotten run game can be overlooked. The NFL is a production league and White produces. Catching the ball.

Joe is excited to see Irvin but not yet ready to bench White. Not yet.

44 Responses to “ Beware Bucky Irving”

  1. zzbucs Says:

    R Stroud reported the same a couple of weeks ago, same as Mc Millan, and some people made fun of it……


  2. RagingBrisket Says:

    White is at most 50% responsible for the shtty run game. Oline bears way more responsibility. It flat out sucked at run blocking. Putrid

  3. geno711 Says:

    Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat on Rashaad White.

    Everyone is hoping that Irving will be a stud running back.
    Still learning the playbook.
    Still behind lots of guys on the depth chart.

    We did not hear the positive comments out of OTAs that we heard on Barton, McMillan and Smith.

    Hoping when pads come on, Irving will take a step up. That is when it counts.

    Not sure what any Joe has seen or heard of about Irving based upon his short time at the Bucs facility. Running back is really the easiest position to make an impact at as a rookie. Especially just as a runner.

    Here’s hoping.

  4. garro Says:

    Fantasy football take? That is a new low…

    Go Bucs!

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    I’m pretty high on Irving..Sean Tucker too. Regardless, White can’t sustain the workload he had last year and I’m okay with that.

  6. Boss Says:

    White just runs too high. If this cat can cut on a dime and burst we might have something

  7. Dude Says:

    A fake position battle. Skip Peete was pretty clear about RB1/2/3 only being important to people outside the building months back when the staff did their first offseason pressers, so I’m going with that.

    Chaad is the tip of the spear, Bucky seems like a perfect candidate to be a scat back that can be apart of that group with Edmonds(& Sean T maybe) to rotate in and contribute. We should be running all our guys like we’re tryin to win the Iditarod

  8. Mike Says:

    I am excited to see Bucky on the field. There’s plenty of room for two backs to be productive. Hope he can bring a spark!

  9. D-Rome Says:

    I still think White’s issues running the ball had more to do with the offensive line and less to do with ability.

  10. Jp09 Says:

    Round 4 Joe, round 4. Rank even mentions it in his take.

  11. Cobraboy Says:

    Dude has not taken one snap in the NFL and many are ready to flush White.

    The same casuals complained about the OL last season, while complaining about obvious run-up-the-middle-on-first-down Canakes calls.

    Casuals, just flapping gums…

    How about waiting until the pads come on against another team before judging?

  12. BucVoyager Says:

    Unlike other positions, RBs generally can make an impact in their first year. Running the ball is not their issue, it’s picking up the blitz.

  13. Bowles4President Says:


    White clearly has potential with his pass catching and outside running capabilities, but I agree that if we assume his growth does not continue then he is not a true half-back.

    I was trying to think if there is a true name for this position, which can run on the outside effectively, strong catching skills, but has average? pass blocking skills and sub-par success running up the middle.

    Looking at terminology, would it be safe to call him a wingback in the wrong era?? I thought about H-back (just learned that is different than half-back), but I don’t think that lines up either.

    I would love to get your two cents on this idea. Keep up the great work!!

  14. Defense Rules Says:

    Before crowning Bucky Irving as the Rushing Savior, it’s interesting to compare his college stats with Rachaad White’s. In their last year. They both had excellent seasons, rushing as well as receiving.

    o Rachaad: 11 games – 182 rushes (16.5 rushes/game) – 1006 yards rushing (91.5 YPG) – 15 TDs rushing – 41 catches (3.7 catches/game) – 456 yards receiving (41.5 YPG) – 1 TD – 1462 total yards (133 YPG) – 16 total TDs.

    o Bucky: 14 games – 186 rushes (13.3 rushes/game) – 1180 yards rushing (84.3 YPG) – 11 TDs rushing – 56 catches (4.0 catches/game) – 413 yards receiving (29.5 YPG) – 2 TD – 1593 total yards (114 YPG) – 13 total TDs.

    There doesn’t seem to be a gigantic difference (just looking at their last year in college) between the two. Rachaad carried a little heavier workload running the ball, but not by much. They both produced very respectable yards per carry average (Rachaad – 5.53 YPC rushing and Bucky 6.34 YPC). They both had excellent yards per reception as receivers (Rachaad 11.1 YPR and Bucky 7.4 YPR). They SHOULD be very complementary RBs. Seems like a win-win for the Bucs. Here’s hoping that Coen does a better job of using our RB talents than his 2 most recent predecessors.

  15. Joe Says:


    “Misplaced wide receiver.”

  16. Booger Says:

    Maybe Bucky can be a HEALTHY Chase Edmonds. Their measurables are identical. 5’9” and roughly 200lbs in the 4.55 range with that quick burst through the line & can catch outta the backfield. They were even drafted nearly identical… 4th Round, 134 for Edmonds and 125 for Buck. Edmonds was a really good-looking RB (I liked), when HEALTHY. Just too bad he never is. Seriously, didn’t he get hurt after only just his first or second CARRY as a Buc last season LoL. I’m really not laughing, bc it’s obviously NOT funny. But, it sure seemed-like he did. He had two really good seasons in Arizona, even tho he was “Questionable/Doubtful/Probable” every damm game he played. Hate it for the guy… He could’ve been an above average back/starter. Hopefully, he has much better luck this season. Hopefully, Bucky has much better luck throughout HIS career.

  17. GP Says:

    How about two in the back field, so the defense doesn’t know if it’s a pass or a run.
    Divide and conquer

  18. GP Says:

    If White starts out left looking for a screen, and half the defense follows because he’s dangerous, a delay run to the right will have all sorts of room for running

  19. gotbbucs Says:

    The Shanahan/McVay coaching tree has no loyalty to running backs. They ride the hot hand, and for the most part, the system produces. Only time will tell if Liam Coen has the ability to do the same.
    If he can, we’ll likely be looking for another offensive coordinator in a year or two.

  20. Dave Pear Says:

    I like the two RB in the backfield idea for change of pace. Either Mike Chris and Cade on the line or a 3WR package, because Chris and Mike can also block.

  21. Boss Says:

    @GP…….stop making sense…it confuses bucs fans

  22. Bucs4EverMore Says:

    Bucky is a Tough Runner while able to make Amazing Quick Cuts. He Always Runs to the Middle whenever possible. Add his Catching Ability with Willingness to Take and Give Hard Contact, it all adds up to what the Bucs Really Need! Irving and White Will be a Dangerous and Exciting Duo!

  23. SlyPirate Says:


    Games Under 50 Yards Rushing
    39, 38, 26, 34, 39, 30, 39, 42

    73, 56, 73, 84, 89, 75

    100, 102

    YIKES! That’s terrible. In fact, its 32nd in the league terrible. For now, I put it on Canales and a weak interior line. Who scheme run plays up the middle with a weak IOL?

    I’m willing to save my judgement on RW until I see what he can do with a real OC and some muscle upfront.

  24. Jake been there since the beginning Says:

    I’m gonna be honest on this one, I’m a little scared for Bucky cause he’s gonna have a giant welcome to the NFL. We have some pretty big Love Hate games, I hope that no CB like in NO takes a cheap shot somewhere in a game. The pot never cools down in those two games. Hahaha!! Let’s Go Bucs!!!!

  25. John Says:

    while his running between the tackles leaves more to desire, rachaad is one of the best at catching and making the first tackler miss. he got better towards the end of the year and you all will be surprised when he has 1,300 yards and 11 tds this year. top 3 back u watch.

  26. Tucker Says:

    I think bucky has better vision and acceleration I could see it especially if the oline is improved which it’s looking to be. Go bucs.

  27. BucVoyager Says:

    You rarely see 2 backs anymore. This isn’t your father’s west coast offense either.

  28. BillyBucco Says:

    I gotta say, I hope it’s because Bucky Irving is just that guy. I really hope they don’t INTENTIONALLY take carries away from White to devalue his contract possibilities a couple years from now. Regardless, I hope White doesn’t see it that way, because he is needed at least on 3rd downs. I really like the thought of a 1-2 punch for years to come. If Rachaad is looking good with a 65%-35% split and so is Bucky and it becomes 50%-50%, I will call foul.

  29. Defense Rules Says:

    BillyBucco … ‘If Rachaad is looking good with a 65%-35% split and so is Bucky and it becomes 50%-50%, I will call foul.’

    From what I’ve seen, coaches go with the hot hand. If 1 of them ends up with a lot more rushes on the season, my guess is that it would be because that 1 was running the ball better. Coaches’ jobs depend on winning; that’s the only stat that really matters.

  30. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    I’ll roll with Jose on this one.

  31. Defense Rules Says:

    BucVoyager … ‘You rarely see 2 backs anymore. This isn’t your father’s west coast offense either.’

    With some of today’s analytical tools (like NextGen stats?) available to coaching staffs, it’s probably hard to fool anyone anymore. Still, there are several teams who are so talented on offense or defense that the old ‘mano-a-mano’ approach still works for them. Line up & beat the snot out of the guy in front of you.

    I think that’s why the Bucs have had so much trouble with certain teams over the years. Since 2000, Bucs have played the Ravens and Steelers 6 times each. Our record against each of them? We’re 1-5 against the Steelers and 1-5 against the Ravens. Both teams have historically been very fond of playing smash-mouth football. Our records against those 2 teams tells me they excel at that much more than we do.

  32. DvaderZ51 Says:

    Some of you might want to reconsider your opinion of Mr. White. Also keep in mind how many of his big runs were called back for a stupid penalty. As stated many times before, the issue was predictability. If you call the exact same play on 90% of 1st and 2nd downs, you better believe the other team is going to stop you 90% of the time.

  33. GoneGator Says:

    White will have a great year! He may have less total yards but he’ll be more efficient running the ball with better IOL play and more creative run play calls from Coen. He’ll, hopefully, continue to be dangerous in the check down game and running routes out of the backfield.

    Bucky looks to be a solid addition. Whether he can do a serviceable job at Pass protection will be a question that needs answering if he’s going to be a 3 down option but he’ll make an impact as a rookie….how much of an impact is another question.

  34. stpetebucfan Says:

    I’ve heard the old adage if you have 2 QB’s you have none!

    IMHO that’s not true of RB’s however. Why does it have to be either or?

    Why not TWO talented RB’s to split the load. My major worry about White is not his running ability but he was overused last year, 2nd only to McCaffery in workload. Some rest will make him better.

    Some fresh legs will also wear down a defense more. I hope they BOTH have incredible years!!!

  35. 1#bucsfan Says:

    Dvader perfectly said. More than several of his long runs were called back because of holding. 🤦‍♂️

  36. Dave Pear Says:

    I hope Sean Tucker got his degree.

  37. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    If the oline could give him the space to run like he has in the pass game he’d be a fine runner but he’s afraid of contact and runs into to tackles because he lacks short space vision. Hopefully Buckey is tough to handle the punishment he’ll receive at this level

  38. Bring back the lawn chairs Says:

    If he’s tough like Dunn was, and can handle the big hit unlike Darden, and has soft hands, and not hands of stone, this could be a big addition imo. Time will tell, and we’ll know strait away after the first game or two. I wish him well.

  39. SenileSenior Says:

    Sunday… White ran for 990 yards and not 1500 or even 1200; so he is a lousy running back. Sheesh!

    White AND Irving will carry the load by mid season. That is my expectation, anyway.

    Will Sean Tucker be in the mix? That is one question I will be tracking

  40. larrd Says:

    White looked much better as a runner the second half last year. I am befuddled at his reputation as a budding Randy Moss. Eight yards per catch seems pretty average for a back? 60 catches?

    Hopefully he’ll be solid and Irving will be amazing.

  41. Dave Pear Says:

    Everyone hopes for the best with Sean Tucker. I hope he erupts.

    The chances of that happening are less than me getting into my pool and realizing that someone filled it with Big Storm.

  42. Ed McSherry Says:

    “Funny,” this is the only place I’ve ever seen any criticism of Rachaad’s running ability, anywhere. Not on Buccaneers-related-podcasts, just don’t see it anywhere else.

    Every time Rachaad has been mentioned by network commentators during a game, it’s all positive.

    How do ya go from no criticism everywhere else, to over-the-top, obsessive, relentless Rachaad-bashing by one individual, here, and that individual, adamantly holding on to a certain presumed-credibility?

    I, and many others posting here watch the games, have
    understood the coaching and O-line problems, and can’t understand “what’s going on with that!?”

    Off-season, before the draft of the year that brought Rachaad White to the Buccaneers, I was posting about how I could guarantee that Brady dreams about drafting a running back who he could work with as he did with his Patriots “secret weapon,” the great James White; a cut-back halfback with great moves, awesome receiving ability and who could be pictured in the dictionary under the word: “clutch.”

    I predicted that this would be discussed with Jason, and Rachaad would be a Buccaneer after that year’s draft.

    Meanwhile, Joe was particularly enthusiastic that it wouldn’t be Rachaad, but a player of a position (can’t remember that position) Joe felt was a shoe-in, due to it’s pressing need to improve the team, etc.

    Well, Jason intelligently listened to the GOAT, again, and the rest is history; more division titles and playoffs with Rachaad who, often has been, practically the whole offense in various games; without proper coaching or O-line at that.

    Jussayin’….miiiiight have somethin’ to do with “Joe and the Rachaad thing.”

  43. Dave Pear Says:

    It seems that most here would say The Three Matadors on the interior, combined with a predictable vanilla run game scheme and poor coaching, are all much bigger factors than Rachaad’s ability.

    The last games of the season he was markedly better. So Ed has a point. I don’t believe there is any “Joe conspiracy “ at all, just rabid fans who also run a great business with this beloved website.

    And the 1st amendment is alive and well – Joes take all kinds of bashing, much uncalled for and publish it.

  44. Debbie⁴ Says:

    Some of you guys need to get a clue. White produces yards and touchdowns. He is multipositional. A productive player on rookie pay stays. Pick on someone who is not productive. Anyone who goes over 1000 yards a year, should be exempt from your criticism.