Bucs Receivers Exceled

July 14th, 2024


Some really cool stats on receivers and their production. That is, if you believe the PFF tribe.

Below is a chart on how much separation and YAC receivers got last year. Mike Evans (no surprise), Chris Godwin (no surprise) and Trey Palmer were among the best.

Evans, 30, it appears was regarded as the best in the NFL, per this chart.

The Palmer graphic is more than a little interesting. Joe often brings up how last year, per NextGen Stats, which uses GPS technology with sensors in players’ equipment, had Palmer as the fastest player in the NFL at the beginning of his routes.

Maybe new Bucs offensive coordinator Liam Coen will start targeting these guys more often since they’re able to get open?

This also frustrates the hell out of Joe. In a passing league with superior receivers who, per analytics, are among the best at getting open, why was former Bucs offensive coordinator Dave Canales so hellbent on running the ball so much? Surely he had intel like this available.

To Joe, running the damn ball so much with receivers who excel like the Bucs’ receivers did getting open and getting YAC was an irresponsible misuse of talent.

(Anyone remember how, when Canales opened up the offense at Green Bay, the Bucs’ offense exploded?)

13 Responses to “Bucs Receivers Exceled”

  1. Crickett Baker Says:

    I am amazed you can read those graphs and then make sense of them, Joe.

  2. Hodad Says:

    Coen runs 11 personal most of the time, so I think you’ll get your wish Joe, and we’ll be passing more. I still think when do you run, or pass is the key to success with either. Drafting J Mac, along with Palmer having a year under his belt should make for quite a passing attack. Better line play, Barton should be a huge difference, with Baker the unquestioned QB coming in, we could have our best offense since 2020.

  3. Defense Rules Says:

    ‘To Joe, running the damn ball so much with receivers who excel like the Bucs’ receivers did getting open and getting YAC, was an irresponsible misuse of talent.’

    You seem to hold Sean McVay in high regard Joe, so compare his Rams’ team performance with how our Bucs did last season.

    o Rams: 1094 total plays … 477 rushes – 583 pass attempts – 34 sacks – 43.6% run/pass – 4.3 YPC rushing – 18 rushing TDs – 6.6 Net Yards/Attempt passing – 26 TDs

    o Bucs – 1047 total plays … 439 rushes – 568 pass attempts – 40 sacks – 41.9% run/pass – 3.4 YPC rushing – 8 rushing TDs – 6.3 Net Yards/Attempt passing – 28 TDs

    So the offensive HC/OC actual ran MORE (43.6% of the time) than the defensive HC/DC (41.9%). His team’s run game was MUCH BETTER than ours (4.3 YPC vs 3.4 YPC and 18 rushing TDs vs 8 rushing TDs). His team’s passing game performance was actually about the same.

    Team records last year? Rams 10-7 & Bucs 9-8. The issue was more our run game EFFECTIVENESS (or lack thereof) much more than it was ‘running too much’. Fix the run game (which we’ve attempted to this off-season), and we’ll be a MUCH BETTER TEAM.

  4. Lt. Dan Says:

    “Anyone remember how, when Canales opened up the offense at Green Bay, the Bucs’ offense exploded?”

    Lt. Dan remembers.

  5. Dave Pear Says:

    It’s why David The Lunatic Tepper knee-jerking Canalwater off of Todd’s staff was the best thing that could have happened. It’s why many here thought Cannoli sucked, frankly.

    Todd even said after someone remarked that Canalwater made Baker look good, that “Baker made Dave look good too.”

    Time to be optimistic, as Todd has indicated the mission on offense is to score more points.

    Data like this point to a whole lot of losing in Carolina. And hopefully more winning in Tampa Bay.

  6. RBUC Says:

    All last season I posted on this site that Baker needed to tighten up cause Trey Palmer was under utilized! In my eyes it was obvious, about midway through the season, a mandate was in place to get Mike Evans his numbers ( Cool Bucs gotta sell something). Baker having better chemistry with other targets on the roster is the REAL key to unlocking offensive potential on this team🚩☠️💯

  7. Bucswin! Says:

    Big play, crowd standing and cheering, 1st dooown, (next play)run up the middle for 1 yard, crowd grumbls, crowd sits back down with sun beating down, stadium deflates, loss of momentum, punt maybe field goal. Where is that stat? Happened way too many times last season. Go BUCS.

  8. Proudbucsfan Says:

    RBuc there was no mandate in place to get Mike Evans his numbers. The proof is in the chart and it’s simple the open receivers get the ball and no one had more separation than Mike Evans except Rashad Bateman.

  9. RBUC Says:

    Mr or Ms proudbucsfan you can believe what you like( I won’t argue with you) I still believe what I believe! My eyes saw many games last season where other receivers didn’t even has a defender near them and the ball was forced to Mike whether he had separation or not. Mike is a big target and there is comfort in a QB throwing to 6”5 with long arms. A lot of Brady’s best passes to Godwin was where there was really no separation just that Godwin had his defender on his backside or opposite from which he was turning and Brady put a ACCURATE bullet on Godwin’s other side. Chris rarely dropped that pass and yes the WR I’m referring was wide open ALOT was Trey Palmer but more than 50% of the time Mike was the target of everyone on the field

  10. Dave Pear Says:

    Proudbucfan – thank you for the proper explanation of that data. Sadly there are those who believe what they want. For them facts and data are useless.

    Well said.

  11. Lou. Says:

    One general thing to see is that receivers are grouped by their teams. High YAC runs through most pass catchers. Same with separation. The Bucs are a separation team.

    Palmer’s rank for space and separation is very low, especially compared with the NGL sensor data. Wonder if PFF is using targets as opposed to routes run?

  12. BucsFan Says:

    E-X-C-E-L-L-E-D – no spell check??

  13. Buc85 Says:

    Let me be clear I’m a die hard bucs. First time indulging in some green lettuce happened at the 2002 Superbowl party. I was 15 years old. I truly enjoy reading joes articles as what he does is state facts. Now for this articles. There are probably 100 names on this graph. The best receiver would be closest to the top right of the graph and the worst receiver would be to the bottom left. Mike Evans well he’s Mike
    As far as Chris and palmer go they did not fair as well as most receivers. Coens offense should improve these numbers with his in motions plays that’s for sure so maybe rewrite this after the season is over or this time next year when there is nothing else to write about. Rather read some stuff about our cheerleaders joe or maybe something about our owners. I know your job is scraping by right now with what to do