Day 3 Of Randy Gregory Absences

June 13th, 2024

For those riveted by Bucs edge rusher Randy Gregory skipping the first two days of the team’s mandatory minicamp, here’s a report on Day 3, the third and final session.

Gregory didn’t show up.

It appears it’s a third consecutive day of the absences being “unexcused” by team officials.

Gregory’s fines are expected to top $100,000. No word on the number of damaged hearts at One Buc Palace.

27 Responses to “Day 3 Of Randy Gregory Absences”

  1. Netwalker Says:

    Don’t need this distraction. Don’t need this player. Say goodbye.

  2. Buc4evr Says:

    Maybe the Bucs strategy is to keep fining him until they recoup the $1.3 million guaranteed in his contract ? lol. Idk, but this clown needs to be gone. He will destroy the locker room.

  3. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    As the late Bid Dog would say….AMF

  4. Buccaneer rick Says:

    He gets the money even if he doesn’t make the team?

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    Wait until he actually shows up for training camp, before Day 1 begins, inform him his services are no longer required. Hand him a bus ticket to a dispensary in Winnipeg.

    Eff him.

  6. D-Rok Says:

    The Jets are saying that Rodgers unexcused absence (some sort of trip) was planned and approved way before the mini-camp schedule was released. They said there are no rules to excuse a pre-planned/approved trip. So Rodgers is going to be fined by league rules, but the Jets are completely fine with it.

    I bring all this up because the NY media fleshed out the story and why he was absent, so until Gregory’s reason for absence can be ascertained, we have no idea why he’s absent and no idea if the Bucs are fine with it. According to your reports, Joe, Bowles didn’t offer much info – which might be fueling the fire.

    I’ll give Gregory the benefit of the doubt until we know the reasons surrounding his absence.

  7. D-Rok Says:

    And we all should give him the benefit of the doubt…for now.

  8. Pickgrin Says:

    Just bide your time and play it cool until Gregory erases all his guaranteed $ with fines for not showing up – then cut his ass….

  9. gofortheface30 Says:

    Really love the comments on previous posts thowing out “whatabout’isms” referencing Aaron Rodgers as if that is some sore of checkmate reply. False equivalency of the absolute highest order. It takes a true moron to not see the difference. And no, its not wHiTe PRivLiGe derrrrrrrrrrrr. To you entitled Gen Z’ers out there, benefit of the doubt is EARNED. Aaron Rodgers, is one of the greatest players to have ever played. An MVP. He has earned his stripes many times over. Randy Gregroy has done approximately zero and is a grade A scumbag. Aaron Rodgers has lots of equity he can cash in on. Maybe pay your mortgage on time for a full 10 yrs before you feel entitled to that same level of courtesy. And this is a metaphor for all things really. Some friendly life advice for you morons out there.

  10. Vegasbuccaneer Says:

    Just like a Democrat get paid for doing nothing why everybody else has to work for a check

  11. Joe Says:

    Brady’s Bahamas mama drama in 2022.


    Tom Brady was the GOAT. Major, major, major street cred.

    Tristan Wirfs might be a Hall of Fame player. Serious street cred.

    Antonio Brown: Would easily be a first-ballot Hall of Famer if not for his mental illness.

    Randy Gregory: A JAG who has worse stats than JTS when he’s not suspended. This guy is more like Swaggy Baker than he is Brady, Wirfs or Brown. Joe knows you didn’t invoke Brown or Wirfs but comparing this guy Gregory to Brady (or even Haason Reddick as Dave Pear has tried) isn’t just wrong, it’s obnoxious.

    There, had to get that off the chest.

  12. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    D-Rok Says:
    I’ll give Gregory the benefit of the doubt until we know the reasons surrounding his absence.

    D-Rok Says:
    June 13th, 2024 at 11:40 am
    And we all should give him the benefit of the doubt…for now.

    I agree 100%

    If he doesn’t have a justifiable reason for being missing than the team will deal with him accordingly.

    We don’t have all the information so it’s better to give him the benefit of the doubt.

  13. Mike Johnson Says:

    Make your decision quick Bucs. Don’t mess around like you did with that other wide-receiver mental case we had. Dump Gregory like a bad habit.

  14. TF Says:

    Ummm what are you taking about? “Justifiable reason? “ “Benefit of the doubt” What doubt? you miss work with a no call you are fired period. You don’t think in today’s age of “agents” among other things the Bucs don’t know EXACTLY why Gregory isn’t here? Give me a break. Bowles isn’t going to go into details to “out” him directly. His statement told us everything. Gregory isn’t there for his reasons and I guarantee his Agents, Licht, Bowles and higher ups know exactly why. Now they just need time to weigh the options whether it’s worth keeping him or not.

  15. heyjude Says:

    The Jets coach had been saying he and Reddick were unexcused. He only came out today to say Rodgers was excused now. He flip-flopped. Not a good look for Saleh. And to blame the media was immature. The fans have the right to know which players are there or not, which ones were excused or not. How about the team members that show up and work hard? Doesn’t seem fair to them either.

    Coach Bowles didn’t come to the podium to say Gregory is now on a trip that was important to him in the middle of mandatory training camp. He would have been booed out of the room. We still know that Gregory was not excused and are waiting to see what the Bucs next step is. If it was a health emergency, yes fully understand that being excused. A family emergency, yes excused. However, by now someone would have notified the franchise if it was something very serious. I just hope that someone isn’t advising him not to go to the mini-camp because of his current lawsuit.

    What is sad is that these mandatory mini-camps are barely three days. The players know the dates way ahead of time to plan around. Could any one of us just not show up for work and not contact anyone for a 2 or 3 days? No way unless we were in the hospital or something worse. There are many ways to properly communicate otherwise. Phone call, text, email…

  16. D-Rok Says:

    The point I was trying to make, and apparently failed to do, is that until the details are released to the public, none of us know exactly what is going on. Obviously, the team knows and if they don’t know, he probably would have been cut for Failure to Call and Failure to Show.

    Not enough details to judge Gregory YET. I will be patient before I criticize…after all, this is ONLY UNDERWEAR football.

    PS: I am not endorsing Gregory in any way – until he got signed by the Bucs, I hardly knew who he was. We shouldn’t rush to judge without all the facts.

    Hope this is resolved soon, and as always, Go Bucs!!!

  17. CleanHouse Says:

    Maybe he read this miserable blog and felt so unwelcome that he had an anxiety attack.

  18. Statguy Says:

    Fairly confident this has to do with his lawsuit. If he showed up and pissed clean it would go against the basis of his lawsuit because it was show he doesn’t need it. He he showed up and pissed dirty he would get fined and he stands to gain more from the lawsuit than playing and would be another distraction and a lose lose either way for him other than just saving face not show up and go for the lawsuit vs showing up in your 30s on a low contract

  19. Fan of the South Says:

    State tax in California on the 800K the 49ers paid him last year is $376,000. They only play half the games in San Fran so tax is around $180K. Take out the 100 grand in fines and Gregory is still up 80 Grand plus the 20K State Tax he would have lost when the Niners played at the Rams.

    100 Grand would pay for a Hell of a nice three day vacation.

    Maybe he is a little too smart to fit in @ Tampa.

  20. heyjude Says:

    Understand D-Rok. No worries. Sometimes my comments may come across differently from what I meant to say too. Now the teams are off so we may not know anything for while.

    @CleanHouse – I am laughing so hard right now reading your comment. That could be true too. The comments are about 90% in agreement to fire him. But this blog is far from miserable. People that work hard want answers to why a player making millions doesn’t show up to work, mandatory training camp. It isn’t fair to the other players that do show up.

  21. heyjude Says:

    @Statguy, you may be right about the lawsuit. I wasn’t thinking about all the complications with the drug test.

  22. BucsFanSince1996 Says:

    TF Says:
    Ummm what are you taking about? “Justifiable reason? “ “Benefit of the doubt” What doubt? you miss work with a no call you are fired period.
    OK, should the Jets fire Aaron Rodgers as well?

  23. Lokog Says:

    It takes at least 30 days to get clean of buddah unless they take a hair sample and test it. Theres this thing called certo its to make homemade jelly u find it in the gelatin section but it only works for weed you put the packet in a 32oz gatorade and after you finish it you drink water and you will be pissin then you take the next packet at least 2 hours before your UA and you will come out clean of thc i used it while i was in probation and everytime i came out clean

  24. unbelievable Says:

    Fan of the South Says:
    June 13th, 2024 at 2:13 pm
    State tax in California on the 800K the 49ers paid him last year is $376,000. They only play half the games in San Fran so tax is around $180K. Take out the 100 grand in fines and Gregory is still up 80 Grand plus the 20K State Tax he would have lost when the Niners played at the Rams.


    State tax in California is nowhere close to 47% of his income LOFL.

    I swear some of you really go out of your way to come up with the absolute dumbest things possible to say

  25. stpetebucfan Says:

    AGAIN! Wealthy people do not pay taxes!!! They get a NetJets card full of flights, they enjoy vacations er “business trips” I could go on but I’m not the CPA here.

    I do know enough to have an excellent Tax attorney and I’m FAR FROM WEALTHY.

    The vast majority of these guys are multi millionaires already. Unless they’re morons, and admittedly a few are, they have the best financial advisors and accountants money can buy. Taxes are just an inconvenience.

  26. Dave Pear Says:

    Reddeck has production. Gregory doesn’t. But Reddeck is super expensive and won’t play until he gets more expensive. Attitude + expense = not a Buccaneer.

    Gregory should be cut.

    Reddeck won’t be signed.

    The two are very different cases, Joes but glad you let me know you were confused about my position.

  27. Sacker58 Says:

    Don’t need this clown ,A.M.F.
    Hasn’t played a down and already puts himself above the team.