Another Year Of Non-Believers

May 14th, 2024

The Kyle Trask bandwagon has a lot of empty seats.

Joe gave a standing ovation to Trask’s one on-the-money, end-zone throw last season under high pressure in Indianapolis, but the play didn’t seem to resonate. Joe was even the only reporter to march up to Trask after that Bucs-Colts game and dissect the young backup QB’s first big opportunity with him at his locker.

But Buccaneers general manager Jason Licht’s phone did not ring off the hook this offseason for the services of Trask, who has been mentored by several legendary quarterback gurus.

Former Bucs QB Chris Simms wasn’t moved, either.

Simms is in the midst of his famous annual top-40 NFL quarterbacks breakdown and rankings, and Trask isn’t on the list. Despite being “this close” to winning the Bucs’ starting job from Baker Mayfield last summer and impressing in the 2023 preseason, Trask won’t make the cut.

Simms likes Jacoby Brissett, Joe Flacco, Kenny Pickett, Gardner Minshew and Jarrett Stidham as his Nos. 36-40 quarterbacks.

Joe’s not sure what to say.

49 Responses to “Another Year Of Non-Believers”

  1. Drunkinybor Says:

    Chris spleen Simms I will always respect him for what Gruden put him through. Man he was tough on him.

  2. Mort Says:

    How can you expect Chris to like him? There isn’t enough tape. It’s just how it is.

  3. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    “Simms is in the midst of his famous annual top-40 NFL quarterbacks breakdown and rankings, and Trask isn’t on the list.”

    This is a joke, right??? Simms has never seen Trask play in a regular season game…of course he didn’t make the list!

    I’ll tell you something though…if Mayfield gets injured for a string of games, and Trask comes in and manages to win all his games…man, a lot of people will look like idiots. Especially Bowels.

  4. Buccaneer Bonzai Says:

    And we’d lose Trask next year either way, because Bowels didn’t have the sense to put him to the test until forced to.

    No one really knows what Trask can do…but I’m rooting for him!

  5. BA’s Red Pen Says:

    Be careful Mr. Sims or the occult of Trask will be coming for you!!

  6. SlyPirate Says:

    I’m a Trask fan.

    Not a Gator. Never saw him play in college. He looked the part of an NFL QB in preseason last year. I’m looking forward to seeing him play more this preseason. I think he’ll turn a lot of heads.

    PREDICTION: Baker will get injured at some point this season. He’s too little, plays too reckless, and has a history of shoulder injuries. We’ll see Trask play in a regular season game or two. If he shows out, then things will get interesting. We may be able trade or we may have our guy in two years.

  7. Buccos Says:

    Trask had one of the greatest seasons in recent college football history. He almost won the Heisman that year. I believe his best football is ahead of him.!it probably won’t be in Tampa but he does have the talent and he has learned from the best. He is an outstanding insurance policy this year. But at the end of the day he was a late second round draft pick while Mayfield will always be the first player picked and he DID win the Heisman. I have never heard Trask complain in the press. He continues to work hard and compete until given his chance. I am a Gator but I can appreciate his character without a bias

  8. J Says:

    If Trask had Bakers charisma he might not be so hated.

  9. jarrett Says:

    mannn… trask prolly better than Baker real talk

  10. SRQ Bucs Fan Says:

    I think JBF is the only regular source reporting on Trask. For those hating on Joe realize Joe has given Trask more words than ALL media combined!

  11. ATLBUC Says:

    Trask > Chris simms

  12. Leopold Stotch Says:

    As a Gators fan and huge Trask fan, I am disappointed that he wasn’t able to succeed Brady. That being said, I am a Baker fan, I was before, but my bias wanted Trask to be The Guy. It is what it is. He won’t be the future, for Tampa, probably, and I hope he goes off and has a wonderful career. God has a plan for everyone, I’m sure he knows that, and will be ready whenever he gets his opportunity. Again like I and many others have said, it’s just not likely to be here in Tampa.

  13. garro Says:

    LOL…Simms rating a Bucs QB… Now that is funny!

    Go Bucs!

  14. Capt.Tim Says:

    Doubt that Trask is the 2nd string QB.
    The team has shown that they have no confidence in him.
    They played an injured Mayfield, rather than let Trask on the field.

    John Woolford is actually a NFL caliber QB. He also has a history with Liam Cohen.
    I think he will be the backup this year.
    Trask rookie contract expires at the end of the season.
    That’ ll be it for Kyle. A wasted pick. He doesnt have an NFL arm.
    And all the adoration in the world cant change that.

  15. westernbuc Says:

    Simms was down on Trask in the draft. Guy hasn’t played. Maybe he’s decent. Bucs fans should hope to never find out.

  16. go dawgs Says:

    On the money end zone throw??? Oh ok, Joe must be putting whiskey in his coffee… Another washed up Gator QB with a bunch of jock sniffing fans.

  17. What it is Says:

    When you actually think about it, there are almost 300 division I & II schools that play football and in each school you have a qb that thinks he’s a stud and the fans also thinks their guy is a stud. In reality, about a tenth are in that category. That’s 30 qbs every 3-4 years fighting for 32 jobs that only come open every 10 years or so. It is amazing how fast those 30 stud qbs disappear into the maze of an NFL sideline.They disappear into the nfl oblivion never to be seen or heard of again. And finishing a distant 4th in Heisman voting to a wide receiver will probably find you in the NFL oblivion. And those that have “it” you hear their names every Sunday. And 4 or 5 find superstar status. But the qbs that some people think they are studs never are heard of again. 🤔

  18. Hodad Says:

    Of course he didn’t make Simms list, the dude has never played. Until Kyle Trask plays meaningfull NFL games we can only speculate how good, or bad he really is. This is just a Joe stirring the pot story

  19. Oneilbuc Says:

    If we are going to be honest he was better than Baker Mayfield in training camp last year and we have the facts to prove it. But Baker has a fan base so it was a business decision not a football decision. If you take the last names off the jerseys number 2 would have been the starter. But that’s why I don’t have much faith in Baker. You mean to tell me that a guy with no experience was actually played better than a guy who started for 5 years. That’s why I felt that way about Baker Mayfield. No one has said Baker was just better than Trask that actually was out there last training camp and I’m not a fan of none of these players . And Trask made not be that good we don’t know but what we do know is he was better than Baker in training camp last year and that’s just the truth not feelings . I understand how you Baker fans feel about him but it’s no excuses for Baker this year like a lot of y’all gave him last year. The only way I would say keep Baker for the long haul he has to have 35 tds with 10 picks I don’t care about the yards because of the rules in the NFL has made passing yards inrevlint because it’s easy to have 4,000 yards now days with the rules and how long the season is now. But I’m not giving no lame excuses for Baker Mayfield.

  20. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Bravo Joe bravo we do a little trolling

  21. Pablothepoolboy Says:

    How many Dawg QB’s are there in the league??????? Thought so. Or Bama, FSU, Texas? This has to be the hardest position to predict coming out of college. There are top flight guys starting that were drafted high but how many win the brass ring? Very few.

  22. Doc Says:

    JOE: “Simms likes Jacoby Brissett, Joe Flacco, Kenny Pickett, Gardner Minshew and Jarrett Stidham as his Nos. 36-40 quarterbacks. Joe’s not sure what to say.”

    I do. You’re just riling up your resident Trask haters for clicks. Those 5 guys have thrown 1600, 6503, 713, 1423, and 197 regular season NFL passes. Kyle Trask has thrown 1.

  23. Doc Says:

    Kyle Trask has thrown 1 with the starting offense.

  24. Beeej Says:

    I’d put above Kenny Pickett

  25. Bobby M. Says:

    Teams don’t squat on high potential/young QBs….every team in the league would love to have a young QB on a rookie deal so they can max out the roster at other positions and make a run at a SB. I think if Trask had the ability, the Bucs would roll him out vs paying mayfield $100 million.

  26. Doc Says:

    Bobby M. Says: “I think if Trask had the ability, the Bucs would roll him out vs paying Mayfield $100 million.”

    Your equation misses the fact that Bowles’ job was on the line in 2023 – failure at Jets and had failed with Bucs and Brady in 2022 – and he wasn’t going to turn his career over to an inexperienced de facto rookie. That’s why he started Mayfield despite by all accounts Trask looking better in training camp. Trask could have looked like Joe Montana and Bowes wasn’t going to start him. Just wasn’t. That’s how a career .500 guy came to be our quarterback.

  27. stpetebucfan Says:


    “Especially Bowels.” Really? You’re a freaking published writer! You’re a mature man! That was funny back in the 8th grade. You’re too smart and mature for that. Not only is it juvenile, some of the mouth breathers here have used it so regularly that any comedic value has long since disappeared.

    ONeil “we have the facts to prove it.” With all due respect I challenge you to produce those facts! Seriously. Without snark where did you come up with this FACT?

    I can tell you a FACT. Trask did not start…he didn’t even get to play when Baker should have sat out for injuries. Those are actual FACTS. I’d love to see yours.

  28. Jonny Says:

    This is a silly, unnecessary and petty article by a petty writer rooting against a young player, simply because he can’t stand the fans of his college team. Get a life Joe. Gardner Minshew, the guy who beat Baker led Bucs with an inferior team, is ranked 39. Minshew has started in like 30-50 games in his career. Why the hell would Trask be ranked on this list with no meaningful snaps in any games?

  29. D Cone Says:

    Minshew at 39? He was just as much a Pro Bowl QB as Mayfield. An Alternate. It is more realistic that Minshew was a play away from taking the Colts to the Playoffs than Mayfield was a play from a Conference Championship Game.

    Draft class next season will be thin. Sanders as a top pick shows just how thin it is. Perfect time for Trask to become a free agent and make a move.

    Trask is untested and Mayfield has not been able to put two successful seasons together because of Injury or because he is too inconsistent. Either way Trask could see some important game time this season.

    If Licht was not confident in Trask there would be another QB in his spot.

  30. Conner50 Says:

    go dawgs
    Yea if actually watched that game Trask threw a good pass but Godwin couldn’t come down with it. Just because your mad Trask torched your team in college don’t mean you can lie and say he don’t play well

  31. Conner50 Says:

    Joe still mad fsu got denied for cfp lol

  32. Doc Says:

    stpetebucfan Says: “ONeil ‘we have the facts to prove it.’ With all due respect I challenge you to produce those facts!”

    You must be new here. This site has an archive on the left side. If you go there and search “Trask outplayed Mayfield”, 2 articles will come up, one from August 13, 2023 and the other from August 15, 2023 – both after training camp had ended and preseason games had started. In both articles Joe says Trask had outplayed Mayfield in training camp:

    “For Trask to get the QB1 gig, Joe believes, he had to out-practice/play Mayfield by a lot. He outplayed Mayfield a little in training camp.” – Joe, August 13

    “Trask was out-practicing Mayfield. Not by a lot, but a little. Not enough to be knighted the Bucs starter.” – Joe, August 15

    Let’s see. Joe was there. You weren’t. I’ll take Joe’s word. Facts!

  33. Jp3 Says:

    All Buc fans know what happens QBs leave here the SuperBowl is in there future

  34. Doc Says:

    Conner50 Says: “Yea if actually watched that game Trask threw a good pass but Godwin couldn’t come down with it.”

    The video shows Godwin actually caught the ball with both hands when he was 2 yards from the end zone sideline but got only 1 foot in bounds. Godwin screwed up.

  35. Doc Says:

    Capt.Tim Says: “John Woolford is actually a NFL caliber QB.”

    He sure is. What with his career 1TD and 5 INTs.

    LMAO. You FSU fan bois can’t help but let your hatred shine through your comments.

  36. Jp3 Says:

    How many of us would lose it IF Jameis where to win it all in Cleveland ofaall places?

  37. BakerFan Says:

    Trask has no body of work to evaluate him on, the last 4 do. Flacco did damn good last year and should be way up the list.

  38. NC Bucs Fan Says:

    Lifetime Gators fan….. Lifetime Bucs fan. I love my gators, but, the one thing the school has never produced is a truly successful NFL QB. Tebow – nope. Wuerffel – Nope. Palmer – Nope. Richardson – probably not (first year, out for most of it)

    If I were a GM, I would never draft a Gator QB. Enjoyed watching Trask in Gainesville, but never felt he had an NFL future

  39. Conner50 Says:

    Yea Godwin is good enough to make that play and should have but it happens, I just think it’s funny how people say he screwed up when he came in that game and couldn’t score from the goal line. When the oline got a false start penalty and Godwin didn’t make the catch and feet in the endzone, they just blame Trask lol. Idiots don’t even watch what happens in the game or are already drunk to remember

  40. Jack Burton Mercer Says:

    And the Wolford boys have made their appearance. That is the John Wolford who couldn’t even beat out Trask. Everybody loves them some backup QB sauce on their football burger.

  41. Craig Says:

    It all only matters to one person; the OC. Cohen was brought in because he had worked, slightly, with Mayfield. That does not mean he is sold on Mayfield. Mayfield was allowed to walk by that team.

    Last season’s OC was fresh and brand new. he let Mayfield turn his trial offense into street ball. Cohen might not like that. If Trask takes another big step up the ladder, and is closer to what Cohen wants, he might go.

    Hopefully if there is another 6 game losing streak, he might be more hands on about it.

    Underwear football and the pre-season still mean a lot.

  42. Doc Says:

    Jack Burton Mercer Says: “And the Wolford boys have made their appearance.”

    So true. Wolford has an NFL career record of 1 TD and 5 INTs – an absolutely atrocious 1:5 ratio – and the FSU fan bois/Trask haters would rather see Wolford throw interceptions than see Trask throw perfect passes like the one to Godwin in the end zone. Goes to show they’re not real Bucs fans.

    Craig Says: “If Trask takes another big step up the ladder, and is closer to what Coen wants, he might go.”

    No way. Bowles promised Mayfield the starting job and Bowles is going with Mayfield come hell or high water. And, after how he has been mishandled by the Bucs, Trask will bolt next season and start for another NFL team (and if history is any indication he will excel).

  43. NCBuc Says:

    @ Capt Tim…..
    I actually enjoy most of your posts except for the BM thing. We can agree to disagree there, as I don’t see him as a franchise QB. I did state a while back that I would gladly eat crow if he could have two decent seasons back to back. With that being said…. I’m really starting to think your judgement of QBs is way off. If you think that John Wolford is an NFL caliber quarterback, then you are just spewing nonsense Sir! That guy is absolute garbage! Hands down GARBAGE!

  44. Shane Callahan Says:

    That’s not fair to Trask. He’s been stuck behind the GOAT and stud Baker.

  45. kaimaru Says:

    lol at @Oneilbuc
    35 TDs? He would have had the second most TDs last season and that is the bar for him to be good? He was #7 in TDs and had that limit of 10 TDs. You said that is the only metrics, then by those he was good

  46. Shane Callahan Says:

    I posted my sympathies for Trask in earnest, but anyone who thinks Mayfield would be starting over Trask if Trask was indeed better are complete fools. That’s just idiotic.

  47. stpetebucfan Says:


    If this double posts apologies I grew impatient. And so no I’m not new here at all. I remember when the OPINION expressed here was that the Bucs should spend whatever draft capital required to get Johnny Football.

    Was it a fact that since it was posted here Johnny Football turned out to be a good NFL player. Is it a FACT that he would have been worth a 1st round pick.

    I remember questioning JW’s character issues and was he worth the 1 OVERALL PICK of the draft. How did that OPINION work out. A lot better than Johnny football but had Fameis grown up? Did he demonstrated that maturity his first off season groping an Uber driver? BTW I eventually came around to that opinion. We ALL make mistakes.

    OPINIONS are not FACTS. The FACT is that Baker was the starting QB for the Bucs not Trask. Feel free to express your opinion that Bowles and Licht had it in for Trask or whatever…FACT is they STARTED Baker not Trask.

  48. Oneilbuc Says:

    Steptebuc. Go pull up the 2023 training camp tread and you will see how IRA said Baker would be the starter regardless in week 1 while Baker had 9 picks vs Trask 1 . And again no one has confirmed that Baker out played Trask in training camp last year. Even Licht said you can argue that Trask was better than Baker in training camp. The only people that believe Baker was better are his fan base and the people that wasn’t there at those practices. But the people that were there haven’t said not one time that Baker out played Trask . That’s some facts for you but go look it up and you will see.

  49. DavidBigBucsFan99 Says:

    StPete used to be an unbiased fan but he has become a Baker luving fanboi so expecting any unbiased opinion about Trask from him is asking too much. No fanboi can be realistic when talking about a qb who almost beat their teen idol. A career subpar losing qb that has a cult/occult following the likes which doesn’t make sense.