Working On Becoming A “Make Some Plays” Guy

June 13th, 2024

Logan Hall’s position coach has been telling him to “add to the party.”

Yesterday, Todd Bowles was more direct about his third-year defensive lineman.

Bowles pretty much said Hall is developing but that it’s time to, you know, be a playmaker.

“He [became] a better pro last year. I thought he had a very good mental year,” Bowles said. “I think he’s stronger. I think he got back there to the quarterback some; I don’t think he finished the plays. He needs to finish the sacks when he gets them. He can help us more in the run game. He’s taking on the blocks well and he’s getting the [linebackers] free, but he can take on the blocks some and make some plays himself and I think he’s working on that.”

When Bowles said Hall had a good “mental year,” Joe thought of what a junior varsity coach fishing for positives might tell a kid who rode the bench in a season-ending meeting.

That’s not the endorsement or evaluation a professional beast in the trenches wants to hear.

As Joe has written previously, Hall’s production with the Bucs is below that of notorious Chris “Swaggy” Baker, the defensive tackle who was dogging it for much of the 2017 season in Tampa.

That has to change.

Hall had one quarterback hit last season and had 22 combined tackles as a full-time starter, with just two official tackles for loss. It’s just not enough for a guy playing more than half the defensive snaps.

Make a play!

19 Responses to “Working On Becoming A “Make Some Plays” Guy”

  1. SB~LV Says:

    Hey! At this point in a pass rushers career you either can or you can’t.

  2. realistic-optimistic Says:

    He’s just not a very exciting player to date. None of the typical skills you want from a pass rushing DL are strengths for Hall. Not that strong. Not that fast. Not twitchy. Sub-par hand technique. The best thing he does is eat some space.

    I suppose the team had higher hopes for him than a run-stuffing 3-4 DE. That’s not usually what you’re looking for with pick #33.

  3. Dave Pear Says:

    Logan’s Hall sucks, has sucked, will suck, and will have sucked. Unless you’re trying to ruin the careers of your teammates. The Oaf is all pro at that.

  4. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Logan Who can’t play.

  5. jarrett Says:

    leave it up to Joe to mention Chris “Swaggy” Baker!

    LOL man i’ve been a buc fan for a long time

    its a bucs life

  6. Pickgrin Says:

    #33 overall pick and at this point – Hall is a poor man’s Will Gholston….

    I guess he’s got 2 more years to show improvement and salvage some kind of a football career based on that draft position – but – damn – it sucks when your all-star GM pretty obviously misses on a high pick like that.

    Ditto for JTS – and this year is his last chance to show something….

  7. Obvious Says:

    This one might be a dud…

    Working on WAKING UP is what he better have done here in the off season. He seems to have maybe Serious confidence trouble perhaps OR he just isn’t very good.

    It’s one or the other. Because for the Top second round pick…. We All Expected WAY More. He’s been around too long not to be carrying his weight by now and if he doesn’t show Serious improvement this up coming season, we need to let him go for someone else Far More qualified.

    I don’t have apologies for feeling like we deserve better odds of winning. And replacing him with a BEAST that GETS RESULTS is what’s Best for All of us.

  8. BucsFan55 Says:

    swing and a miss, too bad it was while we had TB12

  9. Proudbucsfan Says:

    Logan Hall and Joe Tryon Shoinka will be playing in the UFL next spring, If they could even make one of those teams. Neither belongs in the NFL.

  10. Buc'n Enough Says:

    “hall of fame GM” pick strikes again

  11. heyjude Says:

    Wow, Bowles said a lot about Hall. I agree with Joe, that “good mental year” comment was like a participation trophy.

  12. Bobby Says:

    Ouch!! “ a good mental year” Wow if I was Hall, I would have taken that as a a arrow shot at me for the intention to motivate me to hit the ground running next month in camp and have an amazing season. Hall pretty much looks like bust at this point. I bet Jason wishes he could have that second round pick back. JTS too, both look like busts. 1st and 2nd picks that could have been used differently. Wonder if we could trade both for Hasson Reddick??? Fruitful thinking there

  13. JReel Buc Says:

    Damn I forgot about swaggy baker

  14. unbelievable Says:

    We’ll see what happens this year, but it seems him and JTS are busts.

    Sucks, but that’s the way it goes sometimes. Hopefully Kancy and Diaby continue to develop and Braswell becomes something (though I have limited expectations as a rookie, obviously)

  15. stpetebucfan Says:

    NFL offensive linemen are generally bigger and stronger than the D linemen a player will face in college. They are also the best of the best from their college years, rather than being the best from high school. Around 2% of players from college will be signed to the NFL, and they are usually the best 2%.

    Also, most NFL offensive linemen, in addition to being a stronger and far more elite unit than the player faced in college, are also generally far more experienced than anyone the player has ever faced. They know more tricks of the trade and have practiced not only their techniques more, but also learned new techniques that most college players don’t utilize.

    This is why it can’t take awhile for some D lineman to finally shine.

    This COULD be the year Hall breaks out. It better be since he’s had enough time to oversome the original challenges of strength and experience of NFL OL.

  16. Dave Pear Says:

    The Oaf does have two random fumble recoveries where he fell down and the ball happened to be there. At least he grabbed it. Probably thought it was a hunk of meat and he was hungry.

  17. Rod Munch Says:

    The defensive scheme really isn’t one that will ever make him shine. Also, for the love of god, he’s a DE, not a DT.

    You don’t have 3 DTs on the field in the 3-4.

  18. David Says:

    With Vea losing fat and gaining muscle to play more and Kancey & YAYA Another year in… He has no excuse to not step it up. He’s going to be one on one all the time.

  19. garro Says:

    Wow that’s something I have read twice now. It hurt both times.

    As a Buc fan I continue to hope for improvement from Hall and JTS both.

    However just going from past experience, their are usually signs that a guy is making some progress. I have not seen that from either one. JTS five sacks are closer to 4 in real life. Hall has shown nothing at all. We have already drafted their replacements. Never a good sign for a starter in the NFL BTW.

    Go Bucs!