All Eyes On Baker Mayfield

March 5th, 2024

binocularsSo is today the day Baker Mayfield re-signs with the Bucs? Or is today the day Mayfield gets slapped with the franchise tag?

Late this afternoon is the deadline for using the franchise tag. It doesn’t necessarily mean whomever Bucs AC/DC-loving general manager Jason Licht tags will just play for one year at the franchise tag rate and re-enter free agency next spring. What the franchise tag can often do is buy time for a team to get a tagged player under a long-term contract.

Could that tagged player be Mayfield? Or could it be free agent safety Antoine Winfield?

Yesterday, after it was learned Mike Evans and the Bucs agreed to a two-year deal to bring Evans back, Jordan Schultz of Bleacher Report took to Twitter and posted a video explaining how he believes Mayfield might be looking at low-$30 million a year.

However, if Mayfield wants to press the issue, Schultz thinks Mayfield’s salary could jump a fair amount.

“What does that number look like?” Schultz asked. “I think between $30-35 million per year.

“I think he could push that number to near $40 million if he played hardball. But I’m not sure how much hardball he wants to play.

“To me, this signals that Tampa Bay is all-in on retaining Baker Mayfield as he comes off really a career season. He was one of the better quarterbacks in football last year.”

It is difficult for Joe to believe if the Bucs re-signed Evans and the Bucs also went out and hired Mayfield’s preferred offensive coordinator in Liam Coen that — by hook or crook — Mayfield isn’t back with the Bucs.

It seems free agent quarterback Kirk Cousins is househunting in the Atlanta area. If true, that scratches one Mayfield suitor off the list.

87 Responses to “All Eyes On Baker Mayfield”

  1. Dubcity Says:

    In a down year Russell Wilson was better than Baker has ever been. And he’s free

  2. Suffering Since 76 Says:


  3. ModHairKen Says:

    Mayfield is already signed. They just wanted to give Evans his moment.

    The only mystery is whether they tag Winfield.

  4. The Truth be Told Says:

    Dubcity really seems like just a Baker Hater. What were you watching last year? You are saying that Russell Wilson had a better year than Baker last year? Are you a Big Drinker or do you do Meth when watching Football?

  5. Lt. Dan Says:

    Tag Mayfield….nah. I like your math from yesterday Joe. Evans doesn’t sign if he doesn’t already know who his QB will be. That 1000 yards plus receiving every year record is important to him, amongst other factors of course. Winfield might get the tag though.

  6. Bucsfan Says:

    There would be no crying in Bucsland if the team signed Russell Wilson.

  7. realistic-optimistic Says:

    I really hope the 2-year deal for Evans portends a deal no longer than 2 years for Baker. He has not earned more than 2 years. His career (including last season) is pocked with erratic play. Giving him guaranteed money beyond 2 years is asking for cap trouble.

  8. Dubcity Says:

    I’m on whatever LeSean Mccoy is on cause h3 sees the same mid I see. Baker little bit better than Jimmy G. Those polls that rank him 20th…. thats what non biased viewers see

  9. JimBobBuc Says:

    Baker will get announced today and Winfield will be tagged. I hope we also hear about LVD and McLaughlin too. I don’t envy Licht’s job, but I have confidence in him.

  10. doolnutts Says:

    Dubcity – You are missing the point entirely. Russel might be the better overall talent but the guy is a head case. He’s not into football and he’s not loved in the locker room. We just got our culture right with BA, Brady and continued that success with Baker. Baker fits what we are looking for as someone who is motivated, team player and wants to win. Sean Payton not only said Russell was more interested in being a celeb than successful but also that he was an issue in the locker room. A notion also echoed by former Seattle folks. Pete Carrol did a great job keeping all this in house but this is not a root we should go down now that we finally have the franchise in the right state of mind.

  11. Bucben61 Says:

    Dubcity…one QB carried his team into the playoffs and won a game…the other was benched…Baker haters are just plain ignorant…period

  12. Bobby M. Says:

    I would rank Wilson last on my list of FA QBs…..dude is a diva that’s more focused on his celebrity than being a pro QB. Both Carroll and Payton are exceptional HCs and both decided they were better off without him. Broncos are eating $85 million in cap just to be done with him. I’d rather trade the farm for a top tier rookie than bring in Wilson. Let Trask run the show if necessary until the rookie is ready.

  13. Bojim Says:

    To all Baker haters. Guess who our QB will be? Not Wilson. Neener.

  14. Allbuccedup Says:

    Do not pay a journeyman 30 mil!!!!!

  15. Dubcity Says:

    I’d let Trask battle it put w a free Russell Wilson.. again free..

    What yall don’t get is complacency kills culture.

    Signing Baker for a large contract is signing up to know there will be no Superbowls while Baker is here… or take a gamble or potential greatness

    So complacency for tons of cap space for many years or a free gamble on greatness for 1 year…

    If Baker was better than Trask in camp and preseason last year… it wasn’t visible so it must not be by much… paying 40 mil for a slightly better Trask is insanity when Trask in on the roster

  16. Scott Says:

    I want to see a 2 year deal and the deal is probably coming soon. Can’t announce both on the same day ya know.

  17. gbobucsfan Says:

    Excited to hear today’s news, whatever that may be!

  18. ocala Says:

    I think the Bucs have an agreement with Baker and it will be announced today.
    In an ideal world Baker, Winfield and David all sign today and if the Bucs have to put the franchise tag on anyone it is the kicker.

  19. Gipper Says:

    Anyone with doubts about Mayfield should just Google -Baker Mayfield 2023 highlights which is about 17 minutes long. You will see precision passing on deep seam and out routes. Most of the Mayfield nonsense from bloggers on this site is from unhappy people who are chronic failures in life and career. The Baker highlights support a great statistical season which was accomplished with the worst running offense in the NFL. Fortunately, Bucs management knows the truth.

  20. BucBen61 Says:

    1976…you sound like you are from 1776…..I’m sure most of us here have forgotten more about football then you will ever know

  21. BucBen61 Says:

    Dubcity you are completely delusional and from your comments completely ignorant on anything foitball

  22. BucBen61 Says:

    Denver ate $85m in dead cap space to get him out of their locker room… come on baker haters wake up and smell the coffee…there’s 5 or 6 of you here that probably should be fans for a different sport…. apparently football isn’t your guys game

  23. Tony marks Says:

    Dubcity Says:
    March 5th, 2024 at 8:02 am

    “If Baker was better than Trask in camp and preseason last year… it wasn’t visible so it must not be by much… paying 40 mil for a slightly better Trask is insanity when Trask in on the roster”

    Hey David How you doing? I was wondering where you been

  24. DungyDance Says:

    Every time someone trots out the Denver contract metrics involving Wilson and dead money, etc. reminds me of how glad I am that we’re not them. Or several other teams just like them (hi, Cleveland). Today’s excitement and optimism for us is another validation of a competent and mature front office.

  25. Jack Clark Says:

    Baker Mayfield is an average quarterback, so he should be paid an average quarterback salary, around $30 million a year, so we can pay above average players to build a good team around his sorry as.

  26. Usedtocould Says:

    Let’s draft:
    Guard first round
    Center second round
    Kicker third round
    In that order

  27. BucBen61 Says:

    He’s been in the insane asylum

  28. Dubcity Says:

    BucBen doesn’t just have to disagree.. he has to humiliate and disrespect… says a ton about you

  29. BucBen61 Says:

    Jack Clark your mom is calling…you have to get ready for school

  30. BucBen61 Says:

    Just stating facts dub…you sound ignorant so you must be ignorant

  31. Bucsmarley Says:

    Paying baker any more than 30 a year is a mistake. He’s had 2 decent years out of 6. And some of you think his performance last season was spectacular 😂😂
    It will be a Bucs life settling for average. I watched every play and he is nothing more than a streaky .500 qb. Doesn’t even show up usually until the 4th quarter. Many on this site think he’s better than most qbs in the league from their comments 😂😂. I believe the baker boys are like trumpers Loud and think they know what they are talking about. Mike Evans has had 1000 yrd seasons with every qb not named mayfield. I’m sure the Bucs will sign him but people that think it’s a package deal with Evans don’t understand the nfl is a business not a fanboy club

  32. Dubcity Says:

    BucBen and you sound rude and like you have no friends so that must be true too

  33. BucBen61 Says:

    Dungydancep…well said….this isn’t our daddies bucs…well ran organization for sure

  34. Beeej Says:

    What more could we want from a QB than what Baker provided last year? (Unless detractors are are admitting he DID have a good season, but couldn’t do it two years in a row) Team has a few weak spots, QB wasn’t one of them

  35. Towered Says:

    Baker should go cash in with a more desperate ownership/management. The Bucs relationship with him was mutually beneficial.

    2 dozen or so Billionaires own NFL teams without a stud QB. These are people that are not used to being denied. NFL agents know how to manipulate these owners. Guys get overpaid, teams suffer, and the cycle continues.

    Historically, the Bucs have been the team making sucker moves in search of a hero. Current management doesn’t play that way.

    I think Mayfield should price himself out of town. Thanks for the great year.

    Sign Russ, draft another project QB, move on from Trask.

  36. BucBen61 Says:

    Dub did I hurt your feelings…I’m sorry…yes we should immediately dump baker and bring in Wilson…he can do for us what he did for Denver….lmao…..hahahahaha

  37. BucBen61 Says:

    We can probably get Joe Flaccid for cheaper…just saying

  38. T. McGee Says:

    Russell Wilson vs Trask and use the millions on other free agents… do it.

  39. Tony marks Says:

    Since76 Says:
    March 5th, 2024 at 8:38 am
    Evans signed before Mayfield so the package deal theory was a hoax.

    typical dunmbness. That never ever meant that both players would sign simultaenously given legal has to write the contracts and both sides go over them

  40. BucsFan81 Says:

    Rumor is the Winfield deal is 3 years 60 million. 20 million per year.

  41. lunchmeat Says:

    “I have confidence in Jason Licht.” Amen.
    “Baker Mayfield is a middle-of-the-road NFL quarterback. Middle-of-the-road NFL quarterbacks are worth a lot of money.” (From last night.) Ditto.
    If Baker will work for $30M/year or so, grab him and hang on to him.
    If he wants elite money, Dak Prescott/Kirk Cousins money, let him walk. Dak he ain’t, and we have other QB options.
    Franchise tag? That’s for Winfield. He is worth every penny of the $17M/year a franchised safety gets, and we get time to work out his long-term deal.

  42. Pickgrin Says:

    If the Bucs wind up tagging Mayfield – that’s a bad sign because it means he’s demanding $40M+ per year….

    I don’t think that will be the case.

    I’ve been saying for a bit now that 3 years – $100M total – $50M Guaranteed is about where Mayfield’s contract will wind up landing. Sounds like this talking head agrees with me.

    I’m not sure he’s worth that much honestly – but QB contracts are what they are – and we’re definitely not letting Mayfield go to another team… So the Bucs have little choice but to bite the bullet and pay up to try and keep this team in winning contention.

  43. BucBen61 Says:

    Since 76…what???…nothing factual in your statement…nothing… typical baker hater

  44. Gipper Says:


    Watch the tape, loser, if you know how to pull it up, then get back to your day job of driving a city bus.

  45. BucBen61 Says:

    Look it’s a bird…no it’s a plane….no it’s just super trask….baker haters are sl lame…lmao

  46. D Cone Says:

    He can claim ‘Top 10 QB’ in 2023 because at least 5 better QB’s did not play or played very little before injuries.

    He can claim ‘Pro Bowl QB’ in 2023 because all 3 top QB’s would rather play golf, vacation, or play in a Super Bowl.

    Teams with Jones Prescott, and Carr, went down the same rabbit Hole as Denver with Wilson.

    Being a Copy Cat league maybe Licht will hop in but I doubt it.

    Nothing longer than the 3 remaining years on Bowles Contract and an out in case Bowles gets canned in 2024 for finishing 3rd in a Division where 3 teams got better but not his.

  47. It's Corn Says:

    I think you have to make a statement that you support him, by paying him $40M range money. If you’re wrong and he busts out, it won’t be the first time the Bucs have done that. Every year teams do that, it’s not a death sentence. And who else are you going to get?

    And let’s not forget he was a #1 overall. If Winston had played with Mayfield’s efficiency, they’d have re-signed him without a question and we would all be celebrating how finally a QB drafted by the Bucs got a second contract.

  48. BakerFan Says:

    D Cone Says:
    March 5th, 2024 at 8:58 am

    Nothing longer than the 3 remaining years on Bowles Contract and an out in case Bowles gets canned in 2024 for finishing 3rd in a Division where 3 teams got better but not his.

    Are you serious, who writes a contract tied to another person….. Again the genius on JoeBucsFan is overwhelming today.

  49. Gerald Says:

    Baker Mayfield will win a Superbowl in Tampa. I said it Baker Haters. I’m so glad Jason Licht has the vision and doesn’t listen to the clown fans like the Cleveland Browns. How’s that working out!

  50. Stanglassman Says:

    The 76 guys act like there is no communication between the players. Is it Crazy to believe Mike calls (probably text) Bake up and ask how the contract is going. He says it all but done just working out the deets. 100% be back. Baker assured Mike that he’s coming back I have zero doubt.

  51. Conner50 Says:

    Make a move for Josh Allen or Joe Burrow Mr.Licht. If it won’t happen then just sign Mayfield and get this crap over with.

  52. Jeffs grandpa Says:

    Trask brigade lives in fantasy land

  53. BakerFan Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    March 5th, 2024 at 9:39 am
    Make a move for Josh Allen or Joe Burrow Mr.Licht. If it won’t happen then just sign Mayfield and get this crap over with.

    Dude, please stop, I am starting to feel sorry for you.

  54. BakerFan Says:

    If there is one thing, Baker is confident in his ability to perform on the football field. Surrounded with decent talent he can get teams into the playoffs. Saying this if I were him, I would go into Free Agency and listen to offers. Perhaps Tampa will be the best one but other teams have talent and can give him what he desires as teammates.

    Atlanta, Minnesota, Denver, Las Vegas, Pittsburgh and New England would all at least make the call to his agent and there could be others. He should not discount his services on this contract, because QB rates are going up and he will regret not capitalizing on this at this stage of his career.

    Tampa bring the money and length of contract and he will stay. If not others will pay.

  55. Capt.Tim Says:

    Mayfield will sign a 4 or 5 year contract, for around 40 mil a year.
    That will end any hope for the Traskovites.
    Woolford will be elevated to 2nd string this preseason. Hs a better QB, and has played in Coen’s system.
    Trask will get cut at the end of his rookie contract.

    A few good signing and draft picks- the Bucs will be NFC South champions again.
    The Bucs will go to the Playoffs.
    The traskovites can go to Hel*

  56. pmarcello Says:

    You are right on. I second your prediction. If Baker stays he will take the Bucs to a super bowl this year or next. Providing the team plugs a couple of weak spots in the draft and/FA.

    The stupid’s that hover around this site are simply too dumb to see the obvious ;From very early on Baker has flashed the IT factor you know the ability to do something spectacular when nobody expects it.

    Baker has been dissed every possible way and every bit of it. Yet they have been wrong in every cade. Mobility,check,big arm,check,accuracy check,fast ball,check,feisty,check,leadership,check,guts,check.

    But there is one thing that everybody I mean everybody forgets and that is Bakers IQ.His smarts. Bakers intelligence over time and with discipline and dedication will help him grow and mature and learn over time faster than his competion. TALENT CONDENSES TIME. iN TELLIGENCE ALWAYS DEFEATS RAW BRUTALITY !

    No worrys. Go Baker. Go Bucks !

  57. HeavyE Says:

    Baker is going to be Baker! He’s not worth that type of money, don’t worry fans, you will be sorry…..going to pay him more than ME and AWJ, that’s just comical and a shame…..Licht has done it again, just look at the two corners and safety that stole from us last year. When is enough is enough for over paying mediocre talent!

  58. mark2001 Says:

    If a deal isn’t reached with Mayfield today, I predict a Mayfield tag. We have Evans, and don’t need to experiment with another QB if we want him to play as well as he did last year. I’d say tag Mayfield if he doesn’t get the contract, if he starts the way he did last year, give him the big long term contract. And if he doesn’t, we can rebuild and at least get something for Mike if we decide to rebuild.

  59. Mike Johnson Says:

    PAY DA MAN!!!!!

  60. Conner50 Says:

    You’re the one who would rather have Mayfield over Allen or Burrow but you feel sorry for me? Haha good stuff

  61. Conner50 Says:

    Start Trask!

  62. MadMax Says:

    Take the long way home Supertraskies and please get lost somewhere along the way. I like Trask, nothing ever against him, he’s our backup and I’ll always pull for him but you guys are nuts lol…i just dont get it.

  63. Jeagan1999 Says:

    From Heavy Sports: (11:30am)

    Per Sources, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers are finalizing a deal with quarterback Baker Mayfield. With this contract, Mayfield remains a Buccaneer, solidifying the quarterback position for Tampa.

    GO BUCS!!! GO BAKER!!!

  64. LANshark Says:

    In the ‘olden times’ most teams drafted a QB with the intention of sitting them for 3-4 years while they learn how to play in the NFL, learn the system, etc. They didn’t see the field for several years unless disaster struck. Not so much anymore — now we expect them to make the jump from college and walk in and be immediate super stars….

    But that rarely happens, and is usually a function of the team around them as much as their actual ability.

    I believe it took Baker 4 years to ‘get it’… though he played well in some of that time. But his best games are ahead of him, not behind. IF he sticks with a stable organization, he can easily reach the Super Bowl, possibly more than once.

  65. Conner50 Says:

    Start Trask!

  66. Rod Munch Says:

    If Cousins goes to Atlanta, that would really suck. He’s by far the best QB available and would make them pretty much instantly the favorites in the NFC South. I’d much much much rather see the Falcons sign Baker to a huge contract, which would make the Bucs defense very happy.

    But Cousins is dang good – and no, because the Bucs beat him in week 1 doesn’t mean they ‘own’ him and he stinks.

  67. Rod Munch Says:

    Conner50 Says:
    March 5th, 2024 at 12:03 pm
    Start Trask!


    You know, I haven’t even considered this… but what if you did go with Trask, who looked better in preseason last year, and reporters said looked better in camp.

    What if you went with Trask, and now have an extra $35-40m extra in cap to spend, which could buy you a new center and a new safety and a new linebacker.

    Is Baker three starters better than Trask?

    I honestly don’t know since Trask hasn’t played in any meaningful games, but it’s something to consider. The Bucs should be talking up Trask as part of the negotiating game at the very least.

  68. scholarbrawler22 Says:

    Even if Baker wins a Super Bowl, I honestly believe he’ll still have haters on this site. It makes zero sense. I don’t see how any Bucs fan who actually watched their games last year could be so down on him. ???

  69. 727BUC Says:

    I know this isn’t basketball, however, anybody recall the Kylie Irving (sic) to the Celtics trade?? All the talent in the world couldn’t make up for his selfishness and piss poor leadership. He absolutely DESTROYED that locker room and was an absolute pariah. So to anybody who thinks getting a slightly better talent will equate to success YOU ARE WRONG! The NFL is the ultimate team sport and those intangibles (leadership, moxie, confidence, passion) cannot be understated. Baker is everything you want your QB to be minus his height. Lol. Players won’t play for someone they don’t believe in…. they all have Bakes back…. all of them. That’s enough for me! Go bucs!

  70. TheFunSeasonPlayers Says:

    The same folks that have spent the whole season denigratimg BM are waffling constantly between he’s a failure or decent year, but he can’t do it twice or I don’t hate him but…..he’s trash, etc.

    Hating….. Using no logic…. And then once others are fed up with the Shite….. It’s only a discussion, man …. A bunch of irritating yucks…. Fans huh….. You are sickening. Your opinion is louder than most, you wear out our nerves but you ain’t changing no minds. Go suck it.

    Pay the men and we are off to another fun season.

  71. ATLBUC Says:

    Joe said:
    So is today the day Baker Mayfield re-signs with the Bucs? Or is today the day Mayfield gets slapped with the franchise tag?
    NEITHER!! These people are professional talent evaluators not fanboys!!

  72. ATLBUC Says:

    Rod said:
    The Bucs should be talking up Trask as part of the negotiating game at the very least.
    They don’t have to do that. All they need to do is put on the all 22!

  73. Student of the Game Says:

    Conner 50 and Rod Munch have to be the same guy. There just can’t be 2 guys so wrong. Find a new sports bar to hang out where there are no Florida U homers. Find a guy that used to coach, preferably one that won to watch the games with. Read Lombardi’s book. Something.

    2024 QB1 is going to be Mayfield for twice the money you two guys think. Or he is going to play for a team that beats you, maybe twice a year. Watch the film. He’s a good QB. Much better than anyone available.

  74. Conner50 Says:

    @Rod Munch
    Well I don’t think Baker is an all star like some of these delusional guys on here do. So no I doubt he’s 3 starters better, honestly I’d let him walk if he won’t sign for 33 a year, also for just 2 or 3 years max. I wouldn’t get roped into a long term contract with him due to he’s inconsistent. I’m sure Tampa will sign him but hopefully not nothing very long term, Trask could put up the same numbers probably with a better built offensive line and a better running game (Possibly) we don’t know due to he’s not started a single game. Apparently that’s crazy talk and we’re in a cult meanwhile there worshipping Baker though lol

  75. Conner50 Says:

    @Student of the game
    He’s not as good as you guys make it out to be so I’ll just sit here and remind yall when he don’t earn his contract he gets, how’s that sound?

  76. Conner50 Says:

    @Student of the game
    He’s actually not better than Cousins btw

  77. Robbie Says:

    Trask is our starting qb if Baker doesn’t resign and if Baker does get a new deal and gets hurt Trask is our guy. They signed Evans back for 2 years and franchise tagged Winfield that tells you Baker is the first thing on their minds!! And Todd Bowls said that when he named Baker as the starter!!

  78. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    OK to sign Wilson r u morons if broncos r willing to eat 49million dollars how the *uck can u say we b happy with Wilson u peop.e r as dumb as Charlie brown u deserve a bag of coal

  79. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Remember Evans just said he wanted to play with elite qb he had joined intentionally of Wilson or Trask wtf is with u dumbells

  80. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Baker perfect passer rating in GB so that is not elite name how many guys get PPR let alone in GB only other to do that is A.Rodgers,nobody else not even Mahomes but he is not elite

  81. BucVoyager Says:

    Looks like announcement tomorrow for Baker

  82. BAKERSBucs says Says:

    Thier is no starting qb in nfl that makes the same money as WR as a safety wtf is with these dumb post people on this site

  83. Oneilbuc Says:

    Some of y’all have lost your minds behind Baker Mayfield lol 🤣🤣. Look the bucs will probably over pay for Baker Mayfield good for Baker as man . But it’s a bad idea for the future of the team. Next year it will be the same as last year or worse with Baker. The excuses will be it’s a new offense, he don’t have a line, he don’t have a good running game, it’s the OC fault, it’s the defense fault and my favorite is it’s Todd Bowles fault that will be the excuses for Baker Mayfield according to his fans boys. When they snig him it’s NFC championship or bust no excuses for you fake bucs fans and you Baker Mayfield cheerleaders .

  84. Ghost Of Chidi Ahanatou Says:

    Gotta laugh at a lot of these posts.
    Sign the 6, my gut says he wants to win,
    and could probably get more money playing
    for lesser team. Sometimes athletes remember
    why they play and love the game. The 12 in New
    England took less (for years) to have a better tram
    around him. 2 #1’s at WR, All Pro OT, burgeoning RB
    and TE, seems like tempting motivator. Plus stability
    even if OC bailed after a year, yeah f*** that guy, but
    a continuity he hasn’t enjoyed on brief career.

    Send the 2 packing and draft Penix.
    OK love hometown heroes, back to Shaun King days

  85. GhostofBrady Says:

    I think the future will be worse if they tank with Trask or Justin Fields. I’m all on board for Cousins, Russell Wilson or Baker. My preference is for Baker because he’s younger and has more years ahead with mid-level possibly elite play. The team also loves this devil they got. And some moxy in the playoffs which is a differentiator. Wilson obviously has been elite and much playoff success. The price tag for 2024 and 2025 may be hard to beat with ability to add upgrades at other positions whilst the Broncos pay us to play Wilson. My concern is Russell’s attitude with his teammates. He sorta separates as a prima donna. And more importantly he does not do well in time based offenses. He’s all about off structure plays. Cousins is proven near Top 10. And may be good for 2024. He has very little playoff success for a long 12 year career. And he comes with an extra $5-10M per year price and I doubt he plays more than 3 more years.

  86. BigBucsFan Says:

    Bucs are heading in the right direction they are bringing the band back. Evans got the deal he’s happy, Mayfield will get one too Antoine will be franchise tagged. Labonte David will have to decide how much he wants to play another year versus how much the books are offering him. The kicker will be easy to sign they always are if not there’s another one out there. That’s my thoughts was so scared after the dirty area of what it would look like. But, we are headed in the right direction let’s go bucs. Excited for the next season

  87. BakersBucs6 Says:

    If he doesn’t resign i have to change my email